[ { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre4", "tags": [ "data", "damage-type", "tag" ], "content": "Added damage tag `bypasses_shield`. It contains `#bypasses_armor`, `falling_anvil`, and `falling_stalactite` by default." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre4", "tags": [ "entity" ], "content": "Behavior of display entities has changed: When a new interpolation is started, it now starts from the current state instead of the final state." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking" ], "content": "Data pack format has been increased to 12." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added the `/damage` command. It has syntax:\n* `damage [] [at ]`\n* `damage [] [by ] [from ]`" }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added the `/execute summon` subcommand. It has syntax `execute summon `." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "predicate", "advancement", "breaking" ], "content": "Changed damage predicates. Removed fields `is_projectile, is_explosion`, `bypasses_armor`, `bypasses_invulnerability`, `bypasses_magic`, `is_fire`, `is_magic`, and `is_lightning`. Added new field `tags` which is a list of objects, each containting two fields: `id` (id of damage type tag) and `expected` (boolean)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "predicate" ], "content": "Added damage types, which are stored in the `damage_type` folder. It has fields:\n* `message_id`: String used for the translation message `death.attack.{message_id}.message`.\n* `exhaustion`: Float.\n* `scaling`: One of `never`, `always`, `when_caused_by_living_non_player`.\n* `effects`: Optional. One of `hurt`, `thorns`, `drowning`, `burning`, `poking`, or `freezing`.\n* `death_message_type`: Optional. `default`, `fall_variants`, or `intentional_game_design`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "entity", "nbt" ], "content": "Added three new display entities: `item_display`, `block_display`, and `text_display`. They share common tags: `transformation`, `interpolation_duration`, `interpolation_start`, `billboard`, `view_range`, `shadow_radius`, `shadow_strength`, `width`, `height`, `glow_color_override`, `brightness`.\n* `block_display`: Has field `block_state`.\n* `item_display`: Has fields `item` and `item_display`.\n* `text_display`: Has fields `line_width`, `text_opacity`, `background`, `shadow`, `see_through`, `default_background`, `alignment`, and `text`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "shader" ], "content": "Added shader types `rendertype_text_background` and `rendertype_text_background_see_through` for the `text_display` entity." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "game-event" ], "content": "Added game events `entity_dismount` (frequency 6), and `entity_mount` (frequency 7)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w06a", "tags": [ "gamerule" ], "content": "Added `doVinesSpread` game rule, which defaults to `true`. It controls whether vines will spread to nearby blocks." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre1", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking" ], "content": "Resource pack format has been increased to 13." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre1", "tags": [ "assets" ], "content": "The enchantment glint now has two separate texture files: `enchanted_glint_entity.png` and `enchanted_glint_item.png`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre1", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added exectute sub command `execute positioned over`, with syntax: `execute positioned over `. Heightmap has the following options:\n* `world_surface`: Any non-air block.\n* `motion_blocking`: Any motion blocking material (e.g. ignores flowers and grass).\n* `motion_blocking_no_leaves`: Any non-leaf motion blocking material.\n* `ocean_floor`: Any non-fluid motion blocking material." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre1", "tags": [ "data", "damage-type", "tag" ], "content": "Added damage tag `bypasses_cooldown`. Damage types with this tag bypass the regular invincibility time after taking damage. This tag is not used in vanilla, so you won't find this in the vanilla data pack!" }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre1", "tags": [ "data", "damage-type", "tag" ], "content": "Added damage tag `always_hurts_ender_dragons`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre1", "tags": [ "data", "tag" ], "content": "Added entity type tag `fall_damage_immune`. Entity types with this tag do not take fall damage." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "1.19.4-pre1", "tags": [ "data", "tag" ], "content": "Added block and item tag `smelts_to_glass`, used by the glass smelt recipe." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w05a", "tags": [ "trims" ], "content": "Removed field `incompatible_armor_material` from trim materials and added `override_armor_materials`, which is an optional map of armor material to overriden color palette." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w05a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Changed the `/effect` command. `infinite` is now a valid option for effect durations." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Data pack format has been increased to 11." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added the `/ride` command, with syntax:\n* `ride mount `\n* `ride dismount`" }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "The `/clone` command now supports cloning to and from different dimensions. New syntax: `clone [from ] [to ] ...`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added the `/execute on` subcommand for selecting entities based on relation to the current executing entity. It has the syntax `execute on ` where relation is one of: `vehicle`, `passengers` (all direct passengers), `controller` (the passenger that is in control), `owner`, `leasher`, `target` (attack target of mobs), `attacker` (last entity that damaged the current entity in the previous 5 seconds)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added the `/execute if|unless dimension ` subcommand to check if the execution is in a matching dimension." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added the `/execute if|unless loaded ` subcommand to check if the position given is fully loaded (in regard to both blocks and entities)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command", "breaking" ], "content": "Changed the `/weather` command. The time parameter now accepts a `t`, `s`, or `d` suffix. To retain existing functionality, you need to add an `s` suffix to pre-existing commands." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Changed the `/title times` command. All time parameters now accept a `t`, `s`, or `d` suffix." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added a new data source to the `/data` command: `string [path] [start] [end]`. It reads a slice of a value as text, `start` is inclusive and `end` is exclusive." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "gamerule" ], "content": "Added `commandModificationBlockLimit` game rule, which defaults to `32768`. It controls the maximum number of blocks changed in one execution of clone, fill and fillbiome" }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "text", "breaking" ], "content": "Added `fallback` field to `translate` text components. Out-of-bound arguments in translate formats are no longer silently ignored." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "worldgen" ], "content": "Removed biome field `precipitation` and added `has_precipitation` (boolean) as replacement." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "tag", "worldgen" ], "content": "Renamed biome tag `only_allows_snow_and_gold_rabbits` \u2192 `spawns_gold_rabbits` to match its behavior." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w03a", "tags": [ "tag", "worldgen" ], "content": "Added biome tags `spawns_white_rabbits`, `spawns_snow_foxes`, `increased_fire_burnout`, and `snow_golem_melts`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w07a", "tags": [ "nbt", "entity" ], "content": "Added entity `interaction` which allows detecting left and right clicks. It has tags `width` (float), `height` (float), response (boolean), `attack` (player action), and `interaction` (player action). Player actions have tags `player` (UUID) and `timestamp` (long)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w07a", "tags": [ "assets", "lang" ], "content": "The `en_us.json` file is now sorted alphanumerically." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w07a", "tags": [ "recipe" ], "content": "Added `crafting_decorated_pot` recipe type. It has no extra configuration." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w07a", "tags": [ "recipe" ], "content": "Added the `show_notification` field to the `crafting_shaped` recipe. It determines if a notification is shown when unlocking this recipe." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w07a", "tags": [ "worldgen" ], "content": "Added foliage placer `cherry_foliage_placer`. It has fields `height` (int provider), `wide_bottom_layer_hole_chance` (float), `corner_hole_chance` (float), `hanging_leaves_chance` (float), and `hanging_leaves_extension_chance` (float)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w07a", "tags": [ "worldgen" ], "content": "Added trunk placer `cherry_trunk_placer`. It has fields `branch_count` (int provider), `branch_horizontal_length` (int provider), `branch_start_offset_from_top` (int provider), and `branch_end_offset_from_top` (int provider)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w04a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added new relation for the `/execute on` subcommand: `origin`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w04a", "tags": [ "assets", "trims" ], "content": "Added new atlas source: `paletted_permutations`. It has fields `textures` (list of textures), `palette_key` (texture), and `permutations` (map of string to texture)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w04a", "tags": [ "trims" ], "content": "Added trim patterns, which are stored in the `trim_pattern` data pack folder. It has fields `asset_id` (resource location), `description` (text component), and `template_item` (item)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w04a", "tags": [ "trims" ], "content": "Added trim materials, which are stored in the `trim_material` data pack folder. It has fields `asset_name` (string), `description` (text component), `ingredient` (item), `item_model_index` (float), and optionally `incompatible_armor_material` (string)." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w04a", "tags": [ "recipe" ], "content": "Added `smithing_transform` recipe type, it has fields `template`, `base`, `addition` and `result`." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w04a", "tags": [ "nbt" ], "content": "Added new flag to the `HideFlags` tag on items. Adding `128` will hide armor trim item tooltips." }, { "group": "1.19.4", "version": "23w04a", "tags": [ "tag", "data" ], "content": "Added experimental item tags `trim_materials`, `trim_templates`, and `trimmable_armor`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w33a", "tags": [ "debug" ], "content": "The charts on the debug screen can now be toggled with F3+1 (pie chart), F3+2 (FPS and TPS) and F3+3 (bandwidth and ping)." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w33a", "tags": [ "trims" ], "content": "Added an optional `decal` field to armor trim patterns, defaulting to false. If true, the pattern texture will be masked based on the underlying armor." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w35a", "tags": [ "jar" ], "content": "The bundled java runtime has been upgraded to 17.0.8." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre2", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking" ], "content": "Resource pack format has been increased to 18." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre4", "tags": [ "data", "damage-type", "tag" ], "content": "Added damage tag `always_kills_armor_stands` for damage types that should always fully kill an Armor Stand." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Data pack format has been increased to 17." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Resource pack format has been increased to 17." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "The text field background is now a nine-sliced sprite at `widget/text_field` and `widget/text_field_highlighted`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "The scroll bar in lists and text fields is now a nine-sliced sprite at `widget/scroller`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "nbt", "breaking" ], "content": "Mob effects are now namespaced ids rather than numeric values. For example, `1` is now `minecraft:speed`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "nbt", "entity", "block-entity", "breaking" ], "content": "The structure for mob effect storage has been largely changed from pascal to snake case, with a couple of renames. All changes:\n* `Id` \u2192 `id` (mob effect instances)\n* `Ambient` \u2192 `ambient` (mob effect instances)\n* `Amplifier` \u2192 `amplifier` (mob effect instances)\n* `Duration` \u2192 `duration` (mob effect instances)\n* `ShowParticles` \u2192 `show_particles` (mob effect instances)\n* `ShowIcon` \u2192 `show_icon` (mob effect instances)\n* `HiddenEffect` \u2192 `hidden_effect` (mob effect instances)\n* `FactorCalculationData` \u2192 `factor_calculation_data` (mob effect instances)\n* `CustomPotionEffects` \u2192 `custom_potion_effects` (`potion`, `lingering_potion`, `splash_potion`, `tipped_arrow`, `arrow`)\n* `Effects` \u2192 `effects` (`suspicious_stew`, `area_effect_cloud`)\n* `EffectId` \u2192 `id` (`suspicious_stew`)\n* `EffectDuration` \u2192 `duration` (`suspicious_stew`)\n* `EffectId` and `EffectDuration` \u2192 `stew_effects` (`mooshroom`)\n* `ActiveEffects` \u2192 `active_effects` (`player`, `armor_stand`, mobs)\n* `Primary` \u2192 `primary_effect` (`beacon`)\n* `Secondary` \u2192 `secondary_effect` (`beacon`)" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "loot", "item-modifier" ], "content": "Added function `sequence` containing a single `functions` field. The array of sub-functions will run in sequence." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "loot", "predicate" ], "content": "The `all_of` predicate and `sequence` function can now be declared implicitly as an inline array without a type." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "network" ], "content": "Clients will no longer disconnect when receiving an invalid chat message, and will instead display a placeholder message." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "network" ], "content": "Gameplay packets are now packed into bigger TCP-packets to reduce overhead from TCP-headers." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "debug" ], "content": "The `Ctrl + F3` debug screen will now display ping and network traffic charts." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w32a", "tags": [ "jar" ], "content": "Loot tables, predicates and item modifiers are now parsed using codecs." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Data pack format has been increased to 16." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Resource pack format has been increased to 16." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "feature-flag", "pack" ], "content": "Added feature flag `trade_rebalance`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "block" ], "content": "Barrier blocks can now be waterlogged by players in Creative mode." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "options" ], "content": "Added server property `log-ips`. If false, player ips will be excluded from the log when joining. The default is true." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "The last 50 used commands will be remembered and accessable across game sessions. Recent commands are stored in `command_history.txt` in the game folder." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "network" ], "content": "Chunks are no longer sent over the network to the client in one big continuous batch. Instead, chunks within the client's render distance are sent in smaller batches depending on available bandwidth. This means clients with low bandwidth won't time out while loading a world, and can interact with it before all chunks are loaded." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "pack" ], "content": "Added optional field `supported_formats` to the `pack` object in `pack.mcmeta`, which can be an integer, list, or object. This enables multi-version packs. The `pack_format` field is still required, and its value must be contained in `supported_fields` if present. An example of each format:\n* `15` (only pack version 15)\n* `[15,18]` (all pack versions through and including 15 and 18)\n* `{\"min_inclusive\": 15, \"max_inclusive\": 18}` (all pack versions through and including 15 and 18)" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "pack" ], "content": "Added optional field `overlays` to `pack.mcmeta`, which is an object with a single `entries` field containing a list of overlays. The order of overlays in `entries` is important, as the first in the list will be applied first. Each overlay entry has two fields:\n* `formats` (range of supported pack versions, same syntax as `supported_formats`)\n* `directory` (the directory to overlay for the respective versions)" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "pack" ], "content": "Added pack overlays, which are sub-packs applied over the \"normal\" contents of a pack. Their directories (allowed characters: `a-z`, `0-9`, `_` and `-`) have their own `assets` and `data` directories, and are placed in the pack's root directory. They are applied based on the versions specified in the `pack.mcmeta`. Overlays can add and replace files, but not remove them." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "network" ], "content": "New configuration phase in the network protocol to allow for more data-driven content in the future. The phase starts after login and lasts until the player joins a world. The configuration of data-driven registries, configuration of enabled features, and negotiation of resource packs has been moved from the play phase to this configuration phase. The updating of tags, exchange of custom packets, and ping/keep-alive packets are shared between the play and configuration phases." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "debug" ], "content": "When hitboxes are displayed through F3+B, entities that have a passenger will display the passenger's attachment point." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "pack" ], "content": "Validation for symbolic links now occurs in datapacks and resource packs." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "All textures in the `realms` namespace have been moved into the `minecraft` namespace." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "All textures containing multiple sprites in a sheet for GUI have been split into individual sprites under `textures/gui/sprites`. For example:\n* `widgets.png` has been split into `widgets/button.png` and `widgets/button_highlighted.png`.\n\nEach sprite can now be individually overriden by a resource pack instead of replacing the entire sheet. Sprites are loaded into the `gui` atlas from the `textures/gui/sprites` directory." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "`villager2.png` has been renamed to `villager.png`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "`icon/trial_available` and `realm_status/expires_soon` GUI sprites are animated with `.mcmeta` declarations instead of individual sprites." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets" ], "content": "Sprites in the gui atlas can now configure scaling behavior through a new `gui` section in `.mcmeta` files. The `gui` section in `.mcmeta` contains one `scaling` field with the following `type` options:\n* `stretch` (default) stretches the sprite across the desired space.\n* `tile` repeates the sprite across the desired space, requiring `width` and `height` fields.\n* `nine_slice` slices the sprite into 4 corners, 4 edges, and 1 center slice to be tiled across the desired space. `width`, `height`, and `border` fields are required." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "The bundle tooltip background is now drawn as a nine-sliced sprite." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "The icons for the Accessibility, Language, Realms News buttons have been split from their underlying button texture." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "The Realms Invite button is now drawn as an overlay on the normal button texture, and the highlighted texture state for this button has been removed." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "assets", "breaking" ], "content": "The exclamation marks on the `notification\\more.png` have been removed." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "gamerule" ], "content": "Rate of accumulation of snow and ice is now affected by the `randomTickSpeed` game rule." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added the `/random` command for controlling random sequences, with syntax:\n* `random value|roll []`: rolls a random number based on the given `range`. `roll` announces it in chat, while `value` does not\n* `random reset *| [] [] []`: resets the given `sequenceId` by using a `seed` to replace it" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "command", "obsolete" ], "content": "Added the `/execute if function` sub-command, with syntax:\n* `execute if|unless function `: executes a function/function tag and matches the return value" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "command", "obsolete" ], "content": "Added the `/return run` sub-command, with syntax:\n* `return run `: takes the return value from the `command` and returns it as the return value of the function" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "A single backslash `\\` as the last non-whitespace character of a line now allows a command to be continued on the next line" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "command", "macro" ], "content": "Macros have been added to functions. They are defined by lines beginning with `$`. Macros contain one or more subsitutions in the form `$(variable)`. All argument variables must be provided when calling function macros. Using macros mean their commands must be re-evaluated after variable substitution, which comes at a performance cost compared to pre-parsed functions." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "command", "macro" ], "content": "To call macro functions, two new forms of the `/function` command were added, with syntax:\n* `function `: calls a function with a given data `compound` `{}`\n* `function with []`: calls a function from a `source` (such as what's used in `/data get`) and NBT `path`" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "entity" ], "content": "Behavior of display entities has changed: Display entities now start updating their client-side position and rotation on the first tick after an update, similar to armor stands, mobs, and players. Duration of interpolation is now controlled by `teleport_duration`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "attribute" ], "content": "Added new `generic.max_absorption` attribute. It acts similar to `generic.max_health`, but is the upper bound for `AbsorptionAmount` rather than `Health`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "game-event", "breaking" ], "content": "The `entity_roar` and `entity_shake` game events are removed and replaced with `entity_action`." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "data", "worldgen" ], "content": "Added `minecraft:ore_diamond_medium` feature." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "data", "damage-type", "tag" ], "content": "Added damage tag `no_knockback`, which causes knockback to not be caused by the damage itself. In Vanilla, this is used by explosions which cause knockback separately." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "data", "tag" ], "content": "Added entity tag `non_controlling_rider`, representing entities that don't override their vehicles movement control." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "data", "tag" ], "content": "Added block tag `concrete_powder` for Concrete Powder blocks." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "23w31a", "tags": [ "data", "tag" ], "content": "Added block tag `camel_sand_step_sound_blocks` for block producing `entity.camel.step_sand` sounds" }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre1", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking" ], "content": "Data pack format has been increased to 18." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre1", "tags": [ "command", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Removed the `execute if|unless function` subcommand." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre1", "tags": [ "command", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Removed the `return run` command syntax." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre1", "tags": [ "command", "macro" ], "content": "Numbers used as macro arguments are now always inserted without suffixes, regardless of numeric type." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre1", "tags": [ "gamerule" ], "content": "Added `enderPearlsVanishOnDeath` game rule, defaulting to `true`. This controls whether thrown ender pearls vanish when the player that threw them dies." }, { "group": "1.20.2", "version": "1.20.2-pre1", "tags": [ "assets" ], "content": "Added `map/map_icons.png` spritesheet." }, { "group": "1.20.3", "version": "23w46a", "tags": [ "pack", "breaking", "obsolete" ], "content": "Data pack format has been increased to 25." }, { "group": "1.20.3", "version": "23w46a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added new subcommand to `/scoreboard` to add individual display names for entries, with syntax:\n* `scoreboard players display name `: Adds display name\n* `scoreboard players display name `: Clears display name" }, { "group": "1.20.3", "version": "23w46a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added new subcommand to `/scoreboard` to auto-show entity names on the sidebar, with syntax:\n* `scoreboard objectives modify displayautoupdate [true|false]`" }, { "group": "1.20.3", "version": "23w46a", "tags": [ "command" ], "content": "Added new subcommand to `/scoreboard` to control number formatting of scores using a style. The style can be either `blank`, `fixed `, or `styled