#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Kouhei Sutou # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . require 'English' require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require 'time' require 'optparse' require 'erb' require 'tempfile' begin require 'RRD' unless Object.const_defined?(:RRD) rescue LoadError module RRD module_function def method_missing(method_name, *args) run(method_name.to_s, *args) end def last(file) Time.at(Integer(run("last", file))) end def info(file) _info = {} run("info", file).each_line do |line| key, value = line.split(/\s*=\s*/) _info[key] = value.strip end _info end def run(command, *args) command_line = ["rrdtool", command] + args.collect {|arg| arg.to_s} stdin_pipe = IO.pipe stdout_pipe = IO.pipe stderr_pipe = IO.pipe pid = fork do stdin_pipe[1].close STDIN.reopen(stdin_pipe[0]) stdin_pipe[0].close stdout_pipe[0].close STDOUT.reopen(stdout_pipe[1]) stdout_pipe[1].close stderr_pipe[0].close STDERR.reopen(stderr_pipe[1]) stderr_pipe[1].close exec(*command_line) exit!(1) end stdin_pipe[0].close stdout_pipe[1].close stderr_pipe[1].close _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) stdout = stdout_pipe[0].read stderr = stderr_pipe[0].read [stdin_pipe[1], stdout_pipe[0], stderr_pipe[0]].each do |pipe| pipe.close unless pipe.closed? end unless status.success? raise "failed to run: #{command_line.join(' ')}: #{stderr}" end stdout end end end module RRD module_function def last_update_time(file) time = last(file) if time and time < Time.at(0) time = Time.at(Integer(`rrdtool last '#{file}'`)) end time end end class MilterManagerLogAnalyzer module GraphData class TimeRange def initialize(step, rows) @step = step @rows = rows end def tag name.downcase end def steps base_range.steps * n_times end def start_time base_range.start_time * n_times end end class DayRange < TimeRange def name "Day" end def steps (3600 * 24) / (@step * @rows) + 1 end def start_time -(60 * 60 * 24) end end class WeekRange < TimeRange def name "Week" end private def base_range DayRange.new(@step, @rows) end def n_times 7 end end class MonthRange < TimeRange def name "Month" end private def base_range WeekRange.new(@step, @rows) end def n_times 5 end end class YearRange < TimeRange def name "Year" end private def base_range MonthRange.new(@step, @rows) end def n_times 12 end end class Data def initialize(counts) @counts = counts end def empty? return true unless @counts @counts.each_value do |counting| return false unless counting.empty? end true end def last_time last_time = 0 @counts.each_value do |count| next if count.empty? _last_time = count.keys.sort.last last_time = [last_time, _last_time].max end last_time || 0 end def first_time first_time = nil @counts.each_value do |count| next if count.empty? _first_time = count.keys.sort.first first_time ||= _first_time first_time = [first_time, _first_time].min end first_time end def [](key) @counts[key] end def []=(key, value) @counts[key] = value end end end class GraphGenerator attr_reader :last_update_time def initialize(output_directory, update_time=nil) @output_directory = output_directory @data = [] @items = nil @title = nil @vertical_label = nil @step = 60 # seconds @width = 600 @points_per_sample = 3 @update_time = normalize_time(update_time) @old_base_rrd_file_names = [] @last_update_time = nil end def rows @width / @points_per_sample end def rrd_file build_path(self.class.base_rrd_file_name) end def build_path(*paths) File.join(*([@output_directory, *paths].compact)) end def prepare migrate_if_needed if File.exist?(rrd_file) @last_update_time = normalize_time(RRD.last_update_time(rrd_file)) @current_time = @last_update_time.to_i + @step else @last_update_time = nil @current_time = nil end @data = {} end def unknown_value 0 end def feed(time_stamp, content) time_stamp = normalize_time(time_stamp) return if @last_update_time and time_stamp < @last_update_time return if time_stamp >= @update_time time_stamp = time_stamp.to_i data = [] find_data(content) do |key, type, options| key = normalize_name(key) data << [key, type, options] end return if data.empty? @current_time ||= time_stamp if time_stamp and @current_time > time_stamp @data = {} else flush(time_stamp) update_data(data) end end def flush(next_time_stamp=nil) return if @current_time == next_time_stamp create_rrd(rrd_file, @current_time, *@items) unless File.exist?(rrd_file) start_time = @current_time unless @data.empty? counts = [] @items.each do |item| item = normalize_name(item) counts << (@data[item] || unknown_value) end RRD.update(rrd_file, "#{@current_time}:#{counts.join(':')}") start_time += @step end @data = {} if next_time_stamp fill_no_data_span(rrd_file, start_time, next_time_stamp, @items.size) end @current_time = next_time_stamp || @current_time end def fill_no_data_span(file, start_time_stamp, end_time_stamp, n_items) start_time_stamp.step(end_time_stamp - @step, @step) do |time_stamp| empty_data = ([unknown_value] * n_items).join(":") RRD.update(file, "#{time_stamp}:#{empty_data}") end end def output_graph(range_class, options={}, *args) return nil unless File.exist?(rrd_file) last_update_time = RRD.last_update_time(rrd_file) range = range_class.new(@step, rows) start_time = options[:start_time] || range.start_time end_time = options[:end_time] || guess_end_time(start_time) graph_tag = options[:graph_tag] || range.tag width = options[:width] || @width height = options[:height] || 200 vertical_label = "#{@vertical_label}/#{unit}" name = graph_name(graph_tag) items = @items.inject([]) do |_items, item| _items + generate_definitions(rrd_file, range, item) end data = items + args data << "COMMENT:[#{last_update_time.iso8601.gsub(/:/, '\:')}]\\r" RRD.graph(name, "--title", @title, "--vertical-label", vertical_label, "--start", start_time.to_s, "--end", end_time.to_s, "--width", width.to_s, "--height", height.to_s, "--alt-y-grid", "--units-exponent", "0", *data) [name, @title] end private def create_rrd(file, start_time, *sources) ranges = [ GraphData::DayRange.new(@step, rows), GraphData::WeekRange.new(@step, rows), GraphData::MonthRange.new(@step, rows), GraphData::YearRange.new(@step, rows), ] rra = [] ranges.each do |range| rra << "RRA:MAX:0.5:#{range.steps}:#{rows}" rra << "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:#{range.steps}:#{rows}" rra << "RRA:LAST:0.5:#{range.steps}:#{rows}" end data_sources = sources.collect do |source| source = normalize_name(source) "DS:#{source}:GAUGE:#{heartbeat}:0:U" end RRD.create(file, "--start", (start_time - 1).to_i.to_s, "--step", @step, *(rra + data_sources)) end def heartbeat @step * 3 end def recreate_rrd(*new_items) dump_file = Tempfile.new("milter-manager-log-analyzer") RRD.dump(rrd_file, dump_file.path) data = dump_file.read data.gsub!(/ (.+?) <\/name>/) do " #{normalize_name($1)} " end data.gsub!(/<\/last_ds>/, "NaN") data.sub!(//) do |text| ds = "" new_items.each do |item| ds << <<-EODS #{item} GAUGE #{@step * 3} 0.0000000000e+00 NaN NaN 0.0000000000e+00 0 EODS end ds + text end data.gsub!(/<\/cdp_prep>/) do |text| ds = "" new_items.each do |item| ds << <<-EODS 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0 EODS end ds + text end data.gsub!(/<\/row>/) do |text| (" NaN " * new_items.size) + text end dump_file.open dump_file.rewind dump_file.print(data) dump_file.close new_rrd_file = rrd_file + ".new" FileUtils.rm_f(new_rrd_file) RRD.restore(dump_file.path, new_rrd_file) FileUtils.mv(new_rrd_file, rrd_file) end def migrate_if_needed history = @old_base_rrd_file_names.collect do |base_rrd_file_name| build_path(base_rrd_file_name) end + [rrd_file] history.each_with_index do |file_name, i| next unless File.exist?(file_name) next_file_name = history[i + 1] if next_file_name and !File.exist?(next_file_name) FileUtils.mv(file_name, next_file_name) end end return unless File.exist?(rrd_file) data_names = [] RRD.info(rrd_file).each do |key, value| main, = key.split(/\./) case main when /\Ads\[(.+?)\]\z/ data_names << $1 end end data_names = data_names.uniq normalized_data_names = data_names.collect do |name| normalize_name(name) end normalized_items = @items.collect do |item| normalize_name(item) end if data_names.size < normalized_items.size recreate_rrd(*normalized_items[(data_names.size)..-1]) elsif data_names.size > normalized_items.size raise "data source can't be removed!" elsif data_names.sort != normalized_items.sort and normalized_data_names.sort == normalized_items.sort recreate_rrd end end def guess_end_time(start_time) if start_time.is_a?(String) "now" else end_time = Time.now.to_i step = start_time.abs * @points_per_sample / @width end_time - (end_time % step) end end def normalize_time(time) Time.at(time.to_i - time.to_i % @step).utc end def generate_definitions(rrd_file, range, item, label=nil) item = normalize_name(item) label ||= item [ "DEF:#{label}=#{rrd_file}:#{item}:AVERAGE", "DEF:max_#{label}=#{rrd_file}:#{item}:MAX", "CDEF:n_#{label}=#{label}", "CDEF:real_#{label}=#{label}", "CDEF:real_max_#{label}=max_#{label}", "CDEF:real_n_#{label}=n_#{label},#{range.steps},*", "CDEF:total_#{label}=PREV,UN,real_n_#{label},PREV,IF,real_n_#{label},+", ] end def unit case @step when 60 "min" when 60 * 60 "hour" when 60 * 60 * 24 "day" when 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 "year" else "unknown" end end def update_data(data) data.each do |key, type, options| type ||= :count options ||= {} count = options[:count] || 1 @data[key] ||= 0 case type when :count @data[key] += count when :max @data[key] = [@data[key], count].max end end end def normalize_name(name) # It's work around for RRDtool 1.5. RRDtool except 1.5 accepts # "-" as data source name. name.gsub(/-/, "_") end end class SessionGraphGenerator < GraphGenerator class << self def base_rrd_file_name "session.rrd" end end def initialize(output_directory, update_time) super(output_directory, update_time) @title = 'Sessions' @vertical_label = "sessions" @items = ["smtp", "child", "disconnected", "concurrent"] @old_base_rrd_file_names = ["milter-log.session.rrd"] end def graph_name(tag) build_path("session.#{tag}.png") end def find_data(content) case content when /\A\[milter\]\[end\]\[(.+?)\]\[(.+?)\]\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\): (.+)\z/ state = $1 status = $2 elapsed = $3 id = $4 name = $5 yield("child") when /\A\[milter\]\[end\]\[(.+)\]\(.+\): (.+)\z/ elapsed = $1 id = $2 name = $3 yield("child") when /\A\[session\]\[end\]\[(.+)\]\[(.+)\]\[(.+)\]\(.+\)\z/ state = $1 status = $2 elapsed = $3 id = $4 yield("smtp") when /\A\[session\]\[end\]\[(.+)\]\(.+\)\z/ elapsed = $1 id = $2 yield("smtp") when /\A\[session\]\[disconnected\]\[(.+)\]\(.+\)\z/ elapsed = $1 id = $2 yield("disconnected") when /\A\[sessions\]\[finished\] (\d+)\(\+(\d+)\) (\d+)\z/ n_processed = $1 n_finished = $2 n_rest = $3 yield("concurrent", :max, :count => n_rest.to_i) end end def output_graph(range_class, options={}) super(range_class, options, "AREA:n_smtp#0000ff:SMTP ", "GPRINT:total_smtp:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions", "GPRINT:smtp:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}", "GPRINT:max_smtp:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l", "LINE2:n_child#00ff00:milter ", "GPRINT:total_child:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions", "GPRINT:child:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}", "GPRINT:max_child:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l", "LINE2:n_disconnected#ff0000:Disconnected", "GPRINT:total_disconnected:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions", "GPRINT:disconnected:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}", "GPRINT:max_disconnected:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l", "LINE2:n_concurrent#cc00cc:Concurrent", "GPRINT:total_concurrent:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions", "GPRINT:concurrent:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}", "GPRINT:max_concurrent:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l") end end class MilterManagerStatusGraphGenerator < GraphGenerator class << self def base_rrd_file_name "milter-manager.status.rrd" end end def initialize(output_directory, update_time) super(output_directory, update_time) @vertical_label = "sessions" @title = 'milter manager: status' @items = ["pass", "accept", "reject", "discard", "temporary-failure", "quarantine", "abort", "error"] @old_base_rrd_file_names = ["milter-log.mail.rrd", "milter-manager.rrd"] end def graph_name(tag) build_path("milter-manager.status.#{tag}.png") end def output_graph(range_class, options={}) entries = graph_entries smtp_label = "SMTP" disconnected_label = "Disconnected" concurrent_label = "Concurrent" labels = entries.collect {|_, _, _, label| label} labels << smtp_label << disconnected_label << concurrent_label max_label_size = labels.collect {|label| label.size}.max items = [] entries.each do |type, name, color, label| name = normalize_name(name) items << "#{type}:#{name}#{color}:#{label.ljust(max_label_size)}" items << "GPRINT:total_#{name}:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions" items << "GPRINT:#{name}:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}" items << "GPRINT:max_#{name}:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l" end range = range_class.new(@step, rows) path = build_path(SessionGraphGenerator.base_rrd_file_name) items += generate_definitions(path, range, "smtp") items += generate_definitions(path, range, "disconnected") items += generate_definitions(path, range, "concurrent") label = smtp_label.ljust(max_label_size) items << "LINE2:n_smtp#000000:#{label}" items << "GPRINT:total_smtp:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions" items << "GPRINT:smtp:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}" items << "GPRINT:max_smtp:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l" label = disconnected_label.ljust(max_label_size) items << "LINE2:n_disconnected#999999:#{label}" items << "GPRINT:total_disconnected:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions" items << "GPRINT:disconnected:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}" items << "GPRINT:max_disconnected:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l" label = concurrent_label.ljust(max_label_size) items << "LINE2:n_concurrent#9999ff:#{label}" items << "GPRINT:total_concurrent:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf sessions" items << "GPRINT:concurrent:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf sessions/#{unit}" items << "GPRINT:max_concurrent:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf sessions/#{unit}\\l" super(range_class, options, *items) end private def find_data(content) case content when /\A\[session\]\[end\]\[(.+)\]\[(.+)\]\[(.+)\]\((.+)\)\z/ state = $1 status = $2 elapsed = $3 id = $4 yield(status) when /\A\[reply\]\[(.+)\]\[(.+)\]\z/ state = $1 status = $2 return if status == "continue" and state != "end-of-message" status = "pass" if status == "continue" yield(status) when /\A\[abort\]\[(.+)\]\z/ state = $1 status = "abort" yield(status) end end def graph_entries [ ["AREA", "pass", "#0000ff", "Pass"], ["STACK", "accept", "#00ff00", "Accept"], ["STACK", "reject", "#ff0000", "Reject"], ["STACK", "discard", "#ffd400", "Discard"], ["STACK", "temporary-failure", "#888888", "Temp-Fail"], ["STACK", "quarantine", "#a52a2a", "Quarantine"], ["STACK", "abort", "#ff9999", "Abort"], ["STACK", "error", "#ff00ff", "Error"], ] end end class MilterManagerReportGraphGenerator < GraphGenerator class << self def base_rrd_file_name "milter-manager.report.rrd" end end def initialize(output_directory, update_time) super(output_directory, update_time) @vertical_label = "mails" @title = 'milter manager: report' @items = ["spam", "virus", "uribl", "greylisting-pass", "spf-pass", "spf-fail", "sender-id-pass", "sender-id-fail", "dkim-pass", "dkim-fail", "dkim-adsp-pass", "dkim-adsp-fail", "tarpitting-pass"] @old_base_rrd_file_names = [] end def graph_name(tag) build_path("milter-manager.report.#{tag}.png") end def output_graph(range_class, options={}) entries = [ ["AREA", "spam", "#ff0000", "spam"], ["STACK", "virus", "#ddbb00", "Virus"], ["STACK", "uribl", "#dd00bb", "URIBL"], ["STACK", "greylisting-pass", "#888888", "Greylisting (pass)"], ["STACK", "tarpitting-pass", "#000088", "Tarpitting (pass)"], ["STACK", "spf-pass", "#33cc33", "SPF (pass)"], ["STACK", "spf-fail", "#cc3333", "SPF (fail)"], ["STACK", "sender-id-pass", "#33cccc", "Sender ID (pass)"], ["STACK", "sender-id-fail", "#cccc33", "Sender ID (fail)"], ["STACK", "dkim-pass", "#3366cc", "DKIM (pass)"], ["STACK", "dkim-fail", "#cc6633", "DKIM (fail)"], ["STACK", "dkim-adsp-pass", "#3399cc", "DKIM ADSP (pass)"], ["STACK", "dkim-adsp-fail", "#cc9933", "DKIM ADSP (fail)"], ] max_label_size = entries.collect {|_, _, _, label| label.size}.max items = [] entries.each do |type, name, color, label| name = normalize_name(name) items << "#{type}:#{name}#{color}:#{label.ljust(max_label_size)}" items << "GPRINT:total_#{name}:MAX:total\\: %8.0lf mails" items << "GPRINT:#{name}:AVERAGE:avg\\: %6.2lf mails/#{unit}" items << "GPRINT:max_#{name}:MAX:max\\: %4.0lf mails/#{unit}\\l" end super(range_class, options, *items) end private def find_data(content, &block) case content when /\A\[milter\]\[header\]\[add\]\((.+)\): <(.+?)>=<(.+?)>: (.+)\z/ id = $1 name = $2 value = $3 milter_name = $4 report_key(name, value, milter_name, &block) end end def report_key(header_name, header_value, milter_name, &block) case header_name when /\AX-Spam-Flag\z/i parse_x_spam_flag(header_value, &block) when /\AX-Spam-Status\z/i parse_x_spam_status(header_value, &block) when /\AAuthentication-Results\z/i parse_authentication_results(header_value, &block) when /\AX-Greylist\z/i parse_x_greylist(header_value, &block) when /\AX-Virus-Status\z/i parse_x_virus_status(header_value, &block) end end def parse_x_spam_flag(value) case value when /\Ayes\z/i yield("spam") end end def parse_x_spam_status(value) return unless /tests=/ =~ value uribl_used = false results = $POSTMATCH.split(/\s*\S+=/, 2)[0].split(/\s*,\s*/) results.each do |result| case result when /\AURIBL_/i unless uribl_used yield("uribl") uribl_used = true end end end end # TODO: fix this method. # see below urls to know formal definition of "Authentication-Results" header. # see section 2.2. of RFC5451 and section 3.2.2, 3.2.3 of RFC5322. # http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5451.txt # http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5322.txt def parse_authentication_results(value) id, *results = value.split(/;\s*/) results.each do |result| if /\A(\S+?)=(\S+)\s*/ =~ result type = $1 result = $2 other_info = $POSTMATCH case result when "pass" yield("#{type}-pass") when "fail", "hardfail" yield("#{type}-fail") when "neutral" yield("#{type}-fail") if /\A\(verification failed\)/ =~ other_info end end end end def parse_x_greylist(value) case value when /Message whitelisted by tarpit (\d+)s/i tarpit_second = $1.to_i yield("tarpitting-pass") when /\ADelayed for/i yield("greylisting-pass") when /Sender is SPF-compliant/i, /Sender passed SPF test/i yield("spf-pass") end end def parse_x_virus_status(value) case value when /\AInfected/i yield("virus") end end end class MiltersGraphGenerator attr_reader :last_update_time def initialize(output_directory, update_time) @output_directory = output_directory @update_time = update_time @last_update_time = nil end def prepare @generators = [] last_update_times = [] glob = File.join(@output_directory, "milter.{status,report}.*.rrd") Dir.glob(glob).each do |rrd| last_update_times << RRD.last_update_time(rrd) end @last_update_time = last_update_times.min end def feed(time_stamp, content) case content when /\A\[milter\]\[end\]\[(.+?)\]\[(.+?)\]\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\): (.+)\z/ state = $1 status = $2 elapsed = $3 id = $4 name = $5 unless @generators.find {|generator| generator.name == name} [MilterStatusGraphGenerator, MilterReportGraphGenerator].each do |generator_class| generator = generator_class.new(name, @output_directory, @update_time) generator.prepare @generators << generator end end end @generators.each do |generator| generator.feed(time_stamp, content) end end def flush @generators.each do |generator| generator.flush end end def output_graphs(range_class, options={}) @generators.collect do |generator| generator.output_graph(range_class, options) end.compact end end class MilterStatusGraphGenerator < MilterManagerStatusGraphGenerator attr_reader :name def initialize(name, output_directory, update_time) super(output_directory, update_time) @name = name @title = "milter: status: #{@name}" @items << "stop" @old_base_rrd_file_names = [ "milter-log.milter.#{@name}.rrd", "milter.#{@name}.rrd", ] end def rrd_file build_path("milter.status.#{@name}.rrd") end def graph_name(tag) build_path("milter.status.#{@name}.#{tag}.png") end private def find_data(content) case content when /\A\[milter\]\[end\]\[(.+?)\]\[(.+?)\]\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\): (.+)\z/ state = $1 status = $2 elapsed = $3 id = $4 name = $5 yield(status) if name == @name end end def graph_entries entries = super entries << ["STACK", "stop", "#99ffff", "Stop"] entries end end class MilterReportGraphGenerator < MilterManagerReportGraphGenerator attr_reader :name def initialize(name, output_directory, update_time) super(output_directory, update_time) @name = name @title = "milter: report: #{@name}" @old_base_rrd_file_names = [] end def rrd_file build_path("milter.report.#{@name}.rrd") end def graph_name(tag) build_path("milter.report.#{@name}.#{tag}.png") end private def report_key(header_name, header_value, milter_name, &block) return if @name != milter_name super(header_name, header_value, milter_name, &block) end end class HTMLGenerator include ERB::Util def initialize(graph_info) @graph_info = graph_info end def generate header + index + graphs + footer end private def header <<-EOH milter-manager statistics

milter-manager statistics

EOH end def index result = "
    \n" @graph_info.each do |label, graphs| next if graphs.empty? id = label_to_id(label) result << %Q[
  • #{h(label)}\n] result << %Q[
      \n] graphs.each do |file_name, title| graph_id = graph_title_to_id(label, title) result << %Q[
    • #{h(title)}\n] end result << %Q[
    \n] result << %Q[
  • \n] end result << "
\n" result end def graphs result = "" @graph_info.each do |label, graphs| next if graphs.empty? id = label_to_id(label) result << %Q[


\n] graphs.each do |file_name, title| graph_id = graph_title_to_id(label, title) result << %Q[

\n] result << %Q[ \n] result << %Q[

\n] end result << "\n" end result end def footer <<-EOF EOF end def label_to_id(label) normalize_value(label) end def graph_title_to_id(label, title) [normalize_value(label), normalize_value(title)].join("-") end def normalize_value(value) value.downcase.gsub(/[ :]+/, '-') end end attr_accessor :log, :output_directory, :now def initialize @log = ARGF @update_db = true @output_directory = "." @output_graphs = [] end def parse_options(argv) opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on("--log=LOG_FILE", "The log file name in which is stored Milter log", "(STDIN)") do |log| @log = File.open(log) end opts.on("--output-directory=DIRECTORY", "Output graph, HTML and graph data to DIRECTORY", "(#{@output_directory})") do |directory| @output_directory = directory unless File.exist?(@output_directory) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@output_directory) end end opts.on("--[no-]update-db", "Update RRD database with log file", "(#{@update_db})") do |boolean| @update_db = boolean end end opts.parse!(argv) end def prepare all_listeners.each do |listener| listener.prepare end end def update return unless @update_db listeners = all_listeners last_update_times = [] listeners.each do |listener| last_update_times << (listener.last_update_time || Time.at(0)) end last_update_time = last_update_times.max || Time.at(0) year = now.year @log.each_line do |line| if line.respond_to?(:force_encoding) line.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") end case line when /\A(\w{3}) +(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) [\w\-]+ ([\w\-]+)\[\d+\]: / month_name = $1 day = $2 hour = $3 minute = $4 second = $5 name = $6 content = $POSTMATCH next unless name == "milter-manager" if /\A\[statistics\] / =~ remove_message_id(content) content = $POSTMATCH.chomp else next end month = Time::RFC2822_MONTH_NAME.index(month_name) next if month.nil? time_stamp = Time.local(year, month + 1, day.to_i, hour.to_i, minute.to_i, second.to_i) next if time_stamp < last_update_time listeners.each do |listener| listener.feed(time_stamp, content) end else end end listeners.each do |listener| listener.flush end end def remove_message_id(log) log.sub(/\A\[ID \d+ \w+\.\w+\] /, '') end def all_listeners [sessions, milter_manager_status, milter_manager_report, milters] end def output output_all_graph output_html end private def output_graph(range, label, options={}) output_graph_info = [] [milter_manager_status, milter_manager_report].each do |generator| info = generator.output_graph(range, options) output_graph_info << info if info end output_graph_info.concat(milters.output_graphs(range, options)) @output_graphs << [label, output_graph_info] end def output_all_graph output_graph(GraphData::DayRange, "Last Day") output_graph(GraphData::WeekRange, "Last Week") output_graph(GraphData::MonthRange, "Last Month") output_graph(GraphData::YearRange, "Last Year") end def output_html File.open(File.join(@output_directory, "index.html"), "w") do |html| generator = HTMLGenerator.new(@output_graphs) html.print(generator.generate) end end def now @now ||= Time.now.utc end def sessions @sessions ||= SessionGraphGenerator.new(@output_directory, now) end def milter_manager_status @milter_manager_status ||= MilterManagerStatusGraphGenerator.new(@output_directory, now) end def milter_manager_report @milter_manager_report ||= MilterManagerReportGraphGenerator.new(@output_directory, now) end def milters @milters ||= MiltersGraphGenerator.new(@output_directory, now) end end if __FILE__ == $0 milter_log_analyzer = MilterManagerLogAnalyzer.new milter_log_analyzer.parse_options(ARGV) milter_log_analyzer.prepare milter_log_analyzer.update milter_log_analyzer.output end # vi:ts=2:nowrap:ai:expandtab:sw=2