# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.1.0 $debug=AUSU.5-1-19041-1320 # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.1.0.schema.json PackageIdentifier: Epsitec.Colobot PackageVersion: alpha-0.1.12 PackageLocale: en-US Publisher: TerranovaTeam # PublisherUrl: # PublisherSupportUrl: # PrivacyUrl: # Author: PackageName: 'Colobot: Gold Edition' PackageUrl: https://colobot.info License: GPLv3 # LicenseUrl: # Copyright: # CopyrightUrl: ShortDescription: Epsitec.Colobot Description: 'Colobot: Gold Edition is a real-time strategy game, where you can program your units (bots) in a language called CBOT, which is similar to C++ and Java. Your mission is to find a new planet to live and survive. You can save the humanity and get programming skills!' Moniker: cbot Tags: - educational - game - gaming - programming - rts - strategy - videogame # Agreements: # ReleaseNotes: # ReleaseNotesUrl: ManifestType: defaultLocale ManifestVersion: 1.1.0