#!/usr/bin/perl # This is a perl version of the original pwned-search created by Dr. Mike Pound # This program is a free software. You are free to use it under the terms of # GNU GPL license either version 3 or, at your choice, any later version. # Copyright 2019 Lucas V. Araujo # Required module: WWW::Curl::Easy (libwww-curl-perl) use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use WWW::Curl::Easy; use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex); use vars qw ( $VERSION ); $VERSION = "2019.1208.0012"; sub request { # Performs an http request to a given url using the WWW::Curl::Easy module # and returns, if successful, the received page. #gets the url passed as argument my $url = shift; my $prxy = shift; #initialize a new instance of Curl::Easy my $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy->new(); #define the HEADER option as true $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); #define the target url $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url); #declare a variable to hold the returned page my $data = undef; #define the variable as a filehandle to store the data into $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, \$data); #sets the proxy to be used, if any $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_PROXY, $prxy) if $prxy; #performs the request my $err = $curl->perform(); #checks if successfull unless ($err) { return $data; } else { print("error: $err ".$curl->strerror($err)."\n".$curl->errbuf."\n"); return ""; } } sub lookup_password { #Given a plain password, gets the hash and search for it on the database #using the especified proxy my $plain = shift; my $proxy = shift; #get the SHA-1 hashed password my $hashed = sha1_hex($plain); #separate the hash into a head containing the first 5 bytes, and a tail #containing the rest $hashed =~ /([\d\w]{5})([\d\w]*)/; my $head = $1; my $tail = $2; #format the head into a url to be requested my $url = "https:\/\/api.pwnedpasswords.com\/range\/$head"; #realize the request and get the response my $resp = request($url, $proxy); #if nothing is found, it is considered that the number of times it leaked #(for all we know) was 0 my $count = 0; #match the response against a regular expression to extract the number of #times that the password was been leaked if ($resp =~ /$tail\:([\d]*)/i ) { $count = $1; } #returns an array with the hash and the count return ($hashed, $count); } sub main { my $version = 0; my $proxy = undef; my $help = 0; my $tor = 0; GetOptions( "version!" => \$version, "proxy=s" => \$proxy, "help!" => \$help, "tor!" => \$tor, ); if ($version) { print "$VERSION\n"; exit(0); } if ($help || !(scalar @ARGV)) { print "pwned-search - Pwned Password API lookup tool\n\n" . "usage: pwned.pl [options] ... \n\n" . "Options:\n" . "-v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" . "-h, --help show this help message and exit\n" . "-p, --proxy define a proxy to be used in requests\n" . " (the proxy must be in format TYPE://ADDRESS[:PORT])\n" . "-t, --tor use tor proxy\n" . " (same as --proxy=socks5://\n\n" . "This is a perl version of the pwned-search by Dr. Mike Pound\n" . "Copyright (C) 2019 Lucas V. Araujo \n" . "GitHub: https://github.com/LvMalware/pwned-search \n"; exit(0); } $proxy = "socks5://" if $tor; for my $password (@ARGV) { my ($hash, $count) = lookup_password($password, $proxy); if ($count > 0) { print "$password was found with $count occurrences (hash: $hash)\n"; } else { print "$password was not found\n"; } } } main();