# apply-changes v0.1
# git post-merge hook to apply changes to the running environment after merging
# from remote, attempts to re-run post-install scripts that have changed

restart_x() {
	printf '\e[1m%s\e[0m\n' 'Restart X session to apply changes to graphical shell'
relogin() {
	printf '\e[1m%s\e[0m\n' 'Login again to apply changes to shell environment.'

! is-termux && git meta diff-tree -r --name-only ORIG_HEAD HEAD \
	| while read -r file; do
	case "$file" in
		# changes to graphical shell
		.local/include/*|.config/dwm/*) ~/.once.d/10-git-upstream.sh; restart_x;;
		.config/*|.xinitrc|.xresources|Scripts/*) restart_x;;

		# changes to shell environment
		.profile) relogin;;

		# changes to installed packages
		.comforts) yes n | ~/.once.d/01-install-essential.sh;;
		.comforts-git|.config/upstream/*) ~/.once.d/10-git-upstream.sh;;

		# changes to keyd
		.config/keyd/*) sudo systemctl restart keyd.service;;

		# changes to post-install scripts
		.once.d/*) "$file";;

git meta diff --stat ORIG_HEAD..HEAD