### Upgrade Notes #### v10.x.y * v10 includes a major rewrite of the `Gradle Plugin`. The old `xml` string resource format definitions are no longer supported. * All meta information is now written to a single json file * Old `enchant` config files are no longer supported * The UI module dropped a major amount of configurations to lower complexity. * TODO #### v7.0.1 * in case your project has custom licenses, check out the new feature to allow the license description be included as raw file. This helps to solve the potential STRING_TOO_LARGE issue. #### v7.x.y * Upgraded the library to be in `kotlin` dependencies. * Update `FastAdapter` to v4 - If you use this library too, please check out the [migration guide](https://github.com/mikepenz/FastAdapter/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md) * Update `Android-Iconics` to v4 - If you use this library too, please check out the [migration guide](https://github.com/mikepenz/Android-Iconics/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md) #### v6.2.x * Upgraded the library to use `androidX` dependencies. This means your project will need to depend on `androidX` dependencies too. If you still use appcompat please consider using a version older than v6.2.x. * Further details about migrating to androidX and a overview can be found on the official docs. https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/support-library/refactor #### v6.0.0 **IMPORTANT IF YOU USE THE FASTADAPTER OR MATERIALDRAWER** * You have to update your FastAdapter dependency to v3.0.0 with this release * See the MIGRATION information of the FastAdapter https://github.com/mikepenz/FastAdapter/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md #### v5.9.7 **IMPORTANT IF YOU USE THE Android-Iconics** * You have to update your Android-Iconics dependency to v2.9.0 with this release * See the MIGRATION information of the Android-Iconics https://github.com/mikepenz/Android-Iconics/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md#290 #### v5.9.5 **IMPORTANT IF YOU USE THE FASTADAPTER OR MATERIALDRAWER** * You have to update your FastAdapter dependency to v2.5.0 with this release * See the MIGRATION information of the FastAdapter https://github.com/mikepenz/FastAdapter/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md #### v5.9.0 **IMPORTANT IF YOU USE THE FASTADAPTER OR MATERIALDRAWER** * You have to update your FastAdapter dependency to v2.1.0 with this release * See the MIGRATION information of the FastAdapter https://github.com/mikepenz/FastAdapter/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md #### v5.8.5 **IMPORTANT IF YOU USE THE FASTADAPTER** * You have to update your FastAdapter dependency to v2.0.0 with this release * See the MIGRATION information of the FastAdapter https://github.com/mikepenz/FastAdapter/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md #### v5.8.1 **IMPORTANT IF YOU USE THE FASTADAPTER** * This release brings a breaking interface change. Your items now have to implement `bindView(ViewHolder holder, List payloads)` instead of `bindView(VH holder)`. * The additional payload can be used to implement a more performant view updating when only parts of the item have changed. Please also refer to the `DiffUtils` which may provide the payload. #### v5.8.0 * **Dropping support for API < 14. New MinSdkVersion is 14** #### v5.6.1 -> v5.6.2 * Change `void onLibTaskFinished()` to `void onLibTaskFinished(FastItemAdapter fastItemAdapter)` #### v5.3.0 -> v5.3.1 * renamed `withAnimations()` to `withSlideInAnimation()` and change the default to `false` * now use the `DefaultItemAnimator` to animate the displaying of the elements * you can now define a different `ItemAnimator` via `LibsConfiguration.getInstance().setItemAnimator()` #### v5.2.6 -> v5.3.0 * change `.fragment()` to `.supportFragment()` and `LibsFragment` to `LibsSupportFragment` **INFO** * moved logic of the fragment to the new `LibsFragmentCompat` class * create new `LibsSupportFragment` which extends the `android.support.v4.app.Fragment` * change the `LibsFragment` which now extends the `android.app.Fragment` * add new method `.supportFragment()` which returns `android.support.v4.app.Fragment` * change `.fragment()` which now returns `android.app.Fragment`