# dump_dLo.sh -- download the listing of a directory with traces and
# screencasts/other and build a script to download all the
# files. If modified the idea can be used for easy downloads
# based on one single listing and one url
# This script is, in broader manner, part of uncenz set, since I wrote it to
# ease downloads of my uncenz produced traces/screencasts/other
# I got this idea, when posting about:
# Devuan image in Qemu
# https://www.CroatiaFidelis.hr/foss/cap/cap-161015-qemu-devuan/
# where find the line in bottom:
# "The files necessary for this study are listed in: ls-1".
# This script is oriented for use on unix family of OSes.
# If you're a Windows expert, or use Cygwin on Windows, you can likely modify
# it and still use it, but I almost never use Windows anymore, so I can't help
# with it.
# Some cleanup/improvement in 2022. After a period of (rare) use, will remove
# much of the unnecessary commented out stuff.
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2022 Miroslav Rovis,
# Use this at your own risk!
# released under BSD license, see LICENSE, or assume general BSD license,
function ask() # this function borrowed from "Advanced BASH Scripting Guide"
# (a free book) by Mendel Cooper
echo -n "$@" '[y/[n]] ' ; read ans
case "$ans" in
y*|Y*) return 0 ;;
*) return 1 ;;
function decline() # the opposite, inverse, the negative if you will, of ask()
echo -n "$@" '[[y]/n] ' ; read ans
case "$ans" in
n*|N*) return 1 ;;
*) return 0 ;;
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Must give the url of ls-1 in the directory where you want"
echo "to download the files from. Pls. read the script!"
# Just give it the ls-1 (or ls-1pg1 or such; the only constraint is: the
# files must begin with the 4 chars \"ls-1\", also: the name of the sum
# and the signature are later construed by adding ".sum" and ".sum.asc").
# Give it that list of files from that directory at some site such as my NGO's
# www.CroatiaFidelis.hr/foss/cap/ as \$1 ,
# (
# The full url of it, such as:
# https://www.CroatiaFidelis.hr/foss/cap/cap-161015-qemu-devuan/ls-1
# or:
# https://www.croatiafidelis.hr/foss/cap/cap-161202-stackoverflow/ls-1pg3
# ),
# the script should manipulate it and get you all the files listed.
# Also the url without listing can be given e.g.:
# https://www.CroatiaFidelis.hr/foss/cap/cap-161015-qemu-devuan/
# or:
# https://www.CroatiaFidelis.hr/foss/cap/cap-161015-qemu-devuan
# , but only if that dir contains exactly the ls-1 listing,
# not some other like ls-1someMore.
# Not all the necessary checking is performed, no time,
# and if some of the normal requirements is not there (such as
# missing https:// or http:// at the beginning of the url,
# the script may just fail (but not necessarily).
# And surely you need to run this in a directory
# where you have all the privs.
exit 0
# The code in this script is kludgy, but does the work.
# It would be best to read (and correct) this script before use.
#echo $the_url_raw
# There are 'read NOP' lines in the script, which are not really used for
# reading anything. But to give the user a pause to see how the script is
# faring, to read the script at the lines that currently execute and
# decide whether to hit Enter and continue running the script or to
# bail out by issuing Ctrl-C to kill the script and investigate.
# You can freely comment them out or uncomment them, or even, if you're
# learning, insert them temporarily where needed.
#read NOP
> dLo.sh
#echo $the_url_raw|sed "s@/@\n@g"
NUM_SLASHES_RAW=$(echo $the_url_raw|sed "s@/@\n@g"| wc -l)
NUM_SLASHES=$(echo $NUM_SLASHES_RAW+1|bc) # add 1 in case no '/' at end
#read NOP
> the_listR.txt
touch CMD
chmod 755 CMD
while [ ! -s "the_listR.txt" ]; do
#read NOP
echo "the_url_raw=\"$the_url_raw\"" > CMD
#echo "cat CMD: "; cat CMD
#read NOP
echo "echo \$the_url_raw | awk -F'/' '{ print \$$NUM_SLASHES }'" >> CMD
#echo "read NOP" >> CMD
echo "echo \$the_url_raw | awk -F'/' '{ print \$$NUM_SLASHES }' > the_list.txt" >> CMD
#read NOP
#echo \$the_url_raw: $the_url_raw
#echo \$the_list: $the_list
#read NOP
#read NOP
#echo \$the_url_raw: $the_url_raw
#read NOP
#cat the_list.txt
the_list=$( the_listR.txt
#read NOP
the_list=$( the_dirR.txt
while [ ! -s "the_dirR.txt" ]; do
#read NOP
#read NOP
echo "the_url=\"$the_url\"" > CMD
#echo "cat CMD: "; cat CMD
#read NOP
#echo "echo \$the_url | awk -F'/' '{ print \$$NUM_SLASHES }'" >> CMD
#echo "read NOP" >> CMD
echo "echo \$the_url | awk -F'/' '{ print \$$NUM_SLASHES }' > the_dir.txt" >> CMD
chmod 755 CMD
#read NOP
#echo \$the_url: $the_url
#echo \$the_dir: $the_dir
#read NOP
#read NOP
#echo \$the_url: $the_url
#read NOP
#cat the_dir.txt
the_dir=$( the_dirR.txt
#read NOP
the_dir=$(> ${the_list}
#echo "cat ${the_list}"
#cat ${the_list}
#read NOP
cat ${the_list} | sed "s/\($the_list\)/\1.sum\n\1.sum.asc/" \
| grep -Ev '\.php\>' | sed 's/^\.\///' > ${the_list}_cor
#read NOP
# If ${the_list}_cor has a '/' in it, then the dLo.sh is slightly more complex
# I'll try and grep the lines containing '/'.
#read NOP
grep '/' ${the_list}_cor | awk -F'/' '{ print $1 }' | sort -u >> the_subdirs.txt
#read NOP
cat > dLo.sh <> dLo.sh
if [ -e "$the_dir" ]; then
echo "$the_dir already exists."
echo "Here the listing of files in it:"
ls -ld $the_dir
ls -la $the_dir
echo "If you are downloading from a network"
echo "directory from which you already downloaded from recently,"
echo "then it should be fine to reuse the same directory"
echo "and download into it another number of files from the list."
echo "Hit Enter to continue."
read NOP
echo "mkdir -pv $the_dir" >> dLo.sh
echo >> dLo.sh
echo "cd $the_dir" >> dLo.sh
echo >> dLo.sh
if [ -s "the_subdirs.txt" ]; then
for the_subdir in $(> dLo.sh_subdir
#echo "cat the_subdirs.txt|sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\//'"
cat the_subdirs.txt|sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\//' > the_subdirs.txtR
#read NOP
all_subdirs=$(cat the_subdirs.txt|sed 's/\(.*\)/\1\//'|sed 's/ //g')
#echo \$all_subdirs: $all_subdirs
#read NOP
#echo cat the_subdirs.txtR
#cat the_subdirs.txtR
#read NOP
mv the_subdirs.txtR the_subdirs.txt
#echo cat the_subdirs.txt
#cat the_subdirs.txt
#read NOP
#echo "cat the_subdirs.txt | tr '\012' '\|' | sed \"s/|$//\""
all_subdirs=$(cat the_subdirs.txt | tr '\012' '|' | sed "s/|$//")
#echo \$all_subdirs: $all_subdirs
#read NOP
cat ${the_list}_cor | grep -Ev $all_subdirs \
| sed "s@\(.*\)@wget -nc $the_url\1@" >> dLo.sh_topdir
cat ${the_list}_cor \
| sed "s@\(.*\)@wget -nc $the_url\1@" >> dLo.sh_topdir
#read NOP
mv -i dLo.sh_topdir dLo.sh_topdir_RAW
sort -u dLo.sh_topdir_RAW > dLo.sh_topdir
if [ -e "dLo.sh_subdir" ]; then
mv -i dLo.sh_subdir dLo.sh_subdir_RAW
sort -u dLo.sh_subdir_RAW > dLo.sh_subdir
cat dLo.sh_topdir >> dLo.sh
if [ -e "dLo.sh_subdir" ]; then
for the_subdir in $(> dLo.sh
echo "cd $the_subdir" >> dLo.sh
grep $the_subdir dLo.sh_subdir >> dLo.sh
echo "cd -" >> dLo.sh
# cat dLo.sh_subdir >> dLo.sh
#read NOP
chmod 755 dLo.sh
echo "### The script to download network traces and screencasts"
echo "### (or maybe other stuff as well) from the url:"
echo "### $the_url"
echo "### that you visited on www.CroatiaFidelis.hr"
echo "### You may try and run it"
echo "### if you are confident enough about it."
echo "### In which case, hit type 'y' next."
echo "### (Also fine is typing 'n', inspect the newly"
echo "### created dLo.sh and run it after the cleaning"
echo "### in the step after next below.)"
if [ "$?" == 0 ] ; then
echo "Likely you can now descend into"
echo "the newly created directory:"
echo "$the_dir on your local storage, and check and verify"
echo "the files you downloaded."
echo "All the files should be there:"
ls -l $the_dir
echo "If the files are there, then do the following:"
echo "cd $the_dir"
echo "sha256sum -c ${the_list}.sum"
echo "gpg --verify ${the_list}.sum.asc"
echo "and if all verifies correctly, you're done"
echo "with fetching and verifying the files."
echo "After you run ./dLo.sh, do:"
echo "cd $the_dir"
echo "sha256sum -c ${the_list}.sum"
echo "gpg --verify ${the_list}.sum.asc"
echo "and if all verifies correctly, you're done"
echo "with fetching and verifying the files."
echo "To go without doing cleaning type:"
echo "n/N"
echo "(Hitting anything else does the cleaning.)"
if [ "$?" == 1 ] ; then
echo "The cleaning is left to the user, by own decision."
if [ -e "$the_dir" ]; then
mv dLo.sh ${the_list} $the_dir
rm the_dir.txt
rm the_list.txt
rm the_dirR.txt
rm the_listR.txt
rm the_subdirs.txt
rm dLo.sh_topdir
rm dLo.sh_topdir_RAW
rm dLo.sh_subdir
rm dLo.sh_subdir_RAW
rm CMD
rm ${the_list}_cor