// $Id$ (function ($) { /** * Toggles the collapsible region. */ Drupal.behaviors.skyAdminToggle = { attach: function (context, settings) { $('.collapsible-toggle a, context').click(function() { $('#section-collapsible').toggleClass('toggle-active').find('.region-collapsible').slideToggle('fast'); return false; }); } } /** * CSS Help for IE. * - Adds even odd striping and containers for images in posts. * - Adds a .first-child class to the first paragraph in each wrapper. * - Adds a prompt containing the link to a comment for the permalink. */ Drupal.behaviors.skyPosts = { attach: function (context, settings) { // Detects IE6-8. if (!jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace) { $('.article-content p:first-child').addClass('first-child'); $('.article-content img, context').parent(':not(.field-item, .user-picture)').each(function(index) { var stripe = (index/2) ? 'even' : 'odd'; $(this).wrap('
'); }); } // Comment link copy promt. $("time span a").click( function() { prompt('Link to this comment:', this.href); return false; }); } } })(jQuery);