--- layout: post title: "Testing different ways of rendering raw liquid tags" excerpt: "A sample post to see the various ways in which liquid tags can be displayed in Jekyll." share: true comments: true author: krishna_gogoi categories: programming --- Sample code highlight with indent. var a = "test" Sample gist: {% gist 4667599 assign.worker %} Sample indented gist: {% gist gist_id [filename] %} With %raw and %endraw: {% raw %} {% gist gist_id [filename] %} {% endraw %} With back-ticks: `{% gist gist_id [filename] %}` With %highlight: {% highlight html %} {% gist gist_id [filename] %} {% endhighlight %} With curly bracket + quotes: {{"{% gist gist_id [filename] "}}%} With raw and highlight: {% highlight liquid %} {% raw %} {% gist gist_id [filename] %} {% endraw %} {% endhighlight %} Raw within raw: {% assign open = '{%' %} {% highlight liquid %} {% raw %} {% raw %} {% endraw %} {{open}} endraw %} {% endhighlight %}