#!/usr/bin/env sh # # Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Hiveon # Distributed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 2.0 # License information can be found in the LICENSE file or at https://github.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/blob/master/LICENSE.txt # readonly script_mission='Client for ASICs: Download bulk install scripts' readonly script_version='1.0.1' # consts readonly bulk_install_dir='/tmp/hive-bulk-install' readonly github_path='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/master/hive/hive-asic-net-installer' # functions print_script_version() { echo -e "${YELLOW-}${script_mission}, version ${script_version}${NOCOLOR-}" echo } is_on_busybox() { [ -f "/usr/bin/compile_time" ] } # code print_script_version if is_on_busybox; then which sshpass > /dev/null || ( echo -e "${CYAN}sshpass${NOCOLOR} is required, update Client to latest version: ${CYAN}selfupgrade${NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ) else which sshpass > /dev/null || ( echo -e "${CYAN}sshpass${NOCOLOR} is required, try ${CYAN}apt-get install sshpass${NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ) which curl > /dev/null || ( echo -e "${CYAN}sshpass${NOCOLOR} is required, try ${CYAN}apt-get install curl${NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ) fi echo -e "Creating ${WHITE}${bulk_install_dir}...${NOCOLOR}" mkdir -p "$bulk_install_dir" || ( echo -e "${RED}ERROR${NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ) cd "$bulk_install_dir" for file in config.txt ips.txt install.sh ipscan.sh firmware.sh setup.sh firmware-upgrade ipscan_model.sh firmware-L3.sh firmware-upgrade-L3; do echo -e "${NOCOLOR}Downloading ${WHITE}$file...${DGRAY}" if ! curl -L --insecure -O "${github_path}/$file"; then fail=1 echo -e -n "${DGRAY}" break fi echo done if [ -z "$fail" ]; then for file in install.sh ipscan.sh firmware.sh setup.sh firmware-upgrade ipscan_model.sh; do chmod +x "$file" done echo -e "${GREEN}Done.${NOCOLOR} All files downloaded to ${WHITE}${bulk_install_dir}${NOCOLOR}." else echo -e ${RED}"Something bad happen.${NOCOLOR}" fi