state("Clay_4-Win64-Shipping") { long FNamePool: 0x6404EB0; long worldFName: 0x6684E78, 0x18; // World.OwningGameInstance.LocalPlayers[0].PlayerController.Character.CapsuleComponent.RelativeLocation.x/y/z double x: 0x6684E78, 0x1B8, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x2E0, 0x328, 0x128; double z: 0x6684E78, 0x1B8, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x2E0, 0x328, 0x130; double y: 0x6684E78, 0x1B8, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x2E0, 0x328, 0x138; } startup { double epsilon = 0.01; vars.Eq = (Func)((first, second) => { return Math.Abs(first - second) < epsilon; }); // as desired by the community /shrug vars.LoadingScreens = new List() { "None", "Main_Menu", "Disclaimer" }; vars.StartX = -13349.83; vars.StartZ = -5802.55; vars.StartY = 292.52; } init { // The following code derefences FName structs to their string counterparts by // indexing the FNamePool table // `fname` is the actual struct, not a pointer to the struct var cachedFNames = new Dictionary(); vars.ReadFName = (Func)(fname => { string name; if (cachedFNames.TryGetValue(fname, out name)) return name; int name_offset = (int) fname & 0xFFFF; int chunk_offset = (int) (fname >> 0x10) & 0xFFFF; var base_ptr = new DeepPointer((IntPtr) current.FNamePool + chunk_offset * 0x8, name_offset * 0x2); byte[] name_metadata = base_ptr.DerefBytes(game, 2); // First 10 bits are the size, but we read the bytes out of order // e.g. 3C05 in memory is 0011 1100 0000 0101, but really the bytes we want are the last 8 and the first two, in that order. int size = name_metadata[1] << 2 | (name_metadata[0] & 0xC0) >> 6; // read the next (size) bytes after the name_metadata IntPtr name_addr; base_ptr.DerefOffsets(game, out name_addr); // 2 bytes here for the name_metadata name = game.ReadString(name_addr + 0x2, size); cachedFNames[fname] = name; return name; }); } update { // Deref useful FNames here IDictionary currentLookup = current; foreach (var key in new List(currentLookup.Keys)) { object value = currentLookup[key]; if (!key.EndsWith("FName") || value.GetType() != typeof(long)) continue; // e.g. missionFName -> mission string newKey = key.Substring(0, key.Length - 5); string newName = vars.ReadFName((long) value); object oldName; bool newKeyExists = currentLookup.TryGetValue(newKey, out oldName); // Debugging and such if (!newKeyExists) { print(newKey + ": " + newName); } else if (oldName != newName) { print(newKey + ": " + oldName + " -> " + newName); } currentLookup[newKey] = newName; } } start { return (vars.Eq(old.x, vars.StartX) && vars.Eq(old.z, vars.StartZ) && vars.Eq(old.y, vars.StartY)) && (!vars.Eq(old.x, current.x) || !vars.Eq(old.z, current.z) || !vars.Eq(old.y, current.y)); } isLoading { return vars.LoadingScreens.Contains(; } exit { timer.IsGameTimePaused = true; }