#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Nagios::Plugin; use Net::SNMP; my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new( usage => "Usage: %s -H|--host= -P|--protocol= -c|--community= [-t|--timeout=]\n", plugin => $0, shortname => 'check_supermicro_superdoctor', blurb => 'Checks SuperDoctor via SNMP for basic issues', timeout => 10 ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'host|H=s', help => '-H --host=STRING hostname running superdoctor and SNMP', required => 1 ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'protocol|P=i', help => '-p --protocol=INTEGER SNMP version (1,2,3)', required => 1, default => "2" ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'community|c=s', help => '-c --community=STRING community string', required => 1 ); $np->getopts; my $community = $np->opts->community; my $hostname = $np->opts->host; my $version = $np->opts->protocol; my $superDoctorVersionOid="."; my $systemTree="."; my $systemColumns = { "2" => "Name", "4" => "Value", "9" => "Divisor", "10" => "Monitored", "11" => "Unit", "12" => "Status" }; my $RAMTree="."; my $RAMColumns = { "1" => "Tag", "3" => "Status", "4" => "Bank", "5" => "Location", "8" => "Manufacturer", "9" => "PartNo", "10" => "SerialNo", "11" => "Capacity", "15" => "Errors", "16" => "ECCErrors", "17" => "UECCErrors" }; my $RAIDVirtualDiskTree=""; my $RAIDVirtualDiskColumns = { "27" => "Status", "28" => "AllInOneStatus", "29" => "AllInOneMessage" }; my $RAIDPhysicalDiskTree=""; my $RAIDPhysicalDiskColumns = { "6" => "State", "26" => "AllInOneStatus", "27" => "AllInOneMessage" }; my @criticals = (); my @warnings = (); my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -community => $community, -hostname => $hostname, -version => $version, -timeout => 10, ); my $superDoctorVersion = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$superDoctorVersionOid]); $np->nagios_exit('UNKNOWN', "SuperDoctor Version cannot be determined; either it or snmp is incorrectly configured") unless $superDoctorVersion; my $systemHealth = getHashFromSNMP($session, $systemTree, $systemColumns); my $RAMHealth = getHashFromSNMP($session, $RAMTree, $RAMColumns); my $physicalDiskHealth = getHashFromSNMP($session, $RAIDPhysicalDiskTree, $RAIDPhysicalDiskColumns); my $virtualDiskHealth = getHashFromSNMP($session, $RAIDVirtualDiskTree, $RAIDVirtualDiskColumns); $session->close(); for my $RAM (@{$RAMHealth}) { push @criticals, "RAM Errors (Status: $RAM->{'Status'}, Errors: $RAM->{'Errors'}, Correctable: $RAM->{'ECCErrors'}, Uncorrectable: $RAM->{'UECCErrors'}) on $RAM->{'Location'}/$RAM->{'Tag'} ($RAM->{'Manufacturer'}, $RAM->{'PartNo'}, Serial: $RAM->{'SerialNo'})" if($RAM->{'Status'} > 0 or $RAM->{'Errors'} > 0 or $RAM->{'ECCErrors'} or $RAM->{'UECCErrors'} > 0); } for my $check (@{$systemHealth}) { next unless $check->{'Monitored'} == 1; my $value = $check->{'Value'}; $value /= $check->{'Divisor'} if $check->{'Divisor'} > 0; push @criticals, "$check->{'Name'} is CRITICAL ($value $check->{'Unit'})" if $check->{'Status'} == 2; push @warnings, "$check->{'Name'} is WARNING ($value $check->{'Unit'})" if $check->{'Status'} == 1 ; $np->add_perfdata( label => $check->{'Name'}, value => $value, uom => $check->{'Unit'}, ); } for my $virtualDisk (@{$virtualDiskHealth}) { push @criticals, $virtualDisk->{'AllInOneMessage'} unless $virtualDisk->{'Status'} eq "Optimal"; } for my $physicalDisk (@{$physicalDiskHealth}) { push @criticals, $physicalDisk->{'AllInOneMessage'} unless $physicalDisk->{'State'} =~ /online|hotspare/; } $np->nagios_exit('CRITICAL', join(', ', @criticals)) if (scalar @criticals > 0); $np->nagios_exit('WARNING', join(', ', @warnings)) if (scalar @warnings > 0); $np->nagios_exit('OK', ""); sub getHashFromSNMP { my ($session, $tree, $columns) = @_; my $health = []; my @Oids = map {"${tree}.${_}"} sort keys %{$columns}; my $snmpResult = $session->get_entries(-columns => \@Oids); my $errors = $session->error(); for my $oid (sort keys %{$snmpResult}) { my ($counter,$index) = $oid =~ /\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; $health->[$index-1]->{$columns->{$counter}} = $snmpResult->{$oid}; } return $health; }