import json import requests import time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from notebookutils import mssparkutils class Utils: FABRIC_API_ENDPOINT = "" ONELAKE_API_ENDPOINT = "" PREFIX = "uc" # DBX utils @staticmethod def get_dbx_uc_tables(databricks_config): all_tables = [] dbx_workspace = databricks_config['dbx_workspace'] dbx_token = databricks_config['dbx_token'] dbx_uc_catalog = databricks_config['dbx_uc_catalog'] dbx_uc_schemas = databricks_config['dbx_uc_schemas'] for schema in dbx_uc_schemas: url = f"{dbx_workspace}/api/2.1/unity-catalog/tables?catalog_name={dbx_uc_catalog}&schema_name={schema}" payload = {} headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {dbx_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, data=payload, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: response_json = json.loads(response.text) all_tables.extend(response_json['tables']) else: print(f"! Upps [{response.status_code}] Cannot connect to Unity Catalog. Please review configs.") return None return all_tables # Fabric utils def get_lakehouse_shortcuts(fabric_config): class FileInfo: def __init__(self, path, name, size): self.path = path = name self.size = size workspace_id = fabric_config['workspace_id'] lakehouse_id = fabric_config['lakehouse_id'] table_infos ="abfss://{workspace_id}@{Utils.ONELAKE_API_ENDPOINT}/{lakehouse_id}/Tables") current_shortcut_names = [ for table_info in table_infos] return current_shortcut_names @staticmethod def delete_shortcuts(fabric_config, deletions_required): sc_deleted, sc_failed = 0, 0 workspace_id = fabric_config['workspace_id'] lakehouse_id = fabric_config['lakehouse_id'] for table_name in deletions_required: url = f"https://{Utils.FABRIC_API_ENDPOINT}/v1/workspaces/{workspace_id}/items/{lakehouse_id}/shortcuts/Tables/{table_name}" token = mssparkutils.credentials.getToken('pbi') payload = {} headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.delete(url, json=payload, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: print(f"∟ Shortcut deleted successfully with name:'{table_name}'") sc_deleted += 1 elif response.status_code == 429: retry_after_seconds = 60 if 'Retry-After' in response.headers: retry_after_seconds = int(response.headers['Retry-After']) + 5 print(f"! Upps [429] Exceeded the amount of calls while deleting '{table_name}', sleeping for {retry_after_seconds} seconds.") time.sleep(retry_after_seconds) sc_failed += 1 elif response.status_code != 404: print(f"! Upps [{response.status_code}] Failed to delete shortcut '{table_name}'. Response details: {response.text}") sc_failed += 1 return sc_deleted, sc_failed @staticmethod def create_shortcuts(fabric_config, tables): sc_created, sc_failed, sc_skipped = 0, 0, 0 workspace_id = fabric_config['workspace_id'] lakehouse_id = fabric_config['lakehouse_id'] shortcut_connection_id = fabric_config['shortcut_connection_id'] #shortcut_name = fabric_config['shortcut_name'] skip_if_shortcut_exists = True #fabric_config['skip_if_shortcut_exists'] max_retries = 3 max_threads = 2 def create_shortcut(table): nonlocal sc_created, sc_failed, sc_skipped catalog_name = table['catalog_name'] schema_name = table['schema_name'] operation = table['operation'] #table_name = shortcut_name.format(schema=schema_name, table=table['name'], catalog=catalog_name) table_name = f"{Utils.PREFIX}_{catalog_name}_{schema_name}_{table['name']}" table_type = table['table_type'] if operation == "create": if table_type in {"EXTERNAL"}: data_source_format = table['data_source_format'] table_location = table['storage_location'] if data_source_format == "DELTA": # Remove the 'abfss://' scheme from the path without_scheme = table_location.replace("abfss://", "", 1) # Extract the storage account name and the rest of the path container_end = without_scheme.find("@") container = without_scheme[:container_end] remainder = without_scheme[container_end + 1:] account_end = remainder.find("/") storage_account = remainder[:account_end] path = remainder[account_end + 1:] https_path = f"https://{storage_account}/{container}" url = f"https://{Utils.FABRIC_API_ENDPOINT}/v1/workspaces/{workspace_id}/items/{lakehouse_id}/shortcuts" if not skip_if_shortcut_exists: url += "?shortcutConflictPolicy=GenerateUniqueName" token = mssparkutils.credentials.getToken('pbi') payload = { "path": "Tables", "name": table_name, "target": { "adlsGen2": { "location": https_path, "subpath": path, "connectionId": shortcut_connection_id } } } headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } for attempt in range(max_retries): try: response =, json=payload, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 429: retry_after_seconds = 60 if 'Retry-After' in response.headers: retry_after_seconds = int(response.headers['Retry-After']) + 5 print(f"! Upps [429] Exceeded the amount of calls while creating '{table_name}', sleeping for {retry_after_seconds} seconds.") time.sleep(retry_after_seconds) elif response.status_code in [200, 201]: data = json.loads(response.text) print(f"∟ Shortcut created successfully with name:'{data['name']}'") sc_created += 1 break elif response.status_code == 400: data = json.loads(response.text) error_details = data.get('moreDetails', []) error_message = error_details[0].get('message', 'No error message found') if error_message == "Copy, Rename or Update of shortcuts are not supported by OneLake.": print(f"∟ Skipped shortcut creation for '{table_name}'. Shortcut with the SAME NAME exists.") sc_skipped += 1 break elif "Unauthorized. Access to target location" in error_message: print(f"! Upps [400] Cannot create shortcut for '{table_name}'. Access denied, please review.") else: print(f"! Upps [{response.status_code}] Failed to create shortcut. Response details: {response.text}") elif response.status_code == 403: print(f"! Upps [403] Cannot create shortcut for '{table_name}'. Access forbidden, please review.") else: print(f"! Upps [{response.status_code}] Failed to create shortcut '{table_name}'. Response details: {response.text}") except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Request failed: {e}") if attempt < 2: sleep_time = 2 ** attempt print(f"___ Retrying in {sleep_time} seconds for '{table_name}'...") time.sleep(sleep_time) else: print(f"! Max retries reached for '{table_name}'. Exiting.") sc_failed += 1 break else: print(f"∟ Skipped shortcut creation for '{table_name}'. Format not supported: {data_source_format}.") sc_skipped += 1 else: print(f"∟ Skipped shortcut creation for '{table_name}'. Table type is not EXTERNAL.") sc_skipped += 1 else: print(f"∟ Skipped shortcut creation for '{table_name}'. Shortcut with the SAME NAME exists.") sc_skipped += 1 with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_threads) as executor:, tables) return sc_created, sc_skipped, sc_failed def sync_dbx_uc_tables_to_onelake(databricks_config, fabric_config): tables = Utils.get_dbx_uc_tables(databricks_config) all_shortcuts = Utils.get_lakehouse_shortcuts(fabric_config) uc_shortcuts = [name for name in all_shortcuts if name.startswith(Utils.PREFIX)] uc_table_names = [f"{Utils.PREFIX}_{entry['catalog_name']}_{entry['schema_name']}_{entry['name']}" for entry in tables] skipped_required = [name for name in uc_shortcuts if name in uc_table_names] deletions_required = [name for name in uc_shortcuts if name not in uc_table_names] creations_required = [name for name in uc_table_names if name not in uc_shortcuts] print(f"Started syncing from Unity Catalog to Fabric...") # Delete shortcuts if not exist in UC tables consider_dbx_uc_table_changes = fabric_config['consider_dbx_uc_table_changes'] sc_deleted, sc_failed_delete = 0, 0 if(consider_dbx_uc_table_changes): sc_deleted, sc_failed_delete = Utils.delete_shortcuts(fabric_config, deletions_required) # Create shortcuts if not exist in Lakehouse if tables is not None: for entry in tables: if f"{Utils.PREFIX}_{entry['catalog_name']}_{entry['schema_name']}_{entry['name']}" in creations_required: entry['operation'] = 'create' else: entry['operation'] = 'skip' sc_created, sc_skipped, sc_failed_create = Utils.create_shortcuts(fabric_config, tables) total_failed = sc_failed_delete + sc_failed_create print(f"\nSync finished. {sc_created} shortcuts created, {sc_skipped} skipped, {total_failed} failed, {sc_deleted} deleted.")