# Created with WinGet Automation using Komac v1.10.0 # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.4.0.schema.json PackageIdentifier: klaussinani.ao PackageVersion: 6.9.0 PackageLocale: en-US Publisher: Klaus Sinani PublisherUrl: https://github.com/klaudiosinani PublisherSupportUrl: https://github.com/klaudiosinani/ao/issues Author: klaussinani PackageName: Ao PackageUrl: https://github.com/klaussinani/ao License: MIT LicenseUrl: https://github.com/klaussinani/ao/blob/master/license.md ShortDescription: Ao is an unofficial, featureful, open source, community-driven, free Microsoft To-Do app. Tags: - electron - microsoft - todo ReleaseNotes: |- Highlights - b1a5171 Resolve Macos start-up crash issue. (#82) (#90) - a0a3a3e Add support for pacman binaries. (#55) (#86) - aebf9e4 Add new postinstall script to package configuration. - effc512 Update devDependency electron-builder@v20.40.2. (#93) - bf09d25 Update devDependency electron@v4.2.2. (#92) - 167eaf4 Docs: Update license date. - dc27798 Docs: Update team links. - 58df0df Docs: Remove installation reference to AUR repository. - c636bc0 Docs: Improvements for the German Translation. (#74) Note - To run the AppImage you need first to make it executable ReleaseNotesUrl: https://github.com/klaudiosinani/ao/releases/tag/v6.9.0 ManifestType: defaultLocale ManifestVersion: 1.4.0