{ "key": "lucka", "name": "MUDr. Lucie Papežová", "nick": "Lucka", "email": "lucie.papezova@mild.blue", "title_cs": "Lékařšká konzultantka", "title_en": "Medical consultant", "title_de": "Medizinischer Beraterin", "short_desc_cs": "Lucie vystudovala všeobecné lékařství na LFHK UK a po úspěšném složení kmenové zkoušky nyní směřuje k získání atestace v oboru ORL. Díky pandemii a práci na COVID jednotce získala zkušenosti z dalších odvětví medicíny (interna, pneumologie, ARO) a v Mild Blue s ní konzultujeme medicínské a praktické aspekty našich aplikací, aby zdravotníkům pomáhaly v nejvyšší možné míře.", "short_desc_en": "Lucie got her master’s degree in medicine from Charles University. She has 3 years of experience working as an ENT doctor and is about to get a specialization in this area of medicine. Due to work at COVID station during the pandemic she has acquired insight in other fields of medicine as well (internal medicine, pneumology, intensive care). She helps us as a consultant for medical and practical aspects of our applications, so they can help the medical staff as much as possible.", "short_desc_de": "" }