#bin version='' shell_version='2.4' uiname='FXMinerProxy-shell' pkgname='FXMinerProxy' authorname='mingmingge891' installname='porttranpay.sh' webuiname='ui' sofname='proxyminer' installfolder='/etc/porttran/proxyminer' oldinstallfolder='/etc/porttran/porttran' red='\033[0;31m' green='\033[0;32m' yellow='\033[0;33m' plain='\033[0m' myFile=$version.tar.gz if [ ! -f "$myFile" ]; then echo "\n" else rm $version.tar.gz fi change_limit(){ changeLimit="n" if [ $(grep -c "root soft nofile" /etc/security/limits.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "root soft nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf echo "* soft nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [ $(grep -c "root hard nofile" /etc/security/limits.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "root hard nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf echo "* hard nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [ $(grep -c "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" /etc/systemd/user.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" >>/etc/systemd/user.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [ $(grep -c "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" /etc/systemd/system.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" >>/etc/systemd/system.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [[ "$changeLimit" = "y" ]]; then echo "连接数限制已修改为65535,重启服务器后生效" else echo -n "当前连接数限制:" ulimit -n fi before_show_menu } check_limit() { echo "当前系统连接数:" ulimit -n before_show_menu } checkProcess() { COUNT=$(ps -ef |grep $1 |grep -v "grep" |wc -l) if [ $COUNT -eq 0 ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } kill_porttran(){ PROCESS=`ps -ef|grep $sofname|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'` for i in $PROCESS do echo "Kill the $1 process [ $i ]" kill -9 $i done #删除老版本脚本 PROCESS=`ps -ef|grep porttran|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'` for i in $PROCESS do echo "Kill the $1 process [ $i ]" kill -9 $i done } kill_ppexec(){ PROCESS=`ps -ef|grep ppexec|grep -v grep|grep -v PPID|awk '{ print $2}'` for i in $PROCESS do echo "Kill the $1 process [ $i ]" kill -9 $i done } install() { if [ ! -f "$installfolder" ]; then wget https://github.com/$authorname/$pkgname/archive/refs/tags/$version.tar.gz if [ -f "$version.tar.gz" ];then tar -zxvf $version.tar.gz cd $pkgname-$version/porttranpay tar -zxvf porttranlatest.tar.gz cd ../.. mv $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/portdir.sh $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/$sofname mkdir porttran && chmod 777 porttran mv $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/* porttran cd porttran/ && chmod +x $sofname && chmod +x ppexec cd ../ rm -rf $pkgname-$version rm $version.tar.gz cp -r porttran /etc/ rm -rf porttran if [ ! -f "$installfolder" ]; then rm -rf /etc/porttran echo -e "${red}安装时失败,请输入一键安装脚本重新安装" return fi # cd /etc/security/ # echo "* soft nofile 20000" >> limits.conf # echo "* hard nofile 20000" >> limits.conf # cd /etc/pam.d/ # echo "session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so" >> login # echo "session required /lib64/security/pam_limits.so" >> login # cd /etc # rm sysctl.conf # touch sysctl.conf # chmod 777 sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.core.rmem_max=16777216" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.core.wmem_max=16777216" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 87380 16777216" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 65536 16777216" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 10" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 0" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 30000" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save=1" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.core.somaxconn = 262144" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 262144" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 262144" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2" >> sysctl.conf # echo "net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 2" >> sysctl.conf # /sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf # /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.route.flush=1 # echo ulimit -HSn 65535 >> /ect/rc.local # echo ulimit -Hsn 65535 >> /root/.bash_profile # ulimit -Hsn 65535 changeLimit="n" if [ $(grep -c "root soft nofile" /etc/security/limits.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "root soft nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf echo "* soft nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [ $(grep -c "root hard nofile" /etc/security/limits.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "root hard nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf echo "* hard nofile 65535" >>/etc/security/limits.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [ $(grep -c "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" /etc/systemd/user.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" >>/etc/systemd/user.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [ $(grep -c "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" /etc/systemd/system.conf) -eq '0' ]; then echo "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" >>/etc/systemd/system.conf changeLimit="y" fi if [[ "$changeLimit" = "y" ]]; then echo "连接数限制已修改为65535,重启服务器后生效" else echo -n "当前连接数限制:" ulimit -n fi autorun echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}安装完成,按回车启动,CTRL+C退出: ${plain}" && read temp start else echo -e "${red}下载安装包失败,请输入一键安装脚本重新安装" retutn fi else echo -e "${red}转发已经安装,不要重复安装" before_show_menu fi } check_install() { if [ ! -f "$installfolder" ]; then if [ -f "$oldinstallfolder" ]; then echo -e " ${green}<<转发已经安装>>" return fi echo -e " ${red}<<转发没有安装>>" else echo -e " ${green}<<转发已经安装>>" fi } before_show_menu() { echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}操作完成按回车返回主菜单: ${plain}" && read temp show_menu } update_shell() { wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$authorname/$pkgname/main/$installname -O -> /usr/bin/$uiname && chmod +x /usr/bin/$uiname && $uiname echo exit 0 } update_app() { if [ ! -f "$oldinstallfolder" ]; then if [ ! -f "$installfolder" ]; then echo -e "${red}转发没有安装,请先安装转发" before_show_menu fi fi echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}确定更新吗,按回车确定,CTRL+C退出: ${plain}" && read temp wget https://github.com/$authorname/$pkgname/archive/refs/tags/$version.tar.gz kill_porttran kill_ppexec tar -zxvf $version.tar.gz cd $pkgname-$version/porttranpay tar -zxvf porttranlatest.tar.gz cd ../.. rm -rf porttran mkdir porttran && chmod 777 porttran #判断porttran文件是否创建成功 if [ ! -d "porttran" ]; then echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}更新失败,请重新操作,按回车返回主菜单: ${plain}" && read temp show_menu else mv $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/portdir.sh $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/$sofname rm $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/server.pem rm $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/server.crt rm $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/server.key #判断porttran重命名是否成功 if [ ! -f "$pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/$sofname" ]; then echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}更新失败,重命名失败,请重新操作,按回车返回主菜单: ${plain}" && read temp show_menu fi mv $pkgname-$version/porttranpay/porttran/* porttran cd porttran/ && chmod +x $sofname && chmod +x ppexec cd ../ rm -rf $pkgname-$version rm $version.tar.gz rm -rf /etc/porttran/$sofname rm -rf /etc/porttran/ppexec rm -rf /etc/porttran/$webuiname rm -rf /etc/porttran/redxx_latest_amd64_x86 rm -rf /etc/porttran/redxx_linux_amd64.tar.gz cp porttran/ppexec /etc/porttran/ cp porttran/$sofname /etc/porttran/ cd porttran/ cp -r $webuiname /etc/porttran cp -r redxx_latest_amd64_x86 /etc/porttran cp redxx_linux_amd64.tar.gz /etc/porttran #不存在则复制过去 if [ ! -d "/etc/porttran/redxx_latest_amd64_x86" ]; then cp -r redxx_latest_amd64_x86 /etc/porttran fi cd ../ rm -rf porttran if [ ! -f "$installfolder" ]; then echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}更新失败,请程序打开脚本操作" return else echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}更新完成,按回车启动,CTRL+C退出: ${plain}" && read temp start fi fi } uninstall_app() { echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}确定卸载吗,按回车确定,CTRL+C退出: ${plain}" && read temp kill_porttran kill_ppexec rm -rf /etc/porttran before_show_menu } uninstall_shell() { echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}确定卸载吗,按回车确定,CTRL+C退出: ${plain}" && read temp rm /usr/bin/$uiname before_show_menu } start() { if [ ! -f "$installfolder" ]; then echo -e "${red}转发没有安装,无法启动" else checkProcess "$sofname" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "${red}转发已经启动,不要重复启动" before_show_menu else echo -e "${green}启动中..." cd /etc/porttran sed -i 's/"is_open_general_swap": true/"is_open_general_swap": false/g' localconfig.json setsid ./$sofname & sleep 3 fi fi before_show_menu } stop() { echo && echo -n -e "${yellow}确定停止吗,按回车确定,CTRL+C退出: ${plain}" && read temp kill_porttran kill_ppexec before_show_menu } autorun() { cd /etc rm rc.local touch rc.local chmod 777 rc.local echo "#!/bin/bash" >> rc.local echo "#" >> rc.local echo "# rc.local" >> rc.local echo "#" >> rc.local echo "# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel." >> rc.local echo "# Make sure that the script will "#exit 0" on success or any other" >> rc.local echo "# value on error." >> rc.local echo "#" >> rc.local echo "# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution" >> rc.local echo "# bits." >> rc.local echo "#" >> rc.local echo "# By default this script does nothing." >> rc.local echo "#exit 0" >> rc.local echo "cd /etc/porttran && setsid ./$sofname &" >> rc.local echo "exit 0" >> rc.local cd /root echo -e "${green}开机启动设置成功" } show_menu() { clear check_install echo -e " ${green}$uiname脚本管理界面安装完成 ${green}脚本版本${shell_version} ${green}软件版本${version} ${green}安装时linux默认最大连接数据已修改为最大65535(需重启服务器生效) ${green}安装时软件已经自动设置开机启动 ${red}浏览器默认端口62438,默认用户名密码admin,admin${plain} ${green}0.${plain} 退出 ${green}1.${plain} 安装 ${green}2.${plain} 更新 ${green}3.${plain} 卸载 ${green}4.${plain} 启动 ${green}5.${plain} 停止 ${green}6.${plain} 查看linux最大连接 ${green}7.${plain} linux大连接数改为65535(需重启服务器生效) " echo && read -p "请输入选择 [0-7]: " num case "${num}" in 0) exit 0 ;; 1) install ;; 2) update_app ;; 3) uninstall_app ;; 4) start ;; 5) stop ;; 6) check_limit ;; 7) change_limit ;; *) echo -e "${red}请输入正确的数字 [0-7]${plain}" ;; esac } show_menu