# Richard Hendricks - - (912) 555-4321 - [richardhendricks.example.com](http://richardhendricks.example.com) - San Francisco, CA CEO and Software Engineer with knowledge of applied information theory, including optimizing lossless compression schema of both the length-limited and adaptive variants. ## Experience ### CEO/President, Pied Piper Dec 2013 -- Dec 2014 Pied Piper is a multi-platform technology based on a proprietary universal compression algorithm that has consistently fielded high Weisman Scores™ that are not merely competitive, but approach the theoretical limit of lossless compression. - Build an algorithm for artist to detect if their music was violating copyright infringement laws - Successfully won Techcrunch Disrupt - Optimized an algorithm that holds the current world record for Weisman Scores ### Teacher, CoderDojo July 2013 -- Dec 2013 Global movement of free coding clubs for young people. - Awarded 'Teacher of the Month' ## Projects ### Miss Direction Aug 2016 A mapping engine that misguides you: - Won award at AIHacks 2016 - Built by all women team of newbie programmers - Using modern technologies such as GoogleMaps, Chrome Extension and Javascript ## Education ### University of Oklahoma, BA Information Technology 2011 -- 2014 - GPA 4.0 - DB1101 - Basic SQL - CS2011 - Java Introduction ## Skills - Web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Compression: Mpeg, MP4, GIF