#!/bin/sh # Shell Script for Auto Updating the Nginx Bad Bot Blocker # Copyright: https://github.com/mitchellkrogza # Project Url: https://github.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker # Update script & Alpine Linux package by Stuart Cardall: https://github.com/itoffshore # MAKE SURE you have all the following files in /etc/nginx/bots.d/ folder # *********************************************************************** # whitelist-ips.conf # whitelist-domains.conf # blacklist-user-agents.conf # bad-referrer-words.conf # custom-bad-referrers.conf # blacklist-ips.conf # A major change to using include files was introduced in # https://github.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker/commit/7e3ab02172dafdd524de5dd450a9732328622779 # ************************************************************************** # Nginx will fail a reload with [EMERG] without the presence of these files. # PLEASE READ UPDATED CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS # Save this file as /usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker # cd /usr/local/sbin # sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker/master/update-ngxblocker -O update-ngxblocker # Make it Executable chmod 700 /usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker # RUN THE UPDATE # Here our script runs, pulls the latest update, reloads nginx and emails you a notification EMAIL="you@example.com" SEND_EMAIL="N" SEND_MG_EMAIL="N" SEND_EMAIL_UPDATE="N" #Mailgun MG_API_KEY="key-yadayadayada" MG_DOMAIN="mg.example.com" MG_FROM="" CONF_DIR=/etc/nginx/conf.d BOTS_DIR=/etc/nginx/bots.d INSTALLER=/usr/local/sbin/install-ngxblocker LOGGING="N" ##### end user configuration ############################################################## BOLDGREEN="\033[1m\033[32m" BOLDMAGENTA="\033[1m\033[35m" BOLDRED="\033[1m\033[31m" BOLDYELLOW="\033[1m\033[33m" BOLDWHITE="\033[1m\033[37m" RESET="\033[0m" OS=$(uname -s) CURL_PATH="" usage() { local script=$(basename $0) cat <<EOF $script: UPDATE Nginx Bad Bot Blocker blacklist in: [ $CONF_DIR ] Usage: $script [OPTIONS] [ -c ] : NGINX conf directory (default: $CONF_DIR) [ -b ] : NGINX bots directory (default: $BOTS_DIR) [ -i ] : Change installer path (default: $INSTALLER) [ -r ] : Change repo url (default: $REPO) [ -e ] : Change @email address (default: $EMAIL) [ -g ] : Change @email address Mailgun (default: $EMAIL) [ -d ] : Mailgun Domain [ -a ] : Mailgun API Key [ -f ] : Mailgun / Mail From Address [ -m ] : Change mail (system alias) (default: $EMAIL) [ -n ] : Do not send email report (default: $SEND_EMAIL) [ -o ] : Only send email on update (default: $SEND_EMAIL_UPDATE) [ -q ] : Suppress non error messages [ -v ] : Print blacklist version [ -h ] : this help message Examples: $script (Download globalblacklist.conf to: $CONF_DIR) $script -c /my/custom/conf.d (Download globalblacklist.conf to a custom location) $script -b /my/custom/bots.d (Download globalblacklist.conf & update with your custom bots.d location) $script -e you@example.com (Download globalblacklist.conf specifying your email address for the notification) $script -g you@example.com -d domain -a mailgunapikey -f fromaddress (Download globalblacklist.conf specifying your email address for the notification sent via mailgun) $script -q -m webmaster (Send mail to a system alias address & give less verbose messages for cron) $script -o -e you@example.com (Send mail notification only on updates) $script -i /path/to/install-ngxblocker (Use custom path to install-ngxblocker to update bots.d / conf.d include files) EOF exit 0 } check_version() { local remote_ver= remote_date= version= date= file=$CONF_DIR/globalblacklist.conf local tmp=$(mktemp) url=$REPO/conf.d/globalblacklist.conf range="145-345" if [ -f $file ]; then # local version version=$(grep "Version:" $file | ${SED_CMD} 's|^.*: V||g') date=$(grep "Updated:" $file | ${SED_CMD} 's|^.*: ||g') print_message "\nLOCAL Version: $BOLDWHITE$version$RESET\n" print_message "Updated: $date\n\n" # remote version $CURL_PATH -s --limit-rate 5k -r $range --location $url -o $tmp remote_ver=$(grep "Version:" $tmp | ${SED_CMD} 's|^.*: V||g') remote_date=$(grep "Updated:" $tmp | ${SED_CMD} 's|^.*: ||g') print_message "REMOTE Version: $BOLDWHITE$remote_ver$RESET\n" print_message "Updated: $remote_date\n" rm -f $tmp if [ "$version" != "$remote_ver" ]; then print_message "\nUpdate Available => $BOLDMAGENTA$remote_ver$RESET\n\n" return 1 else print_message "\nLatest Blacklist Already Installed: $BOLDGREEN$version$RESET\n\n" fi else printf "${BOLDRED}ERROR${RESET}: Missing '$file' => ${BOLDWHITE}running $INSTALLER:${RESET}\n" $INSTALL_INC if [ -f $file ]; then check_version fi fi } check_dirs() { local x= dirs="$*" for x in $dirs; do if [ ! -d $x ]; then printf "${BOLDRED}ERROR${RESET}: Missing directory: $x => ${BOLDWHITE}running $INSTALLER:${RESET}\n" $INSTALL_INC fi done } find_binary() { local x= path= binary=$1 bin_paths='/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin /root/bin /root/.bin' for x in $bin_paths; do path="$x/$binary" if [ -x $path ]; then echo $path return fi done } update_paths() { # variables in nginx include files not currently possible # updates hard coded bots.d path in globalblacklist.conf local blacklist=$1 include_paths= dir= x= if ! grep "$BOTS_DIR" $blacklist 1>/dev/null; then if [ -d $BOTS_DIR ]; then printf "${BOLDGREEN}Updating bots.d path${RESET}: ${BOLDWHITE}$BOTS_DIR => $blacklist${RESET}\n" include_paths=$(grep -E "include /.*.conf;$" $blacklist | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d ';') for x in $include_paths; do dir=$(dirname $x) ${SED_CMD} -i "s|$dir|$BOTS_DIR|" $blacklist done else printf "${BOLDRED}ERROR${RESET}: '$BOTS_DIR' does not exist => ${BOLDWHITE}running $INSTALLER${RESET}.\n" $INSTALL_INC update_paths $blacklist fi fi } sanitize_path() { echo $1 |tr -cd '[:alnum:] [=@=] [=.=] [=-=] [=/=] [=_=]' \ |tr -s '@.-/_' |awk '{print tolower($0)}' } sanitize_url() { echo $1 |tr -cd '[:alnum:] [=:=] [=.=] [=-=] [=/=]' \ |tr -s ':.-' |awk '{print tolower($0)}' } sanitize_email() { echo $1 |tr -cd '[:alnum:] [=@=] [=.=] [=-=] [=_=] [=+=]' \ |tr -s '@-_.+' |awk '{print tolower($0)}' } check_args() { local option=$1 type=$2 arg=$3 local msg="ERROR: option '-$option' argument '$arg' requires:" case "$type" in path) if ! echo $arg | grep ^/ 1>/dev/null; then printf "$msg absolute path.\n" exit 1 fi ;; email) if ! echo $arg | grep -E ^[-+_\.[:alnum:]]+@[-_\.[:alnum:]]+ 1>/dev/null; then printf "$msg email@domain.com\n" exit 1 fi ;; url) if ! echo $arg | grep -E ^http[s]?://[0-9a-zA-Z-]+[.]+[/0-9a-zA-Z.]+ 1>/dev/null; then printf "$msg url => http[s]://the.url\n" exit 1 fi ;; script) if [ ! -x $arg ]; then printf "$msg '$arg' is not executable / does not exist.\n" exit 1 fi ;; none) printf "$msg argument.\n"; exit 1;; esac } check_depends() { # global var is needed here, it is used in other places CURL_PATH=$(find_binary curl) case $OS in Linux) SED_CMD=$(find_binary sed) ;; *BSD) SED_CMD=$(find_binary gsed) ;; esac # centos does not have which by default if [ -z $CURL_PATH ]; then printf "${BOLDRED}ERROR${RESET}: $0 requires: 'curl' => ${BOLDWHITE}cannot check remote version.${RESET}\n" exit 1 fi # install-ngxblocker downloads missing scripts / includes as part of the update process if [ ! -x $INSTALLER ]; then printf "${BOLDRED}ERROR${RESET}: $0 requires: '$INSTALLER' => ${BOLDWHITE}cannot update includes.${RESET}\n" exit 1 fi } print_message() { local msg="$@" if [ "$VERBOSE" != "N" ]; then printf "$msg" fi } log_output() { local logger=$(find_binary logger) local script=$(basename $0) if [ -n "$logger" ]; then # remove ansi color codes ${SED_CMD} -i 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' $EMAIL_REPORT # remove blank lines ${SED_CMD} -i '/^\s*$/d' $EMAIL_REPORT # log output $logger -t $script -f $EMAIL_REPORT 2>&1 print_message "Output logged to syslog\n"; else print_message "${BOLDRED}ERROR: cannot find logger${RESET}\n\n"; fi } send_email() { # email report (mailx + ssmtp are enough to send emails) local mail_path=$(find_binary mail) if [ -n "$mail_path" ]; then print_message "Emailing report to: ${BOLDWHITE}$EMAIL${RESET}\n\n"; # remove ansi colour codes ${SED_CMD} -i 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' $EMAIL_REPORT if [ -n "$MG_FROM" ]; then cat $EMAIL_REPORT | $mail_path -f "$MG_FROM" -s "Nginx Bad Bot Blocker Updated" $EMAIL else cat $EMAIL_REPORT | $mail_path -s "Nginx Bad Bot Blocker Updated" $EMAIL fi else print_message "${BOLDYELLOW}WARN${RESET}: missing mail command => ${BOLDWHITE}disabling emails${RESET}.\n\n" fi } send_email_via_mailgun() { local report= subject= endpoint="https://api.mailgun.net/v3/$MG_DOMAIN/messages" echo "Mailgunning report to: ${BOLDWHITE}$EMAIL${RESET}\n\n"; ${SED_CMD} -i 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' $EMAIL_REPORT report="$(cat $EMAIL_REPORT)" subject='Nginx Bad Bot Blocker Updated' $CURL_PATH -s --user api:$MG_API_KEY $endpoint -F from='botblocker<'$MG_FROM'>' -F to=$EMAIL -F subject="$subject" -F text="$report" } get_options() { local arg= opts= while getopts :c:b:i:r:e:g:a:d:f:m:lnovqh opts "$@" do if [ -n "${OPTARG}" ]; then case "$opts" in r) arg=$(sanitize_url ${OPTARG});; e) arg=$(sanitize_email ${OPTARG});; g) arg=$(sanitize_email ${OPTARG});; *) arg=$(sanitize_path ${OPTARG});; esac fi case "$opts" in c) CONF_DIR=$arg; check_args $opts path $arg ;; b) BOTS_DIR=$arg; check_args $opts path $arg ;; i) INSTALLER=$arg; check_args $opts script $arg ;; r) REPO=$arg; check_args $opts url $arg ;; e) EMAIL=$arg; SEND_EMAIL=Y; check_args $opts email $arg ;; g) EMAIL=$arg; SEND_MG_EMAIL=Y; check_args $opts email $arg ;; a) MG_API_KEY=$arg;; d) MG_DOMAIN=$arg;; f) MG_FROM=$arg;; m) EMAIL=$arg; SEND_EMAIL=Y ;; # /etc/aliases no sanity checks l) LOGGING=Y ;; n) SEND_EMAIL=N ;; o) SEND_EMAIL_UPDATE=Y ;; v) check_version; exit 0 ;; q) export VERBOSE=N ;; h) usage ;; \?) usage ;; :) check_args $OPTARG none none ;; esac done INSTALL_INC="$INSTALLER -b $BOTS_DIR -c $CONF_DIR -x" } main() { local REPO=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker/master local file=globalblacklist.conf remote_dir=conf.d url= output= update= status= tmp= retval= local nginx_path=$(find_binary nginx) local pidof_path=$(find_binary pidof) # require root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # parse command line get_options $@ check_depends check_dirs $BOTS_DIR $CONF_DIR url=$REPO/$remote_dir/$file output=$CONF_DIR/$file # check for updated blacklist check_version update=$? if [ $update = 1 ]; then # download globalblacklist update tmp=$(mktemp) mkdir -p $CONF_DIR local dl_msg="${BOLDWHITE}Downloading: $file " $CURL_PATH --fail --connect-timeout 60 --retry 10 --retry-delay 5 -so $tmp $url retval=$? case "$retval" in 0) print_message "$dl_msg...${BOLDGREEN}[OK]${RESET}\n\n" mv $tmp $output ;; 22) printf "$dl_msg...${BOLDRED}ERROR 404: $url${RESET}\n\n";; 28) printf "$dl_msg...${BOLDRED}ERROR TIMEOUT: $url${RESET}\n\n";; *) printf "$dl_msg...${BOLDRED}ERROR CURL: ($retval){RESET}\n\n";; esac # download new bots.d / conf.d files $INSTALL_INC # set custom bots.d path update_paths $output # re-read nginx configuration if [ $retval = 0 ]; then # use full paths to workaround crontabs without $PATH configured if $pidof_path nginx 1>/dev/null; then $nginx_path -s reload 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then status="${BOLDGREEN}[OK]${RESET}" print_message "\nReloading NGINX configuration...$status\n" else status="${BOLDRED}[FAILED]${RESET}" printf "\nReloading NGINX configuration...$status\n" fi else printf "\n${BOLDRED}NGINX is not running${RESET}: not reloading NGINX config\n" fi else printf "\n${BOLDRED}Download failed${RESET}: not reloading NGINX config\n" fi # in silent mode print a single message after an update if [ "$VERBOSE" = "N" ]; then printf "NGINX Blacklist updated =>$(grep "Version:" $CONF_DIR/globalblacklist.conf | tr -d '#')\n" fi # enable update only email if [ "$SEND_EMAIL_UPDATE" = "Y" ] ; then SEND_EMAIL=Y fi else # set custom bots.d path update_paths $output # disable update only email if [ "$SEND_EMAIL_UPDATE" = "Y" ] ; then SEND_EMAIL=N fi fi # email report case "$SEND_EMAIL" in y*|Y*) send_email;; esac # email report via mailgun case "$SEND_MG_EMAIL" in y*|Y*) send_email_via_mailgun;; esac # log report case "$LOGGING" in y*|Y*) log_output;; esac } ## start ## EMAIL_REPORT=$(mktemp) main $@ | tee $EMAIL_REPORT rm -f $EMAIL_REPORT exit $? # Add this as a cron to run daily / weekly as you like # Here's a sample CRON entry to update every day at 10pm # 00 22 * * * sudo /usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker -q # Here's another example to run it daily at midday using a command line switch to set the email address for the notification # 00 12 * * * sudo /usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker -e yourname@youremailprovider.com # Less verbose logging to a system alias mail address (root crontab) # 00 12 * * * /usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker -q -m webmaster # better logging for cron jobs: # https://serverfault.com/questions/137468/better-logging-for-cronjobs-send-cron-output-to-syslog