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"# Householder Reflections and Givens Rotations\n",
"Using rotations and reflections to introduce zeros in a matrix is a powerful paradigm in numerical linear algebra. \n",
"Reflections and rotations are orthogonal transformations. They preserve the Euclidean lengths of real vectors. \n",
"They don't shrink and they don't stretch too much - these transformations have the perfect condition number, $\\kappa=1$ (at least, in the 2-norm and other unitarily invariant norms like the Frobenius norm).\n",
"This notebook walks through the basic construction and application of two important variants. \n",
"* **Householder reflections:** roughly speaking, these are used for dense problems, introducing zeros column by column.\n",
"* **Givens rotations:** These are often used for data-sparse problems, for instance, introducing zeros one entry at a time in a sparse matrix."
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"using LinearAlgebra\n",
"using SparseArrays"
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"## Householder Reflections\n",
"The Householder reflector $F_v$, constructed from a real $k$-dimensional vector $v$, is a rank-one modification of the identity: \n",
"$$F_v = I - 2\\alpha xx^*, \\quad\\text{where}\\quad x = {\\rm sign}(v_1)\\|v\\|e_1+v \\quad\\text{and}\\quad \\alpha = \\|x\\|^2.$$\n",
"It looks like the orthogonal projection onto subspace orthogonal to $x$, but it is actually a _reflection across_ the subspace orthogonal to $x$. The orthogonal projection has rank $k-1$, but the reflection has rank $k$ and $F_v^{-1}=F_v^T=F_v$.\n",
"The vector $x$ is chosen so that the reflection takes the vector $v$ to the first coordinate axis:\n",
"$$ F_v\\begin{pmatrix}v_1 \\\\ v_2 \\\\ \\vdots \\\\ v_k \\end{pmatrix} = \\begin{pmatrix}\\|v\\| \\\\ 0 \\\\ \\vdots \\\\ 0\\end{pmatrix}.$$"
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"# compute the Householder reflector\n",
"function hhr(v)\n",
" x = copy(v) # copy v to x\n",
" x[1] = x[1] + sign(x[1])*norm(x) # modify first entry of x\n",
" return x\n",
"v = randn(6)\n",
"v = v / norm(v)\n",
"x = hhr(v)\n",
"Fv = I-2*x*x' / (x'*x)\n",
"display(Fv) # here's the full reflection matrix\n",
"display(norm(I - Fv'*Fv)) # orthogonal transformations have transpose = inverse\n",
"display(Fv*v) # x is chosen so that Fv*v = ||v|| * e1 (on the computer, remember that rounding errors occur)"
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"In practice, we never form the matrix $F_v$ explicitly. We _apply_ it to vectors as a linear transformation by computing\n",
"$$ F_vw = w - 2\\alpha x (x^*w). $$\n",
"The arithmetic cost is a dot product, a vector addition, and a multiplication. Much better than building the whole matrix and multiplying by a vector.\n",
"We also only need to store the reflection vector $x$ (you could also store the scalar to avoid calculating $\\alpha = \\|x\\|^2$ again if you want)."
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"function apply_hhr(x, w)\n",
" \n",
" return w - 2 * x * (x' * w) / (x' * x)\n",
"w = randn(6)\n",
"Fvw = apply_hhr(x, w) # we can use the computed reflector x to apply Fv to any vector without forming the full reflection matrix\n",
"display(Fvw) # vectors other than v get reflected across the same subspace, but don't usually end up along a coordinate axis (mostly nonzeros)\n",
"display(norm(Fvw)-norm(w)) # but, reflection means norm is preserved for _any_ vector"
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"Householder reflections really come into their strength when we use them to introduce zeros and factor matrices. Here's a toy implementation for a familiar example: $A=QR$."
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"function hqr(A, k)\n",
" # Householder triangularization on the first k columns of A\n",
" \n",
" R = copy(A)\n",
" n = size(A,2)\n",
" X = zeros(size(A))\n",
" for j in 1:k\n",
" X[j:end,j] = hhr(R[j:end,j]') # get Householder reflector\n",
" R[j:end,j:end] = apply_hhr(X[j:end,j],R[j:end,j:end]) # introduce zeros in n-j x n-j lower right submatrix\n",
" end\n",
" return X, R # return reflectors (for orthogonal Q) and upper triangular R\n",
"A = randn(8,5)\n",
"F = hqr(A,5)\n",
"display(abs.(F[2]).>1e-14) # R is now (numerically) zero below the diagonal\n",
"display(abs.(F[1]).>1e-14) # F[1] contains Householder vectors of decreasing size"
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"In practice, the Householder reflectors are usually stored in a compact blocked format that enjoys better storage properties and enables faster matrix-matrix multiplication implementations. \n",
"The point is, we store the reflectors, and not the full reflection matrix!\n",
"Next week, Householder reflectors will play a starring role in the \"crown jewel\" of numerical analysis: the QR algorithm for computing eigenvalues (not to be mistaken with the QR factorization)."
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"## Givens rotations\n",
"Householder reflections naturally operate on columns of $A$. But what if most column entries in $A$ are nonzero? We can introduce zeros one entry at a time with Givens rotations.\n",
"You can see the idea clearest in two dimensions first, where the vector $x = (x_1,\\,\\,x_2)^T$ is rotated counterclockwise by an angle $\\theta$ into the vector $y = (y_1,\\,\\,y_2)^T$ by\n",
"\\begin{pmatrix} \n",
"y_1 \\\\ y_2\n",
"\\cos(\\theta) & -\\sin(\\theta) \\\\\n",
"\\sin(\\theta) & \\cos(\\theta)\n",
"\\begin{pmatrix} \n",
"x_1 \\\\ x_2\n",
"Given $x$, how should we chose $\\theta$ so that $y_2 = 0$? We need to rotate $x$ counterclockwise so that it lies along the $e_1=(1,\\,\\,0)^T$ coordinate axis! If we choose $\\cos(\\theta) = x_1/\\|x\\|$ and $\\sin(\\theta) = - x_2/\\|x\\|$, then\n",
"\\begin{pmatrix} \n",
"\\|x\\| \\\\ 0\n",
"x_1 & x_2 \\\\\n",
"-x_2 & x_1\n",
"\\begin{pmatrix} \n",
"x_1 \\\\ x_2\n",
"The matrix we constructed is a rotation - an orthogonal transformation - that zeros out the second entry of the special vector $x$. A Givens rotation is the $2\\times 2$ rotation analogue of a Housholder reflection!\n",
"In numerical linear algebra, we are usually concerned with more than just two dimensions. But we can use Givens rotations to introduce one zero at a time by, e.g., mixing two rows at a time. Conceptually, this means embedding the Givens rotation matrix into a larger identity matrix. For example if we want to use the first entry of a $5$-dimensional vector to zero out its last entry, we could write\n",
"\\begin{pmatrix} \n",
"\\sqrt{x_1^2+x_5^2} \\\\ x_2 \\\\ x_3 \\\\ x_4 \\\\ 0\n",
"c & 0 & 0 & 0 & s \\\\\n",
"0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\\\\n",
"0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\\\\n",
"0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\\\\n",
"-s & 0 & 0 & 0 & c\n",
"\\begin{pmatrix} \n",
"x_1 \\\\ x_2 \\\\ x_3 \\\\ x_4 \\\\ x_5\n",
"\\end{pmatrix}, \n",
"c = \\frac{x_1}{\\sqrt{x_1^2+x_5^2}}\n",
"s = \\frac{x_5}{\\sqrt{x_1^2+x_5^2}}.\n",
"Just as with Householder reflections, we never form the full rotation matrix on the computer. We store $c$ and $s$ and apply the Givens rotation as a linear transformation that combines two rows (when applied from the left)."
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"function toy_givens(x, j, k)\n",
" \n",
" r = sqrt(x[j]^2 + x[k]^2)\n",
" c = x[j] / r\n",
" s = x[k] / r\n",
" return c, s\n",
"function apply_givens(v, c, s, j, k)\n",
" w = copy(v)\n",
" w[j,:] = c*v[j,:] + s*v[k,:]\n",
" w[k,:] = -s*v[j,:] + c*v[k,:]\n",
" return w\n",
"N = 10\n",
"A = diagm(-1 => -ones(N-1), 0 => 2*ones(N), 1 => -ones(N-1))\n",
"g = toy_givens(A[:,1], 1, 2) # compute Givens rotation to zero out first subdiagonal entry\n",
"B = apply_givens(A, g[1], g[2], 1, 2) # apply Givens rotation to mix first two rows of A\n",
"display(sparse(A)) # display matrix before Givens\n",
"display(sparse(B)) # display matrix after Givens\n",
"display( norm(A[:,2]) - norm(B[:,2]) ) # column norm is preserved"
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"There are a number of subtle points to get right when doing Givens on the computer. Luckily for us, Julia has a great ready-to-use function for computing and working with Givens rotations. Let's test it out on the same example we used for our \"toy\" Givens rotation code."
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"N = 10\n",
"A = diagm(-1 => -ones(N-1), 0 => 2*ones(N), 1 => -ones(N-1))\n",
"G = givens(A, 1, 2, 1)\n",
"B = G[1]*A\n",
"display( norm(A[:,2]) - norm(B[:,2]) )"
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"It looks like our toy code did okay on this simple example. Now, let's string a few more Givens rotations together to triangularize the tridiagonal matrix $A$ above. We'll also allow it to accumulate the same Givens rotations applied to another matrix B, which is useful if we want to express the orthogonal factor $Q$ as a matrix, or if we want to compute $Q^Tb$ for least-squares problems."
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"function triQR(A,B)\n",
" # compute the QR decomposition of a tridiagonal matrix using Givens rotations\n",
" \n",
" R = copy(A)\n",
" QTB = copy(B)\n",
" n = size(R,2)\n",
" for j in 1:n-1\n",
" G = givens(R, j, j + 1, j)\n",
" R = G[1]*R\n",
" QTB = G[1]*QTB\n",
" end\n",
" return R, QTB\n",
"F = triQR(A,diagm(0 => ones(N)))\n",
"display(abs.(F[1]).>1e-14) # F[1] is the triangular factor - it is banded with upper bandwidth = 3\n",
"display(norm(F[2]'*F[2]-I)) # F[2] is the transpose of the orthogonal factor"
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"Banded matrices are very special. What happens for other types of sparse matrices? Let's add a row of ones to the first row of the difference matrix and see how it effects the $QR$ factorization.\n",
" $$\n",
" A = \\begin{pmatrix}\n",
" 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & \\cdots & 1 \\\\\n",
" -1 & 2 & -1 & 0 & \\cdots & 0 \\\\\n",
" 0 & -1 & -2 & 1 & \\cdots & 0 \\\\\n",
" \\vdots & & \\ddots & \\ddots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\\n",
" 0 & \\cdots & & 0 & -1 & 2\n",
" \\end{pmatrix}\n",
" $$"
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"A[1,:] = ones(1,N)\n",
"F = triQR(A,diagm(0 => ones(N)))\n",
"display(abs.(F[1]).>1e-14) # F[1] is the triangular factor - it is banded with upper bandwidth = 3\n",
"display(norm(F[2]'*F[2]-I)) # F[2] is the transpose of the orthogonal factor"
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"The upper triangular factor is now completely dense... what happened?\n",
"We can explore by running Householder QR on $A$ one column at a time, stopping to visualize how the upper triangular factor fills in."
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"F = hqr(A, 0)\n",
"display(abs.(F[2]).>1e-14) # R is now (numerically) zero below the diagonal"
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"Just as we saw with Gaussian elimination and $A=LU$, the factors of $A$ can suffer from _fill-in_: many more nonzero entries than in the original matrix."
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