## ~/.gitconfig: global git configuration

	name = microsounds
	email = microsounds@users.noreply.github.com

	# outline commits made before HEAD
	summary = past
	past = log --graph -n 16 \
		--pretty=format:'%C(cyan)%h%C(auto)%d %s %C(yellow)%ar'
	# outline commits made after HEAD
	future = "!f() { \
		{ git log --graph --color=always \
			--pretty=format:'%C(cyan)%h%C(auto)%d %s %C(yellow)%ar' \
			HEAD~1..master; printf '\n'; } | tail -n 17; \
	}; f"

	# step back and forth in repo
	# ff moves toward master by default, specify commit-ref to follow that instead
	rw = checkout HEAD~1
	ff = "!f() { \
		towards="${1:-master}"; \
		git checkout $(git rev-list --date-order HEAD..$towards | tail -n 1); \
	}; f"

	# home directory version control
	meta = !git --git-dir=$HOME/.config/meta --work-tree=$HOME

	# list all tracked filenames in repo, for use with xargs
	list-files = ls-tree -r HEAD --name-only --full-tree

	# interactive file tree for tracked files, opens with $EDITOR in new window
	# accepts optional query argument, excludes binary files from tree listing
	edit-tree = "!f() { \
		while :; do \
			unset prefix file; \
			prefix="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"; \
			[ ! -z "$prefix" ] && cd "$prefix" || exit; \
			file="$(git list-files | xargs grep -Il '' \
				| fzf -1 -0 --no-multi --layout=reverse ${1:+-q "$1"} \
					--prompt="\\[$(path-gitstatus -p)\\]:\\ " )"; \
			[ ! -z "$file" ] && visual ${EDITOR%-R} "$prefix/$file" || exit; \
		done; \
	}; f"

	# squash fixups
	flatten = !GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=true git rebase -i --root

	# make last second changes to previous commit
	recommit = "!f() { git add -u; git commit --amend; }; f"

	# automated stage, commit and push for use in scripts
	checkin = "!f() { \
		! is-container && who=\"$(whoami)@$(uname -n)\" || who='CI'; \
		change=\"$(git status --porcelain | wc -l) change\"; \
		case "$change" in '1 '*) ;; *) change=\"${change}s\";; esac; \
		git commit -a -m \"[$who] $change $(date '+%Y/%-m/%-d %-I:%M%P %Z')\"; \
	}; f"
	shove = "!f() { git checkin; git push; }; f"

	# size reporting functions in kilobytes
	# find size of worktree in HEAD
	size-tree = !echo $(( ($(git list-files | xargs -I '{}' ls -l '{}' \
		| tr -s ' ' '\t' | cut -f5 | paste -s -d '+')) / 1024 ))
	# find size of compressed git repo
	size-pack = !git count-objects -v \
		| fgrep 'size-pack' | tr -s ' :' '\t' | cut -f2

	defaultBranch = master

	ff = only

	detachedHead = false

	autoStash = true
	autoSquash = true