#!/usr/bin/env sh # ~/.local/bin/chromium # chromium plaintext configuration overlay script # mangles configuration during pre-run # useragent string # fake being MS edge on windows to avoid cloudflare serving webp/avif images UA_STRING="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 \ (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/126.0.2592.102" # allow multiple chromium profiles to co-exist by deriving profile name from # script name, eg. this script being renamed or symlinked as 'chrome-temp' will # use profile located at '~/.config/chrome-temp' CONF="$HOME/.config/${0##*/}" # redirect cache writes to ramdisk defined by pam_systemd CACHE="$XDG_CACHE_HOME/${0##*/}" # DO NOT mangle config if chromium is already running if ! ps -e | fgrep -q 'chromium'; then # on first-run, regenerate chromium config if [ ! -d "$CONF/Default" ]; then # dumb hack to checkout persistent settings if not found mkdir -p "$CONF" git meta list-files | fgrep '.config/chromium' \ | xargs -I'{}' git meta --work-tree="$CONF" checkout "{}" cd "$CONF/.config/chromium" && mv * ../.. && rm -rf '.config/chromium' # warn user of first run # allow first run to generate default preferences # automatically enable use of theme colors cat <<- EOF | /usr/bin/chromium "data:text/html;base64,$(base64 -w 0)" \ --install-autogenerated-theme='0,0,0' -incognito & <style> html { color: #FFFFFF; background: #222222; } .note { text-align: center; } </style> <div class="note"> <h1>Regenerating <code>chromium</code> preferences on first run...</h1> <p>This only needs to be done once.</p> <p><b>DO NOT</b> interact with this window, <code>chromium</code> will restart momentarily.</p> </div> EOF # wait until chromium spins up 12 processes before SIGTERM while [ $(ps -e | fgrep -c 'chromium') -lt 12 ]; do :; done kill "$!" fi # inject persistent SQL omnibox settings [ -f "$CONF/omnibox.sql" ] && { sqlite3 -cmd '.timeout 1000' \ "$CONF/Default/Web Data" < "$CONF/omnibox.sql" } # inject persistent JSON preferences and chromium flags for f in 'Default/Preferences' 'Local State'; do mine="$(echo "${f#*/}" | tr ' A-Z' '_a-z').conf" [ -f "$CONF/$f" ] || continue [ -f "$CONF/$mine" ] || continue # pipe multiple jq filters together # remove trailing newline IFS=' ' unset json hex for g in $(cpp -P < "$CONF/$mine" 2> /dev/null); do json="${json}.$g|" done json="${json%|}" unset IFS # rewrite #RRGGBB hex colors to signed integer representing 0xBBGGRRAA # in two's complement hexadecimal with alpha channel always 0xFF for g in $(echo "$json" | egrep -o '\#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}'); do for h in FF $(echo "$g" | tr -d '#' | sed -E 's/.{2}/& /g'); do hex="$h$hex" done int="$(echo "0x$hex" | xxd -r | od -A n -t dI | tr -d ' ')" json="$(echo "$json" | sed "s/$g/$int/g")" done jq -Mc "$json" < "$CONF/$f" > "$CONF/$f.1" && \ mv "$CONF/$f.1" "$CONF/$f" done fi # 08/2024: disable UA spoofing because it triggers cloudflare filters on many sites /usr/bin/chromium \ --user-data-dir="$CONF" --disk-cache-dir="$CACHE" \ "$@" # --user-agent="$UA_STRING" "$@"