(function ($) { function extlinkAttach(context) { // Strip the host name down, removing ports, subdomains, or www. var pattern = /^(([^\/:]+?\.)*)([^\.:]{4,})((\.[a-z]{1,4})*)(:[0-9]{1,5})?$/; var host = window.location.host.replace(pattern, '$3$4'); var subdomain = window.location.host.replace(pattern, '$1'); // Determine what subdomains are considered internal. if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extSubdomains) { var subdomains = "([^/]*\\.)?"; } else if (subdomain == 'www.' || subdomain == '') { var subdomains = "(www\\.)?"; } else { var subdomains = subdomain.replace(".", "\\."); } // Build regular expressions that define an internal link. var internal_link = new RegExp("^https?://" + subdomains + host, "i"); // Extra internal link matching. var extInclude = false; if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extInclude) { extInclude = new RegExp(Drupal.settings.extlink.extInclude.replace(/\\/, '\\')); } // Extra external link matching. var extExclude = false; if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extExclude) { extExclude = new RegExp(Drupal.settings.extlink.extExclude.replace(/\\/, '\\')); } // Extra external link CSS selector exclusion. var extCssExclude = false; if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extCssExclude) { extCssExclude = Drupal.settings.extlink.extCssExclude; } // Extra external link CSS selector explicit. var extCssExplicit = false; if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extCssExplicit) { extCssExplicit = Drupal.settings.extlink.extCssExplicit; } // Find all links which are NOT internal and begin with http (as opposed // to ftp://, javascript:, etc. other kinds of links. // When operating on the 'this' variable, the host has been appended to // all links by the browser, even local ones. // In jQuery 1.1 and higher, we'd use a filter method here, but it is not // available in jQuery 1.0 (Drupal 5 default). var external_links = new Array(); var mailto_links = new Array(); $("a:not(." + Drupal.settings.extlink.extClass + ", ." + Drupal.settings.extlink.mailtoClass + "), area:not(." + Drupal.settings.extlink.extClass + ", ." + Drupal.settings.extlink.mailtoClass + ")", context).each(function(el) { try { var url = this.href.toLowerCase(); if (url.indexOf('http') == 0 && (!url.match(internal_link) || (extInclude && url.match(extInclude))) && !(extExclude && url.match(extExclude)) && !(extCssExclude && $(this).parents(extCssExclude).length > 0) && !(extCssExplicit && $(this).parents(extCssExplicit).length < 1)) { external_links.push(this); } // Do not include area tags with begin with mailto: (this prohibits // icons from being added to image-maps). else if (this.tagName != 'AREA' && url.indexOf('mailto:') == 0 && !(extCssExclude && $(this).parents(extCssExclude).length > 0) && !(extCssExplicit && $(this).parents(extCssExplicit).length < 1)) { mailto_links.push(this); } } // IE7 throws errors often when dealing with irregular links, such as: // Empty tags. // example User:pass syntax. catch(error) { return false; } }); if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extClass) { // Apply the "ext" class to all links not containing images. if (parseFloat($().jquery) < 1.2) { $(external_links).not('[img]').addClass(Drupal.settings.extlink.extClass).each(function() { if ($(this).css('display') == 'inline') $(this).after(''); }); } else { $(external_links).not($(external_links).find('img').parents('a')).addClass(Drupal.settings.extlink.extClass).each(function() { if ($(this).css('display') == 'inline') $(this).after(''); }); } } if (Drupal.settings.extlink.mailtoClass) { // Apply the "mailto" class to all mailto links not containing images. if (parseFloat($().jquery) < 1.2) { $(mailto_links).not('[img]').addClass(Drupal.settings.extlink.mailtoClass).each(function() { if ($(this).css('display') == 'inline') $(this).after(''); }); } else { $(mailto_links).not($(mailto_links).find('img').parents('a')).addClass(Drupal.settings.extlink.mailtoClass).each(function() { if ($(this).css('display') == 'inline') $(this).after(''); }); } } if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extTarget) { // Apply the target attribute to all links. $(external_links).attr('target', Drupal.settings.extlink.extTarget); } if (Drupal.settings.extlink.extAlert) { // Add pop-up click-through dialog. $(external_links).click(function(e) { return confirm(Drupal.settings.extlink.extAlertText); }); } // Work around for Internet Explorer box model problems. if (($.support && !($.support.boxModel === undefined) && !$.support.boxModel) || ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) <= 7)) { $('span.ext, span.mailto').css('display', 'inline-block'); } } Drupal.behaviors.extlink = { attach: function(context){ extlinkAttach(context); } } })(jQuery);