Building twister *************************************************************** *** THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE - THE BUILD SYSTEM IS UNFINISHED *** *************************************************************** This software is a proof-of-concept, a forced marriage between bitcoin and libtorrent codebases. So don't expect an easy ride. Building this thing is quite hacky (but hopefully not complicated). 1) Twister relies on a bundled custom version of libtorrent, so first you need to build that: $ cd libtorrent $ ./ $ ./configure --enable-logging --enable-debug --enable-dht $ make Note1: 64-bit systems may need eg. "--with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib64" or "--with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" Note2: disable logging if you want, but at this point it might help to diagnose problems in case anything goes wrong. 2) Then, for bitcoin/twister, you have actually two choices to build. Both will produce (almost) the same "twisterd" executable, so try which one works for you. 2a) Using qmake $ qmake $ make 2b) Using standard makefile $ cd src $ make -f makefile.unix DEPENDENCIES ============ OpenSSL, Berkeley DB, Boost and miniupnpc are required. Please read doc/ for a complete list and instructions. Original bitcoin build instruction ================================== See doc/ for instructions on building Bitcoin-Qt. (note: the graphic interface is disabled) See doc/build-*.md for instructions on building bitcoind, the intended-for-services, no-graphical-interface, reference implementation of Bitcoin.