Smile An emoji picker CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later Lorenzo Paderi #fffce2 #28210a

Smile is a simple emoji picker for linux with custom tags support

- Fixed website buttons not working

- Fixed a bug causing emojis to become unclickable when using multi-selection

- Use wl-clipboard backend for clipboard action under wayland

- Fixed slowdowns caused by the TTF font

- Improved responsivness of the search bar

- Fixed: Smile using a lot of system memory when searching

- Fixed: yellow skintone variant not showing up in the selector when a custom skintone color was set

- Fixed: custom tags not showing up in search results when a custom skintone was set

- Fixed: an error that caused the order of the emojis to be reversed when searching

- Added translatable fields in many pop-up windows that were previously always displayed in English

- Slightly reduced the default size of the window to look better on smaller screens

- Fixed an error that caused the window to enlarge when showing the selection list on the bottom

- Fixed an issue causing emojis to be pasted when pressing ESC

- Added an option in the preferences to use multi selection on mouse click

- Added support for unicode 15

- The header bar has a flat style now, giving it a more "native" look and feel

- You can now import and export your custom tags from the preferences

- Automatically paste emojis on X11 using xdotool

- Automatically paste emojis with the GNOME extension!

- Performace improvements

- Use symbolic icons for categories

- The search bar has been aligned vertically

- Added an option to increase the size of the emojis

-Added French translation

-Added Dutch translation

-The app is now translatable!

-New Icon! Thanks Roman Morozov

- Don't make the all "Localization" group opaque in the settings if Localized tags are OFF

- Fixed an issue for which the default skintone would not be applied on restart

- Press ENTER when using the search bar to quickly copy the first result

- GTK4 + Adwaita rewrite!

- Reduced app size

- Updated localized tags

- IMPORTANT NOTICE! The following features are changed or have been removed:

- REMOVED "open window at mouse position" (incompatible with Wayland and influenced by other system settings)

- CHANGED switching categories can now be achieved by pressing [ALT + ←] and [ALT + →]

- CHANGED "Load in the backgroud" has been renamed to "Run in the backgroud"

- IMPROVEMENT To ensure compatibility with any desktop environment, when "Run in the backgroud" is set to OFF Smile will quit when selecting an emoji

- Fix toggle "open window at mouse position" on X11

- Added some emojis

- Updated libs

- Added tags in multiple languages

- Use both translated tags and English ones at the same time

- Added a modal that notifies about minor updates

- Always show the selected category on startup

- Reduced app size

- Unlocked "minimize on ESC" for Wayland users

- Added default skintone selector

- Added a new "What's new" page to check the changelog

- Find the corresponding emoji if searching an emoji (could be useful whem you are adding tags)

- Let the window be resizable

- Fixed a spelling mistake

- Improved some labels

- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong tags to be deleted when manually removing them from the preferences

- Re-added option to minimize the app on X11 systems

- Move the app on the current workspace when called when minimized

- Removed the option to minimize the app (for now) as it was buggy and uncompatible with Wayland

- Added an option to minimize the app to the system tray when selecting an emoji

- Added option to pre-load Smile automatically in the background on startup

- Unlocked lots of emojis

- Reworked groups and categories

- Trim search query

- Focus on the searchbar when pressing ⬆️ on an element in the first row

- Performance improvements

- Added support for more emojis!

- Search countries with their full name

- Bring focus to the search bar even when you have focus on the category picker

- Performance improvements

Improved meta tags and descriptions

First release on Flathub

Application showcase Application showcase Application showcase