#+TODO: TODO(t) SCHEMA(m) | DONE(d) * Search Index Fields ** Annotation [4/4] The [[Annotation][annotation]] index contains the following fields you can search: *** DONE text *** DONE type *** DONE name *** DONE entity ** Area [13/13] The area index contains the following fields you can search: *** DONE aid *** DONE alias *** DONE area *** DONE begin *** DONE comment *** DONE end *** DONE ended *** DONE sortname -- areas don't have one *** DONE iso *** DONE iso1 *** DONE iso2 *** DONE iso3 *** DONE type Area search terms with no fields specified search the area and sortname fields. ** Artist [17/17] The artist index contains the following fields you can search: *** DONE area *** DONE beginarea *** DONE endarea *** DONE arid *** DONE artist *** DONE artistaccent *** DONE alias *** DONE begin *** DONE comment *** DONE country *** DONE end *** DONE ended *** DONE gender *** DONE ipi *** DONE sortname *** DONE tag *** DONE type Artist search terms with no fields specified search the /artist/, /sortname/ and /alias/ fields. ** CDStubs [6/6] The [[CD Stub][CD Stub]] index contains the following fields you can search: *** DONE artist *** DONE title *** DONE barcode *** DONE comment *** DONE tracks *** DONE discid ** Label [14/14] The label ndex contains the following fields you can search: *** DONE alias *** DONE area *** DONE begin *** DONE code *** DONE comment *** DONE country *** DONE end *** DONE ended *** DONE ipi *** DONE label *** DONE labelaccent *** DONE laid *** DONE type *** DONE tag Label search terms with no fields specified search the label, sortname and alias fields. ** Place [13/13] The place index contains the following fields you can search: *** DONE pid *** DONE address *** DONE alias *** DONE area *** DONE begin *** DONE comment *** DONE end *** DONE ended *** DONE lat *** DONE long *** DONE place *** DONE sortname -- places don't actually have one *** DONE type Place search terms with no fields specified search the place, alias, address and area fields. ** Recording [30/30] Recording searches can contain you can search: *** DONE arid *** DONE artist *** DONE artistname *** DONE creditname *** DONE comment *** DONE country *** DONE date *** DONE dur *** DONE format *** DONE isrc *** DONE number *** DONE position *** DONE primarytype *** TODO puid -- deprecated *** DONE qdur *** DONE recording *** DONE recordingaccent *** DONE reid *** DONE release *** DONE rgid *** DONE rid *** DONE secondarytype *** DONE status *** DONE tid *** DONE tnum *** DONE tracks *** DONE tracksrelease *** DONE tag *** DONE type *** DONE video Recording search terms with no fields search the /recording/ field only ** Release Group [16/16] The release group index contains the following fields you can search: *** DONE arid *** DONE artist *** DONE artistname *** DONE comment *** DONE creditname *** DONE primarytype *** DONE rgid *** DONE releasegroup *** DONE releasegroupaccent *** DONE releases *** DONE release *** DONE reid *** DONE secondarytype *** DONE status *** DONE tag *** DONE type Release group search terms with no fields search the releasegroup field only. ** Release [30/31] The release index contains these fields you can search: *** DONE arid *** DONE artist *** DONE artistname *** DONE asin *** DONE barcode *** DONE catno *** DONE comment *** DONE country *** DONE creditname *** DONE date *** DONE discids *** TODO discidsmedium *** DONE format *** DONE laid *** DONE label *** DONE lang *** DONE mediums *** DONE primarytype *** TODO puid -- deprecated *** SCHEMA quality *** DONE reid *** DONE release *** DONE releaseaccent *** DONE rgid *** DONE script *** DONE secondarytype *** DONE status *** DONE tag *** DONE tracks *** DONE tracksmedium *** DONE type Release search terms with no fields search the /release/ field only. ** Tag [1/1] The Tag index contains these fields you can search: *** DONE tag ** Work [11/11] The work index contains these fields you can search: *** DONE alias *** DONE arid *** DONE artist *** DONE comment *** DONE iswc *** DONE language *** DONE tag *** DONE type *** DONE wid *** DONE work *** DONE workaccent Work search terms with no fields specified search the work and alias fields. ** Editor [2/2] *** DONE bio *** DONE editor ** Event [14/14] *** DONE aid *** DONE alias *** DONE area *** DONE arid *** DONE artist *** DONE begin *** DONE comment *** DONE eid *** DONE end *** DONE event *** DONE pid *** DONE place *** DONE tag *** DONE type ** FreeDB [0/6] -- deprecated *** TODO artist *** TODO cat *** TODO discid *** TODO title *** TODO tracks *** TODO year ** Series [7/7] *** DONE alias *** DONE comment *** DONE orderingattribute *** DONE series *** DONE sid *** DONE tag *** DONE type ** URL [2/5] *** TODO relationtype *** TODO targetid *** TODO targettype *** DONE uid *** DONE url