@maxLength(20) @minLength(4) @description('Used to generate names for all resources in this file') param resourceBaseName string @description('Required when create Azure Bot service') param botAadAppClientId string @maxLength(42) param botDisplayName string param botAppDomain string param graphAadAppClientId string @secure() param graphAadAppClientSecret string param connectionName string // Register your web service as a bot with the Bot Framework module azureBotRegistration './botRegistration/azurebot.bicep' = { name: 'Azure-Bot-registration' params: { resourceBaseName: resourceBaseName botAadAppClientId: botAadAppClientId botAppDomain: botAppDomain botDisplayName: botDisplayName graphAadAppClientId: graphAadAppClientId graphAadAppClientSecret: graphAadAppClientSecret connectionName: connectionName } }