//Version_JS;Version_TInjectMin;Version_CEF4Min; //;;78.3.0 function getAllGroupContacts(Contacts) { SetConsoleMessage("GetAllGroupContacts", JSON.stringify(Contacts)); } function localStorageGetItem(item){ let aJson = localStorage.getItem(item); SetConsoleMessage('getMyNumber', aJson.replace(/(?=:)(.*.?)(?=@)/g,'')); } function localStorageGetItemID(item){ let aNumberID = localStorage.getItem(item); return aNumberID; } function getMyNumber() { localStorage.getItem('last-wid-md') ? localStorageGetItem('last-wid-md') : localStorageGetItem('last-wid') return true; } function getMyNumberID() { let numberID = localStorage.getItem('last-wid-md') ? localStorageGetItemID('last-wid-md') : localStorageGetItemID('last-wid') return numberID; } function convertImgToBase64URL(url, callback, outputFormat){ var img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; img.onload = function(){ var canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), dataURL; canvas.height = img.height; canvas.width = img.width; ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(outputFormat); callback(dataURL); canvas = null; }; img.src = url; }; function SetConsoleMessage(jsName, resultValue) { Obj = { name: jsName, result: '{"result":' + resultValue + '}' } console.log(JSON.stringify(Obj)); console.clear(); } var intervalMonitor; var isLoggedStatus = false; var gettingUnreadMessages = false; var WAVersion; function startMonitor(intervalSeconds = 0) { isLoggedStatus = WAPI.isLoggedIn(); window.WAPI.onIncomingCall(); window.WAPI.onGetUnReadMessageFromMe(); WAVersion = WAPI.getWAVersion(); WAVersion = WAVersion.replace(/\./g, ''); if (intervalSeconds >= 1) { intervalMonitor = window.setInterval(monitorUnReadMessages, intervalSeconds * 1000); } } function stopMonitor() { window.clearInterval(intervalMonitor) } function removeElementsByClass(elementClass) { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName(elementClass); if (typeof elements !== 'undefined' && elements.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { elements[i].parentNode.removeChild(elements[i]); } } } function moveElementsToParentParentElement(elementClass) { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName(elementClass); if (typeof elements !== 'undefined' && elements.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; element.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(element); } } } function monitorUnReadMessages() { if (gettingUnreadMessages) return; gettingUnreadMessages = true; var currentStatus = WAPI.isLoggedIn(); if (currentStatus != isLoggedStatus) { isLoggedStatus = WAPI.isLoggedIn(); SetConsoleMessage("OnChangeConnect", JSON.stringify(isLoggedStatus)); } if (isLoggedStatus) { WAPI.getUnreadMessages(includeMe = "true", includeNotifications = "true", use_unread_count = "true"); } gettingUnreadMessages = false; } const newMakeStore = () => { if (!window.Store) { console.log("New script", "TInject Community") let modules = self.require('__debug').modulesMap; let keys = Object.keys(modules).filter(e=>e.includes("WA")); let modulesFactory = {}; for (let key of keys){ if(!modules[key]) continue; let module = modules[key]; modulesFactory[key] = { default: module.defaultExport, factory: module.factory, ...module }; if(Object.keys(modulesFactory[key].default).length == 0) { try{ self.ErrorGuard.skipGuardGlobal(true); Object.assign(modulesFactory[key], self.importNamespace(key)); }catch(e){ // } } } function getStore(modules) { let foundCount = 0; let neededObjects = [ { id: "Store", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.Chat && module.default.Msg) ? module.default : null}, { id: "MediaCollection", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && (module.default.prototype.processFiles !== undefined||module.default.prototype.processAttachments !== undefined)) ? module.default : null }, { id: "Conn", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.ref && module.default.refTTL) ? module.default : (module.Conn ? module.Conn : null)}, { id: "MediaProcess", conditions: (module) => (module.BLOB) ? module : null }, { id: "Archive", conditions: (module) => (module.setArchive) ? module : null }, { id: "Block", conditions: (module) => (module.blockContact && module.unblockContact) ? module : null }, { id: "ChatUtil", conditions: (module) => (module.sendClear) ? module : null }, { id: "GroupInvite", conditions: (module) => (module.sendQueryGroupInviteCode ) ? module : null }, { id: "Wap", conditions: (module) => (module.createGroup) ? module : null }, { id: "ServiceWorker", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.killServiceWorker) ? module : null }, { id: "State", conditions: (module) => (module.STATE && module.STREAM) ? module : null }, { id: "_Presence", conditions: (module) => (module.setPresenceAvailable && module.setPresenceUnavailable) ? module : null }, { id: "WapDelete", conditions: (module) => (module.sendConversationDelete && module.sendConversationDelete.length == 2) ? module : null }, { id: 'FindChat', conditions: (module) => (module && module.findChat) ? module : null}, { id: "WapQuery", conditions: (module) => (module.queryExist) ? module : ((module.default && module.default.queryExist) ? module.default : null) },//Mike 28/10/2022 { id: "WapQueryMD", conditions: (module) => (module.queryExists && module.queryPhoneExists) || (module.queryWidExists && module.queryPhoneExists) ? module : null}, //MD Mike 09/11/2021 { id: 'Perfil', conditions: (module) => module.__esModule === true && module.setPushname && !module.getComposeContents ? module : null}, { id: "CryptoLib", conditions: (module) => (module.decryptE2EMedia) ? module : null }, { id: "OpenChat", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.openChat) ? module.default : null }, { id: "UserConstructor", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.isServer && module.default.prototype.isUser) ? module.default : null }, { id: "SendTextMsgToChat", conditions: (module) => (module.sendTextMsgToChat) ? module.sendTextMsgToChat : null }, { id: "ReadSeen", conditions: (module) => (module.sendSeen) ? module : null }, { id: "sendDelete", conditions: (module) => (module.sendDelete) ? module.sendDelete : null }, { id: "addAndSendMsgToChat", conditions: (module) => (module.addAndSendMsgToChat) ? module.addAndSendMsgToChat : null }, { id: "sendMsgToChat", conditions: (module) => (module.sendMsgToChat) ? module.sendMsgToChat : null }, { id: "Catalog", conditions: (module) => (module.Catalog) ? module.Catalog : null }, { id: "bp", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.toString && module.default.toString().includes('bp_unknown_version')) ? module.default : null }, { id: "MsgKey", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.toString && module.default.toString().includes('MsgKey error: obj is null/undefined')) ? module.default : null }, { id: "Parser", conditions: (module) => (module.convertToTextWithoutSpecialEmojis) ? module.default : null }, { id: "Builders", conditions: (module) => (module.TemplateMessage && module.HydratedFourRowTemplate) ? module : null }, { id: "Me", conditions: (module) => (module.PLATFORMS && module.Conn) ? module.default : null }, { id: "CallUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.sendCallEnd && module.parseCall) ? module : null }, { id: "Identity", conditions: (module) => (module.queryIdentity && module.updateIdentity) ? module : null }, { id: "MyStatus", conditions: (module) => (module.getStatus && module.setMyStatus) ? module : null }, { id: "GroupActions", conditions: (module) => (module.sendExitGroup && module.localExitGroup) ? module : null }, { id: "Features", conditions: (module) => (module.FEATURE_CHANGE_EVENT && module.features) ? module : null }, { id: "MessageUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.storeMessages && module.appendMessage) ? module : null }, { id: "WebMessageInfo", conditions: (module) => (module.WebMessageInfo && module.WebFeatures) ? module.WebMessageInfo : null }, { id: "createMessageKey", conditions: (module) => (module.createMessageKey && module.createDeviceSentMessage) ? module.createMessageKey : null }, { id: "Participants", conditions: (module) => (module.addParticipants && module.removeParticipants && module.promoteParticipants && module.demoteParticipants) ? module : null }, { id: "Base", conditions: (module) => (module.setSubProtocol && module.binSend && module.actionNode) ? module : null }, { id: "Versions", conditions: (module) => (module.loadProtoVersions && module.default && module.default["15"] && module.default["16"] && module.default["17"]) ? module : null }, { id: "Sticker", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.Sticker) ? module.default.Sticker : null }, { id: "MediaUpload", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.mediaUpload) ? module.default : null }, { id: "UploadUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.encryptAndUpload) ? module.default : null }, { id: "linkPreview", conditions: (module) => (module.linkPreviewFromContactModel ? module : null)}, { id: 'Vcard', conditions: (module) => (module.vcardFromContactModel ? module : null)}, { id: 'Clock', conditions: (module) => (module.Clock ? module.Clock : null)}, { id: 'TemplateButtonCollection', conditions: (module) => (module.TemplateButtonCollectionImpl || module.TemplateButtonCollection ? module.TemplateButtonCollection : null)}, { id: 'ButtonCollection', conditions: (module) => (module.ButtonCollectionImpl || module.ButtonCollection ? module.ButtonCollection : null)}, { id: "MdCheck", conditions: (module) => (module && module.isLegacyWebdBackend) ? module : null}, { id: "FeatureChecker", conditions: (module) => (module && module.getProtobufFeatureName) ? module : null }, { id: "GetMaybeMeUser", conditions: (module) => (module && module.getMaybeMeUser) ? module : null }, { id: "QueryExist", conditions: (module) => (module.queryExist) ? module : null }, { id: "OpenChat", conditions: (module) => (module.OpenChatFlow) ? module.OpenChatFlow : null }, { id: "ChatUtilsSetArchive", conditions: (module) => (module.setArchive) ? module : null }, { id: "ChatState", conditions: (module) => (module.sendChatStateComposing) ? module : null }, { id: "WidFactory", conditions: (module) => (module.createWid) ? module : null }, { id: "isMDBackend", conditions: (module) => (module.isMDBackend) ? module : null }, { id: "PresenceUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.sendPresenceAvailable) ? module : null }, { id: "MediaPrep", conditions: (module) => (module && module.uploadProductImage && module.MediaPrep) ? module : null }, { id: "EventEmitter", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.toString && module.default.toString().includes('Callback parameter passed is not a function')) ? module.default : null}, { id: "MediaTypeFromProtobufModule", conditions: (module) => (module.mediaTypeFromProtobuf) ? module : null}, { id: "TypeAttributeFromProtobufModule", conditions: (module) => (module.typeAttributeFromProtobuf) ? module : null}, { id: "ChatModel", conditions: (m) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const name = 'ChatModel', baseName = 'Chat', names = [baseName, baseName.replace(/^(\w)/, (l) => l.toLowerCase())] if(names.includes(((_b = (_a = m.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prototype) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.proxyName) || ((_d = (_c = m[name]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.prototype) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.proxyName) || ((_f = (_e = m[baseName]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.prototype) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.proxyName))) { return m.Chat; } return null; }}, { id: "ContactModel", conditions: (m) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const name = 'ContactModel', baseName = 'Contact', names = [baseName, baseName.replace(/^(\w)/, (l) => l.toLowerCase())] if(names.includes(((_b = (_a = m.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prototype) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.proxyName) || ((_d = (_c = m[name]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.prototype) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.proxyName) || ((_f = (_e = m[baseName]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.prototype) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.proxyName))) { return m.default; } return null; }}, ]; window.findModule = function (searchMod) { for (let idx in modules) { if ((typeof modules[idx] === "object") && (modules[idx] !== null)) { const keys = Object.keys(modules[idx]); const src_ = keys.find(k => k.includes(searchMod)); if (src_) { console.log(modules[idx]) } } } } for (let idx in modules) { if ((typeof modules[idx] === "object") && (modules[idx] !== null)) { neededObjects.forEach((needObj) => { if (!needObj.conditions || needObj.foundedModule) return; let neededModule = needObj.conditions(modules[idx]); if (neededModule !== null) { foundCount++; needObj.foundedModule = neededModule; } }); if (foundCount == neededObjects.length) { break; } } } let neededStore = neededObjects.find((needObj) => needObj.id === "Store"); window.Store = neededStore.foundedModule ? neededStore.foundedModule : {}; neededObjects.splice(neededObjects.indexOf(neededStore), 1); neededObjects.forEach((needObj) => { if (needObj.foundedModule) { window.Store[needObj.id] = needObj.foundedModule; } }); window.Store.Chat.modelClass.prototype.sendMessage = function (e) { window.Store.SendTextMsgToChat(this, ...arguments); } //console.log(window.Store) return window.Store; } getStore(modulesFactory); } } const oldMakeStore = () => { console.log("Old script, TInject Community ", (Debug || {}).VERSION) if (!window.Store) { (function () { function getStore(modules) { let foundCount = 0; let neededObjects = [ { id: "Store", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.Chat && module.default.Msg) ? module.default : null}, { id: "Conn", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.ref && module.default.refTTL) ? module.default : (module.Conn ? module.Conn : null)}, { id: "MediaCollection", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && (module.default.prototype.processFiles !== undefined||module.default.prototype.processAttachments !== undefined)) ? module.default : null }, { id: "MediaProcess", conditions: (module) => (module.BLOB) ? module : null }, { id: "Archive", conditions: (module) => (module.setArchive) ? module : null }, { id: "Block", conditions: (module) => (module.blockContact && module.unblockContact) ? module : null }, { id: "ChatUtil", conditions: (module) => (module.sendClear) ? module : null }, { id: "GroupInvite", conditions: (module) => (module.sendQueryGroupInviteCode ) ? module : null }, { id: "Wap", conditions: (module) => (module.createGroup) ? module : null }, { id: "ServiceWorker", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.killServiceWorker) ? module : null }, { id: "State", conditions: (module) => (module.STATE && module.STREAM) ? module : null }, { id: "_Presence", conditions: (module) => (module.setPresenceAvailable && module.setPresenceUnavailable) ? module : null }, { id: "WapDelete", conditions: (module) => (module.sendConversationDelete && module.sendConversationDelete.length == 2) ? module : null }, { id: 'FindChat', conditions: (module) => (module && module.findChat) ? module : null}, { id: "WapQuery", conditions: (module) => (module.queryExist) ? module : ((module.default && module.default.queryExist) ? module.default : null) },//Mike 28/10/2022 { id: "WapQueryMD", conditions: (module) => (module.queryExists && module.queryPhoneExists) || (module.queryWidExists && module.queryPhoneExists) ? module : null}, //MD Mike 09/11/2021 { id: 'Perfil', conditions: (module) => module.__esModule === true && module.setPushname && !module.getComposeContents ? module : null}, { id: "CryptoLib", conditions: (module) => (module.decryptE2EMedia) ? module : null }, { id: "OpenChat", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.openChat) ? module.default : null }, { id: "UserConstructor", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.prototype && module.default.prototype.isServer && module.default.prototype.isUser) ? module.default : null }, { id: "SendTextMsgToChat", conditions: (module) => (module.sendTextMsgToChat) ? module.sendTextMsgToChat : null }, { id: "ReadSeen", conditions: (module) => (module.sendSeen) ? module : null }, { id: "sendDelete", conditions: (module) => (module.sendDelete) ? module.sendDelete : null }, { id: "addAndSendMsgToChat", conditions: (module) => (module.addAndSendMsgToChat) ? module.addAndSendMsgToChat : null }, { id: "sendMsgToChat", conditions: (module) => (module.sendMsgToChat) ? module.sendMsgToChat : null }, { id: "Catalog", conditions: (module) => (module.Catalog) ? module.Catalog : null }, { id: "bp", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.toString && module.default.toString().includes('bp_unknown_version')) ? module.default : null }, { id: "MsgKey", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.toString && module.default.toString().includes('MsgKey error: obj is null/undefined')) ? module.default : null }, { id: "Parser", conditions: (module) => (module.convertToTextWithoutSpecialEmojis) ? module.default : null }, { id: "Builders", conditions: (module) => (module.TemplateMessage && module.HydratedFourRowTemplate) ? module : null }, { id: "Me", conditions: (module) => (module.PLATFORMS && module.Conn) ? module.default : null }, { id: "CallUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.sendCallEnd && module.parseCall) ? module : null }, { id: "Identity", conditions: (module) => (module.queryIdentity && module.updateIdentity) ? module : null }, { id: "MyStatus", conditions: (module) => (module.getStatus && module.setMyStatus) ? module : null }, { id: "GroupActions", conditions: (module) => (module.sendExitGroup && module.localExitGroup) ? module : null }, { id: "Features", conditions: (module) => (module.FEATURE_CHANGE_EVENT && module.features) ? module : null }, { id: "MessageUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.storeMessages && module.appendMessage) ? module : null }, { id: "WebMessageInfo", conditions: (module) => (module.WebMessageInfo && module.WebFeatures) ? module.WebMessageInfo : null }, { id: "createMessageKey", conditions: (module) => (module.createMessageKey && module.createDeviceSentMessage) ? module.createMessageKey : null }, { id: "Participants", conditions: (module) => (module.addParticipants && module.removeParticipants && module.promoteParticipants && module.demoteParticipants) ? module : null }, { id: "Base", conditions: (module) => (module.setSubProtocol && module.binSend && module.actionNode) ? module : null }, { id: "Versions", conditions: (module) => (module.loadProtoVersions && module.default && module.default["15"] && module.default["16"] && module.default["17"]) ? module : null }, { id: "Sticker", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.Sticker) ? module.default.Sticker : null }, { id: "MediaUpload", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.mediaUpload) ? module.default : null }, { id: "UploadUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.encryptAndUpload) ? module.default : null }, { id: "linkPreview", conditions: (module) => (module.linkPreviewFromContactModel ? module : null)}, { id: 'Vcard', conditions: (module) => (module.vcardFromContactModel ? module : null)}, { id: 'Clock', conditions: (module) => (module.Clock ? module.Clock : null)}, { id: 'TemplateButtonCollection', conditions: (module) => (module.TemplateButtonCollectionImpl || module.TemplateButtonCollection ? module.TemplateButtonCollection : null)}, { id: 'ButtonCollection', conditions: (module) => (module.ButtonCollectionImpl || module.ButtonCollection ? module.ButtonCollection : null)}, { id: "MdCheck", conditions: (module) => (module && module.isLegacyWebdBackend) ? module : null}, { id: "FeatureChecker", conditions: (module) => (module && module.getProtobufFeatureName) ? module : null }, { id: "GetMaybeMeUser", conditions: (module) => (module && module.getMaybeMeUser) ? module : null }, { id: "QueryExist", conditions: (module) => (module.queryExist) ? module : null }, { id: "OpenChat", conditions: (module) => (module.OpenChatFlow) ? module.OpenChatFlow : null }, { id: "ChatUtilsSetArchive", conditions: (module) => (module.setArchive) ? module : null }, { id: "ChatState", conditions: (module) => (module.sendChatStateComposing) ? module : null }, { id: "WidFactory", conditions: (module) => (module.createWid) ? module : null }, { id: "isMDBackend", conditions: (module) => (module.isMDBackend) ? module : null }, { id: "PresenceUtils", conditions: (module) => (module.sendPresenceAvailable) ? module : null }, { id: "MediaPrep", conditions: (module) => (module && module.uploadProductImage && module.MediaPrep) ? module : null }, { id: "EventEmitter", conditions: (module) => (module.default && module.default.toString && module.default.toString().includes('Callback parameter passed is not a function')) ? module.default : null}, { id: "MediaTypeFromProtobufModule", conditions: (module) => (module.mediaTypeFromProtobuf) ? module : null}, { id: "TypeAttributeFromProtobufModule", conditions: (module) => (module.typeAttributeFromProtobuf) ? module : null}, { id: "ChatModel", conditions: (m) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const name = 'ChatModel', baseName = 'Chat', names = [baseName, baseName.replace(/^(\w)/, (l) => l.toLowerCase())] if(names.includes(((_b = (_a = m.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prototype) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.proxyName) || ((_d = (_c = m[name]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.prototype) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.proxyName) || ((_f = (_e = m[baseName]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.prototype) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.proxyName))) { return m.Chat; } return null; }}, { id: "ContactModel", conditions: (m) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const name = 'ContactModel', baseName = 'Contact', names = [baseName, baseName.replace(/^(\w)/, (l) => l.toLowerCase())] if(names.includes(((_b = (_a = m.default) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.prototype) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.proxyName) || ((_d = (_c = m[name]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.prototype) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.proxyName) || ((_f = (_e = m[baseName]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.prototype) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.proxyName))) { return m.default; } return null; }}, ]; window.findModule = function (searchMod) { for (let idx in modules) { if ((typeof modules[idx] === "object") && (modules[idx] !== null)) { const keys = Object.keys(modules[idx]); const src_ = keys.find(k => k.includes(searchMod)); if (src_) { console.log(modules[idx]) } } } } for (let idx in modules) { if ((typeof modules[idx] === "object") && (modules[idx] !== null)) { neededObjects.forEach((needObj) => { if (!needObj.conditions || needObj.foundedModule) return; let neededModule = needObj.conditions(modules[idx]); if (neededModule !== null) { foundCount++; needObj.foundedModule = neededModule; } }); if (foundCount == neededObjects.length) { break; } } } let neededStore = neededObjects.find((needObj) => needObj.id === "Store"); window.Store = neededStore.foundedModule ? neededStore.foundedModule : {}; neededObjects.splice(neededObjects.indexOf(neededStore), 1); neededObjects.forEach((needObj) => { if (needObj.foundedModule) { window.Store[needObj.id] = needObj.foundedModule; } }); window.Store.Chat.modelClass.prototype.sendMessage = function (e) { window.Store.SendTextMsgToChat(this, ...arguments); } return window.Store; } if (typeof webpackJsonp === 'function') { webpackJsonp([], {'parasite': (x, y, z) => getStore(z)}, ['parasite']); } else { let tag = new Date().getTime(); webpackChunkwhatsapp_web_client.push([ ["parasite" + tag], { }, function (o, e, t) { let modules = []; for (let idx in o.m) { let module = o(idx); modules.push(module); } getStore(modules); } ]); } })(); } } const chooseFunction = () => { versionString = (Debug || {}).VERSION; versionNumber = parseFloat(versionString); comparisonNumber = 2.3; return (versionNumber >= comparisonNumber) ? newMakeStore() : oldMakeStore() } chooseFunction(); window.WAPI = {}; window._WAPI = {}; window.WAPI._serializeRawObj = (obj) => { if (obj && obj.toJSON) { return obj.toJSON(); } return {} }; /** * Serializes a chat object * * @param rawChat Chat object * @returns {{}} */ window.WAPI._serializeChatObj = (obj) => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; } return Object.assign(window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj), { kind: obj.kind, isGroup: obj.isGroup, formattedTitle: obj.formattedTitle, contact: obj['contact'] ? window.WAPI._serializeContactObj(obj['contact']) : null, groupMetadata: obj["groupMetadata"] ? window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj["groupMetadata"]) : null, presence: obj["presence"] ? window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj["presence"]) : null, msgs: null }); }; window.WAPI._serializeContactObj = (obj) => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; } let profilePhoto = window.Store.ProfilePicThumb._index[obj.__x_id._serialized] ? window.Store.ProfilePicThumb._index[obj.__x_id._serialized].__x_imgFull : {} return Object.assign(window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj), { id: obj.id._serialized, formattedName: obj.formattedName, isHighLevelVerified: obj.isHighLevelVerified, isMe: obj.isMe, isMyContact: obj.isMyContact, isPSA: obj.isPSA, isUser: obj.isUser, isVerified: obj.isVerified, isWAContact: obj.isWAContact, profilePicThumb: profilePhoto, statusMute: obj.statusMute, msgs: null }); }; window.WAPI._serializeMessageObj = (obj) => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; } const _chat = obj['chat'] ? WAPI._serializeChatObj(obj['chat']) : {}; return Object.assign(window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj), { id: obj.id._serialized, //add 02/06/2020 mike --> quotedParticipant: obj.quotedParticipant? obj.quotedParticipant._serialized ? obj.quotedParticipant._serialized : undefined : undefined, author: obj.author? obj.author._serialized ? obj.author._serialized : undefined : undefined, chatId: obj.chatId? obj.chatId._serialized ? obj.chatId._serialized : undefined : undefined, to: obj.to? obj.to._serialized ? obj.to._serialized : undefined : undefined, fromMe: obj.id.fromMe, //add 02/06/2020 mike <-- sender: obj["senderObj"] ? WAPI._serializeContactObj(obj["senderObj"]) : null, timestamp: obj["t"], content: obj["body"], isGroupMsg: obj.isGroupMsg, isLink: obj.isLink, isMMS: obj.isMMS, isMedia: obj.isMedia, isNotification: obj.isNotification, isPSA: obj.isPSA, type: obj.type, chat: _chat, isOnline: _chat.isOnline, lastSeen: _chat.lastSeen, chatId: obj.id.remote, quotedMsgObj: WAPI._serializeMessageObj(obj['_quotedMsgObj']), mediaData: window.WAPI._serializeRawObj(obj['mediaData']), reply: body => window.WAPI.reply(_chat.id._serialized, body, obj) }); }; window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObj = (obj) => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; } return Object.assign({}, { id: obj.jid, status: obj.status, isBusiness: (obj.biz === true), canReceiveMessage: (obj.status === 200) }); }; window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObjMD = (obj) => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; } let awid = false var _awid = ""+obj.wid+"" if (_awid.length > 0){ awid = true } else { awid = false } console.log('_awid: '+ awid) return Object.assign({}, { id: obj.wid, status: awid }); }; window.WAPI._serializeProfilePicThumb = (obj) => { if (obj == undefined) { return null; } return Object.assign({}, { eurl: obj.eurl, id: obj.id, img: obj.img, imgFull: obj.__x_imgFull, raw: obj.raw, tag: obj.tag }); } const sendCreateGroup = async (groupName, participants) => { return await Store.Wap.createGroup(groupName, participants).then((e) => ({ gid: e.wid, participants: e.participants.map((e) => ({ userWid: e.wid, code: null != e.error ? e.error.toString() : '200', invite_code: e.invite_code, invite_code_exp: e.invite_code_exp, })), })); } window.WAPI.createGroup = async function (groupName, participantsIds) { var _a; if (!Array.isArray(participantsIds)) { participantsIds = [participantsIds]; } const participantsWids = participantsIds.map(assertWid); const meWid = Store.UserPrefs.getMaybeMeUser(); const wids = []; for (const wid of participantsWids) { if (meWid.equals(wid)) { continue; } const contact = Store.Contact.get(wid); if (contact) { wids.push(contact.id); continue; } const info = await Store.WapQueryMD.queryExists(wid); if (!info) { throw new Error('Participant not exists, id:' + wid); } if (meWid.equals(info.wid)) { continue; } wids.push(info.wid); } const result = await sendCreateGroup(groupName, wids); const participants = {}; for (const r of result.participants || []) { let userWid = null; let code = null; let invite_code = null; let invite_code_exp = null; if ('userWid' in r) { userWid = r.userWid.toString(); code = r.code; invite_code = r.invite_code; invite_code_exp = r.invite_code_exp; } else { userWid = Object.keys(r)[0]; const d = r[userWid]; code = d.code; invite_code = d.invite_code; invite_code_exp = d.invite_code_exp; } participants[userWid] = { wid: userWid, code: Number(code), invite_code: invite_code, invite_code_exp: Number(invite_code_exp) || null, }; } return { gid: result.gid, participants, }; }; window.WAPI.leaveGroup = function(groupId) { groupId = typeof groupId == "string" ? groupId : groupId._serialized; var group = WAPI.getChat(groupId); return Store.GroupActions.sendExitGroup(group) }; window.WAPI.getAllContacts = function(done) { const contacts = window.Store.Contact.map((contact) => WAPI._serializeContactObj(contact)); if (done !== undefined) done(contacts); SetConsoleMessage("getAllContacts", JSON.stringify(contacts)); return contacts; }; /** * Fetches all contact objects from store, filters them * * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {Array|*} List of contacts */ window.WAPI.getMyContacts = function(done) { const contacts = window.Store.Contact.filter((contact) => contact.isMyContact === true).map((contact) => WAPI._serializeContactObj(contact)); if (done !== undefined) done(contacts); return contacts; }; /** * Fetches contact object from store by ID * * @param id ID of contact * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {T|*} Contact object */ window.WAPI.getContact = function(id, done) { const found = window.Store.Contact.get(id); if (done !== undefined) done(window.WAPI._serializeContactObj(found)) return window.WAPI._serializeContactObj(found); }; /** * Fetches all chat objects from store * * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {Array|*} List of chats */ window.WAPI.getAllChats = function(done) { const chats = window.Store.Chat.map((chat) => WAPI._serializeChatObj(chat)); if (done !== undefined) done(chats); SetConsoleMessage("getAllChats", JSON.stringify(chats)); return chats; }; window.WAPI.haveNewMsg = function(chat) { return chat.unreadCount > 0; }; window.WAPI.getAllChatsWithNewMsg = function(done) { const chats = window.Store.Chat.filter(window.WAPI.haveNewMsg).map((chat) => WAPI._serializeChatObj(chat)); if (done !== undefined) done(chats); return chats; }; /** * Fetches all chat IDs from store * * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {Array|*} List of chat id's */ window.WAPI.getAllChatIds = function(done) { const chatIds = window.Store.Chat.map((chat) => chat.id._serialized || chat.id); if (done !== undefined) done(chatIds); return chatIds; }; window.WAPI.getAllNewMessages = async function () { return JSON.stringify(WAPI.getAllChatsWithNewMsg().map(c => WAPI.getChat(c.id._serialized)).map(c => c.msgs._models.filter(x => x.isNewMsg)) || []) } /** * Fetches all groups objects from store * * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {Array|*} List of chats */ window.WAPI.getAllGroups = function(done) { let groups = window.Store.Chat.filter((chat) => chat.isGroup); if (done !== undefined) done(groups); let arrGroups = []; let arr = groups; arr.forEach((v , i) => { arrGroups.push(arr[i]['id']['_serialized']+' '+arr[i]['formattedTitle']); }) SetConsoleMessage("getAllGroups", JSON.stringify(arrGroups)); }; //01/06/2020 window.WAPI.getAllGroupsList = function(done) { const contacts = window.Store.Contact.map((contact) => WAPI._serializeContactObj(contact)); if (done !== undefined) done(contacts); SetConsoleMessage("getAllGroups", JSON.stringify(contacts)); return contacts; }; /** * Sets the chat state * * @param {0|1|2} chatState The state you want to set for the chat. Can be TYPING (1), RECRDING (2) or PAUSED (3); * returns {boolean} */ window.WAPI.sendChatstate = async function (state, chatId) { switch(state) { case 0: await window.Store.ChatStates.sendChatStateComposing(chatId); break; case 1: await window.Store.ChatStates.sendChatStateRecording(chatId); break; case 2: await window.Store.ChatStates.sendChatStatePaused(chatId); break; default: return false } return true; }; /** * Fetches chat object from store by ID * * @param id ID of chat * @returns {T|*} Chat object */ window.WAPI.getChat = function (id) { id = typeof id == "string" ? id : id._serialized; const found = window.Store.Chat.get(id); if (found) found.sendMessage = (found.sendMessage) ? found.sendMessage : function () { return window.Store.sendMessage.apply(this, arguments); }; return found; } window.WAPI.getChatByName = function(name, done) { const found = window.Store.FindChat.findChat((chat) => chat.name === name); if (done !== undefined) done(found); return found; }; window.WAPI.sendImageFromDatabasePicBot = function (picId, chatId, caption) { var chatDatabase = window.WAPI.getChatByName('DATABASEPICBOT'); var msgWithImg = chatDatabase.msgs.find((msg) => msg.caption == picId); if (msgWithImg === undefined) { return false; } var chatSend = WAPI.getChat(chatId); if (chatSend === undefined) { return false; } const oldCaption = msgWithImg.caption; msgWithImg.id.id = window.WAPI.getNewId(); msgWithImg.id.remote = chatId; msgWithImg.t = Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000); msgWithImg.to = chatId; if (caption !== undefined && caption !== '') { msgWithImg.caption = caption; } else { msgWithImg.caption = ''; } msgWithImg.collection.send(msgWithImg).then(function (e) { msgWithImg.caption = oldCaption; }); return true; }; window.WAPI.getGeneratedUserAgent = function (useragent) { if (!useragent.includes('WhatsApp')) return 'WhatsApp/0.4.315 ' + useragent; return useragent.replace(useragent.match(/WhatsApp\/([.\d])*/g)[0].match(/[.\d]*/g).find(x => x), window.Debug.VERSION) } window.WAPI.getWAVersion = function () { return window.Debug.VERSION; } /** * Automatically sends a link with the auto generated link preview. You can also add a custom message to be added. * @param chatId * @param url string A link, for example for youtube. e.g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61O-Galzc5M * @param text string Custom text as body of the message, this needs to include the link or it will be appended after the link. */ window.WAPI.sendLinkWithAutoPreview = async function (chatId, url, text) { var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatId, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); const fromwWid = await window.Store.Conn.wid; const linkPreview = await Store.WapQuery.queryLinkPreview(url) let queue = await Store.Contact.get(chatId); const contact = await Store.FindChat.findChat(idUser) const newChat = await Object.assign(queue, contact); var newId = window.WAPI.getNewMessageId(chatId); var message = { id: newId, ack: 0, body: `${url}\n${text}`, //from: fromwWid._serialized, //MD from: fromwWid, to: contact.id, local: !0, self: 'out', t: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), isNewMsg: !0, type: 'chat', subtype: 'url', canonicalUrl: linkPreview.canonicalUrl, description: linkPreview.description, doNotPlayInline: linkPreview.doNotPlayInline, matchedText: linkPreview.matchedText, preview: linkPreview.preview, thumbnail: linkPreview.thumbnail, title: linkPreview.title }; return await Promise.all(Store.addAndSendMsgToChat(newChat, message)) } window.WAPI.sendMessageWithThumb = function (thumb, url, title, description, text, chatId) { var chatSend = WAPI.getChat(chatId); if (chatSend === undefined) { return false; } var linkPreview = { canonicalUrl: url, description: description, matchedText: url, title: title, thumbnail: thumb // Thumbnail max size allowed: 200x200 }; chatSend.sendMessage(text.includes(url) ? text : `${url}\n${text}`, { linkPreview: linkPreview, mentionedJidList: [], quotedMsg: null, quotedMsgAdminGroupJid: null }); return true; }; window.WAPI.getNewId = function() { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); return text; }; window.WAPI.getChatById = function(id, done) { let found = WAPI.getChat(id); if (found) { found = WAPI._serializeChatObj(found); } else { found = false; } if (done !== undefined) done(found); return found; }; /** * Retorno todas as mensagens nao lidas de um bate-papo solicitado e as marca como lidas. * * :param id: chat id * :type id: string * * :param includeMe: indicates if user messages have to be included * :type includeMe: boolean * * :param includeNotifications: indicates if notifications have to be included * :type includeNotifications: boolean * * :param done: callback passed by selenium * :type done: function * * :returns: list of unread messages from asked chat * :rtype: object */ window.WAPI.getUnreadMessagesInChat = function(id, includeMe, includeNotifications, done) { // get chat and its messages let chat = WAPI.getChat(id); let messages = chat.msgs._models; // initialize result list let output = []; // look for unread messages, newest is at the end of array for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // system message: skip it if (i === "remove") { continue; } // get message let messageObj = messages[i]; // found a read message: stop looking for others if (typeof(messageObj.isNewMsg) !== "boolean" || messageObj.isNewMsg === false) { continue; } else { messageObj.isNewMsg = false; // process it let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(messageObj, includeMe, includeNotifications); // save processed message on result list if (message) output.push(message); } } // callback was passed: run it if (done !== undefined) done(output); // return result list return output; }; /** * Load more messages in chat object from store by ID * * @param id ID of chat * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns None */ window.WAPI.loadEarlierMessages = function(id, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); if (done !== undefined) { found.loadEarlierMsgs().then(function() { done() }); } else { found.loadEarlierMsgs(); } }; /** * Load more messages in chat object from store by ID * * @param id ID of chat * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns None */ window.WAPI.loadAllEarlierMessages = function(id, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); x = function() { if (!found.msgs.msgLoadState.noEarlierMsgs) { found.loadEarlierMsgs().then(x); } else if (done) { done(); } }; x(); }; window.WAPI.asyncLoadAllEarlierMessages = function(id, done) { done(); window.WAPI.loadAllEarlierMessages(id); }; window.WAPI.areAllMessagesLoaded = function(id, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); if (!found.msgs.msgLoadState.noEarlierMsgs) { if (done) done(false); return false } if (done) done(true); return true }; /** * Load more messages in chat object from store by ID till a particular date * * @param id ID of chat * @param lastMessage UTC timestamp of last message to be loaded * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns None */ window.WAPI.loadEarlierMessagesTillDate = function(id, lastMessage, done) { const found = WAPI.getChat(id); x = function() { if (found.msgs.models[0].t > lastMessage) { found.loadEarlierMsgs().then(x); } else { done(); } }; x(); }; /** * Fetches all group metadata objects from store * * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {Array|*} List of group metadata */ window.WAPI.getAllGroupMetadata = function(done) { const groupData = window.Store.GroupMetadata.map((groupData) => groupData.all); if (done !== undefined) done(groupData); return groupData; }; /** * Fetches group metadata object from store by ID * * @param id ID of group * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {T|*} Group metadata object */ window.WAPI.getGroupMetadata = async function (id) { return window.Store.GroupMetadata.find(id); }; /** * Fetches group participants * * @param id ID of group * @returns {Promise.<*>} Yields group metadata * @private */ window.WAPI._getGroupParticipants = async function(id) { const metadata = await WAPI.getGroupMetadata(id); return metadata.participants; }; /** * Fetches IDs of group participants * * @param id ID of group * @param done Optional callback function for async execution * @returns {Promise.} Yields list of IDs */ window.WAPI.getGroupParticipantIDs = async function(id, done) { const output = (await WAPI._getGroupParticipants(id)) .map((participant) => participant.id); if (done !== undefined) done(output); getAllGroupContacts(JSON.stringify(output)); return output; }; window.WAPI.getGroupAdmins = async function(id, done) { const output = (await WAPI._getGroupParticipants(id)) .filter((participant) => participant.isAdmin) .map((admin) => admin.id); if (done !== undefined) done(output); let arrGroupAdm = []; let arr = output; arr.forEach((v , i) => { arrGroupAdm.push(arr[i]['_serialized']); }) SetConsoleMessage("getAllGroupAdmins", JSON.stringify(arrGroupAdm)); return output; }; /** * Gets object representing the logged in user * * @returns {Array|*|$q.all} */ window.WAPI.getMe = function(done) { const rawMe = window.Store.Contact.get(window.Store.Conn.me); if (done !== undefined) done(rawMe.all); return rawMe.all; }; window.WAPI.isLoggedIn = function(done) { // Contact always exists when logged in const isLogged = window.Store.Contact || window.Store.Contact._contactHashes !== undefined; if (done !== undefined) done(isLogged); return isLogged; }; //Funcao para saber o status do servico - Mike 26/02/2020 window.WAPI.isConnected = function (done) { const isConnected = document.querySelector('*[data-icon="alert-phone"]') !== null ? false : true; if (done !== undefined) done(isConnected); SetConsoleMessage("GetCheckIsConnected", JSON.stringify(isConnected)); return isConnected; }; window.WAPI.teste = function (url) { var lUrl = window.Store.ProfilePicThumb._index[url].__x_imgFull; convertImgToBase64URL(lUrl, function(base64Img){ SetConsoleMessage("GetProfilePicThumb", JSON.stringify(base64Img)); }); }; window.WAPI.getProfilePicFromServer = function (id) { return Store.WapQuery.profilePicFind(id).then(x => console.log(x.eurl)); } window.WAPI.getProfilePicSmallFromId = async function (id) { return await window.Store.ProfilePicThumb.find(id).then(async d=> { if (d.img !== undefined) { return await window.WAPI.downloadFileWithCredentials(d.img); } else { return false } }, function (e) { return false }) }; window.WAPI.processMessageObj = function(messageObj, includeMe, includeNotifications) { if (messageObj.isNotification) { if (includeNotifications) return WAPI._serializeMessageObj(messageObj); else return; // System message // (i.e. "Messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption...") } else if (messageObj.id.fromMe === false || includeMe) { return WAPI._serializeMessageObj(messageObj); } //SetConsoleMessage("processMessageObj", JSON.stringify(messageObj)); return; }; window.WAPI.getAllMessagesInChat = function(id, includeMe, includeNotifications, done) { const chat = WAPI.getChat(id); let output = []; const messages = chat.msgs._models; for (const i in messages) { if (i === "remove") { continue; } const messageObj = messages[i]; //Miro Emidio - 05/Dez/2019 Alterado para funcionamento em WHATS empresarial/pessoal let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(messageObj, includeMe, false) //includeNotifications if (message) output.push(message); } if (done !== undefined) done(output); return output; }; window.WAPI.getAllMessageIdsInChat = function(id, includeMe, includeNotifications, done) { const chat = WAPI.getChat(id); let output = []; const messages = chat.msgs._models; for (const i in messages) { if ((i === "remove") || (!includeMe && messages[i].isMe) || (!includeNotifications && messages[i].isNotification)) { continue; } output.push(messages[i].id._serialized); } if (done !== undefined) done(output); return output; }; window.WAPI.getMessageById = function(id, done) { let result = false; try { let msg = window.Store.Msg.get(id); if (msg) { result = WAPI.processMessageObj(msg, true, true); } } catch (err) {} if (done !== undefined) { done(result); } else { return result; } }; window.WAPI.ReplyMessage = function(idMessage, message, done) { var messageObject = window.Store.Msg.get(idMessage); if (messageObject === undefined) { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } messageObject = messageObject.value(); const chat = WAPI.getChat(messageObject.chat.id) if (chat !== undefined) { if (done !== undefined) { chat.sendMessage(message, null, messageObject).then(function() { function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } var trials = 0; function check() { for (let i = chat.msgs.models.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let msg = chat.msgs.models[i]; if (!msg.senderObj.isMe || msg.body != message) { continue; } done(WAPI._serializeMessageObj(msg)); return True; } trials += 1; console.log(trials); if (trials > 30) { done(true); return; } sleep(500).then(check); } check(); }); return true; } else { chat.sendMessage(message, null, messageObject); return true; } } else { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } }; window.WAPI.sendMessage = function(id, message, done) { var chat = WAPI.getChat(id); if (chat !== undefined) { if (done !== undefined) { chat.sendMessage(message).then(function() { function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } var trials = 0; function check() { for (let i = chat.msgs.models.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let msg = chat.msgs.models[i]; if (!msg.senderObj.isMe || msg.body != message) { continue; } done(WAPI._serializeMessageObj(msg)); return True; } trials += 1; console.log(trials); if (trials > 30) { done(true); return; } sleep(500).then(check); } check(); }); return true; } else { chat.sendMessage(message); return true; } } else { if (done !== undefined) done(false); return false; } }; window.WAPI.sendMessage2 = function(id, message, done) { var chat = WAPI.getChat(id); if (chat !== undefined) { try { if (done !== undefined) { chat.sendMessage(message).then(function() { done(true); }); } else { chat.sendMessage(message); } return true; } catch (error) { if (done !== undefined) done(false) return false; } } if (done !== undefined) done(false) return false; }; //Funcao adicionada em 18/06/2020 by Mike window.WAPI.sendSeen = async function (id) { if (!id) return false; var chat = window.WAPI.getChat(id); if (chat !== undefined) { await Store.ReadSeen.sendSeen(chat, false); return true; } return false; }; function isChatMessage(message) { if (message.isSentByMe) { return false; } if (message.isNotification) { return false; } if (!message.isUserCreatedType) { return false; } return true; } window.WAPI.getUnreadMessages = function(includeMe, includeNotifications, use_unread_count, done) { const chats = window.Store.Chat._models; let output = []; for (let chat in chats) { if (isNaN(chat)) { continue; } let messageGroupObj = chats[chat]; let messageGroup = WAPI._serializeChatObj(messageGroupObj); messageGroup.messages = []; const messages = messageGroupObj.msgs._models; for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let messageObj = messages[i]; if (typeof(messageObj.isNewMsg) != "boolean" || messageObj.isNewMsg === false) { continue; } else { messageObj.isNewMsg = false; //Miro Emidio - 05/Dez/2019 Alterado para funcionamento em WHATS empresarial/pessoal let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(messageObj, includeMe, false); //includeNotifications);// MUDAR PARA "FALSE" AQUI if (message) { messageGroup.messages.push(message); } } } if (messageGroup.messages.length > 0) { output.push(messageGroup); } else { // no messages with isNewMsg true if (use_unread_count) { let n = messageGroupObj.unreadCount; // usara o atributo unreadCount para buscar as ultimas n mensagens do remetente for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let messageObj = messages[i]; if (n > 0) { if (!messageObj.fromMe) { let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(messageObj, includeMe, includeNotifications); messageGroup.messages.unshift(message); n -= 1; } } else if (n === -1) { // chat was marked as unread so will fetch last message as unread if (!messageObj.fromMe) { let message = WAPI.processMessageObj(messageObj, includeMe, includeNotifications); messageGroup.messages.unshift(message); break; } } else { // unreadCount = 0 break; } } if (messageGroup.messages.length > 0) { messageGroupObj.unreadCount = 0; // reset unread counter output.push(messageGroup); } } } } if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } //mike teste 16/02/2021 tentativa de retornar imagem de perfil SetConsoleMessage("getUnreadMessages", JSON.stringify(output)); return output; }; window.WAPI.getGroupOwnerID = async function(id, done) { const output = (await WAPI.getGroupMetadata(id)).owner.id; if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } SetConsoleMessage("getGroupOwnerID", JSON.stringify(output)); return output; }; window.WAPI.getCommonGroups = async function(id, done) { let output = []; groups = window.WAPI.getAllGroups(); for (let idx in groups) { try { participants = await window.WAPI.getGroupParticipantIDs(groups[idx].id); if (participants.filter((participant) => participant == id).length) { output.push(groups[idx]); } } catch (err) { console.log("Error in group:"); console.log(groups[idx]); console.log(err); } } if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } return output; }; window.WAPI.getProfilePicSmallFromId = function(id, done) { window.Store.ProfilePicThumb.find(id).then(function(d) { if (d.img !== undefined) { window.WAPI.downloadFileWithCredentials(d.img, done); } else { done(false); } }, function(e) { done(false); }) }; window.WAPI.getProfilePicFromId = function(id, done) { window.Store.ProfilePicThumb.find(id).then(function(d) { if (d.imgFull !== undefined) { window.WAPI.downloadFileWithCredentials(d.imgFull, done); } else { done(false); } }, function(e) { done(false); }) }; window.WAPI.downloadFileWithCredentials = function(url, done) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response); reader.onload = function(e) { done(reader.result.substr(reader.result.indexOf(',') + 1)) }; } else { console.error(xhr.statusText); } } else { console.log(err); done(false); } }; xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.send(null); }; window.WAPI.downloadFile = function(url, done) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response); reader.onload = function(e) { done(reader.result.substr(reader.result.indexOf(',') + 1)) }; } else { console.error(xhr.statusText); } } else { console.log(err); done(false); } }; xhr.open("GET", url, true); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.send(null); }; window.WAPI.getBatteryLevel = function(done) { if (window.Store.Conn.plugged) { if (done !== undefined) { done(100); } output = 100; return SetConsoleMessage("getBatteryLevel", JSON.stringify(output)); } output = window.Store.Conn.battery; if (done !== undefined) { done(output); } SetConsoleMessage("getBatteryLevel", JSON.stringify(output)); return output; }; window.WAPI.deleteConversation = async function (chatId) { let userId = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatId, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); let conversation = WAPI.getChat(userId); if (!conversation) { return false; } return await window.Store.sendDelete(conversation, false).then(() => { return true; }).catch(() => { return false; }); }; window.WAPI.deleteMessage = function(chatId, messageArray, revoke = false, done) { let userId = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatId, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); let conversation = WAPI.getChat(userId); if (!conversation) { if (done !== undefined) { done(false); } return false; } if (!Array.isArray(messageArray)) { messageArray = [messageArray]; } if (revoke) { conversation.sendRevokeMsgs(messageArray, conversation); } else { conversation.sendDeleteMsgs(messageArray, conversation); } if (done !== undefined) { done(true); } return true; }; /** * New messages observable functions. */ window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue = []; window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer = (sessionStorage.getItem('saved_msgs') != null) ? JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('saved_msgs')) : []; window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer = null; window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks = []; window.Store.Msg.off('add'); sessionStorage.removeItem('saved_msgs'); window.WAPI._newMessagesListener = window.Store.Msg.on('add', (newMessage) => { if (newMessage && newMessage.isNewMsg && !newMessage.isSentByMe) { let message = window.WAPI.processMessageObj(newMessage, false, false); if (message) { window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue.push(message); window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer.push(message); } // Starts debouncer time to don t call a callback for each message if more than one message arrives // in the same second if (!window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer && window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue.length > 0) { window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer = setTimeout(() => { let queuedMessages = window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue; window.WAPI._newMessagesDebouncer = null; window.WAPI._newMessagesQueue = []; let removeCallbacks = []; window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.forEach(function(callbackObj) { if (callbackObj.callback !== undefined) { callbackObj.callback(queuedMessages); } if (callbackObj.rmAfterUse === true) { removeCallbacks.push(callbackObj); } }); // Remove removable callbacks. removeCallbacks.forEach(function(rmCallbackObj) { let callbackIndex = window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.indexOf(rmCallbackObj); window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.splice(callbackIndex, 1); }); }, 1000); } } }); window.WAPI._unloadInform = (event) => { // Save in the buffer the ungot unreaded messages window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer.forEach((message) => { Object.keys(message).forEach(key => message[key] === undefined ? delete message[key] : ''); }); sessionStorage.setItem("saved_msgs", JSON.stringify(window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer)); // Inform callbacks that the page will be reloaded. window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.forEach(function(callbackObj) { if (callbackObj.callback !== undefined) { callbackObj.callback({ status: -1, message: 'page will be reloaded, wait and register callback again.' }); } }); }; window.addEventListener("unload", window.WAPI._unloadInform, false); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", window.WAPI._unloadInform, false); window.addEventListener("pageunload", window.WAPI._unloadInform, false); /** * Registers a callback to be called when a new message arrives the WAPI. * @param rmCallbackAfterUse - Boolean - Specify if the callback need to be executed only once * @param done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. * @returns {boolean} */ window.WAPI.waitNewMessages = function(rmCallbackAfterUse = true, done) { window.WAPI._newMessagesCallbacks.push({ callback: done, rmAfterUse: rmCallbackAfterUse }); return true; }; /** * Reads buffered new messages. * @param done - function - Callback function to be called contained the buffered messages. * @returns {Array} */ window.WAPI.getBufferedNewMessages = function(done) { let bufferedMessages = window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer; window.WAPI._newMessagesBuffer = []; if (done !== undefined) { done(bufferedMessages); } return bufferedMessages; }; /** End new messages observable functions **/ window.WAPI.sendImage = function(imgBase64, chatid, filename, caption) { var idUser = new Store.WidFactory.createWid(chatid, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); return Store.FindChat.findChat(idUser).then((chat) => { var mediaBlob = window.WAPI.base64ImageToFile(imgBase64, filename); var mc = new Store.MediaCollection(chat); mc.processAttachments([{file: mediaBlob}, 1], 1, chat).then(() => { let media = mc._models[0]; media.sendToChat(chat, {caption:caption}); return true; }); }); } window.WAPI.sendMessageToID = function(chatid, msgText) { var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatid, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); console.log(idUser) const teste = Store.FindChat.findChat(idUser) .then(chatid => { console.log(teste) var mc = new Store.SendTextMsgToChat(chatid, msgText); return true; }) return teste } window.WAPI.base64ImageToFile = function(b64Data, filename) { var arr = b64Data.split(','); var mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1]; var bstr = atob(arr[1]); var n = bstr.length; var u8arr = new Uint8Array(n); while (n--) { u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n); } return new File([u8arr], filename, { type: mime }); }; /** * Send contact card to a specific chat using the chat ids * * @param {string} chatId '000000000000@c.us' * @param {string|array} contacts '111111111111@c.us' | ['222222222222@c.us', '333333333333@c.us, ... 'nnnnnnnnnnnn@c.us'] */ window.WAPI.sendContact = function(chatId, contacts, options = {}) { options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultSendMessageOptionsWAPI), options); if (!Array.isArray(contacts)) { contacts = [contacts]; } const vcards = []; for (const contact of contacts) { let id = ''; let name = ''; if (typeof contact === 'object' && 'name' in contact) { id = contact.id.toString(); name = contact.name; } else { id = contact.toString(); } let contactModel = Store.Contact.get(id); if (!contactModel) { contactModel = new Store.ContactModel({ id: assertWid(id), name, }); } if (!name && contactModel.id.equals(Store.UserPrefs.getMaybeMeUser())) { name = contactModel.displayName; } if (name) { // Create a clone contactModel = new Store.ContactModel(contactModel.attributes); contactModel.name = name; Object.defineProperty(contactModel, 'formattedName', { value: name }); Object.defineProperty(contactModel, 'displayName', { value: name }); } vcards.push(Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(contactModel)); } const message = {}; if (vcards.length === 1) { message.type = 'vcard'; message.body = vcards[0].vcard; message.vcardFormattedName = vcards[0].displayName; } else { message.type = 'multi_vcard'; message.vcardList = vcards; } return WAPI.sendRawMessageWAPI(chatId, message, options); }; /** * Create an chat ID based in a cloned one * * @param {string} chatId '000000000000@c.us' */ window.WAPI.getNewMessageId = function(chatId) { var newMsgId = Store.Msg._models[0].__x_id.clone(); newMsgId.fromMe = true; newMsgId.id = WAPI.getNewId().toUpperCase(); newMsgId.remote = chatId; newMsgId._serialized = `${newMsgId.fromMe}_${newMsgId.remote}_${newMsgId.id}` return newMsgId; }; /** * Send VCARD * * @param {string} chatId '000000000000@c.us' * @param {string} vcard vcard as a string * @param {string} contactName The display name for the contact. CANNOT BE NULL OTHERWISE IT WILL SEND SOME RANDOM CONTACT FROM YOUR ADDRESS BOOK. * @param {string} contactNumber If supplied, this will be injected into the vcard (VERSION 3 ONLY FROM VCARDJS) with the WA id to make it show up with the correct buttons on WA. */ window.WAPI.sendVCard = async function (chatId, contactNumber, contactName) { var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatId, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); const inChat = await WAPI.getContact(chatId) const cont = await WAPI.getContact(contactNumber) const newMsgId = await WAPI.getNewMessageId(chatId) if(!cont){ return } console.log(cont) var cont2 = cont cont2.userid = contactNumber.substring(0, contactNumber.length - 5) let queue = Store.Chat.get(chatId) const chat = await Store.FindChat.findChat(idUser) const newchat = Object.assign(chat, queue); const fromWid = await window.Store.Conn.wid const name = !contactName ? cont.__x_formattedTitle : contactName const body = await window.Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(cont2) console.log(body.vcard) var message = { ack: 0, id: newMsgId, // local: !0, self: "in", t: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), to: newchat.id, isNewMsg: true, type: "vcard", from: fromWid, body: body.vcard, isQuotedMsgAvailable: false, vcardFormattedName: name }; console.log(Store.addAndSendMsgToChat) return (await Promise.all(Store.addAndSendMsgToChat(newchat, message)))[1]=="success" }; /** * Block contact * @param {string} id '000000000000@c.us' * @param {*} done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. */ window.WAPI.contactBlock = function(id, done) { const contact = window.Store.Contact.get(id); if (contact !== undefined) { contact.setBlock(!0); done(true); return true; } done(false); return false; } /** * unBlock contact * @param {string} id '000000000000@c.us' * @param {*} done - function - Callback function to be called when a new message arrives. */ window.WAPI.contactUnblock = function(id, done) { const contact = window.Store.Contact.get(id); if (contact !== undefined) { contact.setBlock(!1); done(true); return true; } done(false); return false; } /** Joins a group via the invite link, code, or message * @param link This param is the string which includes the invite link or code. The following work: * - Follow this link to join my WA group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DHTGJUfFJAV9MxOpZO1fBZ * - https://chat.whatsapp.com/DHTGJUfFJAV9MxOpZO1fBZ * - DHTGJUfFJAV9MxOpZO1fBZ * @returns Promise Either false if it didn't work, or the group id. */ window.WAPI.joinGroupViaLink = async function(link){ let code = link; //is it a link? if not, assume it's a code, otherwise, process the link to get the code. if(link.includes('chat.whatsapp.com')) { if(!link.match(/chat.whatsapp.com\/([\w\d]*)/g).length) return false; code = link.match(/chat.whatsapp.com\/([\w\d]*)/g)[0].replace('chat.whatsapp.com\/',''); } const group = await Store.GroupInvite.sendJoinGroupViaInvite(code); if(!group.id) return false; return group.id._serialized } /** * Add participant to Group * @param {*} idGroup '0000000000-00000000@g.us' * @param {*} idParticipant '000000000000@c.us' */ window.WAPI.addParticipant = async function (idGroup, idParticipant) { const chat = Store.Chat.get(idGroup); const add = Store.Contact.get(idParticipant); await window.Store.Participants.addParticipants(chat, [add]); return true; } window.WAPI.removeParticipant = async function(idGroup, idParticipant){ const chat = Store.Chat.get(idGroup); const rm = chat.groupMetadata.participants.get(idParticipant); await window.Store.Participants.removeParticipants(chat, [rm]); return true; } /** * Promote Participant to Admin in Group * @param {*} idGroup '0000000000-00000000@g.us' * @param {*} idParticipant '000000000000@c.us' */ /** * Demote Admin of Group * @param {*} idGroup '0000000000-00000000@g.us' * @param {*} idParticipant '000000000000@c.us' */ window.WAPI.demoteParticipant = async function (idGroup, idParticipant) { await window.Store.WapQuery.demoteParticipants(idGroup, [idParticipant]) const chat = Store.Chat.get(idGroup); const demote = chat.groupMetadata.participants.get(idParticipant); await window.Store.Participants.demoteParticipants(chat, [demote]) return true } //Nova funcao alternativa para enviar mensagens(Nao envia para grupos) //Criada em 27/11/2019 Mike window.WAPI.sendMessageToID2 = function(id, msgText) { window.Store.WapQuery.queryExist(id).then(function(e) { if (e.status === 200) { window.Store.FindChat.findChat(e.jid).then((chat) => { try { window.Store.SendTextMsgToChat(chat, msgText); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }); return true; } else { return false; } }); return false; } //Validar numero whatsapp 12/02/2020 window.WAPI.isValidNumber = async function (phoneId) { isValid = window.Store.WapQuery.queryExist(phoneId).then(result => { return result.jid !== undefined; }).catch((e) => { return false; }); return isValid; }; function prepareMessageButtons(e, t) { if (!t.buttons) return e; if (!Array.isArray(t.buttons)) throw "Buttons options is not a array"; if (void 0 !== t.useTemplateButtons && null !== t.useTemplateButtons || (t.useTemplateButtons = t.buttons.some((e => "phoneNumber" in e || "url" in e))), t.useTemplateButtons) { if (0 === t.buttons.length || t.buttons.length > 5) throw "Buttons options must have between 1 and 5 options" } else if (0 === t.buttons.length || t.buttons.length > 3) throw "Buttons options must have between 1 and 3 options"; return e.title = t.title, e.footer = t.footer, t.useTemplateButtons ? (e.isFromTemplate = !0, e.buttons = new a.TemplateButtonCollection, e.hydratedButtons = t.buttons.map(((e, t) => "phoneNumber" in e ? { index: t, callButton: { displayText: e.text, phoneNumber: e.phoneNumber } } : "url" in e ? { index: t, urlButton: { displayText: e.text, url: e.url } } : { index: t, quickReplyButton: { displayText: e.text, id: e.id || `${t}` } })), e.buttons.add(e.hydratedButtons.map(((e, t) => { var r, n, o, i; const s = `${null!=e.index?e.index:t}`; return e.urlButton ? new a.TemplateButtonModel({ id: s, displayText: null === (r = e.urlButton) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.displayText, url: null === (n = e.urlButton) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.url, subtype: "url" }) : e.callButton ? new a.TemplateButtonModel({ id: s, displayText: e.callButton.displayText, phoneNumber: e.callButton.phoneNumber, subtype: "call" }) : new a.TemplateButtonModel({ id: s, displayText: null === (o = e.quickReplyButton) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.displayText, selectionId: null === (i = e.quickReplyButton) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.id, subtype: "quick_reply" }) })))) : (e.isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg = !0, e.dynamicReplyButtons = t.buttons.map(((e, t) => ({ buttonId: e.id || `${t}`, buttonText: { displayText: e.text }, type: 1 }))), e.replyButtons = new a.ButtonCollection, e.replyButtons.add(e.dynamicReplyButtons.map((e => { var t; return new a.ReplyButtonModel({ id: e.buttonId, displayText: (null === (t = e.buttonText) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.displayText) || void 0 }) })))), e } /** 28/04/2020 - Mike * Send location * * @param {string} chatId '558199999999@c.us' * @param {string} lat latitude * @param {string} lng longitude * @param {string} loc Texto link para a localizacao */ window.WAPI.sendLocation = async function (chatId, options) { options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultSendMessageOptionsWAPI), options); const location = options.name && options.address ? `${options.name}\n${options.address}` : options.name || options.address || ''; if (typeof options.lat === 'string') { options.lat = parseFloat(options.lat); } if (typeof options.lng === 'string') { options.lng = parseFloat(options.lng); } let rawMessage = { type: "location", lat: options.lat, lng: options.lng, loc: location, clientUrl: options.url }; return await WAPI.sendRawMessageWAPI(chatId, rawMessage, options); } window.WAPI.quickClean = function (ob) {return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ob))}; window.WAPI.setMyName = async function (newName) { return await window.Store.Perfil.setPushname(newName); } window.WAPI.clearChat = async function (id) { return await Store.ChatUtil.sendClear(Store.Chat.get(id),true); } window.WAPI.setMyStatus = function (newStatus) { return Store.MyStatus.setMyStatus(newStatus) } window.WAPI.revokeGroupInviteLink = async function (chatId) { var chat = Store.Chat.get(chatId); if(!chat.isGroup) return false; await Store.GroupInvite.revokeGroupInvite(chat); return true; } function SetConsoleMessageString(jsName, StringValue) { Obj = { name: jsName, result: StringValue } console.log(JSON.stringify(Obj)); } window.WAPI.getGroupInviteLink = async function (chatId) { let chat = Store.Chat.get(chatId); let code = chat.groupMetadata && chat.groupMetadata.inviteCode ? chat.groupMetadata.inviteCode : await Store.GroupInvite.sendQueryGroupInviteCode(chat.id); SetConsoleMessageString("GetGroupInviteLink", `https://chat.whatsapp.com/${code}`); return `https://chat.whatsapp.com/${code}`; } /** * Returns an object with all of your host device details */ window.WAPI.getMe = function(){ vMe = {...WAPI.quickClean({ ...Store.Contact.get(Store.Me.wid).attributes, ...Store.Me.attributes }), me:Store.Me.me}; SetConsoleMessage("GetMe", JSON.stringify(vMe)); return vMe; } window.WAPI.getStatus = async (id) => { SetConsoleMessage("GetStatusMessage", JSON.stringify(await Store.MyStatus.getStatus(id))); } window.WAPI.checkNumberStatus = async function (id) { try { let isMd = true let result try { result = await window.Store.WapQueryMD.queryPhoneExists(id); } catch(e){ isMd = false } result = isMd ? result : await window.Store.WapQuery.queryPhoneExists(id); let data = isMd ? window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObjMD(result) : window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObj(result) if(isMd){ SetConsoleMessage("NewCheckIsValidNumber", JSON.stringify({ id : data.id, valid : data.status})); }else{ SetConsoleMessage("NewCheckIsValidNumber", JSON.stringify({ id : id, valid : data.canReceiveMessage})) } return data; } catch (e) { SetConsoleMessage("NewCheckIsValidNumber", JSON.stringify({ id : id, valid : false})); return window.WAPI._serializeNumberStatusObj({ status: e, jid: id }); } }; window.WAPI.sendButtons = async function (chatId, title, buttons, description = '') { let options = { footer: description, isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg: true, dynamicReplyButtons: buttons }; return WAPI.sendMessageOptions(chatId, title, options); }; const defaultSendMessageOptionsWAPI = { createChat: false, detectMentioned: true, linkPreview: true, markIsRead: true, waitForAck: true, }; window.WAPI.sendMessageOptions = async function (chatId, content, options = {}) { var idUser = new window.Store.UserConstructor(chatId, { intentionallyUsePrivateConstructor: true }); let queue = Store.Chat.get(chatId) const newChat = await Store.FindChat.findChat(idUser) const chat = Object.assign(newChat, queue); let attOptions = {}; if (options.attachment) { attOptions = await WWebJS.processMediaData( options.attachment, options.sendAudioAsVoice ); content = attOptions.preview; delete options.attachment; } let quotedMsgOptions = {}; if (options.quotedMessageId) { let quotedMessage = await getMessageById( options.quotedMessageId, null, false ); if (quotedMessage && quotedMessage.canReply()) { quotedMsgOptions = quotedMessage.msgContextInfo(chat); } delete options.quotedMessageId; } if (options.mentionedJidList) { options.mentionedJidList = options.mentionedJidList.map( (cId) => window.Store.Contact.get(cId).id ); } let locationOptions = {}; if (options.location) { locationOptions = { type: 'location', loc: options.location.description, lat: options.location.latitude, lng: options.location.longitude, }; delete options.location; } let vcardOptions = {}; if (options.contactCard) { let contact = window.Store.Contact.get(options.contactCard); vcardOptions = { body: window.Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(contact).vcard, type: 'vcard', vcardFormattedName: contact.formattedName, }; delete options.contactCard; } else if (options.contactCardList) { let contacts = options.contactCardList.map((c) => window.Store.Contact.get(c) ); let vcards = contacts.map((c) => window.Store.VCard.vcardFromContactModel(c) ); vcardOptions = { type: 'multi_vcard', vcardList: vcards, body: undefined, }; delete options.contactCardList; } else if ( options.parseVCards && typeof content === 'string' && content.startsWith('BEGIN:VCARD') ) { delete options.parseVCards; try { const parsed = await window.Store.VCard.parseVcard(content); if (parsed) { vcardOptions = { type: 'vcard', vcardFormattedName: await window.Store.VCard.vcardGetNameFromParsed( parsed ), }; } } catch (_) { // not a vcard } } if (options.linkPreview) { delete options.linkPreview; const link = await window.Store.Validators.findLink(content); if (link) { const preview = await window.Store.Wap2.default.queryLinkPreview( link.url ); preview.preview = true; preview.subtype = 'url'; options = { ...options, ...preview }; } } const newMsgId = await window.WAPI.getNewMessageId(chat.id); const fromwWid = await Store.UserPrefs.getMaybeMeUser(); const message = { ...options, id: newMsgId, ack: 0, body: content, from: fromwWid, to: chat.id, local: !0, self: 'out', t: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), isNewMsg: !0, type: 'chat', ...locationOptions, ...attOptions, ...quotedMsgOptions, ...vcardOptions, }; await window.Store.addAndSendMsgToChat(chat, message); return newMsgId._serialized; }; function assertWid(id) { const wid = Store.WidFactory.createWid(id); if (!wid) { throw new Error(`Invalid WID value for ${id}`); } return wid; } async function generateMessageID(chat) { const from = Store.UserPrefs.getMaybeMeUser(); let to; if (chat instanceof Store.Wid) { to = chat; console.log('generateMessageID: instanceof Store.Wid') } else if (chat instanceof Store.ChatModel) { to = chat.id; console.log('generateMessageID: instanceof Store.ChatModel') } else { to = assertWid(chat); console.log('generateMessageID: assertWid') } let participant = undefined; if (to.isGroup()) { participant = Store.WidFactory.toUserWid(from); } return new Store.MsgKey({ from, to: chat.id, id: await Store.randomMessageId(), participant, selfDir: 'out', }); } async function prepareRawMessageWAPI(chat, message, options = {}) { options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultSendMessageOptionsWAPI), options); message = Object.assign({ t: Store.Time.unixTime(), from: Store.UserPrefs.getMaybeMeUser(), to: chat.id, self: 'out', isNewMsg: true, local: true, ack: 0 }, message); if (message.type !== 'protocol') { const ephemeral = Store.getEphemeralFields(chat); message = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, ephemeral), message); } if (options.messageId) { if (typeof options.messageId === 'string') { options.messageId = Store.MsgKey.fromString(options.messageId); } if (!options.messageId.fromMe) { throw Error('Message key is not from me, messageId: ' + options.messageId.toString()); } if (!options.messageId.remote.equals(chat.id)) { throw Error('Message key remote ID is not same of chat, messageId: ' + options.messageId.toString()); } message.id = options.messageId; } if (!message.id) { message.id = await generateMessageID(chat); } if (options.mentionedList && !Array.isArray(options.mentionedList)) { throw Error('The option mentionedList is not an array, mentionedList: ' + options.mentionedList); } return message; } /** * Mark a chat as read and send SEEN event */ async function markIsRead(chatId) { const chat = assertGetChat(chatId); const unreadCount = chat.unreadCount; await Store.ReadSeen.sendSeen(chat, false); return { wid: chat.id, unreadCount, }; } window.WAPI.assertFindChat = async function (e) { const t = await window.Store.Chat.find(e); if (!t) throw new i(e); return t } function assertGetChat(e) { const t = window.Store.Chat.get(e) if (!t) throw new i(e); return t } window.WAPI.sendRawMessageWAPI = async function (chatId, rawMessage, options = {}) { options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultSendMessageOptionsWAPI), options); const chat = options.createChat ? await (0, window.WAPI.assertFindChat(chatId)) : (0, assertGetChat(chatId)); rawMessage = await prepareRawMessageWAPI(chat, rawMessage, options); if(options.markIsRead) { console.log("marking chat is read before send message"); await markIsRead(chat.id).catch((() => null)); } console.log(`sending message (${rawMessage.type}) with id ${rawMessage.id}`) console.log('Olha o rawMessage: ', rawMessage); const result = await Store.addAndSendMsgToChat(chat, rawMessage); console.log('olha o result: ', result); //Aqui retornar 0 console.log(`message ${rawMessage.id} queued`); const message = await result[0]; if (options.waitForAck) { console.log(`waiting ack for ${rawMessage.id}`); const sendResult = await result[1]; console.log(`ack received for ${rawMessage.id} (ACK: ${message.ack}, SendResult: ${sendResult})`) } return { id: message.id.toString(), ack: message.ack, sendMsgResult: result[1] } } window.WAPI.sendPool = async function(chatId, title, surveyList) { const survey = { type: "poll_creation", pollName: title, pollOptions: surveyList.map(((chatId, title) => ({ name: chatId, localId: title }))), pollEncKey: self.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(32)), pollSelectableOptionsCount: 1, messageSecret: self.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(32)) }; return await (0, sendRawMessageWAPI)(chatId, survey) } //Mike W. Lustosa 14/11/2022 window.WAPI.onIncomingCall = function (onIncomingCallCallback) { window.Store.Call.on('add', WAPI.onIncomingCallCallback); return true; } //Mike W. Lustosa 05/08/2023 window.WAPI.onGetUnReadMessageFromMe = function () { Store.Chat.on("change:hasUnread", (jsonMsg) => { SetConsoleMessage("getUnreadMessagesFromMe", JSON.stringify(jsonMsg)); }); } //Mike W. Lustosa 14/11/2022 window.WAPI.onIncomingCallCallback = async function() { SetConsoleMessage('getIncomingCall', window.Store.Call._models[0].__x_peerJid.user) window.Store.Call._models = [] } window.WAPI.getchatId = async function (chatId) { var to = await WAPI.getChatById(chatId), objTo = to.lastReceivedKey || {}, extend = { formattedName: to.contact.formattedName, isBusiness: to.contact.isBusiness, isMyContact: to.contact.isMyContact, verifiedName: to.contact.verifiedName, pushname: to.contact.pushname, }; Object.assign(objTo, extend); return objTo; }; window.WAPI.sendOptions = async function (to, title, subTitle, description, buttonText, menu) { if (!title && typeof title != 'string') { return WAPI.scope(null, true, 404, 'Enter the title variable as an string'); } if (!subTitle && typeof subTitle != 'string') { return WAPI.scope( null, true, 404, 'Enter the SubTitle variable as an string' ); } if (!description && typeof description != 'string') { return WAPI.scope( null, true, 404, 'Enter the description variable as an string' ); } if (!buttonText && typeof buttonText != 'string') { return WAPI.scope( null, true, 404, 'Enter the buttonText variable as an string' ); } if (!menu && Array.isArray(menu) === false) { return WAPI.scope(null, true, 404, 'Enter the menu variable as an array'); } for (let index in menu) { if (index !== 'remove') { if ( !!menu[index].title && typeof menu[index].title === 'string' && menu[index].title.length ) { if ( !!menu[index].rows && Array.isArray(menu[index].rows) && menu[index].rows.length ) { for (let i in menu[index].rows) { if (i !== 'remove') { if ( !!menu[index].rows[i].title && menu[index].rows[i].title.length ) { if ( !!menu[index].rows[i].description && menu[index].rows[i].description.length ) { menu[index].rows[i].rowId = `dessert_${i}`; } else { return WAPI.scope( null, true, 404, 'Enter the Description variable as an string' ); } } else { return WAPI.scope( null, true, 404, 'Enter the Title variable as an string' ); } } } } else { return WAPI.scope(null, true, 404, 'Rows must be an object array'); } } else { return WAPI.scope(null, true, 404, 'Incorrect Title passed in menu'); } } } const chat = await window.WAPI.getChat(to); const newMsgId = await window.WAPI.getNewMessageId(chat.id); const fromwWid = await Store.UserPrefs.getMaybeMeUser(); const inChat = await WAPI.getchatId(chat.id).catch(() => {}); if (inChat) { chat.lastReceivedKey._serialized = inChat._serialized; chat.lastReceivedKey.id = inChat.id; } const message = { id: newMsgId, ack: 0, from: fromwWid, to: chat.id, local: !0, self: 'out', t: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), isNewMsg: !0, footer: subTitle, type: 'list', interactiveAnnotations: true, interactiveMessage: true, list: { title: title, description: description, buttonText: buttonText, listType: 1, sections: menu } }; const chats = WAPI.getChat(to); window.WAPI.sendMessageToID(to,message); window.Store.addAndSendMsgToChat(chat, message); }; window.Store.MediaTypeFromProtobufModule.mediaTypeFromProtobufOriginal = window.Store.MediaTypeFromProtobufModule.mediaTypeFromProtobuf; window.Store.MediaTypeFromProtobufModule.mediaTypeFromProtobuf = function(...args) { const [proto] = args; if (proto.locationMessage) { return null; } return window.Store.MediaTypeFromProtobufModule.mediaTypeFromProtobufOriginal(...args); } window.Store.TypeAttributeFromProtobufModule.typeAttributeFromProtobufOriginal = window.Store.TypeAttributeFromProtobufModule.typeAttributeFromProtobuf; window.Store.TypeAttributeFromProtobufModule.typeAttributeFromProtobuf = function(...args) { const [proto] = args; if (proto.locationMessage) { return 'text'; } return window.Store.TypeAttributeFromProtobufModule.typeAttributeFromProtobufOriginal(...args); }