![Test](https://github.com/miking-lang/miking-sublime-text/workflows/Test/badge.svg) # Miking syntax highlighter for Sublime Text Provides syntax highlighting for Miking languages in Sublime Text 3. This repository is also available through [Sublime Text's Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) as _Miking Syntax Highlighting_. Consider using that instead of manually installing the syntax highlighting. ## Contributing Do not modify any of the syntax highlighters situated in the root of the repository as they are generated from files under `src/`. See the README under each such folder for code contributing instructions to a specific language highlighter. Before pushing changes to a syntax highlighter, run `make build` as a command in the repository root and commit any changes made by the makefile. The versioned releases must follow the `Major.Minor.Patch` naming format, which is further described [here](https://semver.org/). For changes to be available in Package Control, a new release must be made. Until the first 1.0 specification of MCore is released, keep the major version as 0 and all GitHub releases as pre-releases. ## Dependencies To build/configure the syntax highlighter, the following software is required: * [Python 3](https://www.python.org/) * [GNU Make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) * [GNU sed](https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/) The following Python 3 packages are required: * [regex](https://pypi.org/project/regex/)