# Created with YamlCreate.ps1 v2.1.2 $debug=AUSU.5-1-19041-1320 # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.1.0.schema.json PackageIdentifier: WildfireGames.0AD PackageVersion: r24937-alpha PackageLocale: en-US Publisher: Wildfire Games # PublisherUrl: # PublisherSupportUrl: # PrivacyUrl: # Author: PackageName: 0 A.D. PackageUrl: https://play0ad.com/ License: GPLv2 # LicenseUrl: # Copyright: # CopyrightUrl: ShortDescription: 0 A.D. is a real-time strategy video game under development by Wildfire Games. Description: 0 A.D. is a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under development by Wildfire Games, a global group of volunteer game developers. As the leader of an ancient civilization, you must gather the resources you need to raise a military force and dominate your enemies. Moniker: 0ad Tags: - age-of-empires - aoe - empires - game - gaming - rts - strategy - videogame # Agreements: # ReleaseNotes: # ReleaseNotesUrl: ManifestType: defaultLocale ManifestVersion: 1.1.0