ABOUT US AND THIS PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy is very important for us and we will always use your personal information only for the purposes as described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store information received about European Economic Area (“EEA”) users and/or information received about EEA users’ computing device through their use of the Apps. You can always determine your country of residence in the app settings by clicking a “Country” button and selecting your country. We receive and/or you may be asked to provide your information (including personal information) any time you are in contact with us or use the Applications. As described in greater detail below, we share your information (including personal information) with our affiliates and with third party partners (as defined below) and use it in ways consistent with this Privacy Policy. We may also use your information (including personal information) together with other information to provide and improve products, services, content, and advertising.