#!/bin/bash # var readonly STRATEGY='RollingUpdate' # default option NAMESPACE="default" IMAGE_TAG="milvusdb/milvus:v2.2.3" OPERATION="update" function env_check() { # check kubectl whether exist which kubectl &>/dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Require kubectl" exit 1 fi } function option_check() { if [[ ! $INSTANCE ]]; then # None echo "option [-i instance] required" && exit 1 elif [[ ! $OPERATION ]]; then echo "option [-o update] required " && exit 1 elif [[ $OPERATION == 'update' ]]; then if [[ ! $TARGET_VERSION || ! $IMAGE_TAG ]]; then echo "option [-t target_version] & [-w image_tag] are required when update" && exit 1 fi else Usage && exit 1 fi } function check_instance() { DEPLOYMENTS=$(kubectl get deploy -n $NAMESPACE -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=$INSTANCE,app.kubernetes.io/name=milvus --output=jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}) if [[ ! $DEPLOYMENTS ]]; then echo "There is no instance [$INSTANCE] " && exit 1 fi } function check_version() { # not in use local version_num=$(kubectl get deploy -n $NAMESPACE -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=$INSTANCE,app.kubernetes.io/name=milvus --output=jsonpath='{.items..metadata.labels.app\.kubernetes\.io/version}'|sed 's/ /\n/g'|sort -u|wc -l|awk '{print $1}') if [[ $version_num > 1 ]];then echo "[WARN]: there are [$version_num] versions(version labels) of instance [$INSTANCE] running now " fi } function pre_check() { env_check && option_check && check_instance } function store_metadata() { # not in use now # if we want to support strong update and rollback,we must keep some state message # by kubectl true } function deploy_update() { local deployment=$1 local now_deploy=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get deployments.apps $deployment -o jsonpath={.spec.strategy.type},{.spec.template.spec.containers..image},{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].name}) local name=$(echo $now_deploy|awk -F ',' '{print $3}') echo " update $deployment " echo $deployment|grep coord >/dev/null && local wait_time='"minReadySeconds":30,' || local wait_time='' kubectl -n $NAMESPACE patch deployments.apps $deployment -p '{"metadata":{"labels":{"app.kubernetes.io/version":"'$TARGET_VERSION'"}},"spec":{'$wait_time'"strategy":{"type":"'$STRATEGY'"},"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"image":"'$IMAGE_TAG'","name":"'$name'"}]}}}}' # echo "check $deployment status..." check_deploy_status true $deployment if [[ $? != 0 ]];then echo "error: $(check_deploy_status true $deployment) " exit 1 fi } function set_rollingupdate_mode() { local configmaps_name=${INSTANCE}-milvus local mq=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get configmaps $configmaps_name -o jsonpath='{.data}'|egrep -o 'messageQueue: \w*' --color|tail -1|awk '{print $2}') if [[ $mq == "rocksmq" ]];then echo "standalone Milvus with mq:rocksmq don't support rolling update now" && exit 1 fi local add_user_yaml='rootCoord:\\n enableActiveStandby: true\\nqueryCoord:\\n enableActiveStandby: true\\ndataCoord:\\n enableActiveStandby: true\\nindexCoord:\\n enableActiveStandby: true' local check_standby=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get configmaps $configmaps_name -o json|grep '^\ *"user\.yaml":'|grep "$add_user_yaml") # echo $check_standby if [[ ! ${check_standby} ]];then kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get configmaps $configmaps_name -o json|sed 's/\(\"user.yaml.*\)"$/\1\\n'"$add_user_yaml"'"/'|kubectl -n $NAMESPACE apply -f - fi } function prepare() { set_rollingupdate_mode } function check_deploy_status() { local watchOption=$1 local deploy=$2 kubectl -n $NAMESPACE rollout status deployment $deploy --watch=$watchOption | grep -i successful 1>/dev/null return $? } function check_rollout_status() { local deploy local watchOption=false if [[ $1 == true ]];then watchOption=$1 fi for deploy in $DEPLOYMENTS; do check_deploy_status $watchOption $deploy 1>/dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]];then echo "deployment [$deploy] was blocked,[$deploy] pods status:" kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pod|grep $deploy echo "maybe it's being deployed or something wrong,need to be fixed first" exit 1 fi done echo 'check: success: all deployments are successful, there are no deployments blocked' } function match_deploy() { # if TARGET_VERSION in local now_version_topology=($(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'rootcoord$') $(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'datacoord$') $(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'indexcoord$') $(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'querycoord$') $(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'indexnode$') $(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'datanode$'),$(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'querynode$') $(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'proxy$') $(echo $DEPLOYMENTS|sed s'/ /\n/'g|grep 'standalone$')) TOPOLOGY=${now_version_topology[@]} } function do_rollout() { echo 'update:' local deploy match_deploy for deploy in ${TOPOLOGY[@]}; do for i in $(echo $deploy|sed 's/,/\n/g');do # care of None deploy_update $i if [[ $? != 0 ]];then exit 1 fi done done } function do_rollback() { # not in use now kubectl -n $NAMESPACE rollout history } function Usage() { echo " [Warning]: Based on kubectl -n [namespace] Default:[default] The namespace that Milvus is installed in. -i [instance name] [required] The name of milvus instance. -t [target_version] [required] The milvus target version. -w [image_tag] [required] The target milvus image tag. -o [operation] Only support [update] now. RollingUpdate Example: sh rollingUpdate.sh -n default -i my-release -o update -t 2.2.3 -w 'milvusdb/milvus:v2.2.3' " } function main() { pre_check && prepare && check_rollout_status && do_rollout && check_rollout_status true exit $? } # entrypoint while getopts "n:i:t:w:o:" OPT; do case $OPT in n) NAMESPACE=$OPTARG ;; i) INSTANCE=$OPTARG ;; t) TARGET_VERSION=$OPTARG ;; w) IMAGE_TAG=$OPTARG ;; o) OPERATION=$OPTARG ;; *) echo "Unknown parameters" ;; esac done if [[ -z $1 ]]; then Usage && exit 1 fi main