#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (C) 2017 Hiveon Holding LTD # Distributed under Business Source License 1.1 # License information can be found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://github.com/minershive/hiveos-asic/blob/master/LICENSE.txt # # Linted by shellcheck 0.7.0 # readonly script_mission='Client for ASICs: Network ASIC scanner (Antminers only)' readonly script_version='1.3.0' readonly script_basename="${0##*/}" # !!! bash strict mode, no unbound variables set -o nounset # commented out for production bc still not tested thoroughly # functions function echo_error { echo -e "${BRED-}${*}${NOCOLOR-}" } 1>&2 function print_script_version { echo -e "${YELLOW-}${script_mission}, version ${script_version}${NOCOLOR-}" echo } 1>&2 function print_script_usage { echo -e "Usage ${CYAN-}$script_basename network/prefix [network/prefix...]${NOCOLOR-}" echo echo -e " ${CYAN-}$script_basename${NOCOLOR-}" echo -e " ${CYAN-}$script_basename${NOCOLOR-}" echo -e " ${CYAN-}$script_basename${NOCOLOR-}" echo -e " ${CYAN-}$script_basename${NOCOLOR-} > ips.txt" echo } 1>&2 is_on_busybox() { # vars local canonical_path # code canonical_path="$( readlink -f "$( command -v timeout )" )" && [[ "$canonical_path" == *'/busybox'* ]] #" syntax highlighting fix } function are_programs_available { # args #local -r program_list="$@" # flags local -i something_is_not_available_FLAG=0 # vars local this_program # code for this_program in "$@"; do if ! hash "$this_program" 2> /dev/null; then something_is_not_available_FLAG=1 break fi done return $(( something_is_not_available_FLAG )) } function trim_string { # args local -r string_to_trim="$1" # vars local trimmed_string # code shopt -s extglob trimmed_string="${string_to_trim##+([[:space:]])}" # trim leading trimmed_string="${trimmed_string%%+([[:space:]])}" # trim trailing echo "$trimmed_string" } function prefix_to_bit_netmask { # args local -r prefix="$1" # vars local bitmask='' space local -i this_bit num # code for (( this_bit = 0; this_bit < 32; this_bit++ )); do (( this_bit < prefix )) && num=1 || num=0 (( this_bit % 8 == 0 )) && space=' ' || space='' bitmask="${bitmask}${space}${num}" done trim_string "$bitmask" } function bit_netmask_to_wildcard_netmask { # args local -r bitmask="$1" # vars local this_octet wildcard_mask='' # code for this_octet in $bitmask; do wildcard_mask="${wildcard_mask} $(( 255 - 2#$this_octet ))" done trim_string "$wildcard_mask" } function is_valid_cidr { # args local -r cidr_to_validate="$1" # const local -r valid_ip_range_RE='^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})/([0-9]{1,2})$' # vars local -i ip ip1 ip2 ip3 ip4 N # code if [[ "$cidr_to_validate" =~ $valid_ip_range_RE ]]; then ip1="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" ip2="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" ip3="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" ip4="${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" N="${BASH_REMATCH[5]}" (( ip = ip1 * 256 ** 3 + ip2 * 256 ** 2 + ip3 * 256 + ip4 )) if (( ip % 2**(32-N) != 0 )); then echo_error "'$cidr_to_validate' is not a valid IP range (address or netmask part is wrong by means of the address arithmetic)" return 1 fi else echo_error "'$cidr_to_validate' is not a valid IP range" return 1 fi } function get_asic_model { # args local -r asic_ip="$1" # vars local timeout_options # code if is_on_busybox; then timeout_options='-t 7' else timeout_options='7' fi echo '{"command":"stats"}' | timeout $timeout_options nc "$asic_ip" 4028 | tr -d '\0\n' | sed 's/}{/\},{/' | jq --raw-output '.STATS[0].Type' } function process_ip_ranges { # vars local this_ip_range net_part prefix_part bit_netmask wildcard_mask str range ip_list_for_eval ip_list_for_display this_ip local -i this_octet mask_octet # code for this_ip_range in "$@"; do # assert: ip address range is valid is_valid_cidr "$this_ip_range" || continue net_part="${this_ip_range%/*}" prefix_part="${this_ip_range#*/}" bit_netmask="$( prefix_to_bit_netmask "$prefix_part" )" wildcard_mask="$( bit_netmask_to_wildcard_netmask "$bit_netmask" )" # debug #echo "this_ip_range '$this_ip_range', net_part '$net_part', prefix_part '$prefix_part', bit_netmask '$bit_netmask', wildcard_mask '$wildcard_mask'" str='' for (( this_octet = 1; this_octet <= 4; this_octet++ )); do range="$( cut -d '.' -f "$this_octet" <<< "$net_part" )" mask_octet="$( cut -d ' ' -f "$this_octet" <<< "$wildcard_mask" )" if (( mask_octet > 0 )); then range="{0..$mask_octet}" fi str="$str $range" done : "$( trim_string "$str" )" ip_list_for_eval="${_// /.}" : "${ip_list_for_eval//{/[}" : "${_//\}/]}" : "${_//../-}" ip_list_for_display="$_" message="Scanning range ${WHITE}${ip_list_for_display}${NOCOLOR}" for this_ip in $( eval echo "$ip_list_for_eval" ); do # eval is to expand "{n..m}" template(s) echo -e -n "\r${message}: $this_ip" 1>&2 # --verbose and --silent options at the same time does make a verbose output (we need that) but hides curl errors (we don't need them) curl --verbose --silent --max-time 5 "$this_ip:80" 2>&1 | grep -Fq 'Miner Configuration' && touch "/dev/shm/ip/$this_ip" & # let's parallelize! { sleep 0.1 || usleep 100000; } 2> /dev/null # only integer sleep on BusyBox done echo -e -n "\r${message} done. Processing answers..." 1>&2 wait done } function print_antminers_found { # arrays local -a antminer_ip_list_ARR=() antminer_model_list_ARR=() # vars local this_antminer_ip this_antminer_model local -i antminers_found this_element # code # shellcheck disable=SC2012 # bc there's a problem with only-filenames-find-from-busybox readarray -t antminer_ip_list_ARR < <( ls /dev/shm/ip/ | sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 ) antminers_found="${#antminer_ip_list_ARR[@]}" if (( antminers_found )); then { echo echo "Antminers found: $antminers_found" echo printf '%-15.15s %s\n' 'IP address' 'Model' for (( this_element = 0; this_element < antminers_found; this_element++ )); do this_antminer_ip="${antminer_ip_list_ARR[this_element]-}" [[ -z "$this_antminer_ip" ]] && continue # out of boundaries check if are_programs_available 'timeout' 'nc' 'jq'; then this_antminer_model="$( get_asic_model "$this_antminer_ip" 2>&1 )" antminer_model_list_ARR[this_element]="$this_antminer_model" else this_antminer_model="${DGRAY-}${NOCOLOR-}" fi printf '%-15.15s %b\n' "$this_antminer_ip" "$this_antminer_model" done echo } 1>&2 if [[ ! -t 1 ]]; then # print this only if stdout redirected printf '#\n# %s: range(s) %s scanned at %(%F %T)T, %d Antminers found\n#\n' "$script_basename" "$*" -1 "$antminers_found" for (( this_element = 0; this_element < antminers_found; this_element++ )); do this_antminer_ip="${antminer_ip_list_ARR[this_element]-}" this_antminer_model="${antminer_model_list_ARR[this_element]-}" [[ -z "$this_antminer_ip" ]] && continue # out of boundaries check printf '# %s\n%s\n' "$this_antminer_model" "$this_antminer_ip" done fi else { echo echo 'No Antminers found' echo } 1>&2 fi } # sources source /hive/bin/colors # code print_script_version # assert: at least 1 argument does exist [[ -n "${1-}" ]] || { print_script_usage; exit 1; } # assert: curl is available are_programs_available 'curl' || { echo -e "${CYAN-}curl${NOCOLOR-} is required, try ${CYAN-}apt-get install curl${NOCOLOR-}"; exit 1; } # cleanup at exit or break trap 'rm -rf /dev/shm/ip; exit' EXIT INT HUP # create a directory in the shared memory mkdir -p /dev/shm/ip rm -rf /dev/shm/ip/* # let's go! process_ip_ranges "$@" print_antminers_found "$@"