# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.0.7 $debug=AUSU.5-1-19041-1320 # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.1.0.schema.json PackageIdentifier: BlenderFoundation.Blender PackageVersion: 3.0.1 PackageLocale: en-US Publisher: Blender Foundation PublisherUrl: https://www.blender.org PublisherSupportUrl: https://www.blender.org/support # PrivacyUrl: Author: Blender Foundation PackageName: Blender PackageUrl: https://www.blender.org License: GPL-3.0-or-later LicenseUrl: https://download.blender.org/release/GPL3-license.txt Copyright: Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. CopyrightUrl: https://download.blender.org/release/GPL3-license.txt ShortDescription: Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, video editing and 2D animation pipeline. # Description: Moniker: blender Tags: - 3d - animation - blender - modeling - render - rigging - vfx # Agreements: ReleaseNotes: |- Released on Jan 26th 2022, Blender 3.0.1 features many bug fixes: - 3.0 Documentation broken link [T93773] - 3D cursor crash when using shortcut. [T94109] - 3D Cursor is not in the right place after Shift + C (Center Cursor and Frame All). [T93971] - 3D Cursor surface projection onto hidden faces. [T94392] - Asset browser: dropping object on grid in orthogonal view misses the floor plane. [T93388] - Asset Browser: Fix incorrect user message. [24a79289b0] - Auto Depth problem with Cliping Region. [T94728] - Blender 3.0 cannot import FBX (containing more than 8 UV layers). [T93541] - Blender Crashing While Appending Animation Action. [T94264] - Blender freezes when saving with active VR session. [T93649] - Boolean Apply Clearing custom data layers (bevel weight Weight / Vgroup Data). [T94197] - Change bone name cause vertex group not working until select another vertex group. [T93892] - Cleanup: Avoid possible NULL pointer error. [822501d86d] - Cleanup: Correct order of guard and lock in moviecache_valfree. [0564b19ff4] - Close Area crashes Blender (3.0.0 and 3.0.1). [T94334] - Constraint Shrinkwrap does not applies, it reset all changes. [T94600] - Crash in nvoglv64.dll entering edit mode on curve. [T94454] - Crash in Compositing. [T94506] - Crash on changing curve type from Bezier to NURBS in Geometry Nodes. [T94082] - Crash on edit mesh with a curve modifier with both a vertex group assigned and the edit mode display option enabled. [T93611] - crash or error when using GPUFrameBuffer.read_color(... data=data). [T94202] - Crash when cutting meta-meta. [T94280] - Crash when exceeding memory_cache_limit in the viewport. [T92838] - Crash when the Home button is pressed in the VSE. [T94254] - Crash when trying to load custom preview in asset browser with user library selected. [T93691] - Custom node sockets don't get relinked when dropping a node on an existing link. [T93430] - Cycles X broke OptiX memory pooling via NVLink. [T93620] - DeltaX does not show how many frames you are moving your keyframes. [T94191] - Discontinuous cutting with the knife tool. [T93695] - Dragging the NLA strip cause a crash, if the related action is in tweakmode. [T93707] - Export to X3D Fails. [T94122] - Extruding first vertex of a spline with GN modifier enabled causes a crash. [T94442] - Fast GI Approximation Render Crash. [T93874] - Fix Asset Browser properties region toggle not showing open/closed state. [2af6cb9dce] - Fix crash caused by exception in Python gizmo target get handler. [40c5786df3] - Fix Cycles AVX test failure with x86_64 build running on Arm. [d02eeccd02] - Fix meta-ball bound-box calculation reading past buffer bounds. [62ce0c60cd] - Fix some shortcut keys not working on macOS with Japanese input. [8b44b756d8] - Fix T94563: Cycles standalone build error on with strict float/double casting. [7d26cf01f7] - Fix: Build issue on 32 bit archs. [6514e4c418] - Fix/workaround macOS Rosetta crash running Cycles AVX tests. [e78a21ae78] - Geometry Nodes: Random Integer min and max values half as frequent. [T93591] - gltf2 not exporting animations in 3.0. [T93704] - Grease Pencil: Copying keys doesn't preserve Keyframe Type. [T94903] - Grease Pencil: AutoMerge does not work when Draw Strokes On Back is enabled. [T94620] - Grease Pencil: Drawing don't Update after paste. [T94089] - Grease pencil: hue and tint modifiers don't work with selected material. [T93868] - Grease Pencil: Strokes drawn at 0.0 Strength still visible. [T94799] - img.has_data Always returns True since version 3.0. [T93871] - Instances of only vertices/edges not properly shown in viewport. [T84710] - Knife project fails in orthographic mode. [T94145] - Line Art: Per object Override Crease setting does not work. [T94878] - Line Art: Correct clamping of out of bound isect index. [69c56d2819] - Line Art: Correct collection intersection mask logic. [7339663bbc] - Measure active tool fails in front view with snap incremental enable. [T93869] - Mesh Sequence Cache (ABC) an hair interpolated children distribution issue (triangulate modifier seem to fix it). [T92561] - Mesh: Add versioning in 3.0 for vertex normal refactor. [add07576a0] - Multiple volumes using same data can cause crash/freeze. [T94715] - New-file causes Python assert with negative reference count. [T94708] - Object As Font not working. [T94624] - Outliner: Collection dragging tooltip is not updating. [T94184] - Python error when trying to add Grease Pencil brush preset. [T94375] - redundant 'falloff' dropdown in weight paint header. [T93169] - Regression: Grease Pencil does not show up in render past 2049x2049 render resolution. [T94169] - Regression: Group Input/Output cannot connect to some custom sockets. [T94827] - save_as_mainfile will crash if context has no screen. [T93949] - Scaling Grease Pencil Strokes in Edit Mode Scales Thickness. [T93163] - Selecting current action in Undo History Undoes all the History. [T94115] - Selection in the 3d view is broken in build from Xcode 13. [T91680] - Set Origin causes unexpected offset on Grease Pencil strokes when Curve Editing is enabled. [T93134] - Shadow Catcher - Cuda Error in Viewport Rendering with Optix Denoiser. [T93890] - Shadow Terminator Geometry Offset causes artifacts for translucent shader (Cycles). [T93418] - Shift+F1 to switch to asset browser randomly crashes. [T93508] - Single point NURBS crash in resample node. [T93521] - Snap Cursor not working after changing Add Object tool settings. [T93732] - Snap performance regression at high poll rate. [T93408] - Spare falloff panel. [T94243] - Subdividing with overlapping tri and quad crashes Blender. [T93563] - Tool Settings: Drag on Tweak not working. [T92953] - Triangulating a mesh with overlapping tri and quad faces can cause an assertion failure. [T93574] - Unity x Blender 3.0 Integration. [T95099] - Use World background color when rendering pose library previews. [T93467] - Video editor thumbnails don't show at the default zoom level. [T93314] - Video Sequencer Preview with Prefetch Frames crashes inside Meta Strip. [T94768] - Viewport X-Ray is influencing snapping even in material mode. [T93477] - VR Add-on: Unintended navigation when using Valve Index. [T93509] - VSE: Fix strip with mask modifier not blending. [1fd824345d] - When render with Cycles' Fast GI Approximation, Method "Add" is affected by bounces in Method "Replace". [T93498] - When separating a grease pencil stroke to its own object it will lose all vertex groups. [T93728] - Zstd-compressed .blend files from external tools aren't recognized. [T93858] ReleaseNotesUrl: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/3.0/Corrective_Releases ManifestType: defaultLocale ManifestVersion: 1.1.0