# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.2.0 using InputObject 🤖 $debug=QUSU.CRLF..7-2-7 # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.2.0.schema.json PackageIdentifier: Jelmerro.Vieb PackageVersion: 9.5.0 PackageLocale: en-US Publisher: Jelmer van Arnhem PublisherUrl: https://jelmerro.nl/ PublisherSupportUrl: https://github.com/Jelmerro/Vieb/issues/ # PrivacyUrl: Author: Jelmer van Arnhem PackageName: Vieb PackageUrl: https://vieb.dev/ License: GPL-3.0 LicenseUrl: https://github.com/Jelmerro/Vieb/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright: Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Jelmer van Arnhem # CopyrightUrl: ShortDescription: Vim Inspired Electron Browser - Vim bindings for the web by design # Description: # Moniker: Tags: - browser - vim - web - webpage # Agreements: ReleaseNotes: |- Added - Startup argument "--unsafe-multiwin" to have multiple windows in the same datafolder and skip the single instance safety check - Command "translatepage" to translate the page using Deepl API or LibreTranslate - Settings "translateapi", "translatekey", "translatelang" and "translateurl" to customize translation settings for ":translatepage" - Setting "permissionclipboardwrite", as clipboard writing was recently moved to a permission by Electron (default remains allowed) - Settings "replacespecial" and "replacestartup" to control when new pages should re-use/replace the current tab Changed - Rpm and deb releases are now symlinked in /usr/bin correctly on updates after this one - Confirm char "!" for special page commands now opens them in a new tab regardless of the new "replacespecial" setting Fixed - Recursive key mappings not working correctly when the timeout is reached and there are also multi-key mappings - Cache errors/corruption on Windows upon restart after clearing/disabling cache - Setting externalcommand is now actually used for opening new tabs externally (fallback remains the default browser) - Exception popup on Linux when quitting if using window frame borders - Valid urls without protocol not always being recognized as a startup argument Versions - Electron 22.0.0 (was 22.0.0-beta.5) - Chromium 108.0.5359.62 (was 108.0.5359.40) ReleaseNotesUrl: https://github.com/Jelmerro/Vieb/releases/tag/9.5.0 # PurchaseUrl: # InstallationNotes: Documentations: - DocumentLabel: FAQ DocumentUrl: https://github.com/Jelmerro/Vieb/blob/master/FAQ.md - DocumentLabel: Cheatsheet DocumentUrl: https://vieb.dev/cheatsheet ManifestType: defaultLocale ManifestVersion: 1.2.0