state("Happy's Humble Burger Farm") { } startup { vars.Watch = (Action)(key => { if(vars.Helper[key].Changed) vars.Log(key + ": " + vars.Helper[key].Old + " -> " + vars.Helper[key].Current); }); Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes("Components/asl-help")).CreateInstance("Unity"); vars.Helper.GameName = "HHBF"; vars.Helper.StartFileLogger("HHBF.log"); vars.Helper.LoadSceneManager = true; vars.Helper.AlertLoadless(); vars.Scenes = new Dictionary() { { "MuseumInterior", "Museum" }, { "ParkingGarage", "Parking Garage (Museum Basement)" }, { "OoB 3", "Charlie's Room" }, { "Break_Room", "Break Room (Sewer)" }, }; settings.Add("split_scene", true, "Split on entering location:"); foreach (var scene in vars.Scenes.Keys) { settings.Add(scene, false, vars.Scenes[scene], "split_scene"); } #region EndlessSetup settings.Add("endless", false, "Endless% Splits"); vars.EndlessSplits = new Dictionary() { { "split_el_farm_open", "Split on opening the farm." }, { "split_el_diner_open", "Split on opening the diner." }, { "split_el_100", "Split on making $100." }, { "split_el_200", "Split on making $200." }, { "split_el_300", "Split on making $300." }, { "split_el_400", "Split on making $400." }, }; foreach (var split in vars.EndlessSplits.Keys) { settings.Add(split, false, vars.EndlessSplits[split], "endless"); } #endregion vars.CompletedSplits = new Dictionary(); } init { vars.Helper.TryLoad = (Func)(mono => { var pm = mono["progressManager"]; vars.Helper["day"] = mono.Make(pm, "instance", "currentDay"); vars.Helper["lastScene"] = mono.MakeString(pm, "instance", "lastScene"); vars.Helper["currentScene"] = mono.MakeString(pm, "instance", "currentScene"); return true; }); current.loadingScene = ""; current.activeScene = ""; } onStart { vars.Log("TIMER STARTED"); foreach (var scene in vars.Scenes.Keys) { vars.CompletedSplits[scene] = false; } foreach (var split in vars.EndlessSplits.Keys) { vars.CompletedSplits[split] = false; } vars.Log(current.activeScene); // Apartment vars.Log(current.loadingScene); // vars.Log(current.currentScene); // Apartment vars.Log(current.lastScene); // Dream vars.Log(; // 0 } update { current.activeScene = vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Name ?? current.activeScene; current.loadingScene = vars.Helper.Scenes.Loaded[0].Name ?? current.loadingScene; current.isLoading = (current.lastScene == current.currentScene && current.currentScene != "Main Menu") || current.loadingScene != current.activeScene; if (current.isLoading && !old.isLoading) vars.Log("Starting load..."); if (!current.isLoading && old.isLoading) vars.Log("Ending load..."); if(current.activeScene != old.activeScene) vars.Log("SceneManager.activeScene: \"" + old.activeScene + "\", \"" + current.activeScene + "\""); if(current.loadingScene != old.loadingScene) vars.Log("SceneManager.loadingScene: \"" + old.loadingScene + "\", \"" + current.loadingScene + "\""); if( != vars.Log("day " +; if(current.lastScene != old.lastScene) vars.Log("progressManager.lastScene " + current.lastScene); if(current.currentScene != old.currentScene) vars.Log("progressManager.currentScene " + current.currentScene); } start { // Starting on loading into Apartment return old.activeScene != current.activeScene && (old.activeScene == "Main Menu" || old.activeScene == "First Dream Tutorial") && current.activeScene == "Apartment" && == 0; // Start on putting the manual away // return old.manualUsable && !current.manualUsable // && current.activeScene == "Apartment"; } isLoading { return current.isLoading; } split { if (old.loadingScene != current.loadingScene && settings.ContainsKey(current.loadingScene) && settings[current.loadingScene] && !vars.CompletedSplits[current.loadingScene]) { vars.CompletedSplits[current.loadingScene] = true; vars.Log("Completed split " + current.loadingScene + "!"); return true; } }