#!/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin export PATH # LANG=en_US.UTF-8 is64bit=`getconf LONG_BIT` echo -e "您正在安装的是\033[31mmdserver-web测试版\033[0m,非开发测试用途请使用正式版 install.sh !" echo -e "You are installing\033[31m mdserver-web dev version\033[0m, normally use install.sh for production.\n" sleep 1 LOG_FILE=/var/log/mw-install.log { if [ -f /etc/motd ];then echo "welcome to mdserver-web panel" > /etc/motd fi startTime=`date +%s` _os=`uname` echo "use system: ${_os}" if [ ${_os} == "Darwin" ]; then OSNAME='macos' elif grep -Eq "openSUSE" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='opensuse' zypper refresh zypper install -y wget curl zip unzip unrar rar elif grep -Eq "FreeBSD" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='freebsd' pkg install -y wget curl zip unzip unrar rar elif grep -Eqi "EulerOS" /etc/*-release || grep -Eqi "openEuler" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='euler' yum install -y wget curl zip unzip tar crontabs elif grep -Eqi "CentOS" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "CentOS" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='rhel' yum install -y wget zip unzip tar elif grep -Eqi "Fedora" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "Fedora" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='rhel' yum install -y wget zip unzip tar elif grep -Eqi "Rocky" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "Rocky" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='rhel' yum install -y wget zip unzip elif grep -Eqi "AlmaLinux" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "AlmaLinux" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='rhel' yum install -y wget zip unzip tar elif grep -Eqi "Amazon Linux" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "Amazon Linux" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='amazon' yum install -y wget zip unzip tar elif grep -Eqi "Ubuntu" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "Ubuntu" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='ubuntu' apt install -y wget zip unzip tar elif grep -Eqi "Debian" /etc/issue || grep -Eqi "Debian" /etc/*-release; then OSNAME='debian' apt update -y apt install -y devscripts apt install -y wget zip unzip tar else OSNAME='unknow' fi if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] && [ "$OSNAME" != "macos" ];then echo "Please run as root!" exit fi # HTTP_PREFIX="https://" # LOCAL_ADDR=common # ping -c 1 github.com > /dev/null 2>&1 # if [ "$?" != "0" ];then # LOCAL_ADDR=cn # HTTP_PREFIX="https://mirror.ghproxy.com/" # fi HTTP_PREFIX="https://" LOCAL_ADDR=common cn=$(curl -fsSL -m 10 -s http://ipinfo.io/json | grep "\"country\": \"CN\"") if [ ! -z "$cn" ] || [ "$?" == "0" ] ;then LOCAL_ADDR=cn HTTP_PREFIX="https://mirror.ghproxy.com/" fi echo "local:${LOCAL_ADDR}" echo "OSNAME:${OSNAME}" if [ $OSNAME != "macos" ];then if id www &> /dev/null ;then echo "" else groupadd www useradd -g www -s /usr/sbin/nologin www fi mkdir -p /www/server mkdir -p /www/wwwroot mkdir -p /www/wwwlogs mkdir -p /www/backup/database mkdir -p /www/backup/site if [ ! -d /www/server/mdserver-web ];then if [ "$LOCAL_ADDR" == "common" ];then curl --insecure -sSLo /tmp/dev.zip ${HTTP_PREFIX}github.com/midoks/mdserver-web/archive/refs/heads/dev.zip cd /tmp && unzip /tmp/dev.zip mv -f /tmp/mdserver-web-dev /www/server/mdserver-web rm -rf /tmp/dev.zip rm -rf /tmp/mdserver-web-dev else # curl --insecure -sSLo /tmp/dev.zip https://code.midoks.icu/midoks/mdserver-web/archive/dev.zip wget --no-check-certificate -O /tmp/dev.zip https://code.midoks.icu/midoks/mdserver-web/archive/dev.zip cd /tmp && unzip /tmp/dev.zip mv -f /tmp/mdserver-web /www/server/mdserver-web rm -rf /tmp/dev.zip rm -rf /tmp/mdserver-web fi fi # install acme.sh if [ ! -d /root/.acme.sh ];then if [ "$LOCAL_ADDR" != "common" ];then # curl -sSL -o /tmp/acme.tar.gz ${HTTP_PREFIX}github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/archive/master.tar.gz curl --insecure -sSLo /tmp/acme.tar.gz https://gitee.com/neilpang/acme.sh/repository/archive/master.tar.gz tar xvzf /tmp/acme.tar.gz -C /tmp cd /tmp/acme.sh-master bash acme.sh install fi if [ ! -d /root/.acme.sh ];then curl https://get.acme.sh | sh fi fi fi echo "use system version: ${OSNAME}" if [ "${OSNAME}" == "macos" ];then curl --insecure -fsSL https://code.midoks.icu/midoks/mdserver-web/raw/branch/master/scripts/install/macos.sh | bash else cd /www/server/mdserver-web && bash scripts/install/${OSNAME}.sh fi if [ "${OSNAME}" == "macos" ];then echo "macos end" exit 0 fi cd /www/server/mdserver-web && bash cli.sh start isStart=`ps -ef|grep 'gunicorn -c setting.py app:app' |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'` n=0 while [ ! -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/mw ]; do echo -e ".\c" sleep 1 let n+=1 if [ $n -gt 20 ];then echo -e "start mw fail" exit 1 fi done cd /www/server/mdserver-web && bash /etc/rc.d/init.d/mw stop cd /www/server/mdserver-web && bash /etc/rc.d/init.d/mw start cd /www/server/mdserver-web && bash /etc/rc.d/init.d/mw default sleep 2 if [ ! -e /usr/bin/mw ]; then if [ -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/mw ];then ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/mw /usr/bin/mw fi fi endTime=`date +%s` ((outTime=(${endTime}-${startTime})/60)) echo -e "Time consumed:\033[32m $outTime \033[0mMinute!" } 1> >(tee $LOG_FILE) 2>&1 echo -e "\nInstall completed. If error occurs, please contact us with the log file mw-install.log ." echo "安装完毕,如果出现错误,请带上同目录下的安装日志 mw-install.log 联系我们反馈."