## ~/.config/sxhkd/default: wm-independent keybinds #include <theme.h> #include <colors/nightdrive.h> ## essential # terminate X session ctrl + shift + q sfx-synth prompt & \ printf 'ā\nā' | dmenu -f \ -p 'Terminate X session?' -sb str(COLOR6) -sf str(COLOR0) \ | fgrep -q 'ā' && pkill -t "tty$XDG_VTNR" X & # launcher super + p sfx-synth btn & \ dmenu_path | dmenu -f | sh & # terminal super + Return urxvtc || urxvt # file manager {super + e,XF86Explorer} sfx-synth btn & \ pcmanfm # take screenshot {_,shift +} super + Print sfx-synth btn & \ {scrot,scrot -fs}; \ notify-send -t 1 'Screenshot saved.' # ssh-agent super + BackSpace sfx-synth attn & \ ! ssh-add -l && ssh-add || ssh-add -D; \ ssh-add -l | notify-send -t 2 # task manager/syslog ctrl + alt + {Delete,Insert} sfx-synth btn & \ visual {htop,watch -c -n 0.1 'dmesg -e -Lalways | tac'} ## function keys # F1: power/reboot # F2: suspend/hibernate+poweroff {_,shift +} super + F{1,2} sfx-synth btn & \ systemctl {poweroff,reboot,suspend,hibernate} # F3: display off/hibernate+reboot {_,shift +} super + F3 sfx-synth btn & \ ssh-add -D && {sleep 1; xset dpms force off, systemctl hybrid-sleep} # F4: calculator/networking # use x48 netbook view on small displays {_,shift +} {super + F4,XF86Calculator} sfx-synth btn & \ {x48-resize,visual bash -ic nmtui} # F5: toggle displays/configure displays {_,shift +} {super + F5,XF86Display} sfx-synth btn & \ {xrandr-cycle | tail -n +2 | head -n 1 | notify-send,arandr} # F6, F7: adjust brightness (shift + to jump to both extremes) #define BRIGHTNESS_CMD \ sfx-synth btn & \ xbacklight -{dec 10,set 1,inc 10,set 100}; \ xbacklight -get | sed -E -e 's/0+$//' -e 's/\.$//' | \ xargs -I '*' notify-send -t 0.3 'Backlight: *%' {_,shift +} super + F{6,7} BRIGHTNESS_CMD {_,shift +} XF86MonBrightness{Down,Up} BRIGHTNESS_CMD # F8: mute, configure audio {super + F8,XF86AudioMute} sfx-synth btn & \ pactl set-sink-mute '@DEFAULT_SINK@' toggle shift + {super + F8,XF86AudioMute} sfx-synth btn & \ pavucontrol # F9, F10: adjust volume, (shift + was purposefully excluded here) #define VOLUME_CMD \ sfx-synth btn & \ pactl set-sink-volume '@DEFAULT_SINK@' {-5%,+5%}; \ amixer sget Master | egrep -e '[0-9]+%' \ | egrep -o '\[.+\]' | head -n 1 | xargs -I '*' notify-send -t 0.4 'š *' & super + F{9,10} VOLUME_CMD XF86Audio{LowerVolume,RaiseVolume} VOLUME_CMD # F11: randomize wallpaper super + F11 sfx-synth btn & \ xwin-decor ## optional keyboard hotkeys XF86{WWW,HomePage} chromium XF86Eject eject ## reserved for future use # F12~F24 # Insert # SysRq # Scroll_Lock # Pause # XF86Tools (probably a music player) # X86FAudio{Prev,Next,Play,Stop} # XF86Launch1,5,6 (???)