### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.12.7 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error). macro bind(def, element) quote local el = $(esc(element)) global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : missing el end end # ╔═╡ c3e52bf2-ca9a-11ea-13aa-03a4335f2906 begin import Pkg Pkg.activate(mktempdir()) Pkg.add([ Pkg.PackageSpec(name="Plots", version="1.6-1"), Pkg.PackageSpec(name="PlutoUI", version="0.6.8-0.6"), Pkg.PackageSpec(name="ImageMagick"), Pkg.PackageSpec(name="Images", version="0.23"), ]) using Plots using PlutoUI using LinearAlgebra using Images end # ╔═╡ 1df32310-19c4-11eb-0824-6766cd21aaf4 md"_homework 8, version 1_" # ╔═╡ 1e109620-19c4-11eb-013e-1bc95c14c2ba md""" # **Bonus homework 8**: _Raytracing in 3D_ `18.S191`, fall 2020 This week we will recreate the 3D raytracer from the lectures, building on what we wrote for the 2D case. Compared to the past weeks, you will notice that this homework is a little different! We have included fewer intermediate checks, it is up to you to decide how you: - split up the problem is smaller functions - check and visualize your progress To guide you through the homework, you can follow along with this week's live coding session. Feel free to stay close to James's code, or to come up with your own solution. With the raytracer done, we will be able to recreate an artwork by M.C. Escher, scroll down to have a sneak peek! --- _For MIT students:_ this homework is **optional**. Feel free to ask questions! """ # ╔═╡ 1e202680-19c4-11eb-29a7-99061b886b3c # edit the code below to set your name and kerberos ID (i.e. email without @mit.edu) student = (name = "Jazzy Doe", kerberos_id = "jazz") # you might need to wait until all other cells in this notebook have completed running. # scroll around the page to see what's up # ╔═╡ 1df82c20-19c4-11eb-0959-8543a0d5630d md""" Submission by: **_$(student.name)_** ($(student.kerberos_id)@mit.edu) """ # ╔═╡ e4d2f6f6-2089-11eb-0b4a-0d22f72f72ba html"""


Live coding session

""" # ╔═╡ 1e2cd0b0-19c4-11eb-3583-0b82092139aa md"_Let's create a package environment:_" # ╔═╡ 4e917968-1f87-11eb-371f-e3899b76dc24 md""" ## From the last homework Below we have included some important functions from the last homework (_Raytracing in 2D_), which we will be able to re-use for the 3D case. There are some small changes: 1. The concept of a `Photon` now carries **color information**. 2. The `Sphere` is no longer a pure lens, it contains a `Surface` property which describes the mixture between transmission, reflection and a pure color. More on this later! 3. The `refract` function is updated to handle two edge cases, but its behaviour is generally unchanged. Outside of these changes, all functions from the previous homework can be taken "as-is" when converting to 3D, cool! """ # ╔═╡ 24b0d4ba-192c-11eb-0f66-e77b544b0510 struct Photon "Position vector" p::Vector{Float64} "Direction vector" l::Vector{Float64} "Color associated with the photon" c::RGB ior::Real end # ╔═╡ c6e8d30e-205c-11eb-271c-6165a164073d md""" #### Intersections: """ # ╔═╡ d851a202-1ca0-11eb-3da0-51fcb656783c abstract type Object end # ╔═╡ 8acef4b0-1a09-11eb-068d-79a259244ed1 struct Miss end # ╔═╡ 8018fbf0-1a05-11eb-3032-95aae07ca78f struct Intersection{T<:Object} object::T distance::Float64 point::Vector{Float64} end # ╔═╡ fcde90ca-2048-11eb-3e96-f9f47b6154e8 begin Base.isless(a::Miss, b::Miss) = false Base.isless(a::Miss, b::Intersection) = false Base.isless(a::Intersection, b::Miss) = true Base.isless(a::Intersection, b::Intersection) = a.distance < b.distance end # ╔═╡ dc36ceaa-205c-11eb-169c-bb4c36aaec9f md""" #### Reflect and refract: """ # ╔═╡ 43306bd4-194d-11eb-2e30-07eabb8b29ef reflect(ℓ₁::Vector, n̂::Vector)::Vector = normalize(ℓ₁ - 2 * dot(ℓ₁, n̂) * n̂) # ╔═╡ 14dc73d2-1a0d-11eb-1a3c-0f793e74da9b function refract( ℓ₁::Vector, n̂::Vector, old_ior, new_ior ) r = old_ior / new_ior n̂_oriented = if -dot(ℓ₁, n̂) < 0 -n̂ else n̂ end c = -dot(ℓ₁, n̂_oriented) if abs(c) > 0.999 ℓ₁ else f = 1 - r^2 * (1 - c^2) if f < 0 ℓ₁ else normalize(r * ℓ₁ + (r*c - sqrt(f)) * n̂_oriented) end end end # ╔═╡ 7f0bf286-2071-11eb-0cac-6d10c93bab6c md""" #### Surface (new) """ # ╔═╡ 8a4e888c-1ef7-11eb-2a52-17db130458a5 struct Surface # Reflectivity r::Float64 # Transmission t::Float64 # Color c::RGBA # index of refraction ior::Float64 end # ╔═╡ 9c3bdb62-1ef7-11eb-2204-417510bf0d72 html"""



""" # ╔═╡ cb7ed97e-1ef7-11eb-192c-abfd66238378 struct Sphere <: Object # Lens position p::Vector{Float64} # Lens radius r::Float64 s::Surface end # ╔═╡ 6fdf613c-193f-11eb-0029-957541d2ed4d function sphere_normal_at(p::Vector{Float64}, s::Sphere) normalize(p - s.p) end # ╔═╡ 452d6668-1ec7-11eb-3b0a-0b8f45b43fd5 md""" ## Camera and Skyboxes Now we can begin looking into the 3D nature of raytracing to create visualizations similar to those in lecture. The first step is setting up the camera and another stuct known as a *sky box* to collect all the rays of light. Luckily, the transition from 2D to 3D for raytracing is relatively straightforward and we can use all of the functions and concepts we have built in 2D moving forward. Firstly, the camera: """ # ╔═╡ 791f0bd2-1ed1-11eb-0925-13c394b901ce md""" ### Camera For the purposes of this homework, we will constrain ourselves to a camera pointing exclusively downward. This is simply because camera positioning can be a bit tricky and there is no reason to make the homework more complicated than it needs to be! So, what is the purpose of the camera? Well, in reality, a camera is a device that collects the color information from all the rays of light that are refracting and reflecting off of various objects in some sort of scene. Because there are a nearly infinite number of rays bouncing around the scene at any time, we will actually constrain ourselves only to rays that are entering our camera. In poarticular, we will create a 2D screen just in front of the camera and send a ray from the camera to each pixel in the screen, as shown in the following image: $(RemoteResource("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Ray_trace_diagram.svg/1920px-Ray_trace_diagram.svg.png", :width=>400, :style=>"display: block; margin: auto;")) """ # ╔═╡ 1a446de6-1ec9-11eb-1e2f-6f4376005d24 md""" Because we are not considering camera motion for this exercise, we will assume that the image plane is constrained to the horizontal plane, but that the camera, itself, can be some distance behind it. This distance from the image plane to the camera is called the *focal length* and is used to determine the field of view. From here, it's clear we need to construct: 1. A camera struct 2. A function to initialize all the rays being generated by the camera Let's start with the struct """ # ╔═╡ 88576c6e-1ecb-11eb-3e34-830aeb433df1 struct Camera <: Object "Set of all pixels, counts as scene resolution" resolution::Tuple{Int64,Int64} "Physical size of aperture" aperture_width::Float64 "Camera's distance from screen" focal_length::Float64 "Camera's position" p::Vector{Float64} end # ╔═╡ e774d6a8-2058-11eb-015a-83b4b6104e6e test_cam = Camera((400,300), 9, -10, [0,00,100]) # ╔═╡ 8f73824e-1ecb-11eb-0b28-4d1bc0eefbc3 md""" Now we need to construct some method to create each individual ray extending from the camera to a pixel in the image plane. """ # ╔═╡ 4006566e-1ecd-11eb-2ce1-9d1107186784 function init_rays(cam::Camera) # Physical size of the aperture/image/grid aspect_ratio = cam.resolution[1] / cam.resolution[2] dim = ( cam.aperture_width, cam.aperture_width / aspect_ratio ) # The x, y coordinates of every pixel in our image grid # relative to the image center xs = LinRange(-0.5* dim[1], 0.5 * dim[1], cam.resolution[1]) ys = LinRange(0.5* dim[2], -0.5 * dim[2], cam.resolution[2]) pixel_positions = [[x, y, cam.focal_length] for y in ys, x in xs] directions = normalize.(pixel_positions) Photon.([cam.p], directions, [zero(RGB)], [1.0]) end # ╔═╡ 156c0d7a-2071-11eb-1551-4f2d393df6c8 tiny_resolution_camera = Camera((4,3), 16, -5, [0, 20, 100]) # ╔═╡ 2838c1e4-2071-11eb-13d8-1da955fbf544 test_rays = init_rays(tiny_resolution_camera) # ╔═╡ 595acf48-1ef6-11eb-0b46-934d17186e7b extract_colors(rays) = map(ray -> ray.c, rays) # ╔═╡ b7fa4512-2089-11eb-255d-4d6de9cdfb8e extract_colors(test_rays) # ╔═╡ 494687f6-1ecd-11eb-3ada-6f11f45aa74f md""" Nothing yet... time to add some objects! ### Skybox Now that we have the concept of a camera, we can technically do a fully 3D raytracing example; however, we want to ensure that each pixel will actually *hit* something -- preferrably something with some color gradient so we can make sure our simulation is working! For this, we will introduce the concept of a sky box, which is standard for most gaming applications. Here, the idea is that our entire scene is held within some additional object, just like the mirrors we used in the 2D example. The only difference here is that we will be using some texture instead of a reflective surface. In addition, even though we are calling it a box, we'll actually be treating it as a sphere. Because we have already worked out how to make sure we have hit the interior of a spherical lens, we will be using a similar function here. For this part of the exercise, we will need to construct 2 things: 1. A skybox struct 2. A function that returns some color gradient to be called whenever a ray of light interacts with a sky box So let's start with the sky box struct """ # ╔═╡ 9e71183c-1ef4-11eb-1802-3fc60b51ceba struct SkyBox <: Object # Skybox position p::Vector{Float64} # Skybox radius r::Float64 # Color function c::Function end # ╔═╡ 093b9e4a-1f8a-11eb-1d32-ad1d85ddaf42 function intersection(photon::Photon, sphere::S; ϵ=1e-3) where {S <: Union{SkyBox, Sphere}} a = dot(photon.l, photon.l) b = 2 * dot(photon.l, photon.p - sphere.p) c = dot(photon.p - sphere.p, photon.p - sphere.p) - sphere.r^2 d = b^2 - 4*a*c if d <= 0 Miss() else t1 = (-b-sqrt(d))/2a t2 = (-b+sqrt(d))/2a t = if t1 > ϵ t1 elseif t2 > ϵ t2 else return Miss() end point = photon.p + t * photon.l Intersection(sphere, t, point) end end # ╔═╡ 89e98868-1fb2-11eb-078d-c9298d8a9970 function closest_hit(photon::Photon, objects::Vector{<:Object}) hits = intersection.([photon], objects) minimum(hits) end # ╔═╡ aa9e61aa-1ef4-11eb-0b56-cd7ded52b640 md""" Now we have the ability to create a skybox, the only thing left is to create some sort of texture function so that when the ray of light hits the sky box, we can return some form of color information. So for this, we will basically create a function that returns back a smooth gradient in different directions depending on the position of the ray when it hits the skybox. For the color information, we will be assigning a color to each cardinal axis. That is to say that there will be a red gradient along $x$, a blue gradient along $y$, and a green gradient along $z$. For this, we will need to define some extent over which the gradient will be active in 'real' units. From there, we can say that the gradient is $$\frac{r+D}{2D},$$ where $r$ is the ray's position when it hits the skybox, and $D$ is the extent over which the gradient is active. So let's get to it and write the function! """ # ╔═╡ c947f546-1ef5-11eb-0f02-054f4e7ae871 function gradient_skybox_color(position, skybox) extents = skybox.r c = zero(RGB) if position[1] < extents && position[1] > -extents c += RGB((position[1]+extents)/(2.0*extents), 0, 0) end if position[2] < extents && position[2] > -extents c += RGB(0,0,(position[2]+extents)/(2.0*extents)) end if position[3] < extents && position[3] > -extents c += RGB(0,(position[3]+extents)/(2.0*extents), 0) end return c end # ╔═╡ a919c880-206e-11eb-2796-55ccd9dbe619 sky = SkyBox([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1000, gradient_skybox_color) # ╔═╡ 49651bc6-2071-11eb-1aa0-ff829f7b4350 md""" Let's set up a basic scene and trace an image! Since our skybox is _spherical_ we can use **the same `intersect`** method as we use for `Sphere`s. Have a look at [the `intersect` method](#sphere-defs), we already added `SkyBox` as a possible type. """ # ╔═╡ daf80644-2070-11eb-3363-c577ae5846b3 basic_camera = Camera((300,200), 16, -5, [0,20,100]) # ╔═╡ df3f2178-1ef5-11eb-3098-b1c8c67cf136 md""" To create this image, we used the ray tracing function bewlow, which takes in a camera and a set of objects / scene, and... 1. Initilializes all the rays 2. Propagates the rays forward 3. Converts everything into an image """ # ╔═╡ 04a86366-208b-11eb-1977-ff7e4ae6b714 md""" ## Writing a ray tracer It's your turn! Below is the code needed to trace just the sky box, but we still need to add the ability to trace spheres. **We recommend** that you start by just implementing _reflection_ - make every sphere reflect, regardless of its surface. Make sure that this is working well - can you see the reflection of one sphere in another sphere? Does our program get stuck in a loop? Once you have reflections working, you can add _refraction_ and _colored spheres_. In the 2D example, we dealt specifically with spheres that could either 100% reflect or refract. In reality, it is possible for objects to either reflect or refract, something in-between. That is to say, a ray of light can *split* when hitting an object surface, creating at least 2 more rays of light that will both return separate color values. The color that we _perceive_ for that ray is the combination both of these colors - they are mixed. A third possibility explored in the lecture is that the objects can also have a color associated with them and just return the color value instead of reflecting or refracting. **You can choose!** After implementing reflection, you can implement three different spheres (you can modify the existing code, create new types, add functions, and so on), a purely reflective, purely refractive or opaquely colored sphere. You can also go straight for the more photorealistic option, which is that every sphere is a combination of these three - this is what we did in the lecture. """ # ╔═╡ a9754410-204d-11eb-123e-e5c5f87ae1c5 function interact(ray::Photon, hit::Intersection{SkyBox}, ::Any, ::Any) ray_color = hit.object.c(hit.point, hit.object) Photon(hit.point, ray.l, ray_color, ray.ior) end # ╔═╡ 086e1956-204e-11eb-2524-f719504fb95b interact(photon::Photon, ::Miss, ::Any, ::Any) = photon # ╔═╡ 95ca879a-204d-11eb-3473-959811aa8320 function step_ray(ray::Photon, objects::Vector{O}, num_intersections) where {O <: Object} if num_intersections == 0 ray else hit = closest_hit(ray, objects) interact(ray, hit, num_intersections, objects) end end # ╔═╡ 6b91a58a-1ef6-11eb-1c36-2f44713905e1 function ray_trace(objects::Vector{O}, cam::Camera; num_intersections = 10) where {O <: Object} rays = init_rays(cam) new_rays = step_ray.(rays, [objects], [num_intersections]) extract_colors(new_rays) end # ╔═╡ a0b84f62-2047-11eb-348c-db83f4e6c39c let scene = [sky] ray_trace(scene, basic_camera; num_intersections=4) end # ╔═╡ d1970a34-1ef7-11eb-3e1f-0fd3b8e9657f md""" Below, we create a scene with a number of balls inside of it. While working on your code, work in small increments, and do frequent checks to see if your code is working. Feel free to modify this test scene, or to create a simpler one. """ # ╔═╡ 16f4c8e6-2051-11eb-2f23-f7300abea642 main_scene = [ sky, Sphere([0,0,-25], 20, Surface(1.0, 0.0, RGBA(1,1,1,0.0), 1.5)), Sphere([0,50,-100], 20, Surface(0.0, 1.0, RGBA(0,0,0,0.0), 1.0)), Sphere([-50,0,-25], 20, Surface(0.0, 0.0, RGBA(0, .3, .8, 1), 1.0)), Sphere([30, 25, -60], 20, Surface(0.0, 0.75, RGBA(1,0,0,0.25), 1.5)), Sphere([50, 0, -25], 20, Surface(0.5, 0.0, RGBA(.1,.9,.1,0.5), 1.5)), Sphere([-30, 25, -60], 20, Surface(0.5, 0.5, RGBA(1,1,1,0), 1.5)), ] # ╔═╡ 1f66ba6e-1ef8-11eb-10ba-4594f7c5ff19 let cam = Camera((600,360), 16, -15, [0,10,100]) ray_trace(main_scene, cam; num_intersections=3) end # ╔═╡ 67c0bd70-206a-11eb-3935-83d32c67f2eb md""" ## **Bonus:** Escher If you managed to get through the exercises, we have a fun bonus exercise! The goal is to recreate this self-portrait by M.C. Escher: """ # ╔═╡ 748cbaa2-206c-11eb-2cc9-7fa74308711b Resource("https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Madhu_Gupta22/publication/3427377/figure/fig1/AS:663019482775553@1535087571714/A-self-portrait-of-MC-Escher-1898-1972-in-spherical-mirror-dating-from-1935-titled.png", :width=>300) # ╔═╡ 981e6bd2-206c-11eb-116d-6fad4e04ce34 md""" It looks like M.C. Escher is a skillful raytracer, but so are we! To recreate this image, we can simplify it by having just two objects in our scene: - A purely reflective sphere - A skybox, containing an image of us! Let's start with our old skybox, and set up our scene: """ # ╔═╡ 7a12a99a-206d-11eb-2393-bf28b881087a escher_sphere = Sphere([0,0,0], 20, Surface(1.0, 0.0, RGBA(1,1,1,0.0), 1.5)) # ╔═╡ 373b6a26-206d-11eb-1e67-9debb032f69e escher_cam = Camera((300,300), 30, -10, [0,00,30]) # ╔═╡ 5dfec31c-206d-11eb-23a2-259f2c205cb5 md""" 👆 You can modify `escher_cam` to increase or descrease the resolution! """ # ╔═╡ 6f1dbf48-206d-11eb-24d3-5154703e1753 let scene = [sky, escher_sphere] ray_trace(scene, escher_cam; num_intersections=3) end # ╔═╡ dc786ccc-206e-11eb-29e2-99882e6613af md""" Awesome! Next, we want to set an _image_ as our skybox, instead of a gradient. To do so, we have written a function that converts the x,y,z coordinates of the intersection point with a skybox into a latitude/longitude pair, which we can use (after scaling, rounding & clamping) as pixel coordinates to index an image! """ # ╔═╡ 8ebe4cd6-2061-11eb-396b-45745bd7ec55 earth = load(download("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8f/Whole_world_-_land_and_oceans_12000.jpg/1280px-Whole_world_-_land_and_oceans_12000.jpg")) # ╔═╡ 12d3b806-2062-11eb-20a8-7d1a33e4b073 function get_index_rational(A, x, y) a, b = size(A) u = clamp(floor(Int, x * (a-1)) + 1, 1, a) v = clamp(floor(Int, y * (b-1)) + 1, 1, b) A[u,v] end # ╔═╡ cc492966-2061-11eb-1000-d90c279c4668 function image_skybox(img) f = function(position, skybox) lon = atan(-position[1], position[3]) lat = -atan(position[2], norm(position[[1,3]])) get_index_rational(img, (lat/(pi)) + .5, (lon/2pi) + .5) end SkyBox([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1000, f) end # ╔═╡ 137834d4-206d-11eb-0082-7b87bf222808 earth_skybox = image_skybox(earth) # ╔═╡ bff27890-206e-11eb-2e40-696424a0b8be let scene = [earth_skybox, escher_sphere] ray_trace(scene, escher_cam; num_intersections=3) end # ╔═╡ b0bc76f8-206d-11eb-0cad-4bde96565fed md""" Great! It's like the Earth, but distorted. Notice that the continents are mirrored, and that you can see both poles at the same time. Okay, self portrait time! Let's take a picture using your webcam, and we will use it as the skybox texture: """ # ╔═╡ 48166866-2070-11eb-2722-556a6719c2a2 md""" 👀 wow! It's _Planet $(student.name)_, surrounded by even more $(student.name). When you look at the drawing by Escher, you see that he only occupies a small section of the 'skybox'. Behind Escher, you can see his cozy house, and in _front_ of him (i.e. _behind_ the glass sphere, from his persective), you see a gray background. What we need is a 360° panoramic image of our room. One option is that you make one! There are great tutorials online, and maybe you can use an app to do this with your phone. Another option is that we approximate the panaroma by _padding_ the image of your face. You can pad the image with a solid color, you can use a gradient, you can use the earth satellite image, you can add noise, and so on. [Here](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6933510/98426463-31a64f00-2099-11eb-96dd-9f0f065e0da4.png) is an example of what I made. """ # ╔═╡ 6480b85c-2067-11eb-0262-f752d306d8ae function padded(img) return missing end # ╔═╡ 3de614da-2091-11eb-361a-83bcf357c394 md""" Let's put it all together! """ # ╔═╡ ebd05bf0-19c3-11eb-2559-7d0745a84025 if student.name == "Jazzy Doe" || student.kerberos_id == "jazz" md""" !!! danger "Before you submit" Remember to fill in your **name** and **Kerberos ID** at the top of this notebook. """ end # ╔═╡ ec275590-19c3-11eb-23d0-cb3d9f62ba92 md"## Function library Just some helper functions used in the notebook." # ╔═╡ 2c36d3e8-2065-11eb-3a12-8382f8539ea6 function process_raw_camera_data(raw_camera_data) # the raw image data is a long byte array, we need to transform it into something # more "Julian" - something with more _structure_. # The encoding of the raw byte stream is: # every 4 bytes is a single pixel # every pixel has 4 values: Red, Green, Blue, Alpha # (we ignore alpha for this notebook) # So to get the red values for each pixel, we take every 4th value, starting at # the 1st: reds_flat = UInt8.(raw_camera_data["data"][1:4:end]) greens_flat = UInt8.(raw_camera_data["data"][2:4:end]) blues_flat = UInt8.(raw_camera_data["data"][3:4:end]) # but these are still 1-dimensional arrays, nicknamed 'flat' arrays # We will 'reshape' this into 2D arrays: width = raw_camera_data["width"] height = raw_camera_data["height"] # shuffle and flip to get it in the right shape reds = reshape(reds_flat, (width, height))' / 255.0 greens = reshape(greens_flat, (width, height))' / 255.0 blues = reshape(blues_flat, (width, height))' / 255.0 # we have our 2D array for each color # Let's create a single 2D array, where each value contains the R, G and B value of # that pixel RGB.(reds, greens, blues) end # ╔═╡ f7b5ff68-2064-11eb-3be3-554519ca4847 function camera_input(;max_size=200, default_url="https://i.imgur.com/SUmi94P.png") """
Enable webcam
""" |> HTML end # ╔═╡ 27d64432-2065-11eb-3795-e99b1d6718d2 @bind wow camera_input() # ╔═╡ 64ce8106-2065-11eb-226c-0bcaf7e3f871 face = process_raw_camera_data(wow) # ╔═╡ 06ac2efc-206f-11eb-1a73-9306bf5f7a9c let face_skybox = image_skybox(face) scene = [face_skybox, escher_sphere] ray_trace(scene, escher_cam; num_intersections=3) end # ╔═╡ 7d03b258-2067-11eb-3070-1168e282b2ea padded(face) # ╔═╡ aa597a16-2066-11eb-35ae-3170468a90ed @bind escher_face_data camera_input() # ╔═╡ c68dbe1c-2066-11eb-048d-038df2c68a8b let img = process_raw_camera_data(escher_face_data) img_padded = padded(img) scene = [ image_skybox(padded(img)), escher_sphere, ] ray_trace(scene, escher_cam; num_intersections=20) end # ╔═╡ ec31dce0-19c3-11eb-1487-23cc20cd5277 hint(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("hint", "Hint", [text])) # ╔═╡ 7c804c30-208d-11eb-307c-076f2086ae73 hint(md"""If you are getting a _"Circular Defintions"_ error - this could be because of a Pluto limitation. If two functions call each other, they need to be contained in a single cell, using a `begin end` block.""") # ╔═╡ ec3ed530-19c3-11eb-10bb-a55e77550d1f almost(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "Almost there!", [text])) # ╔═╡ ec4abc12-19c3-11eb-1ca4-b5e9d3cd100b still_missing(text=md"Replace `missing` with your answer.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "Here we go!", [text])) # ╔═╡ ec57b460-19c3-11eb-2142-07cf28dcf02b keep_working(text=md"The answer is not quite right.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Keep working on it!", [text])) # ╔═╡ ec5d59b0-19c3-11eb-0206-cbd1a5415c28 yays = [md"Fantastic!", md"Splendid!", md"Great!", md"Yay ❤", md"Great! 🎉", md"Well done!", md"Keep it up!", md"Good job!", md"Awesome!", md"You got the right answer!", md"Let's move on to the next section."] # ╔═╡ ec698eb0-19c3-11eb-340a-e319abb8ebb5 correct(text=rand(yays)) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("correct", "Got it!", [text])) # ╔═╡ ec7638e0-19c3-11eb-1ca1-0b3aa3b40240 not_defined(variable_name) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Oopsie!", [md"Make sure that you define a variable called **$(Markdown.Code(string(variable_name)))**"])) # ╔═╡ ec85c940-19c3-11eb-3375-a90735beaec1 TODO = html"TODO" # ╔═╡ 8cfa4902-1ad3-11eb-03a1-736898ff9cef TODO_note(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "TODO note", [text])) # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╟─1df32310-19c4-11eb-0824-6766cd21aaf4 # ╟─1df82c20-19c4-11eb-0959-8543a0d5630d # ╟─1e109620-19c4-11eb-013e-1bc95c14c2ba # ╠═1e202680-19c4-11eb-29a7-99061b886b3c # ╟─e4d2f6f6-2089-11eb-0b4a-0d22f72f72ba # ╟─1e2cd0b0-19c4-11eb-3583-0b82092139aa # ╠═c3e52bf2-ca9a-11ea-13aa-03a4335f2906 # ╟─4e917968-1f87-11eb-371f-e3899b76dc24 # ╠═24b0d4ba-192c-11eb-0f66-e77b544b0510 # ╟─c6e8d30e-205c-11eb-271c-6165a164073d # ╠═d851a202-1ca0-11eb-3da0-51fcb656783c # ╠═8acef4b0-1a09-11eb-068d-79a259244ed1 # ╠═8018fbf0-1a05-11eb-3032-95aae07ca78f # ╠═fcde90ca-2048-11eb-3e96-f9f47b6154e8 # ╠═89e98868-1fb2-11eb-078d-c9298d8a9970 # ╟─dc36ceaa-205c-11eb-169c-bb4c36aaec9f # ╠═43306bd4-194d-11eb-2e30-07eabb8b29ef # ╠═14dc73d2-1a0d-11eb-1a3c-0f793e74da9b # ╟─7f0bf286-2071-11eb-0cac-6d10c93bab6c # ╠═8a4e888c-1ef7-11eb-2a52-17db130458a5 # ╠═9c3bdb62-1ef7-11eb-2204-417510bf0d72 # ╠═cb7ed97e-1ef7-11eb-192c-abfd66238378 # ╠═093b9e4a-1f8a-11eb-1d32-ad1d85ddaf42 # ╠═6fdf613c-193f-11eb-0029-957541d2ed4d # ╟─452d6668-1ec7-11eb-3b0a-0b8f45b43fd5 # ╟─791f0bd2-1ed1-11eb-0925-13c394b901ce # ╟─1a446de6-1ec9-11eb-1e2f-6f4376005d24 # ╠═88576c6e-1ecb-11eb-3e34-830aeb433df1 # ╠═e774d6a8-2058-11eb-015a-83b4b6104e6e # ╟─8f73824e-1ecb-11eb-0b28-4d1bc0eefbc3 # ╠═4006566e-1ecd-11eb-2ce1-9d1107186784 # ╠═156c0d7a-2071-11eb-1551-4f2d393df6c8 # ╠═2838c1e4-2071-11eb-13d8-1da955fbf544 # ╠═595acf48-1ef6-11eb-0b46-934d17186e7b # ╠═b7fa4512-2089-11eb-255d-4d6de9cdfb8e # ╟─494687f6-1ecd-11eb-3ada-6f11f45aa74f # ╠═9e71183c-1ef4-11eb-1802-3fc60b51ceba # ╟─aa9e61aa-1ef4-11eb-0b56-cd7ded52b640 # ╠═c947f546-1ef5-11eb-0f02-054f4e7ae871 # ╠═a919c880-206e-11eb-2796-55ccd9dbe619 # ╟─49651bc6-2071-11eb-1aa0-ff829f7b4350 # ╠═daf80644-2070-11eb-3363-c577ae5846b3 # ╠═a0b84f62-2047-11eb-348c-db83f4e6c39c # ╟─df3f2178-1ef5-11eb-3098-b1c8c67cf136 # ╠═6b91a58a-1ef6-11eb-1c36-2f44713905e1 # ╟─04a86366-208b-11eb-1977-ff7e4ae6b714 # ╠═a9754410-204d-11eb-123e-e5c5f87ae1c5 # ╠═086e1956-204e-11eb-2524-f719504fb95b # ╠═95ca879a-204d-11eb-3473-959811aa8320 # ╠═1f66ba6e-1ef8-11eb-10ba-4594f7c5ff19 # ╟─d1970a34-1ef7-11eb-3e1f-0fd3b8e9657f # ╠═16f4c8e6-2051-11eb-2f23-f7300abea642 # ╟─7c804c30-208d-11eb-307c-076f2086ae73 # ╟─67c0bd70-206a-11eb-3935-83d32c67f2eb # ╟─748cbaa2-206c-11eb-2cc9-7fa74308711b # ╟─981e6bd2-206c-11eb-116d-6fad4e04ce34 # ╠═7a12a99a-206d-11eb-2393-bf28b881087a # ╠═373b6a26-206d-11eb-1e67-9debb032f69e # ╟─5dfec31c-206d-11eb-23a2-259f2c205cb5 # ╠═6f1dbf48-206d-11eb-24d3-5154703e1753 # ╟─dc786ccc-206e-11eb-29e2-99882e6613af # ╟─8ebe4cd6-2061-11eb-396b-45745bd7ec55 # ╠═cc492966-2061-11eb-1000-d90c279c4668 # ╠═12d3b806-2062-11eb-20a8-7d1a33e4b073 # ╠═137834d4-206d-11eb-0082-7b87bf222808 # ╠═bff27890-206e-11eb-2e40-696424a0b8be # ╟─b0bc76f8-206d-11eb-0cad-4bde96565fed # ╠═27d64432-2065-11eb-3795-e99b1d6718d2 # ╟─64ce8106-2065-11eb-226c-0bcaf7e3f871 # ╠═06ac2efc-206f-11eb-1a73-9306bf5f7a9c # ╟─48166866-2070-11eb-2722-556a6719c2a2 # ╠═6480b85c-2067-11eb-0262-f752d306d8ae # ╠═7d03b258-2067-11eb-3070-1168e282b2ea # ╟─3de614da-2091-11eb-361a-83bcf357c394 # ╟─aa597a16-2066-11eb-35ae-3170468a90ed # ╠═c68dbe1c-2066-11eb-048d-038df2c68a8b # ╟─ebd05bf0-19c3-11eb-2559-7d0745a84025 # ╟─ec275590-19c3-11eb-23d0-cb3d9f62ba92 # ╟─2c36d3e8-2065-11eb-3a12-8382f8539ea6 # ╟─f7b5ff68-2064-11eb-3be3-554519ca4847 # ╟─ec31dce0-19c3-11eb-1487-23cc20cd5277 # ╟─ec3ed530-19c3-11eb-10bb-a55e77550d1f # ╟─ec4abc12-19c3-11eb-1ca4-b5e9d3cd100b # ╟─ec57b460-19c3-11eb-2142-07cf28dcf02b # ╟─ec5d59b0-19c3-11eb-0206-cbd1a5415c28 # ╠═ec698eb0-19c3-11eb-340a-e319abb8ebb5 # ╟─ec7638e0-19c3-11eb-1ca1-0b3aa3b40240 # ╟─ec85c940-19c3-11eb-3375-a90735beaec1 # ╠═8cfa4902-1ad3-11eb-03a1-736898ff9cef