#!/usr/bin/env sh

## nyaa-magnet v0.1
## fetches magnet links from NyaaTorrents
## preferably for feeding into aria2c
## usage: nyaa-magnet [query] | aria2c -i -

# TODO: add support for queries over 75 results, requires pagination and a
#       while loop going past the last page will return the last page over and
#       over

[ ! -z "$1" ] || { grep '^##' < "$0" | sed -E 's/^.{3}//' && exit 1; }
query="$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /+/g')"

wget -O - "$API$query" | egrep -o '<a href="magnet[^>]*">' | tr '"' '\t' \
	| cut -f2 | sed 's/&amp;/\&/g' | while read -r line; do
	# print magnet title to stderr
	{	echo "$line" | egrep -o 'dn=.*&tr' \
			| sed -E -e 's/^dn=//g' -e 's/\&tr.*//g' | xargs busybox httpd -d
		printf '\n'
	} 1>&2
	echo "$line"