#!/usr/bin/env python import hashlib import sys try: import requests except ModuleNotFoundError: print("### pip install requests ###") raise def lookup_pwned_api(pwd): """Returns hash and number of times password was seen in pwned database. Args: pwd: password to check Returns: A (sha1, count) tuple where sha1 is SHA-1 hash of pwd and count is number of times the password was seen in the pwned database. count equal zero indicates that password has not been found. Raises: RuntimeError: if there was an error trying to fetch data from pwned database. UnicodeError: if there was an error UTF_encoding the password. """ sha1pwd = hashlib.sha1(pwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().upper() head, tail = sha1pwd[:5], sha1pwd[5:] url = 'https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/' + head res = requests.get(url) if not res.ok: raise RuntimeError('Error fetching "{}": {}'.format( url, res.status_code)) hashes = (line.split(':') for line in res.text.splitlines()) count = next((int(count) for t, count in hashes if t == tail), 0) return sha1pwd, count def main(args): ec = 0 for pwd in args or sys.stdin: pwd = pwd.strip() try: sha1pwd, count = lookup_pwned_api(pwd) except UnicodeError: errormsg = sys.exc_info()[1] print("{0} could not be checked: {1}".format(pwd, errormsg)) ec = 1 continue if count: foundmsg = "{0} was found with {1} occurrences (hash: {2})" print(foundmsg.format(pwd, count, sha1pwd)) ec = 1 else: print("{} was not found".format(pwd)) return ec if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))