state("nocturne") { bool isLoading: "nocturne.exe", 0x18C316C; string128 map : "nocturne.exe", 0x1BA3F8C; bool inGame : "nocturne.exe", 0x18AE0D4; } startup { #region Debugging // should always be false publicly vars.DEBUG = false; vars.Log = (Action)(output => print("[Nocturne] " + output.ToString())); // vars.ExpandoIndex = (Func)((eo, key) => ((IDictionary)eo)[key]); #region FileLogging if (vars.DEBUG) { var desktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); var path = Path.Combine(desktop, "LOG_Nocturne_diggity.txt"); vars.Writer = new StreamWriter(path, append: true); vars.Writer.AutoFlush = true; vars.Writer.WriteLine("--RELOADING LIVESPLIT--"); } vars.LogAndWrite = (Action)(output => { vars.Log(output); if (vars.DEBUG) { var gt = !timer.CurrentTime.GameTime.HasValue ? " " : timer.CurrentTime.GameTime.Value.ToString(@"mm\:ss\.ff"); vars.Writer.WriteLine(String.Format("[{0}] [{1}] [{2}] [{3}] {4}", DateTime.Now, timer.Run.AttemptCount, timer.CurrentTime.RealTime.Value.ToString(@"mm\:ss\.ff"), gt, output )); } }); #endregion FileLogging // current is the same as old in init, so need to have those passed in unfortunately // need a better way to do this // watches to see if current. != old., and if so log the change. common pattern vars.WatchValue = (Action)((curr, ol, key) => { var c = vars.ExpandoIndex(curr, key); var o = vars.ExpandoIndex(ol, key); if (c != o) vars.LogAndWrite(String.Format("{0}: {1} -> {2}", key, o, c)); }); vars.WatchValues = (Action>)((curr, ol, keys) => { foreach(var key in keys) vars.WatchValue(curr, ol, key); }); vars.ValuesToWatch = new List { "isLoading", "inGame", "map" }; #endregion Debugging vars.CompletedSplits = new List(); // 1,3,4 is HQ, 2 is TRAIN, 5 is HQWreck (volume) vars.StartMaps = new List { "HQ.geo", "TRAIN.geo", "HQWRECK.geo" }; } init { } update { if (vars.DEBUG) vars.WatchValues(current, old, vars.ValuesToWatch); } start { // loading into first map from main menu (so out of game) if (current.isLoading && vars.StartMaps.Contains( && current.inGame && (current.inGame != old.inGame || != { if (vars.DEBUG) vars.LogAndWrite(String.Format("STARTING | isLoading: {0} | map: {1} | inGame {2} -> {3}", current.isLoading,, old.inGame, current.inGame)); return true; } } onStart { vars.CompletedSplits.Clear(); } split { if ( != && !vars.CompletedSplits.Contains( { if (vars.DEBUG) vars.LogAndWrite(String.Format("SPLITTING | map: {0} -> {1}",,; vars.CompletedSplits.Add(; return true; } } isLoading { // if (current.isLoading && timer.CurrentTime.GameTime.HasValue && timer.CurrentTime.RealTime.Value < TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)) { vars.LogAndWrite("Overwrite Game Time to 0"); timer.SetGameTime(TimeSpan.Zero); } return current.isLoading; } shutdown { if (vars.DEBUG) vars.Writer.Close(); }