Param( [switch] $installOnly, [switch] $filesOnly, [switch] $multitenant, [string] $artifactUrl = "", [switch] $includeTestToolkit, [switch] $includeTestLibrariesOnly, [switch] $includeTestFrameworkOnly, [switch] $includePerformanceToolkit ) Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted $runPath = "c:\Run" $myPath = Join-Path $runPath "my" $navDvdPath = "C:\NAVDVD" $navDvdPathCreated = $false $navFSPath = "C:\NAVFS" $dlPath = "C:\DL" $dlPathCreated = $false $rebootContainer = $false $publicDnsNameFile = "$RunPath\PublicDnsName.txt" $restartingInstance = Test-Path -Path $publicDnsNameFile -PathType Leaf if (!$filesOnly) { $filesOnly = ($env:filesOnly -eq "True") } $myStart = Join-Path $myPath "start.ps1" if ($PSCommandPath -ne $mystart) { if (Test-Path -Path $myStart) { . $myStart -installOnly:$installOnly -filesOnly:$filesOnly -multitenant:$multitenant -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -includeTestToolkit:$includeTestToolkit -includeTestLibrariesOnly:$includeTestLibrariesOnly -includeTestFrameworkOnly:$includeTestFrameworkOnly -includePerformanceToolkit:$includePerformanceToolkit exit } } function Get-MyFilePath([string]$FileName) { if ((Test-Path $myPath -PathType Container) -and (Test-Path (Join-Path $myPath $FileName) -PathType Leaf)) { (Join-Path $myPath $FileName) } else { (Join-Path $runPath $FileName) } } $cimInstance = Get-CIMInstance Win32_OperatingSystem if ($cimInstance.TotalVisibleMemorySize -lt 3145728) { throw "At least 3Gb memory needs to be available to the Container." } $Source = @" using System.Net; public class MyWebClient : WebClient { protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(System.Uri address) { WebRequest request = base.GetWebRequest(address); if (request != null) { request.Timeout = -1; } return request; } } "@; Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source -Language CSharp -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 . (Get-MyFilePath "HelperFunctions.ps1") if (!$multitenant) { $multitenant = ($env:multitenant -eq "Y") } try { if (!$restartingInstance) { if ("$(hostname)" -ne "$env:computername") { Write-Host "Adding $env:computername to hosts file" New-Item -Path 'c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts' -ItemType File -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null Add-Content -Path 'c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts' -Value " $env:computername" } $folders = "$env:folders" if ($folders -ne "") { Write-Host "Setting up folders..." $startTime = [DateTime]::Now $foldersArray = $folders -split "," foreach ($folder in $foldersArray) { $idx = $folder.indexof('=') $dir = $folder.Substring(0,$idx) $value = $folder.Substring($idx+1).Split('\')[0] $subfolder = $folder.Substring($idx+1).Split('\')[1] Write-Host "Downloading $value to $dir" if (-not (Test-Path $dir)) { New-Item $dir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $temp = [System.Guid]::NewGuid();new-item -type directory -Path c:\run\$temp | Out-Null (New-Object MyWebClient).DownloadFile($value, "c:\run\$temp\") Write-Host "Extracting file in temp folder" Expand-Archive "c:\run\$temp\" -DestinationPath "c:\run\$temp\extract" -Force if ($subfolder) { Write-Host "Moving $subfolder to target folder $dir" Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\run\$temp\extract\$subfolder\*" -Recurse | Move-Item -Destination $dir -Force } else { Write-Host "Moving all extracted files to target folder $dir" Get-ChildItem -Path "c:\run\$temp\extract\*" -Recurse | Move-Item -Destination $dir -Force } Remove-Item "c:\run\$temp" -Recurse -Force } $timespend = [Math]::Round([DateTime]::Now.Subtract($startTime).Totalseconds) Write-Host "Setting up folders took $timespend seconds" } if (Test-Path $navFsPath -PathType Container) { Write-Host "Copying files from $NavFsPath" Get-ChildItem -Path $navFSPath | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item -Path "$navFSPath\$($_.Name)" -Destination "c:\" -recurse -force } } if (!(get-service | Where-Object { $_.Name -like 'MicrosoftDynamicsNavServexr*' })) { if (-not (Test-Path $navDvdPath -PathType Container)) { if (!($artifactUrl)) { $artifactUrl = "$env:ArtifactUrl" } if ($artifactUrl) { Write-Host "Using artifactUrl $($artifactUrl.split('?')[0])" $artifactPaths = Download-Artifacts -artifactUrl $artifactUrl -includePlatform $appArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[0] $platformArtifactPath = $artifactPaths[1] $useNewFolder = $false $mtParam = @{} $versionFolder = $env:installfolder if (!($versionFolder)) { $setupVersion = (Get-Item -Path (Join-Path $platformArtifactPath "ServiceTier\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe")).VersionInfo.FileVersion $versionNo = [Int]::Parse($setupVersion.Split('.')[0]+$setupVersion.Split('.')[1]) $versionFolder = "" Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Run" -Directory | where-object { [Int]::TryParse($_.Name, [ref]$null) } | % { [Int]::Parse($_.Name) } | Sort-Object | % { if ($_ -le $versionNo) { $versionFolder = Join-Path "C:\Run" $_ } } if ($env:doNotUseNewFolder -ne "Y") { if ($versionNo -ge 150) { $useNewFolder = $true } if (($versionFolder) -and (Test-Path "$versionFolder-new")) { $versionFolder = "$versionFolder-new" $useNewFolder = $true $rebootContainer = $true } if ($useNewFolder) { $mtParam = @{ "multitenant" = $multitenant; "rebootContainer" = $rebootContainer } } } } Write-Host "Using installer from $versionFolder" if ($versionFolder -ne "") { if (Test-Path "c:\run\navinstall.ps1") { Write-Host "navinstall was overridden" Remove-Item "$versionFolder\navinstall.ps1" } if (Test-Path "c:\run\servicesettings.ps1") { Write-Host "servicesettings was overridden" Remove-Item "$versionFolder\servicesettings.ps1" } if (Test-Path "c:\run\SetupWebClient.ps1") { Write-Host "SetupWebClient was overridden" Remove-Item "$versionFolder\SetupWebClient.ps1" } Copy-Item -Path "$versionFolder\*" -Destination "C:\Run" -Recurse -Force } # Remove version specific folders Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Run" -Directory | where-object { [Int]::TryParse($_.Name, [ref]$null) } | % { Remove-Item (Join-Path "C:\Run" $_.Name) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($useNewFolder) { $appManifestPath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath "manifest.json" $appManifest = Get-Content $appManifestPath | ConvertFrom-Json $database = $appManifest.database $databasePath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $database $licenseFile = "" if ($ -eq "licenseFile") { $licenseFile = $appManifest.licenseFile if ($licenseFile) { $licenseFilePath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $licenseFile } } if ("$($env:IsBcSandbox)" -eq "") { if ($ -eq "isBcSandbox") { if ($appManifest.isBcSandbox) { $env:IsBcSandbox = "Y" } } } $useBakFile = ("$env:bakfile" -ne "" -or "$env:appBacpac" -ne "") $useForeignDb = !(("$env:databaseServer" -eq "" -and "$env:databaseInstance" -eq "") -or ("$env:databaseServer" -eq "localhost" -and "$env:databaseInstance" -eq "SQLEXPRESS")) $useOwnLicenseFile = ("$env:licenseFile" -ne "") if ($useBakFile -or $useForeignDb) { $databasePath = "" $licenseFile = "" } elseif ($useOwnLicenseFile) { $licenseFile = "" } . (Get-MyFilePath "navinstall.ps1") -appArtifactPath $appArtifactPath -platformArtifactPath $platformArtifactPath -databasePath $databasePath -licenseFilePath $licenseFilePath -installOnly:$installOnly -filesOnly:$filesOnly -includeTestToolkit:$includeTestToolkit -includeTestLibrariesOnly:$includeTestLibrariesOnly -includeTestFrameworkOnly:$includeTestFrameworkOnly @mtParam } else { $tmpFolder = 'c:\$tmp$' if (Test-Path $tmpFolder) { Remove-Item $tmpFolder -Recurse -Force Write-Host "Unexpected restart during artifact copy, retrying..." } New-Item $tmpFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null $appManifestPath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath "manifest.json" $appManifest = Get-Content $appManifestPath | ConvertFrom-Json $database = $appManifest.database $databasePath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $database $licenseFile = "" if ($ -eq "licenseFile") { $licenseFile = $appManifest.licenseFile if ($licenseFile) { $licenseFilePath = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $licenseFile } } if ("$($env:IsBcSandbox)" -eq "") { if ($ -eq "isBcSandbox") { if ($appManifest.isBcSandbox) { $env:IsBcSandbox = "Y" } } } Write-Host "Copying Platform Artifacts" RoboCopyFiles -source $platformArtifactPath -Destination $tmpFolder -e $useBakFile = ("$env:bakfile" -ne "") $useForeignDb = !(("$env:databaseServer" -eq "" -and "$env:databaseInstance" -eq "") -or ("$env:databaseServer" -eq "localhost" -and "$env:databaseInstance" -eq "SQLEXPRESS")) $useOwnLicenseFile = ("$env:licenseFile" -ne "") Write-Host "Copying Application Artifacts" if (!($useBakFile -or $useForeignDb)) { $dbPath = Join-Path $tmpFolder "SQLDemoDatabase\CommonAppData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\ver\Database" New-Item $dbPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Write-Host "Copying Database" Copy-Item -path $databasePath -Destination $dbPath -Force if ($licenseFile -and !$useOwnLicenseFile) { Write-Host "Copy Licensefile" Copy-Item -path $licenseFilePath -Destination $dbPath -Force } } "Installers", "ConfigurationPackages", "TestToolKit", "UpgradeToolKit", "Extensions", "Applications","Applications.*","My" | % { $appSubFolder = Join-Path $appArtifactPath $_ if (Test-Path "$appSubFolder" -PathType Container) { $destFolder = Join-Path $tmpFolder $_ if (Test-Path $destFolder) { Remove-Item -path $destFolder -Recurse -Force } Write-Host "Copying $_" RoboCopyFiles -source $appSubFolder -Destination "$tmpFolder\$_" -e } } while (Test-Path $tmpFolder) { try { Rename-Item -Path $tmpFolder -NewName 'NAVDVD' } catch { Write-Host "WARNING: Unable to rename temp folder, waiting 10 seconds for access..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } } $navDvdPathCreated = $true . (Get-MyFilePath "navinstall.ps1") -installOnly:$installOnly } } } elseif (Test-Path $navDvdPath -PathType Container) { $setupVersion = (Get-Item -Path "$navDvdPath\ServiceTier\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\*\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe").VersionInfo.FileVersion $versionNo = [Int]::Parse($setupVersion.Split('.')[0]+$setupVersion.Split('.')[1]) $versionFolder = "" Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Run" -Directory | where-object { [Int]::TryParse($_.Name, [ref]$null) } | % { [Int]::Parse($_.Name) } | Sort-Object | % { if ($_ -le $versionNo) { $versionFolder = Join-Path "C:\Run" $_ } } $useNewFolder = $false $mtParam = @{} if ($env:doNotUseNewFolder -ne "Y") { if (($versionFolder) -and (Test-Path "$versionFolder-new")) { $versionFolder = "$versionFolder-new" $useNewFolder = $true if ($multitenant) { $mtParam = @{ "multitenant" = $true } } } } Write-Host "Using installer from $versionFolder" if ($versionFolder -ne "") { if (Test-Path "c:\run\navinstall.ps1") { Write-Host "navinstall was overridden" Remove-Item "$versionFolder\navinstall.ps1" } if (Test-Path "c:\run\servicesettings.ps1") { Write-Host "servicesettings was overridden" Remove-Item "$versionFolder\servicesettings.ps1" } if (Test-Path "c:\run\SetupWebClient.ps1") { Write-Host "SetupWebClient was overridden" Remove-Item "$versionFolder\SetupWebClient.ps1" } Copy-Item -Path "$versionFolder\*" -Destination "C:\Run" -Recurse -Force } # Remove version specific folders Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Run" -Directory | where-object { [Int]::TryParse($_.Name, [ref]$null) } | % { Remove-Item (Join-Path "C:\Run" $_.Name) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($useNewFolder) { . (Get-MyFilePath "navinstall.ps1") -installOnly:$installOnly -filesOnly:$filesOnly -includeTestToolkit:$includeTestToolkit -includeTestLibrariesOnly:$includeTestLibrariesOnly -includeTestFrameworkOnly:$includeTestFrameworkOnly -includePerformanceToolkit:$includePerformanceToolkit @mtParam } else { . (Get-MyFilePath "navinstall.ps1") -installOnly:$installOnly @mtParam } } else { throw "You must share a DVD folder to $navDvdPath or a file system to $navFSPath in order to run the generic image" } } } if (!$installOnly) { if ($filesOnly) { Write-Host "Ready for connections!" } else { . (Get-MyFilePath "navstart.ps1") } } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.Exception.Message if ($installOnly) { throw "Installation failed" } elseif ("$env:ExitOnError" -ne "N") { return } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.ScriptStackTrace } if ($dlPathCreated) { Write-host "Remove $dlPath" Remove-Item $dlPath -Recurse -Force } if ($navDvdPathCreated) { Write-Host "remove $navDvdPath" Remove-Item $navDvdPath -Recurse -Force } if (!$installOnly) { . (Get-MyFilePath "MainLoop.ps1") }