Write-Host "Initializing..." $startTime = [DateTime]::Now $runPath = "c:\Run" $myPath = Join-Path $runPath "my" $navDvdPath = "C:\NAVDVD" $publicDnsNameFile = "$RunPath\PublicDnsName.txt" $restartingInstance = Test-Path -Path $publicDnsNameFile -PathType Leaf function Get-MyFilePath([string]$FileName) { if ((Test-Path $myPath -PathType Container) -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $myPath $FileName) -PathType Leaf)) { (Join-Path $myPath $FileName) } else { (Join-Path $runPath $FileName) } } $hostname = hostname . (Get-MyFilePath "ServiceSettings.ps1") . (Get-MyFilePath "HelperFunctions.ps1") . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupVariables.ps1") $newPublicDnsName = $true $restartCount = 0 if ($restartingInstance) { Write-Host "Restarting Container" $prevPublicDnsName = Get-Content -Path $publicDnsNameFile if ($prevPublicDnsName -eq $publicDnsName) { $newPublicDnsName = $false Write-Host "PublicDnsName unchanged" } else { $restartCount = [int32]0 if ([int32]::TryParse($prevPublicDnsName, [ref]$restartCount)) { $restartCount++ Write-Host "Restart count $restartCount" if ($restartCount -gt 2) { throw "Error starting container" } } else { Write-Host "PublicDnsName was changed" } } } else { Write-Host "Starting Container" } Set-Content -Path $publicDnsNameFile -Value "$restartCount" $applicationInsightsInstrumentationKeyFile = Get-MyFilePath "applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey.txt" if (Test-Path $applicationInsightsInstrumentationKeyFile) { $applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey = Get-Content $applicationInsightsInstrumentationKeyFile } elseif ($applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey) { Set-Content -Path $applicationInsightsInstrumentationKeyFile -Value $applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey } Write-Host "Hostname is $hostname" Write-Host "PublicDnsName is $publicDnsName" if ($Accept_eula -ne "Y") { Write-Error "You must accept the End User License Agreement before this container can start. Use Docker inspect to locate the Url for the EULA under Labels/legal. set the environment variable ACCEPT_EULA to 'Y' if you accept the agreement." exit 1 } if (!$restartingInstance) { $containerAge = [System.DateTime]::Now.Subtract((Get-Item "C:\RUN").CreationTime).Days if ($containerAge -gt 90) { if ($Accept_outdated -ne "Y") { Write-Error "You are trying to run a container which is more than 90 days old. Microsoft recommends that you always run the latest version of our containers. Set the environment variable ACCEPT_OUTDATED to 'Y' if you want to run this container anyway." exit 1 } } if (!(Resolve-DnsName -Name download.microsoft.com -erroraction Ignore -Type CNAME)) { Write-Host "WARNING: DNS resolution not working from within the container." } $timeZoneId = (Get-TimeZone).Id $timeZone = Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $timeZoneId } if (!($timeZone)) { Write-Host "WARNING: Container starts with TimeZone = $timeZoneId, which is not recognized in the list of TimeZones." } } Write-Host "Using $auth Authentication" $usingLocalSQLServer = ($databaseServer -eq "localhost") if ($usingLocalSQLServer) { if ((Get-Service -name $SqlServiceName).Status -ne "Running") { # start the SQL Server Write-Host "Starting Local SQL Server" Start-Service -Name $SqlBrowserServiceName Start-Service -Name $SqlWriterServiceName Start-Service -Name $SqlServiceName } } if (($webClient -ne "N") -or ($httpSite -ne "N")) { if ((Get-Service -name $IisServiceName).Status -ne "Running") { # start IIS services Write-Host "Starting Internet Information Server" Start-Service -name $IisServiceName } } $serviceTierFolder = (Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service").FullName $roleTailoredClientItem = Get-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\RoleTailored Client" -ErrorAction Ignore if ($roleTailoredClientItem) { $roleTailoredClientFolder = $roleTailoredClientItem.FullName } else { $roleTailoredClientFolder = "" } $WebClientFolder = (Get-Item "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Web Client")[0] $NAVAdministrationScriptsFolder = (Get-Item "$runPath\NAVAdministration").FullName $CustomConfigFile = Join-Path $serviceTierFolder "CustomSettings.config" $CustomConfig = [xml](Get-Content $CustomConfigFile) $serverInstance = $CustomConfig.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='ServerInstance']").Value if (Test-Path "$serviceTierFolder\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.psm1") { Import-Module "$serviceTierFolder\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.psm1" -wa SilentlyContinue } else { Import-Module "$serviceTierFolder\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.dll" -wa SilentlyContinue } # Setup Database Connection . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupDatabase.ps1") $usingLocalSQLServer = ($databaseServer -eq "localhost") if (!$usingLocalSQLServer) { if ((Get-service -name $SqlServiceName).Status -eq 'Running') { Write-Host "Stopping local SQL Server" Stop-Service -Name $SqlServiceName -ErrorAction Ignore Stop-Service -Name $SqlWriterServiceName -ErrorAction Ignore Stop-Service -Name $SqlBrowserServiceName -ErrorAction Ignore } } if ($newPublicDnsName) { # Certificate if ($navUseSSL -or $servicesUseSSL) { . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupCertificate.ps1") } . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupConfiguration.ps1") } else { $CustomConfigFile = Join-Path $ServiceTierFolder "CustomSettings.config" $CustomConfig = [xml](Get-Content $CustomConfigFile) $publicWebBaseUrl = $CustomConfig.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='PublicWebBaseUrl']").Value } if (!$restartingInstance) { . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupAddIns.ps1") } $service = Get-Service -name $NavServiceName -ErrorAction Ignore if (!($service)) { Write-Error "Service Tier doesn't exist / is not installed" } elseif ($service.Status -ne "Running") { Write-Host "Starting Service Tier" Start-Service -Name $NavServiceName -WarningAction Ignore } else { Write-Host "Restarting Service Tier" Restart-Service -Name $NavServiceName -WarningAction Ignore } if (!$restartingInstance -and $bakfile -ne "" -and !$multitenant) { Sync-NavTenant -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Force } $wwwRootPath = Get-WWWRootPath $httpPath = Join-Path $wwwRootPath "http" if ($newPublicDnsName -and $webClient -ne "N") { try { . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupWebClient.ps1") } catch { Write-Host "WARNING: SetupWebClient failed, retrying..." . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupWebClient.ps1") } . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupWebConfiguration.ps1") } . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupLicense.ps1") if ($multitenant) { . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupTenant.ps1") } if (!$restartingInstance) { if ($httpSite -ne "N") { Write-Host "Creating http download site" New-Item -Path $httpPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null New-Website -Name http -Port $fileSharePort -PhysicalPath $httpPath | Out-Null $webConfigFile = Join-Path $httpPath "web.config" Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $runPath "web.config") -Destination $webConfigFile get-item -Path $webConfigFile | % { $_.Attributes = "Hidden" } . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupFileShare.ps1") } . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupWindowsUsers.ps1") if ($usingLocalSQLServer) { . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupSqlUsers.ps1") . (Get-MyFilePath "SetupNavUsers.ps1") } } if ($newPublicDnsName -and $httpSite -ne "N" -and $clickOnce -eq "Y") { $setupClickOnceScript = Get-MyFilePath "SetupClickOnce.ps1" if (Test-Path $setupClickOnceScript) { Write-Host "Creating ClickOnce Manifest" $clickOnceInstallerToolsFolder = (Get-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\ClickOnce Installer Tools").FullName . $setupClickOnceScript } else { Write-Host "Skipping clickOnce, ClickOnce is not supported by this version" $ClickOnce = "N" } } Set-Content -Path $publicDnsNameFile -Value $publicDnsName . (Get-MyFilePath "AdditionalSetup.ps1") $CustomConfigFile = Join-Path $ServiceTierFolder "CustomSettings.config" $CustomConfig = [xml](Get-Content $CustomConfigFile) $ip = "" $ips = Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object { $_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4" -and $_.IPAddress -ne "" } if ($ips) { $ips | ForEach-Object { if ($ip -eq "") { $ip = $_.IPAddress } Write-Host "Container IP Address: $($_.IPAddress)" } } else { Write-Host "Container IP Address: UNKNOWN" } Write-Host "Container Hostname : $hostname" Write-Host "Container Dns Name : $publicDnsName" if ($webClient -ne "N") { Write-Host "Web Client : $publicWebBaseUrl$webTenantParam" } if ($auth -ne "Windows" -and $usingLocalSQLServer -and !$passwordSpecified -and !$restartingInstance) { Write-Host "Admin Username : $username" Write-Host ("Admin Password : "+[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SecurePassword))) } if ($httpSite -ne "N") { if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $httpPath "*.vsix")) { Write-Host "Dev. Server : $protocol$publicDnsName" Write-Host "Dev. ServerInstance : $serverInstance" if ($multitenant) { Write-Host "Dev. Server Tenant : $tenantId" } } if ($clickOnce -eq "Y") { Write-Host "ClickOnce Manifest : $clickOnceWebSiteUrl" } } . (Get-MyFilePath "AdditionalOutput.ps1") Write-Host if ($httpSite -ne "N") { Write-Host "Files:" Get-ChildItem -Path $httpPath -file | % { Write-Host "http://${publicDnsName}:$publicFileSharePort/$($_.Name)" } Write-Host } if ($containerAge -gt 60) { Write-Host "WARNING: You are running a container which is $containerAge days old. Microsoft recommends that you always run the latest version of our containers." Write-Host } if ("$securepassword") { Clear-Variable -Name "securePassword" } $cimInstance = Get-CIMInstance Win32_OperatingSystem Write-Host "Container Total Physical Memory is $(($cimInstance.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1024/1024).ToString('F1',[CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture))Gb" Write-Host "Container Free Physical Memory is $(($cimInstance.FreePhysicalMemory/1024/1024).ToString('F1',[CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture))Gb" Write-Host $timespend = [Math]::Round([DateTime]::Now.Subtract($startTime).Totalseconds) Write-Host "Initialization took $timespend seconds" Write-Host "Ready for connections!"