function md2pdf-ieee --description 'Convert md to pdb via pandoc with ieee format and open generated pdf' --argument md_path pdf_path if test -z "$pdf_path" set pdf_path (basename $md_path .md).pdf end mkdir -p ~/.pandoc set -gx PYTHONPATH ( --python) set pandoc_path ~/.pandoc set bibliography_path /tmp/bibliography-(openssl rand -hex 10).bib set ieee_path $pandoc_path/IEEEtran.cls set template_path $pandoc_path/template-ieee.latex set bibliography_csl_path $pandoc_path/bibliography-ieee.csl set table_filter_path $pandoc_path/ if not test -f $ieee_path curl >$ieee_path end if not test -f $bibliography_csl_path curl >$bibliography_csl_path end if not test -f $table_filter_path curl >$table_filter_path end if not test -f $template_path curl \ | sed "s#IEEEtran#$HOME/.pandoc/IEEEtran#" \ | python -c ' import itertools import sys data = lines = data.splitlines() replacement = """ $if(author)$ \\\\author{ $for(author)$ \\\\IEEEauthorblockN{$$} $if(author.affiliation)$ \\\\IEEEauthorblockA{\\\\\\ $author.affiliation$} $endif$ $if(author.location)$ \\\\IEEEauthorblockA{\\\\\\ $author.location$} $endif$ $if($ \\\\IEEEauthorblockA{\\\\\\ $$} $endif$ $sep$ \\\\and $endfor$ } $endif$ """ to_replace = "\n".join( itertools.takewhile( lambda i: i.strip(), itertools.dropwhile( lambda i: "(author)" not in i, lines ) ) ) print(data.replace(to_replace, replacement.strip()).strip()) ' >$template_path end cat $md_path | python -c " import itertools import sys print('\n'.join( list( map( lambda i: i.strip(), itertools.takewhile( lambda i: i.strip() != i or i.startswith('bibliography'), itertools.dropwhile( lambda i: not i.startswith('bibliography'), ), ) ) )[1:] )) " >$bibliography_path set -l command pandoc $md_path \ -f markdown+tex_math_single_backslash \ -t latex \ -o $pdf_path \ --standalone \ --pdf-engine=xelatex \ --filter=(which pandoc-crossref) \ --filter=(which pandoc-citeproc) \ --filter=$table_filter_path \ --bibliography=$bibliography_path \ --csl=$bibliography_csl_path \ --template=$template_path $command and open --background $pdf_path and rm -f $bibliography_path and rm -f '/tmp/bibliography*.bib' and echo (date) "Generated PDF" or echo $command end