### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.12.11
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : missing
# ╔═╡ 9c8a7e5a-12dd-11eb-1b99-cd1d52aefa1d
import Pkg
using Statistics
using Plots
using PlutoUI
using Images
using OffsetArrays
using PaddedViews
using ThreadsX
using BenchmarkTools
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md"_homework 10, version 1_"
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# **Homework 10**: _Climate modeling II_
`18.S191`, fall 2020
# ╔═╡ 6cb238d0-2c05-11eb-221e-d5df4c479302
# edit the code below to set your name and kerberos ID (i.e. email without @mit.edu)
student = (name = "Jazzy Doe", kerberos_id = "jazz")
# you might need to wait until all other cells in this notebook have completed running.
# scroll around the page to see what's up
# ╔═╡ 6a4641e0-2c05-11eb-3430-6f14650c2ad3
Submission by: **_$(student.name)_** ($(student.kerberos_id)@mit.edu)
# ╔═╡ 70077e50-2c05-11eb-3d83-732b4b780d04
md"_Let's create a package environment:_"
# ╔═╡ ed741ec6-1f75-11eb-03be-ad6284abaab8
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In Lecture 23 (video above), we looked at a 2D ocean model that included two physical processes: **advection** (_flow of heat_) and **diffusion** (_spreading of heat_). This homework includes the model from the lecture, and you will be able to experiment with it yourself!
The model is written in a way that it can be **extended with more physical processes**. In this homework we will add two more effects, introduced in the Energy Balance Model from our last homework: _absorbed_ and _emitted_ radiation.
# ╔═╡ 295af330-2cf8-11eb-1606-437e8f3c43fd
## **Exercise 1** - _Advection-diffusion_
Included below is the two-dimensional advection-diffusion model from Lecture 23. To keep this homework concise, we have only included the code. To see the original notebook with more detailed comments, use the link below:
# ╔═╡ c33ebe40-2cf9-11eb-384c-432dc70497b0
# We reference Pkg because running Pkg operations in two notebooks at
# the same time will break Pkg. By referencing it, this link will only show
# when Pkg is done.
# This link was generated by calling
# encodeURIComponent("the actual link")
# in javascript (press F12 and look for the console)
Click here to download and run the Lecture 23 notebook in a new tab.
# ╔═╡ 83ad05a0-2cfb-11eb-1467-e1196985519a
#### Advection & diffusion
Notice that both functions have a main method with the following signature:
`(::Array{Float64,2}, ::ClimateModel)` _maps to_ `::Array{Float64,2}`.
As we will see later, `ClimateModel` contains the grid, the velocity vector field and the simulation parameters.
# ╔═╡ 1e8d37ee-2a97-11eb-1d45-6b426b25d4eb
xgrad_kernel = OffsetArray(reshape([-1., 0, 1.], 1, 3), 0:0, -1:1);
# ╔═╡ 682f2530-2a97-11eb-3ee6-99a7c79b3767
ygrad_kernel = OffsetArray(reshape([-1., 0, 1.], 3, 1), -1:1, 0:0);
# ╔═╡ b629d89a-2a95-11eb-2f27-3dfa45789be4
xdiff_kernel = OffsetArray(reshape([1., -2., 1.], 1, 3), 0:0, -1:1);
# ╔═╡ a8d8f8d2-2cfa-11eb-3c3e-d54f7b32e4a2
ydiff_kernel = OffsetArray(reshape([1., -2., 1.], 3, 1), -1:1, 0:0);
# ╔═╡ 2beb6ec0-2dcc-11eb-1768-0b8e4fba1597
"Surround an array with one layer of zeros."
function pad_zeros(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N}
size(A) .+ 2,
# ╔═╡ 13eb3966-2a9a-11eb-086c-05510a3f5b80
#### Data structures
Let's look at our first type, `Grid`. Notice that it only has one 'constructor function', which takes `N` (number of longitudinal grid points) and `L` (longitudinal size in meters) as arguments. The struct contains more fields, these are precomputed and stored for performance.
# ╔═╡ cd2ee4ca-2a06-11eb-0e61-e9a2ecf72bd6
struct Grid
x::Array{Float64, 2}
y::Array{Float64, 2}
# constructor function:
function Grid(N, L)
Δx = L/N # [m]
Δy = L/N # [m]
x = 0. -Δx/2.:Δx:L +Δx/2.
x = reshape(x, (1, size(x,1)))
y = -L -Δy/2.:Δy:L +Δy/2.
y = reshape(y, (size(y,1), 1))
Nx, Ny = size(x, 2), size(y, 1)
return new(N, L, Δx, Δy, x, y, Nx, Ny)
Base.zeros(G::Grid) = zeros(G.Ny, G.Nx)
# ╔═╡ e7f563f0-2d04-11eb-036d-992da68470a6
# ╔═╡ 39404240-2cfe-11eb-2e3c-710e37f8cd4b
Next, let's look at three types.
Two structs: `OceanModel` and `OceanModelParameters`, and an abstract type: `ClimateModel`.
# ╔═╡ 0d63e6b2-2b49-11eb-3413-43977d299d90
Base.@kwdef struct OceanModelParameters
# ╔═╡ c9171c56-2dd8-11eb-189b-95d964a9724a
abstract type ClimateModel end
# ╔═╡ f4c884fc-2a97-11eb-1ba9-01bf579f8b43
# main method:
advect(T::Array{Float64,2}, O::ClimateModel) =
advect(T, O.u, O.v, O.grid.Δy, O.grid.Δx)
# helper methods:
advect(T::Array{Float64,2}, u, v, Δy, Δx) = pad_zeros([
advect(T, u, v, Δy, Δx, j, i)
for j=2:size(T, 1)-1, i=2:size(T, 2)-1
advect(T::Array{Float64,2}, u, v, Δy, Δx, j, i) = .-(
u[j, i].*sum(xgrad_kernel[0, -1:1].*T[j, i-1:i+1])/(2Δx) .+
v[j, i].*sum(ygrad_kernel[-1:1, 0].*T[j-1:j+1, i])/(2Δy)
# ╔═╡ ee6716c8-2a95-11eb-3a00-319ee69dd37f
# main method:
diffuse(T::Array{Float64,2}, O::ClimateModel) =
diffuse(T, O.params.κ, O.grid.Δy, O.grid.Δx)
# helper methods:
diffuse(T, κ, Δy, Δx) = pad_zeros([
diffuse(T, κ, Δy, Δx, j, i) for j=2:size(T, 1)-1, i=2:size(T, 2)-1
diffuse(T, κ, Δy, Δx, j, i) = κ.*(
sum(xdiff_kernel[0, -1:1].*T[j, i-1:i+1])/(Δx^2) +
sum(ydiff_kernel[-1:1, 0].*T[j-1:j+1, i])/(Δy^2)
# ╔═╡ d3796644-2a05-11eb-11b8-87b6e8c311f9
struct OceanModel <: ClimateModel
u::Array{Float64, 2}
v::Array{Float64, 2}
OceanModel(G::Grid, params::OceanModelParameters) =
OceanModel(G, params, zeros(G), zeros(G))
OceanModel(G::Grid) =
OceanModel(G, OceanModelParameters(), zeros(G), zeros(G))
# ╔═╡ 5f5e4120-2cfe-11eb-1fa7-99fdd734f7a7
OceanModel <: ClimateModel # it's a subtype!
# ╔═╡ 74aa7512-2a9c-11eb-118c-c7a5b60eac1b
#### Timestepping
The `OceanModel` struct contains a complete _description_ of the model being simulated. The next struct, `ClimateModelSimulation`, contains a _model_, together with the simulation results. It is mutable: timestepping the model means modifying a `ClimateModelSimulation` object.
# ╔═╡ f92086c4-2a74-11eb-3c72-a1096667183b
mutable struct ClimateModelSimulation{ModelType<:ClimateModel}
T::Array{Float64, 2}
ClimateModelSimulation(C::ModelType, T, Δt) where ModelType =
ClimateModelSimulation{ModelType}(C, T, Δt, 0)
# ╔═╡ 7caca2fa-2a9a-11eb-373f-156a459a1637
function update_ghostcells!(A::Array{Float64,2}; option="no-flux")
# Atmp = @view A[:,:]
if option=="no-flux"
A[1, :] .= A[2, :]; A[end, :] .= A[end-1, :]
A[:, 1] .= A[:, 2]; A[:, end] .= A[:, end-1]
# ╔═╡ 81bb6a4a-2a9c-11eb-38bb-f7701c79afa2
function timestep!(sim::ClimateModelSimulation{OceanModel})
tendencies = advect(sim.T, sim.model) .+ diffuse(sim.T, sim.model)
sim.T .+= sim.Δt*tendencies
sim.iteration += 1
# ╔═╡ 31cb0c2c-2a9a-11eb-10ba-d90a00d8e03a
#### Exercise 1.1 - _Running the model_
In the next few cells, we set up a simulation. We have included an interactive visualisation of the simulation.
👉 Familiarize yourself with the simulation through interaction. Get a sense for each parameter by changing their values.
# ╔═╡ 9841ff20-2c06-11eb-3c4c-c34e465e1594
default_grid = Grid(10, 6000.0e3);
# ╔═╡ 31cb7aae-2d04-11eb-30cb-a365a6a4aa6b
Uncomment (`Ctrl+/` or `Cmd+/`) one of the lines below to choose between the different velocity fields:
# ╔═╡ 50e89130-2d04-11eb-1c8e-a34775aec40c
Choose the initial temperature state:
# ╔═╡ c7736640-2d04-11eb-1108-59a7446e244d
We define our ocean simulation. Run this cell again to reset the simulation to the initial state.
# ╔═╡ 981ef38a-2a8b-11eb-08be-b94be2924366
md"**Simulation controls**"
# ╔═╡ d042d25a-2a62-11eb-33fe-65494bb2fad5
quiverBox = @bind show_quiver CheckBox(default=false)
anomalyBox = @bind show_anomaly CheckBox(default=false)
*Click to show the velocity field* $(quiverBox) *or to show temperature **anomalies** instead of absolute values* $(anomalyBox)
# ╔═╡ c20b0e00-2a8a-11eb-045d-9db88411746f
U_ex_Slider = @bind U_ex Slider(-4:1:8, default=0, show_value=false);
# ╔═╡ 6dbc3d34-2a89-11eb-2c80-75459a8e237a
md"*Vary the current speed U:* $(2. ^U_ex) [× reference]"
# ╔═╡ 933d42fa-2a67-11eb-07de-61cab7567d7d
κ_ex_Slider = @bind κ_ex Slider(0.:1.e3:1.e5, default=1.e4, show_value=true)
*Vary the diffusivity κ:* $(κ_ex_Slider) [m²/s]
# ╔═╡ c9ea0f72-2a67-11eb-20ba-376ca9c8014f
@bind go_ex Clock(0.1)
# ╔═╡ c0298712-2a88-11eb-09af-bf2c39167aa6
md"""##### Velocity field for a single circular vortex
# ╔═╡ e3ee80c0-12dd-11eb-110a-c336bb978c51
∂x(ϕ, Δx) = (ϕ[:,2:end] - ϕ[:,1:end-1])/Δx
∂y(ϕ, Δy) = (ϕ[2:end,:] - ϕ[1:end-1,:])/Δy
xpad(ϕ) = hcat(zeros(size(ϕ,1)), ϕ, zeros(size(ϕ,1)))
ypad(ϕ) = vcat(zeros(size(ϕ,2))', ϕ, zeros(size(ϕ,2))')
xitp(ϕ) = 0.5*(ϕ[:,2:end]+ϕ[:,1:end-1])
yitp(ϕ) = 0.5*(ϕ[2:end,:]+ϕ[1:end-1,:])
function diagnose_velocities(ψ, G)
u = xitp(∂y(ψ, G.Δy/G.L))
v = yitp(-∂x(ψ, G.Δx/G.L))
return u,v
# ╔═╡ df706ebc-2a63-11eb-0b09-fd9f151cb5a8
function impose_no_flux!(u, v)
u[1,:] .= 0.; v[1,:] .= 0.;
u[end,:] .= 0.; v[end,:] .= 0.;
u[:,1] .= 0.; v[:,1] .= 0.;
u[:,end] .= 0.; v[:,end] .= 0.;
# ╔═╡ e2e4cfac-2a63-11eb-1b7f-9d8d5d304b43
function PointVortex(G; Ω=1., a=0.2, x0=0.5, y0=0.)
x = reshape(0. -G.Δx/(G.L):G.Δx/G.L:1. +G.Δx/(G.L), (1, G.Nx+1))
y = reshape(-1. -G.Δy/(G.L):G.Δy/G.L:1. +G.Δy/(G.L), (G.Ny+1, 1))
function ψ̂(x,y)
r = sqrt.((y .-y0).^2 .+ (x .-x0).^2)
stream = -Ω/4*r.^2
stream[r .> a] = -Ω*a^2/4*(1. .+ 2*log.(r[r .> a]/a))
return stream
u, v = diagnose_velocities(ψ̂(x, y), G)
impose_no_flux!(u, v)
return u,v
# ╔═╡ 1dd3fc70-2c06-11eb-27fe-f325ca208504
# ocean_velocities = zeros(default_grid), zeros(default_grid);
ocean_velocities = PointVortex(default_grid, Ω=0.5);
# ocean_velocities = DoubleGyre(default_grid);
# ╔═╡ bb084ace-12e2-11eb-2dfc-111e90eabfdd
md"""##### Quasi-realistic ocean velocity field $\vec{u} = (u, v)$
Our velocity field is given by an analytical solution to the classic wind-driven gyre
problem, which is given by solving the fourth-order partial differential equation:
$- \epsilon_{M} \hat{\nabla}^{4} \hat{\Psi} + \frac{\partial \hat{\Psi} }{ \partial \hat{x}} = \nabla \times \hat{\tau} \mathbf{z},$
where the hats denote that all of the variables have been non-dimensionalized and all of their constant coefficients have been bundles into the single parameter $\epsilon_{M} \equiv \dfrac{\nu}{\beta L^3}$.
The solution makes use of an advanced *asymptotic method* (valid in the limit that $\epsilon \ll 1$) known as *boundary layer analysis* (see MIT course 18.305 to learn more).
# ╔═╡ ecaab27e-2a16-11eb-0e99-87c91e659cf3
function DoubleGyre(G; β=2e-11, τ₀=0.1, ρ₀=1.e3, ν=1.e5, κ=1.e5, H=1000.)
ϵM = ν/(β*G.L^3)
ϵ = ϵM^(1/3.)
x = reshape(0. -G.Δx/(G.L):G.Δx/G.L:1. +G.Δx/(G.L), (1, G.Nx+1))
y = reshape(-1. -G.Δy/(G.L):G.Δy/G.L:1. +G.Δy/(G.L), (G.Ny+1, 1))
ψ̂(x,y) = π*sin.(π*y) * (
1 .- x - exp.(-x/(2*ϵ)) .* (
cos.(√3*x/(2*ϵ)) .+
(1. /√3)*sin.(√3*x/(2*ϵ))
.+ ϵ*exp.((x .- 1.)/ϵ)
u, v = (τ₀/ρ₀)/(β*G.L*H) .* diagnose_velocities(ψ̂(x, y), G)
impose_no_flux!(u, v)
return u, v
# ╔═╡ e59d869c-2a88-11eb-2511-5d5b4b380b80
##### Some simple initial temperature fields
# ╔═╡ 0ae0bb70-2b8f-11eb-0104-93aa0e1c7a72
constantT(G; value) = zeros(G) .+ value
# ╔═╡ c4424838-12e2-11eb-25eb-058344b39c8b
linearT(G; value=50.0) = value*0.5*(1. .+[ -(y/G.L) for y in G.y[:, 1], x in G.x[1, :] ])
# ╔═╡ 3d12c114-2a0a-11eb-131e-d1a39b4f440b
function InitBox(G; value=50., nx=2, ny=2, xspan=false, yspan=false)
T = zeros(G)
T[G.Ny÷2-ny:G.Ny÷2+ny, G.Nx÷2-nx:G.Nx÷2+nx] .= value
if xspan
T[G.Ny÷2-ny:G.Ny÷2+ny, :] .= value
if yspan
T[:, G.Nx÷2-nx:G.Nx÷2+nx] .= value
return T
# ╔═╡ 6f19cd80-2c06-11eb-278d-178c1590856f
# ocean_T_init = InitBox(default_grid; value=50);
ocean_T_init = InitBox(default_grid, value=50, xspan=true);
# ocean_T_init = linearT(default_grid);
# ╔═╡ 863a6330-2a08-11eb-3992-c3db439fb624
ocean_sim = let
P = OceanModelParameters(κ=κ_ex)
u, v = ocean_velocities
model = OceanModel(default_grid, P, u*2. ^U_ex, v*2. ^U_ex)
Δt = 12*60*60
ClimateModelSimulation(model, copy(ocean_T_init), Δt)
# ╔═╡ 6b3b6030-2066-11eb-3343-e19284638efb
plot_kernel(A) = heatmap(
color=:bluesreds, clims=(-maximum(abs.(A)), maximum(abs.(A))), colorbar=false,
xticks=false, yticks=false, size=(30+30*size(A, 2), 30+30*size(A, 1)), xaxis=false, yaxis=false
) |> as_svg
# ╔═╡ 3dffa000-2db7-11eb-263b-57fa833d5785
👉 Some parameters have a physical meaning (`κ`, `u` and `v`), while other parameters control our numerical process. Choose two of these _numerical_ parameters, and describe their effect on the simulation's runtime and the simulation's accuracy.
# ╔═╡ b952d290-2db7-11eb-3fa9-2bc8d77b9fd6
numerical_parameters_observation = md"""
# ╔═╡ 88c56350-2c08-11eb-14e9-77e71d749e6d
## **Exercise 2** - _Complexity_
In this class we have restricted ourself to small problems ($N_{t} < 100$ timesteps and $N_{x;\, y} < 30$ spatial grid-cells) so that they can be run interactively on an average computer. In state-of-the-art climate modelling however, the goal is to push the *numerical resolution* $N$ to be as large as possible (the *grid spacing* $\Delta t$ or $\Delta x$ as small as possible), to resolve physical processes that improve the realism of the simulation (see below).
# ╔═╡ 014495d6-2cda-11eb-05d7-91e5a467647e
# ╔═╡ d6a56496-2cda-11eb-3d54-d7141a49a446
Here, we provide a simple estimate of the *computational complexity* of climate models, which reveals a substantial challenge to the improvement of climate models.
Our climate model algorithm can be summarized by the recursive formula:
$T_{i,\, j}^{n+1} = T^{n}_{i,j} + \Delta t * \left( \text{tendencies} \right)$
for each time step ``n \in \left\{1, \dots, M \right\}``, and for each grid point ``i \in \left\{1, \dots, N_x \right\}, j \in \left\{1, \dots, N_y \right\}``.
Our goal is to simulate an ocean of fixed size (e.g. ``6000`` km), for a fixed amount of time (e.g. ``100`` years). By choosing smaller ``\Delta t``, ``\Delta x`` and ``\Delta y``, we get a more accurate simulation, but for the same _size_, it requires more steps. i.e.
$M = \mathcal{O}(\Delta t^{-1}) \qquad N_x = \mathcal{O}(\Delta x^{-1}) \qquad N_y = \mathcal{O}(\Delta y^{-1}).$
Now, the _total runtime_ of our simulation is proportional to the number of steps we need to take, which is ``M\cdot N_x \cdot N_y``. For a fixed aspect ratio $N_{y} = 2N_{x}$, we get
$\text{runtime} = \mathcal{O}(M)\mathcal{O}(2N_{x}^{2}) = \mathcal{O}(M)\mathcal{O}(N_{x}^{2}).$
#### Exercise 2.1
For constant ``M``, we want to verify that $\text{runtime} = \mathcal{O}(N_{x}^{2})$ holds for our numerical model.
👉 Write a function `model_runtime` that takes `N` as an argument, and sets up a model with grid of resolution `N`, and returns the runtime of a single `timestep!`.
# ╔═╡ 126bffce-2d0b-11eb-2bfd-bb5d1ad1169b
function runtime(N)
return missing
# ╔═╡ 923af680-2d0b-11eb-3f6a-db4bf29bb6a9
👉 Call your `runtime` function on a range of values for `N`, and use a plot to demonstrate that the predicted runtime complexity holds.
# ╔═╡ af02d23e-2e93-11eb-3547-85d2aa07081b
# ╔═╡ a6811db2-2cdf-11eb-0aac-b1bf7b7d99eb
#### Exercise 2.2 - _The CFL condition on $\Delta t$_
In Exercise 1, look for the definition of `Δt`. It is currently set to `12*60*60` (12 hours).
👉 Double `Δt` and run the simulation again. You should see that it runs faster, great! Now, keep doubling `Δt` until you see something 'strange'. Describe what you see.
# ╔═╡ 87de1c70-2d0c-11eb-2c22-f76eeca58f33
Δt_doubling_observations = md"""
# ╔═╡ 87e59680-2d0c-11eb-03c7-1d845ca6a1a5
What you experienced is a _numerical instability_ of the discretization method in our simulation. This is not caused by floating point errors -- it is a theoretical limitation of our method.
To ensure the stability of our finite-difference approximation for advection, heat should not be displaced more than one grid cell in a single timestep. Mathematically, we can ensure this by checking that the distance $L_{CFL} \equiv \max(|\vec{u}|) \Delta t$ is significantly less than the width $\Delta x = \Delta y$ of a single grid cell:
$L_{CFL} \equiv \max(|\vec{u}|) \Delta t \ll \Delta x$
$\Delta t \ll \frac{\Delta x}{\max(|\vec{u}|) },$
which is known as **the Courant-Freidrichs-Levy (CFL) condition**.
The exact meaning of ``\ll`` here depends on the simulation at hand, but in our case, it means that there is at least an order of magnitude difference:
$\Delta t < 0.1 \frac{\Delta x}{\max(|\vec{u}|) }.$
Given below is a function `CFL_advection` that takes a `ClimateModel` and computes the CFL value: ``{\Delta x} / {\max(|\vec{u}|) }``.
# ╔═╡ ad7b7ed6-2a9c-11eb-06b7-0f5595167575
function CFL_advection(model::ClimateModel)
model.grid.Δx / maximum(sqrt.(model.u.^2 + model.v.^2))
# ╔═╡ 7d3bf550-2e68-11eb-3526-cda9ff3f914e
ocean_sim.Δt, 0.1 * CFL_advection(ocean_sim.model)
# ╔═╡ 3e908bf0-2e94-11eb-28de-a3b1b7435492
👉 Using the interactive simulation of Exercise 1, verify that the CFL condition is (somewhat) true. Increase the magnitude of ``\vec{u}`` until you start to see numerical artefacts. Now, halve the value fo ``\Delta t``, and again, increase the magnitude of ``\vec{u}``. You should find that _halving ``\Delta t`` allows for twice the velocity magnitude_. The same link exists between ``\Delta t`` and ``\Delta x``.
# ╔═╡ cb3e2990-2e67-11eb-2312-61395c479a15
The CFL inequality states that if we want to decrease the grid spacing $\Delta x$ (or increase the *resolution* $N_{x}$), we also have to decrease the timestep $\Delta t$ by the same factor. In other words, the timestep can not be thought of as fixed -- it depends on the spatial resolution: $\Delta t \equiv \Delta t_{0} \Delta x$. This means that ``M = \mathcal{O}(N_x)``.
Revisiting our complexity equation, we now have
$\text{runtime} = \mathcal{O}(M) \mathcal{O}(N_x^2) = \mathcal{O}(N_x^3).$
In other words, in a 2-D model, **2x the spatial resolution requires 8x the computational power**.
# ╔═╡ 433a9c1e-2ce0-11eb-319c-e9c785b080ce
#### Exercise 2.3 - _Moore's Law_
In practice, state-of-the-art climate models are 3-D, not 2-D. It turns out that to preserve the aspect ratio of oceanic motions, the *vertical* grid resolution should also be increased $N_{z} \propto N_{x}$, such that in reality the computational complexity of climate models is:
$\text{runtime} = \mathcal{O}(N_{x}^4).$
This is the fundamental challenge of high-performance climate computing: to increase the resolution of the models by a factor of $2$, the model's run-time increases by a factor of $2^4 = 16$.
The figure below shows how the grid spacing of state-of-the-art climate models has decreased from $500$ km in 1990 (FAR) to $100$ km in the 2010s (AR4). In other words, grid resolution increased by a factor of $5$ in 20 years.
# ╔═╡ 213f65ce-2ce1-11eb-19d6-5bf5c24d7ed7
# ╔═╡ fced660c-2cd9-11eb-1737-0110789f429e
Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years. In the context of climate modelling, we can interpret this as meaning that the computational complexity allowed by our best high-performance computers $\mathcal{C}$ doubles every two years:
$\mathcal{C}(t) = \mathcal{C}(2020) * 2^{(t-2020)/2}$
Present-day simulations have a grid spacing of $\Delta x = 30$ km (or about $N_{x} = L/\Delta x \approx \frac{20000\text{ km}}{30\text{ km}} \approx 700$).
👉 By extrapolating Moore's law forward into the future, estimate how long it would take for $\Delta x$ to reach to the $500$ meter scale of clouds, one of the important climate processes ($N_{x} = L/\Delta x \approx 40 000$).
# ╔═╡ 299d5540-2e6a-11eb-2698-05e889127454
cloud_resolution_possible_at = let
# ╔═╡ 545cf530-2b48-11eb-378c-3f8eeb89bcba
## **Exercise 3** - _Radiation_
In Homework 9, we used a **zero-dimensional (0-D)** Energy Balance Model (EBM) to understand how Earth's average radiative imbalance results in temperature changes:
C\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} =&\ \hphantom{+}
\frac{S(1 - \alpha)}{4}
&\qquad\text{(absorbed radiation)}
&- (A - BT)
&\qquad\text{(outgoing radiation)}
This week we will do the same, but now in **two-dimensions (2-D)**, where in addition to heat being added or removed from the system by radiation, heat can be *transported around the system* by oceanic **advection** and **diffusion** (see also Lectures 22 & 23 for 1-D and 2-D advection-diffusion). The governing equation for temperature $T(x,y,t)$ in our coupled climate model is:
\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = & \hphantom{+}
u(x,y) \frac{\partial T}{\partial x} + v(x,y) \frac{\partial T}{\partial y}
& + \kappa \left( \frac{\partial^{2} T}{\partial x^{2}} + \frac{\partial^{2} T}{\partial y^{2}} \right)
& + \frac{S(x,y)(1 - \alpha(T))}{4C}
&\qquad\text{(absorbed radiation)}
& - \frac{(A - BT)}{C}.
&\qquad\text{(outgoing radiation)}
# ╔═╡ 705ddb90-2d8d-11eb-0c78-13eea6a2df38
##### Parameters
Below we define two new types: `RadiationOceanModel` and `RadiationOceanModelParameters`. Notice the similarities and differences with our original model. By making `RadiationOceanModel` also a subtype of `ClimateModel`, we will be able to re-use much of our original code.
# ╔═╡ 57535c60-2b49-11eb-07cc-ffc5b4d1f13c
Base.@kwdef struct RadiationOceanModelParameters
C::Float64=51.0 * 60*60*24*365.25 # converted from [W*year/m^2/K] to [J/m^2/K]
S_mean::Float64 = 1380
# ╔═╡ 90e1aa00-2b48-11eb-1a2d-8701a3069e50
struct RadiationOceanModel <: ClimateModel
u::Array{Float64, 2}
v::Array{Float64, 2}
RadiationOceanModel(G::Grid, P::RadiationOceanModelParameters, u, v) =
RadiationOceanModel(G, P, u, v)
RadiationOceanModel(G::Grid, P::RadiationOceanModelParameters) =
RadiationOceanModel(G, P, zeros(G), zeros(G))
RadiationOceanModel(G::Grid) =
RadiationOceanModel(G, RadiationOceanModelParameters(), zeros(G), zeros(G))
# ╔═╡ e5b95760-2d98-11eb-0ea3-8bfcf07031d6
Notice that this struct has `Base.@kwdef` in front of its definition. This allows us to:
1. assign default values to the struct fields, directly inside the definition, and
2. automatically create an easier constructor function that takes _keyword arguments:_
# ╔═╡ adf007c2-2d98-11eb-3004-dfe1b1303454
# ╔═╡ be456570-2d98-11eb-0c4e-cd92e0af728b
# ╔═╡ e80b0532-2b4b-11eb-26fa-cd09eca808bc
#### Exercise 3.1 - _Absorbed radiation_
The ocean absorbs solar radiation, increasing the temperature. Just like in our EBM model, we model the ocean as a surface with a _temperature-dependent albedo_: ``\alpha(T)``. A high albedo means that more sunlight is reflected, and less is absorbed. We model the albedo function as:
# ╔═╡ 629454e0-2b48-11eb-2ff0-abed400c49f9
function α(T::Float64; α0, αi, ΔT)
if T < -ΔT
return αi
elseif -ΔT <= T < ΔT
return αi + (α0-αi)*(T+ΔT)/(2ΔT)
elseif ΔT <= T
return α0
# ╔═╡ 287395d0-2dbb-11eb-3ca7-ddcea24a074f
An area of ocean below 0°C is covered in ice, which is more reflective, and therefore absorbs less solar radiation. In our EBM model, this _positive feedback_ leads to a bifurcation: under the same external conditions, the climate system has multiple equilibria.
In this week's two-dimensional model, the factor ``\alpha`` is also two-dimensional: instead of a global albedo, every grid cell has its own temperature, which determines its own albedo, $\alpha(T(x,y,t))$. We can now have an ocean with warm and cold regions, which absorb different amounts of radiation. The same positive feedback can have a _local_ effect.
Here is a second method for `α` that takes a 2D array `T` with the current ocean temperatures and a `RadiationOceanModel`, and returns the 2D array of albedos. We use the [dot operator](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/mathematical-operations/#man-dot-operators) to apply `α` pointwise to `T`, also called _broadcasting_.
# ╔═╡ d63c5fe0-2b49-11eb-07fd-a7ec98af3a89
function α(T::Array{Float64,2}, model::RadiationOceanModel)
α.(T; α0=model.params.α0, αi=model.params.αi, ΔT=model.params.ΔT)
# ╔═╡ d9296db0-2dba-11eb-3bb5-9533a338dad8
T = -10.0:30.0
T, α.(T; α0=0.3, αi=0.5, ΔT=2.0),
ylabel="α (albedo) [unitless]",
xlabel="Temperature [°C]",
# ╔═╡ 8d729390-2dbc-11eb-0628-f3ed9c9f5ffd
##### Solar insolation
Our rectangular grid represents the North Atlantic Ocean, stretching from the equator (latitude = 0°) to the North Pole (latitude = 90°) in the latitudinal direction (`y`), and from the east coast of North America to the west coast of Europe in the longitudinal direction (`x`). In reality, climate models have to explicitly deal with the curvature of the Earth when constructing their model grids. Here, we will just treat the North Atlantic Ocean as a rectangle with roughly the correct dimensions.
Just like the albedo, every grid cell will have a local amount of solar insolation. In our model, we use the **annual average** at the latitude of a grid cell $S(y)/4$. This is given by: ([_source_](http://www.atmos.albany.edu/facstaff/brose/classes/ATM623_Spring2015/Notes/Lectures/Lecture11%20--%20Insolation.html))
# ╔═╡ 71f531ae-2dbf-11eb-1d0c-0758eb89bf1d
_Note that latitude is the horizontal axis in this graph, not the vertical._
# ╔═╡ 0de643d0-2dbf-11eb-3a4c-538c176923f4
function y_to_lat(y::Real; grid::Grid)
π/2 * 0.5 * (y / grid.L + 1.0)
# ╔═╡ 2ace4750-2dbe-11eb-0074-0f3a7a929176
function S_at(y::Float64; grid::Grid, S_mean::Float64)
S_mean .* (1+0.5*cos(2 * y_to_lat(y; grid=grid)))
# ╔═╡ 5caa4172-2dbe-11eb-2d5a-f5fa621d21a8
grid = Grid(50, 6000e3)
params = RadiationOceanModelParameters()
y = grid.y[:]
λ = rad2deg.(y_to_lat.(y; grid=grid))
S = S_at.(y; grid=grid, S_mean=params.S_mean)
p = plot(
λ, S/4,
ylabel="Annual average solar insolation [W/m²]",
xlabel="Latitude [°]",
λ, fill(params.S_mean/4., size(y)),
label="Global mean S/4"
# ╔═╡ 86a004ce-2dd5-11eb-1dca-5702d793ef39
👉 Write a method `absorbed_solar_radiation` that takes a 2D array `T` with the current ocean temperatures and a `RadiationOceanModel`, and returns the tendencies corresponding to absorbed radiation. This is the analogue of `advect` and `diffuse`.
# ╔═╡ f24e8570-2e6c-11eb-2c21-d319af7cba81
function absorbed_solar_radiation(T::Array{Float64,2}, model::RadiationOceanModel)
return missing
# ╔═╡ de7456c0-2b4b-11eb-13c8-01b196821de4
#### Exercise 3.2 - _Outgoing radiation_
Just like in our EBM from before, when our ocean heats up by absorbing solar radiation, it also _emits radiation back to space_. This **outgoing thermal radiation** is what allows the ocean to eventually come to an equilibrium. The difference here is that each individual grid cell of our model radiatives according to it's local temperature $T_{i,\,j}$.
# ╔═╡ 6745f610-2b48-11eb-2f6c-79e0009dc9c3
function outgoing_thermal_radiation(T; C, A, B)
(A .- B .* (T)) ./ C
# ╔═╡ 2274f6b0-2dc5-11eb-10a1-e980bd461ea0
👉 Write a method `outgoing_termal_radiation` that takes a 2D array `T` with the current ocean temperatures and a `RadiationOceanModel`, and returns the tendencies corresponding to outgoing radiation. This is the analogue of `advect` and `diffuse`.
# ╔═╡ fc55f710-2e6c-11eb-3cea-cfc00c02fc26
function outgoing_thermal_radiation(T::Array{Float64,2}, model::RadiationOceanModel)
return missing
# ╔═╡ 6c20ca1e-2b48-11eb-1c3c-418118408c4c
params = RadiationOceanModelParameters()
model = RadiationOceanModel(default_grid, params)
-10:40, outgoing_thermal_radiation(-10:40, A=params.A, B=params.B, C=params.C),
ylabel="Outgoing radiation",
# ╔═╡ fe492480-2b4b-11eb-050e-9b9b2e2bf50f
#### Exercise 3.3 - _Running the model_
Let's define a new `timestep!` method for our new model. This is exactly the same as our advection-diffusion model, with the addition of the two radiation tendencies.
# ╔═╡ 068795ee-2b4c-11eb-3e58-353eb8978c1c
function timestep!(sim::ClimateModelSimulation{RadiationOceanModel})
tendencies =
advect(sim.T, sim.model) .+
diffuse(sim.T, sim.model) .+
absorbed_solar_radiation(sim.T, sim.model) .-
outgoing_thermal_radiation(sim.T, sim.model)
sim.T .+= sim.Δt*tendencies
sim.iteration += 1
# ╔═╡ ad95c4e0-2b4a-11eb-3584-dda89970ffdf
We can now simulate our radiation ocean model, reusing much of the code from our advection-diffusion simulation.
# ╔═╡ b059c6e0-2b4a-11eb-216a-39bb43c7b423
radiation_sim = let
grid = Grid(10, 6.e6)
# you can specify non-default parameters like so:
# params = RadiationOceanModelParameters(S_mean=1500, A=210, κ=2e4)
params = RadiationOceanModelParameters()
u, v = DoubleGyre(grid)
T_init_value = 10
T_init = constantT(grid; value=T_init_value)
model = RadiationOceanModel(grid, params, u, v)
Δt = 400*60*60
ClimateModelSimulation(model, copy(T_init), Δt)
# ╔═╡ 5fd346d0-2b4d-11eb-066b-9ba9c9d97613
@bind go_radiation Clock(.1)
# ╔═╡ 6fc5b760-2e97-11eb-1d7f-0d666b0a41d5
👉 Play around with the simulation to find the effect of each parameter. In particular, discover the effect of the solar insolation, `S_mean`, the initial temperatures, `T_init`, the liquid and ice albedos: `α0` and `αi`, and the amount of emitted heat at 0°C, `A`.
# ╔═╡ 5a755e00-2e98-11eb-0f83-997a60409484
#### Exercise 3.4 - _Stable states_
So far, we are able to set up a model and run it interactively. You see that the model quickly goes from the initial temperatures to a _stable state_: a state with balanced energy (radiation out, radiation in). Changing the initial state slightly will probably result in the same stable state.
But let's see what happens when we initialize with extremely high or low initial temperatures...
👉 For ``S=1380`` (present-day value) and default parameters, does `T_init_value=-50` give a different result than `T_init_value=+50`? What about `T_init_value=+55`? By trying various values for `T_init_value`, **how many stable states do you find?**
# ╔═╡ 5294aad0-2d15-11eb-091d-59d7517c4dc2
S_1380_stable_states = md"""
I found ...
# ╔═╡ abd2475e-2d15-11eb-26dc-05253cf65232
👉 Answer the same question for ``S=1000`` and ``S=2000``.
# ╔═╡ bdd86250-2d15-11eb-0b62-7903ca714312
S_1000_stable_states = md"""
I found ...
# ╔═╡ bed2c7e0-2d15-11eb-14e3-93f5d1b6f3a1
S_2000_stable_states = md"""
I found ...
# ╔═╡ b5703af0-2e98-11eb-1e8c-3d2b51bd9995
#### Exercise 3.5
That's right, we have found a _bifurcation_! Under the right conditions, there are multiple stable states. But under different conditions, there is only one stable state.
**Hypothesis:** The multiple stable states at ``S = 1380`` are caused by the feedback effect of the ice albedo. A cold ocean reflects more heat and stays cold, a warm ocean absorbs more heat and stays warm.
👉 Find a way to confirm this hypothesis by changing the model parameters in the interactive model. Describe your findings.
# ╔═╡ d9141ca0-2e99-11eb-3ef6-8591c16bb546
albedo_hypothesis_description = md"""
Bonjour !
# ╔═╡ c40b7360-2d15-11eb-0558-d95d615f9b9b
👉 Why is the number of stable states different for a lower or higher value of ``S``?
# ╔═╡ 02767460-2d16-11eb-2074-07657f84e22d
num_stable_states_answer = md"""
Hi! 🍪
# ╔═╡ 127bcb0e-2c0a-11eb-23df-a75767910fcb
## **Exercise 4** - _Bifurcation diagram_
So far, we are able to set up a model and run it interactively, and we discovered that by changing the initial value of `S_mean`, we find a different number of stable states.
In this final exercise, we will generate a visualization to help us understand the relationship between `S_mean` and the number of stable states. Instead of running a single model interactively, we write a function that takes the model parameters as input, runs the model until equilibrium, and returns the final mean temperature. We will run this high-level function for various initial values, generating a single graph: the _bifurcation diagram_.
#### Exercise 4.1 - _Equilibrium temperature_
👉 Write a function `eq_T` that takes two argments, `S` and `T_init_value`, that sets up a radiation ocean model with `S` as `S_mean`, and with `T_init_value` as the constant initial temperature. Run the model until you have reached equilibrium (approximately), and return the average temperature.
# ╔═╡ 0d197fe0-2e6d-11eb-2346-2daf4e80a9a7
function eq_T(S, T_init_value)
return missing
# ╔═╡ f70f52f0-2e9a-11eb-1bab-13c3b7ad3ca4
👉 Use the function `eq_T` to verify your answer to Exercise 3.4.
# ╔═╡ 59ecd040-2e9c-11eb-05e3-0bc96e9cddec
# ╔═╡ 2495e330-2c0a-11eb-3a10-530f8b87a4eb
#### Exercise 4.2
👉 Make a bifurcation diagram. For a couple of pairs `(S,T_init)`, calculate the equilibrium temperature. Create a scatter plot with ``S`` on the horizontal axis, and ``T_{\text{equilibrium}}`` on the vertical.
> This calculation can take quite some time. Some tips:
> 1. Start out with a small amount of points.
> 1. Run the `eq_T` calculations in one cell, and store the result as a vector. Generate the scatter plot in a different cell.
> 1. You can replace a `map` with `ThreadsX.map` to run it in parallel across multiple CPU cores. More on this [below](#threadsx).
# ╔═╡ 59da0470-2b8f-11eb-098c-993effcedecf
# you can change me!
bifurcation_ST = [(S,T) for S in [1000, 1380, 2000] for T in [-50, 0, 50]]
# ╔═╡ 9eacf3d0-2e9d-11eb-3c19-1dcfadccf18d
# ╔═╡ 9e653c70-2e9d-11eb-0af5-25dc140d5824
# ╔═╡ 92ae22de-2d88-11eb-1d03-2977c539ba23
##### Parallelize a `map`
You use `map` to apply a function to each element of a vector. Why not use a `for` loop? One nice property of `map` code is that you only describe the operation for each element, not the order to run the operations in. This means that it can be _easily parallelized_ by the computer. For example, on a computer with 4 cores, the computation `map(sqrt, 1:100)` can be parallelized by handling `1:25` on the first core, `26:50` on the second, etc., at the same time.
In Julia, many functional primitives (`map`, `filter`, `sum`, `maximum`, `all`, and more) have an automatically multithreaded version, in the `ThreadsX.jl` package. As a demo, compare the two cells below. (You can see the runtime in the bottom right of a cell.) You might need to run the cells a second time, the first time includes Julia's compiler doing its thing.
# ╔═╡ 547d92d0-2d88-11eb-18b5-0fc468ae0026
map(1:8) do i
sleep(.1) # to simulate an expensive computation
i ^ 2
# ╔═╡ 60bbba90-2d88-11eb-1616-87d6e15c0795
ThreadsX.map(1:8) do i
sleep(.1) # to simulate an expensive computation
i ^ 2
# ╔═╡ 57b6e7d0-2c07-11eb-16c1-0d058a34c7ee
## **Exercise XX:** _Lecture transcript_
_(MIT students only)_
Please see the link for the transcript document on [Canvas](https://canvas.mit.edu/courses/5637).
We want each of you to correct about 500 lines, but don’t spend more than 20 minutes on it.
See the the beginning of the document for more instructions.
👉 Please mention the name of the video(s) and the line ranges you edited:
# ╔═╡ 57c0d2e0-2c07-11eb-1091-15fec09c4e8b
lines_i_edited = md"""
Abstraction, lines 1-219; Array Basics, lines 1-137; Course Intro, lines 1-144 (_for example_)
# ╔═╡ 57cdcb30-2c07-11eb-39b2-2f225acf589d
if student.name == "Jazzy Doe" || student.kerberos_id == "jazz"
!!! danger "Before you submit"
Remember to fill in your **name** and **Kerberos ID** at the top of this notebook.
# ╔═╡ a04d3dee-2a9c-11eb-040e-7bd2facb2eaa
# Appendix
# ╔═╡ 0a6e6ad2-2c01-11eb-3151-3d58bc09bc69
ice_gradient = PlotUtils.ContinuousColorGradient([
RGB(0.95, 0.95, 1.0), # sliver of white
RGB(0.05, 0.0, 0.3),
RGB(0.1, 0.05, 0.4),
RGB(0.4, 0.4, 0.5),
RGB(0.95, 0.7, 0.4),
RGB(1.0, 0.9, 0.3)
], [0.0, 0.001, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0])
# ╔═╡ c0e46442-27fb-11eb-2c94-15edbda3f84d
function plot_state(sim::ClimateModelSimulation; clims=(-1.1,1.1),
show_quiver=true, show_anomaly=false, IC=nothing)
model = sim.model
grid = sim.model.grid
p = plot(;
xlabel="longitudinal distance [km]", ylabel="latitudinal distance [km]",
yticks=( (-grid.L:1000e3:grid.L), Int64.(1e-3*(-grid.L:1000e3:grid.L)) ),
xticks=( (0:1000e3:grid.L), Int64.(1e-3*(0:1000e3:grid.L)) ),
xlims=(0., grid.L), ylims=(-grid.L, grid.L),
X = repeat(grid.x, grid.Ny, 1)
Y = repeat(grid.y, 1, grid.Nx)
if show_anomaly
arrow_col = :black
maxdiff = maximum(abs.(sim.T .- IC))
heatmap!(p, grid.x[:], grid.y[:], sim.T .- IC, clims=(-1.1, 1.1),
color=:balance, colorbar_title="Temperature anomaly [°C]", linewidth=0.,
arrow_col = :white
heatmap!(p, grid.x[:], grid.y[:], sim.T,
color=ice_gradient, levels=clims[1]:(clims[2]-clims[1])/21.:clims[2],
colorbar_title="Temperature [°C]", clims=clims,
linewidth=0., size=(400,520)
50e3, 6170e3,
string("t = ", Int64(round(sim.iteration*sim.Δt/(60*60*24))), " days"),
color=:black, :left, 9
3000e3, 6170e3,
"mean(T) = $(round(mean(sim.T), digits=1)) °C",
color=:black, :left, 9
if show_quiver
Nq = grid.N ÷ 5
X[(Nq+1)÷2:Nq:end], Y[(Nq+1)÷2:Nq:end],
quiver=grid.L*4 .*(model.u[(Nq+1)÷2:Nq:end], model.v[(Nq+1)÷2:Nq:end]),
color=arrow_col, alpha=0.7
# ╔═╡ 3b24e1b0-2b46-11eb-383b-c57cbf3e68f1
if ocean_sim.iteration == 0
for i in 1:50
plot_state(ocean_sim, clims=(-10, 40), show_quiver=show_quiver, show_anomaly=show_anomaly, IC=ocean_T_init)
# ╔═╡ 6568b850-2b4d-11eb-02e9-696654ac2d37
for i in 1:100
plot_state(radiation_sim; clims=(-0,50))
# ╔═╡ 57e264a0-2c07-11eb-0e31-2b8fa01be2d1
md"## Function library
Just some helper functions used in the notebook."
# ╔═╡ 57f57770-2c07-11eb-1720-cf00aa7f597b
hint(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("hint", "Hint", [text]))
# ╔═╡ 171c6880-2d0b-11eb-0180-454f2876cf51
To measure the runtime of a Julia command, you can do:
runtime = @elapsed do_something()
To get a more precise benchmark, you can average a fixed number of runs, by putting `@elapsed` in front of a `for` loop, for example.
# ╔═╡ ec39a792-2bf7-11eb-11e5-515b39f1adf6
**How do you determine that the model has reached equilibrium?**
The simplest way is to use the interactive simulation above to find a fixed time/number of steps, for which any initial value has reached equilibrium.
Using a long time period is more accurate, but it means that the runtime will be long. If this is a problem, you can use a dynamic stopping condition instead. For example, you can stop the simulation early when the total incoming and total outgoing radiation are roughly equal.
""" |> hint
# ╔═╡ 590c50c0-2e9b-11eb-2bb2-cf35f65a447e
Create an array of values for `T_init_value` (not too many!), and run `eq_T` for each. Find clusters in the results.
This is a good opportunity to check whether your implementation of `eq_T` is correct! Use the interactive simulation to check the results manually.
""" |> hint
# ╔═╡ 58094d90-2c07-11eb-2987-15c068fefd8f
almost(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "Almost there!", [text]))
# ╔═╡ 581b9d10-2c07-11eb-1e60-c753aa19f4c3
still_missing(text=md"Replace `missing` with your answer.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "Here we go!", [text]))
# ╔═╡ 582dc580-2c07-11eb-37e3-c32590a0c325
keep_working(text=md"The answer is not quite right.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Keep working on it!", [text]))
# ╔═╡ 58403c10-2c07-11eb-1f4b-f9ecb741d881
yays = [md"Fantastic!", md"Splendid!", md"Great!", md"Yay ❤", md"Great! 🎉", md"Well done!", md"Keep it up!", md"Good job!", md"Awesome!", md"You got the right answer!", md"Let's move on to the next section."]
# ╔═╡ 5853eb20-2c07-11eb-18bf-c14ed22ce153
correct(text=rand(yays)) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("correct", "Got it!", [text]))
# ╔═╡ 5867e850-2c07-11eb-17d5-9dac155d381b
not_defined(variable_name) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Oopsie!", [md"Make sure that you define a variable called **$(Markdown.Code(string(variable_name)))**"]))
# ╔═╡ 587b9760-2c07-11eb-17ff-b9e950aa04ac
todo(text) = HTML("""