// X Keyboard Extension keymap for Next Thing Co. PocketC.H.I.P's keyboard // Pink FN key serves as Alt_R (internally ISO_Level3_Shift) // [nav keys] Alt_R + { Up,Left,Right,Down } -> { Prior,Home,End,Next } // [delete key] Alt_R + BackSpace mapped to Delete. // [fn keys] Alt_R + { numeric keys, -, + } -> { F1-F12 } // [special] Alt_R + Pink FN legend keys should match their output. // [power key] Power mapped to Super_L. // Disable power key in /etc/systemd/logind.conf -> HandlePowerKey=ignore xkb_keymap { xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" }; xkb_types { include "complete" }; xkb_compat { include "complete" }; xkb_symbols { // remapped to normal, shift, ISO_Level3_Shift include "pc+us+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch)" key { [ Super_L, Super_L, Super_L ] }; key { [ Up, Up, Prior ] }; key { [ Down, Down, Next ] }; key { [ Left, Left, Home ] }; key { [ Right, Right, End ] }; // FN + function key cluster key { [ 1, exclam, F1 ] }; key { [ 2, at, F2 ] }; key { [ 3, numbersign, F3 ] }; key { [ 4, dollar, F4 ] }; key { [ 5, percent, F5 ] }; key { [ 6, asciicircum, F6 ] }; key { [ 7, ampersand, F7 ] }; key { [ 8, asterisk, F8 ] }; key { [ 9, parenleft, F9 ] }; key { [ 0, parenright, F10 ] }; key { [ minus, underscore, F11 ] }; key { [ equal, plus, F12 ] }; key { [ BackSpace, BackSpace, Delete ] }; // FN + special keys row 1 key { [ y, Y, braceleft ] }; key { [ u, U, braceright ] }; key { [ i, I, bracketleft ] }; key { [ o, O, bracketright ] }; key { [ p, P, bar ] }; // FN + special keys row 2 key { [ h, H, less ] }; key { [ j, J, greater ] }; key { [ k, K, apostrophe ] }; key { [ l, L, quotedbl ] }; // FN + special keys rows 3 & 4 key { [ b, B, grave ] }; key { [ n, N, asciitilde ] }; key { [ m, M, colon ] }; key { [ period, comma, semicolon ] }; key { [ slash, question, backslash ] }; }; };