### A Pluto.jl notebook ### # v0.12.9 using Markdown using InteractiveUtils # This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error). macro bind(def, element) quote local el = $(esc(element)) global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : missing el end end # ╔═╡ 1e06178a-1fbf-11eb-32b3-61769a79b7c0 begin import Pkg Pkg.activate(mktempdir()) Pkg.add([ "Plots", "PlutoUI", "LaTeXStrings", "Distributions", "Random", ]) using LaTeXStrings using Plots using PlutoUI using Random, Distributions end # ╔═╡ 169727be-2433-11eb-07ae-ab7976b5be90 md"_homework 9, version 1_" # ╔═╡ 21524c08-2433-11eb-0c55-47b1bdc9e459 md""" # **Homework 9**: _Climate modeling I_ `18.S191`, fall 2020 """ # ╔═╡ 23335418-2433-11eb-05e4-2b35dc6cca0e # edit the code below to set your name and kerberos ID (i.e. email without @mit.edu) student = (name = "Jazzy Doe", kerberos_id = "jazz") # you might need to wait until all other cells in this notebook have completed running. # scroll around the page to see what's up # ╔═╡ 18be4f7c-2433-11eb-33cb-8d90ca6f124c md""" Submission by: **_$(student.name)_** ($(student.kerberos_id)@mit.edu) """ # ╔═╡ 253f4da0-2433-11eb-1e48-4906059607d3 md"_Let's create a package environment:_" # ╔═╡ 87e68a4a-2433-11eb-3e9d-21675850ed71 html""" """ # ╔═╡ fe3304f8-2668-11eb-066d-fdacadce5a19 md""" _Before working on the homework, make sure that you have watched the first lecture on climate modeling 👆. We have included the important functions from this lecture notebook in the next cell. Feel free to have a look!_ """ # ╔═╡ 930d7154-1fbf-11eb-1c3a-b1970d291811 module Model const S = 1368; # solar insolation [W/m^2] (energy per unit time per unit area) const α = 0.3; # albedo, or planetary reflectivity [unitless] const B = -1.3; # climate feedback parameter [W/m^2/°C], const T0 = 14.; # preindustrial temperature [°C] absorbed_solar_radiation(; α=α, S=S) = S*(1 - α)/4; # [W/m^2] outgoing_thermal_radiation(T; A=A, B=B) = A - B*T; const A = S*(1. - α)/4 + B*T0; # [W/m^2]. greenhouse_effect(CO2; a=a, CO2_PI=CO2_PI) = a*log(CO2/CO2_PI); const a = 5.0; # CO2 forcing coefficient [W/m^2] const CO2_PI = 280.; # preindustrial CO2 concentration [parts per million; ppm]; CO2_const(t) = CO2_PI; # constant CO2 concentrations const C = 51.; # atmosphere and upper-ocean heat capacity [J/m^2/°C] function timestep!(ebm) append!(ebm.T, ebm.T[end] + ebm.Δt*tendency(ebm)); append!(ebm.t, ebm.t[end] + ebm.Δt); end; tendency(ebm) = (1. /ebm.C) * ( + absorbed_solar_radiation(α=ebm.α, S=ebm.S) - outgoing_thermal_radiation(ebm.T[end], A=ebm.A, B=ebm.B) + greenhouse_effect(ebm.CO2(ebm.t[end]), a=ebm.a, CO2_PI=ebm.CO2_PI) ); begin mutable struct EBM T::Array{Float64, 1} t::Array{Float64, 1} Δt::Float64 CO2::Function C::Float64 a::Float64 A::Float64 B::Float64 CO2_PI::Float64 α::Float64 S::Float64 end; # Make constant parameters optional kwargs EBM(T::Array{Float64, 1}, t::Array{Float64, 1}, Δt::Real, CO2::Function; C=C, a=a, A=A, B=B, CO2_PI=CO2_PI, α=α, S=S) = ( EBM(T, t, Δt, CO2, C, a, A, B, CO2_PI, α, S) ); # Construct from float inputs for convenience EBM(T0::Real, t0::Real, Δt::Real, CO2::Function; C=C, a=a, A=A, B=B, CO2_PI=CO2_PI, α=α, S=S) = ( EBM(Float64[T0], Float64[t0], Δt, CO2; C=C, a=a, A=A, B=B, CO2_PI=CO2_PI, α=α, S=S); ); end; begin function run!(ebm::EBM, end_year::Real) while ebm.t[end] < end_year timestep!(ebm) end end; run!(ebm) = run!(ebm, 200.) # run for 200 years by default end CO2_hist(t) = CO2_PI * (1 .+ fractional_increase(t)); fractional_increase(t) = ((t .- 1850.)/220).^3; begin CO2_RCP26(t) = CO2_PI * (1 .+ fractional_increase(t) .* min.(1., exp.(-((t .-1850.).-170)/100))) ; RCP26 = EBM(T0, 1850., 1., CO2_RCP26) run!(RCP26, 2100.) CO2_RCP85(t) = CO2_PI * (1 .+ fractional_increase(t) .* max.(1., exp.(((t .-1850.).-170)/100))); RCP85 = EBM(T0, 1850., 1., CO2_RCP85) run!(RCP85, 2100.) end end # ╔═╡ 1312525c-1fc0-11eb-2756-5bc3101d2260 md"""## **Exercise 1** - _policy goals under uncertainty_ A recent ground-breaking [review paper](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2019RG000678) produced the most comprehensive and up-to-date estimate of the *climate feedback parameter*, which they find to be $B \approx \mathcal{N}(-1.3, 0.4),$ i.e. our knowledge of the real value is normally distributed with a mean value $\overline{B} = -1.3$ W/m²/K and a standard deviation $\sigma = 0.4$ W/m²/K. These values are not very intuitive, so let us convert them into more policy-relevant numbers. **Definition:** *Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS)* is defined as the amount of warming $\Delta T$ caused by a doubling of CO₂ (e.g. from the pre-industrial value 280 ppm to 560 ppm), at equilibrium. At equilibrium, the energy balance model equation is: $0 = \frac{S(1 - α)}{4} - (A - BT_{eq}) + a \ln\left( \frac{2\;\text{CO}₂_{\text{PI}}}{\text{CO}₂_{\text{PI}}} \right)$ From this, we subtract the preindustrial energy balance, which is given by: $0 = \frac{S(1-α)}{4} - (A - BT_{0}),$ The result of this subtraction, after rearranging, is our definition of $\text{ECS}$: $\text{ECS} \equiv T_{eq} - T_{0} = -\frac{a\ln(2)}{B}$ """ # ╔═╡ 7f961bc0-1fc5-11eb-1f18-612aeff0d8df md"""The plot below provides an example of an "abrupt 2xCO₂" experiment, a classic experimental treatment method in climate modelling which is used in practice to estimate ECS for a particular model. (Note: in complicated climate models the values of the parameters $a$ and $B$ are not specified *a priori*, but *emerge* as outputs of the simulation.) The simulation begins at the preindustrial equilibrium, i.e. a temperature $T_{0} = 14$°C is in balance with the pre-industrial CO₂ concentration of 280 ppm until CO₂ is abruptly doubled from 280 ppm to 560 ppm. The climate responds by warming rapidly, and after a few hundred years approaches the equilibrium climate sensitivity value, by definition. """ # ╔═╡ fa7e6f7e-2434-11eb-1e61-1b1858bb0988 md""" ``B = `` $(@bind B_slider Slider(-2.5:.001:0; show_value=true, default=-1.3)) """ # ╔═╡ 16348b6a-1fc2-11eb-0b9c-65df528db2a1 md""" ##### Exercise 1.1 - _Develop understanding for feedbacks and climate sensitivity_ """ # ╔═╡ e296c6e8-259c-11eb-1385-53f757f4d585 md""" 👉 Change the value of $B$ using the slider above. What does it mean for a climate system to have a more negative value of $B$? Explain why we call $B$ the _climate feedback parameter_. """ # ╔═╡ a86f13de-259d-11eb-3f46-1f6fb40020ce observations_from_changing_B = md""" Hello world! """ # ╔═╡ 3d66bd30-259d-11eb-2694-471fb3a4a7be md""" 👉 What happens when $B$ is greater than or equal to zero? """ # ╔═╡ 5f82dec8-259e-11eb-2f4f-4d661f44ef41 observations_from_nonnegative_B = md""" Hello world! """ # ╔═╡ 56b68356-2601-11eb-39a9-5f4b8e580b87 md"Reveal answer: $(@bind reveal_nonnegative_B_answer CheckBox())" # ╔═╡ 7d815988-1fc7-11eb-322a-4509e7128ce3 if reveal_nonnegative_B_answer md""" This is known as the "runaway greenhouse effect", where warming self-amplifies so strongly through *positive feedbacks* that the warming continues forever (or until the oceans boil away and there is no longer a reservoir or water to support a *water vapor feedback*. This is thought to explain Venus' extremely hot and hostile climate, but as you can see is extremely unlikely to occur on present-day Earth. """ end # ╔═╡ aed8f00e-266b-11eb-156d-8bb09de0dc2b md""" 👉 Create a graph to visualize ECS as a function of B. """ # ╔═╡ b9f882d8-266b-11eb-2998-75d6539088c7 # ╔═╡ 269200ec-259f-11eb-353b-0b73523ef71a md""" #### Exercise 1.2 - _Doubling CO₂_ To compute ECS, we doubled the CO₂ in our atmosphere. This factor 2 is not entirely arbitrary: without substantial effort to reduce CO₂ emissions, we are expected to **at least** double the CO₂ in our atmosphere by 2100. Right now, our CO₂ concentration is 415 ppm -- $(round(415 / 280, digits=3)) times the pre-industrial value of 280 ppm from 1850. The CO₂ concentrations in the _future_ depend on human action. There are several models for future concentrations, which are formed by assuming different _policy scenarios_. A baseline model is RCP8.5 - a "worst-case" high-emissions scenario. In our notebook, this model is given as a function of ``t``. """ # ╔═╡ 2dfab366-25a1-11eb-15c9-b3dd9cd6b96c md""" 👉 In what year are we expected to have doubled the CO₂ concentration, under policy scenario RCP8.5? """ # ╔═╡ 50ea30ba-25a1-11eb-05d8-b3d579f85652 expected_double_CO2_year = let missing end # ╔═╡ bade1372-25a1-11eb-35f4-4b43d4e8d156 md""" #### Exercise 1.3 - _Uncertainty in B_ The climate feedback parameter ``B`` is not something that we can control– it is an emergent property of the global climate system. Unfortunately, ``B`` is also difficult to quantify empirically (the relevant processes are difficult or impossible to observe directly), so there remains uncertainty as to its exact value. A value of ``B`` close to zero means that an increase in CO₂ concentrations will have a larger impact on global warming, and that more action is needed to stay below a maximum temperature. In answering such policy-related question, we need to take the uncertainty in ``B`` into account. In this exercise, we will do so using a Monte Carlo simulation: we generate a sample of values for ``B``, and use these values in our analysis. """ # ╔═╡ 02232964-2603-11eb-2c4c-c7b7e5fed7d1 B̅ = -1.3; σ = 0.4 # ╔═╡ c4398f9c-1fc4-11eb-0bbb-37f066c6027d ECS(; B=B̅, a=Model.a) = -a*log(2.)./B; # ╔═╡ 25f92dec-1fc4-11eb-055d-f34deea81d0e let double_CO2(t) = if t >= 0 2*Model.CO2_PI else Model.CO2_PI end # the definition of A depends on B, so we recalculate: A = Model.S*(1. - Model.α)/4 + B_slider*Model.T0 # create the model ebm_ECS = Model.EBM(14., -100., 1., double_CO2, A=A, B=B_slider); Model.run!(ebm_ECS, 300) ecs = ECS(B=B_slider) p = plot( size=(500,250), legend=:bottomright, title="Transient response to instant doubling of CO₂", ylabel="temperature change [°C]", xlabel="years after doubling", ylim=(-.5, (isfinite(ecs) && ecs < 4) ? 4 : 10), ) plot!(p, [ebm_ECS.t[1], ebm_ECS.t[end]], ecs .* [1,1], ls=:dash, color=:darkred, label="ECS") plot!(p, ebm_ECS.t, ebm_ECS.T .- ebm_ECS.T[1], label="ΔT(t) = T(t) - T₀") end |> as_svg # ╔═╡ 736ed1b6-1fc2-11eb-359e-a1be0a188670 B_samples = let B_distribution = Normal(B̅, σ) Nsamples = 5000 samples = rand(B_distribution, Nsamples) # we only sample negative values of B filter(x -> x < 0, samples) end # ╔═╡ 49cb5174-1fc3-11eb-3670-c3868c9b0255 histogram(B_samples, size=(600, 250), label=nothing, xlabel="B [W/m²/K]", ylabel="samples") # ╔═╡ f3abc83c-1fc7-11eb-1aa8-01ce67c8bdde md""" 👉 Generate a probability distribution for the ECS based on the probability distribution function for $B$ above. Plot a histogram. """ # ╔═╡ 3d72ab3a-2689-11eb-360d-9b3d829b78a9 ECS_samples = missing # ╔═╡ b6d7a362-1fc8-11eb-03bc-89464b55c6fc md"**Answer:**" # ╔═╡ 1f148d9a-1fc8-11eb-158e-9d784e390b24 # ╔═╡ cf8dca6c-1fc8-11eb-1f89-099e6ba53c22 md"It looks like the ECS distribution is **not normally distributed**, even though $B$ is. 👉 How does $\overline{\text{ECS}(B)}$ compare to $\text{ECS}(\overline{B})$? What is the probability that $\text{ECS}(B)$ lies above $\text{ECS}(\overline{B})$? " # ╔═╡ 02173c7a-2695-11eb-251c-65efb5b4a45f # ╔═╡ 440271b6-25e8-11eb-26ce-1b80aa176aca md"👉 Does accounting for uncertainty in feedbacks make our expectation of global warming better (less implied warming) or worse (more implied warming)?" # ╔═╡ cf276892-25e7-11eb-38f0-03f75c90dd9e observations_from_the_order_of_averaging = md""" Hello world! """ # ╔═╡ 5b5f25f0-266c-11eb-25d4-17e411c850c9 md""" #### Exercise 1.5 - _Running the model_ In the lecture notebook we introduced a _mutable struct_ `EBM` (_energy balance model_), which contains: - the parameters of our climate simulation (`C`, `a`, `A`, `B`, `CO2_PI`, `α`, `S`, see details below) - a function `CO2`, which maps a time `t` to the concentrations at that year. For example, we use the function `t -> 280` to simulate a model with concentrations fixed at 280 ppm. `EBM` also contains the simulation results, in two arrays: - `T` is the array of tempartures (°C, `Float64`). - `t` is the array of timestamps (years, `Float64`), of the same size as `T`. """ # ╔═╡ 3f823490-266d-11eb-1ba4-d5a23975c335 html"""

Properties of an EBM obect:

ALinearized outgoing thermal radiation: offset [W/m²]
BLinearized outgoing thermal radiation: slope. or: climate feedback parameter [W/m²/°C]
αPlanet albedo, 0.0-1.0 [unitless]
SSolar insulation [W/m²]
CAtmosphere and upper-ocean heat capacity [J/m²/°C]
aCO₂ forcing effect [W/m²]
CO2_PIPre-industrial CO₂ concentration [ppm]
""" # ╔═╡ 971f401e-266c-11eb-3104-171ae299ef70 md""" You can set up an instance of `EBM` like so: """ # ╔═╡ 746aa5bc-266c-11eb-14c9-63ccc313f5de empty_ebm = Model.EBM( 14.0, # initial temperature 1850, # initial year 1, # Δt t -> 280.0, # CO2 function ) # ╔═╡ a919d584-2670-11eb-1cf9-2327c8135d6d md""" Have look inside this object. We see that `T` and `t` are initialized to a 1-element array. Let's run our model: """ # ╔═╡ bfb07a0a-2670-11eb-3938-772499c637b1 simulated_model = let ebm = Model.EBM(14.0, 1850, 1, t -> 280.0) Model.run!(ebm, 2020) ebm end # ╔═╡ 12cbbab0-2671-11eb-2b1f-038c206e84ce md""" Again, look inside `simulated_model` and notice that `T` and `t` have accumulated the simulation results. In this simulation, we used `T0 = 14` and `CO2 = t -> 280`, which is why `T` is constant during our simulation. These parameters are the default, pre-industrial values, and our model is based on this equilibrium. 👉 Run a simulation with policy scenario RCP8.5, and plot the computed temperature graph. What is the global temperature at 2100? """ # ╔═╡ 9596c2dc-2671-11eb-36b9-c1af7e5f1089 simulated_rcp85_model = let missing end # ╔═╡ f94a1d56-2671-11eb-2cdc-810a9c7a8a5f # ╔═╡ 4b091fac-2672-11eb-0db8-75457788d85e md""" Additional parameters can be set using keyword arguments. For example: ```julia Model.EBM(14, 1850, 1, t -> 280.0; B=-2.0) ``` Creates the same model as before, but with `B = -2.0`. """ # ╔═╡ 9cdc5f84-2671-11eb-3c78-e3495bc64d33 md""" 👉 Write a function `temperature_response` that takes a function `CO2` and an optional value `B` as parameters, and returns the temperature at 2100 according to our model. """ # ╔═╡ f688f9f2-2671-11eb-1d71-a57c9817433f function temperature_response(CO2::Function, B::Float64=-1.3) return missing end # ╔═╡ 049a866e-2672-11eb-29f7-bfea7ad8f572 temperature_response(t -> 280) # ╔═╡ 09901de6-2672-11eb-3d50-05b176b729e7 temperature_response(Model.CO2_RCP85) # ╔═╡ aea0d0b4-2672-11eb-231e-395c863827d3 temperature_response(Model.CO2_RCP85, -1.0) # ╔═╡ 9c32db5c-1fc9-11eb-029a-d5d554de1067 md"""#### Exercise 1.6 - _Application to policy relevant questions_ We talked about two _emissions scenarios_: RCP2.6 (strong mitigation - controlled CO2 concentrations) and RCP8.5 (no mitigation - high CO2 concentrations). These are given by the following functions: """ # ╔═╡ ee1be5dc-252b-11eb-0865-291aa823b9e9 t = 1850:2100 # ╔═╡ e10a9b70-25a0-11eb-2aed-17ed8221c208 plot(t, Model.CO2_RCP85.(t), ylim=(0,1200), ylabel="CO2 concentration [ppm]") # ╔═╡ 40f1e7d8-252d-11eb-0549-49ca4e806e16 @bind t_scenario_test Slider(t; show_value=true, default=1850) # ╔═╡ 19957754-252d-11eb-1e0a-930b5208f5ac Model.CO2_RCP26(t_scenario_test), Model.CO2_RCP85(t_scenario_test) # ╔═╡ 06c5139e-252d-11eb-2645-8b324b24c405 md""" We are interested in how the **uncertainty in our input** $B$ (the climate feedback paramter) *propagates* through our model to determine the **uncertainty in our output** $T(t)$, for a given emissions scenario. The goal of this exercise is to answer the following by using *Monte Carlo Simulation* for *uncertainty propagation*: > 👉 What is the probability that we see more than 2°C of warming by 2100 under the low-emissions scenario RCP2.6? What about under the high-emissions scenario RCP8.5? """ # ╔═╡ f2e55166-25ff-11eb-0297-796e97c62b07 # ╔═╡ 1ea81214-1fca-11eb-2442-7b0b448b49d6 md""" ## **Exercise 2** - _How did Snowball Earth melt?_ In lecture 21 (see below), we discovered that increases in the brightness of the Sun are not sufficient to explain how Snowball Earth eventually melted. """ # ╔═╡ a0ef04b0-25e9-11eb-1110-cde93601f712 html""" """ # ╔═╡ 3e310cf8-25ec-11eb-07da-cb4a2c71ae34 md""" We talked about a second theory -- a large increase in CO₂ (by volcanoes) could have caused a strong enough greenhouse effect to melt the Snowball. If we imagine that the CO₂ then decreased (e.g. by getting sequestered by the now liquid ocean), we might be able to explain how we transitioned from a hostile Snowball Earth to today's habitable "Waterball" Earth. In this exercise, you will estimate how much CO₂ would be needed to melt the Snowball and visualize a possible trajectory for Earth's climate over the past 700 million years by making an interactive *bifurcation diagram*. #### Exercise 2.1 In the [lecture notebook](https://github.com/hdrake/simplEarth/blob/master/2_ebm_multiple_equilibria.jl) (video above), we had a bifurcation diagram of $S$ (solar insolation) vs $T$ (temperature). We increased $S$, watched our point move right in the diagram until we found the tipping point. This time we will do the same, but we vary the CO₂ concentration, and keep $S$ fixed at its default (present day) value. """ # ╔═╡ d6d1b312-2543-11eb-1cb2-e5b801686ffb md""" Below we have an empty diagram, which is already set up with a CO₂ vs $T$ diagram, with a logirthmic horizontal axis. Now it's your turn! We have written some pointers below to help you, but feel free to do it your own way. """ # ╔═╡ 3cbc95ba-2685-11eb-3810-3bf38aa33231 md""" We used two helper functions: """ # ╔═╡ 68b2a560-2536-11eb-0cc4-27793b4d6a70 function add_cold_hot_areas!(p) left, right = xlims(p) plot!(p, [left, right], [-60, -60], fillrange=[-10., -10.], fillalpha=0.3, c=:lightblue, label=nothing ) annotate!(p, left+12, -19, text("completely\nfrozen", 10, :darkblue, :left) ) plot!(p, [left, right], [10, 10], fillrange=[80., 80.], fillalpha=0.09, c=:red, lw=0., label=nothing ) annotate!(p, left+12, 15, text("no ice", 10, :darkred, :left) ) end # ╔═╡ 0e19f82e-2685-11eb-2e99-0d094c1aa520 function add_reference_points!(p) plot!(p, [Model.CO2_PI, Model.CO2_PI], [-55, 75], color=:grey, alpha=0.3, lw=8, label="Pre-industrial CO2" ) plot!(p, [Model.CO2_PI], [Model.T0], shape=:circle, color=:orange, markersize=8, label="Our preindustrial climate" ) plot!(p, [Model.CO2_PI], [-38.3], shape=:circle, color=:aqua, markersize=8, label="Alternate preindustrial climate" ) end # ╔═╡ 1eabe908-268b-11eb-329b-b35160ec951e md""" 👉 Create a slider for `CO2` between `CO2min` and `CO2max`. Just like the horizontal axis of our plot, we want the slider to be _logarithmic_. """ # ╔═╡ 1d388372-2695-11eb-3068-7b28a2ccb9ac # ╔═╡ 4c9173ac-2685-11eb-2129-99071821ebeb md""" 👉 Write a function `step_model!` that takes an existing `ebm` and `new_CO2`, which performs a step of our interactive process: - Reset the model by setting the `ebm.t` and `ebm.T` arrays to a single element. _Which value?_ - Assign a new function to `ebm.CO2`. _What function?_ - Run the model. """ # ╔═╡ 736515ba-2685-11eb-38cb-65bfcf8d1b8d function step_model!(ebm::Model.EBM, CO2::Real) # your code here return ebm end # ╔═╡ 8b06b944-268c-11eb-0bfc-8d4dd21e1f02 md""" 👉 Inside the plot cell, call the function `step_model!`. """ # ╔═╡ 09ce27ca-268c-11eb-0cdd-c9801db876f8 md""" ##### Parameters """ # ╔═╡ 298deff4-2676-11eb-2595-e7e22f613ea1 CO2min = 10 # ╔═╡ 2bbf5a70-2676-11eb-1085-7130d4a30443 CO2max = 1_000_000 # ╔═╡ de95efae-2675-11eb-0909-73afcd68fd42 Tneo = -48 # ╔═╡ 06d28052-2531-11eb-39e2-e9613ab0401c ebm = Model.EBM(Tneo, 0., 5., Model.CO2_const) # ╔═╡ 378aed18-252b-11eb-0b37-a3b511af2cb5 let p = plot( xlims=(CO2min, CO2max), ylims=(-55, 75), xaxis=:log, xlabel="CO2 concentration [ppm]", ylabel="Global temperature T [°C]", title="Earth's CO2 concentration bifurcation diagram", legend=:topleft ) add_cold_hot_areas!(p) add_reference_points!(p) # your code here plot!(p, [ebm.CO2(ebm.t[end])], [ebm.T[end]], label=nothing, color=:black, shape=:circle, ) end |> as_svg # ╔═╡ c78e02b4-268a-11eb-0af7-f7c7620fcc34 md""" The albedo feedback is implemented by the methods below: """ # ╔═╡ d7801e88-2530-11eb-0b93-6f1c78d00eea function α(T; α0=Model.α, αi=0.5, ΔT=10.) if T < -ΔT return αi elseif -ΔT <= T < ΔT return αi + (α0-αi)*(T+ΔT)/(2ΔT) elseif T >= ΔT return α0 end end # ╔═╡ 607058ec-253c-11eb-0fb6-add8cfb73a4f function Model.timestep!(ebm) ebm.α = α(ebm.T[end]) # Added this line append!(ebm.T, ebm.T[end] + ebm.Δt*Model.tendency(ebm)); append!(ebm.t, ebm.t[end] + ebm.Δt); end # ╔═╡ 9c1f73e0-268a-11eb-2bf1-216a5d869568 md""" If you like, make the visualization more informative! Like in the lecture notebook, you could add a trail behind the black dot, or you could plot the stable and unstable branches. It's up to you! """ # ╔═╡ 11096250-2544-11eb-057b-d7112f20b05c md""" #### Exercise 2.2 👉 Find the **lowest CO₂ concentration** necessary to melt the Snowball, programatically. """ # ╔═╡ 9eb07a6e-2687-11eb-0de3-7bc6aa0eefb0 co2_to_melt_snowball = let missing end # ╔═╡ 3a35598a-2527-11eb-37e5-3b3e4c63c4f7 md""" ## **Exercise XX:** _Lecture transcript_ _(MIT students only)_ Please see the link for hw 9 transcript document on [Canvas](https://canvas.mit.edu/courses/5637). We want each of you to correct about 500 lines, but don’t spend more than 20 minutes on it. See the the beginning of the document for more instructions. :point_right: Please mention the name of the video(s) and the line ranges you edited: """ # ╔═╡ 5041cdee-2527-11eb-154f-0b0c68e11fe3 lines_i_edited = md""" Abstraction, lines 1-219; Array Basics, lines 1-137; Course Intro, lines 1-144 (_for example_) """ # ╔═╡ 36e2dfea-2433-11eb-1c90-bb93ab25b33c if student.name == "Jazzy Doe" || student.kerberos_id == "jazz" md""" !!! danger "Before you submit" Remember to fill in your **name** and **Kerberos ID** at the top of this notebook. """ end # ╔═╡ 36ea4410-2433-11eb-1d98-ab4016245d95 md"## Function library Just some helper functions used in the notebook." # ╔═╡ 36f8c1e8-2433-11eb-1f6e-69dc552a4a07 hint(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("hint", "Hint", [text])) # ╔═╡ 51e2e742-25a1-11eb-2511-ab3434eacc3e hint(md"The function `findfirst` might be helpful.") # ╔═╡ 53c2eaf6-268b-11eb-0899-b91c03713da4 hint(md" ```julia @bind log_CO2 Slider(❓) ``` ```julia CO2 = 10^log_CO2 ``` ") # ╔═╡ cb15cd88-25ed-11eb-2be4-f31500a726c8 hint(md"Use a condition on the albedo or temperature to check whether the Snowball has melted.") # ╔═╡ 232b9bec-2544-11eb-0401-97a60bb172fc hint(md"Start by writing a function `equilibrium_temperature(CO2)` which creates a new `EBM` at the Snowball Earth temperature T = $(Tneo) and returns the final temperature for a given CO2 level.") # ╔═╡ 37061f1e-2433-11eb-3879-2d31dc70a771 almost(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "Almost there!", [text])) # ╔═╡ 371352ec-2433-11eb-153d-379afa8ed15e still_missing(text=md"Replace `missing` with your answer.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("warning", "Here we go!", [text])) # ╔═╡ 372002e4-2433-11eb-0b25-39ce1b1dd3d1 keep_working(text=md"The answer is not quite right.") = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Keep working on it!", [text])) # ╔═╡ 372c1480-2433-11eb-3c4e-95a37d51835f yays = [md"Fantastic!", md"Splendid!", md"Great!", md"Yay ❤", md"Great! 🎉", md"Well done!", md"Keep it up!", md"Good job!", md"Awesome!", md"You got the right answer!", md"Let's move on to the next section."] # ╔═╡ 3737be8e-2433-11eb-2049-2d6d8a5e4753 correct(text=rand(yays)) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("correct", "Got it!", [text])) # ╔═╡ 374522c4-2433-11eb-3da3-17419949defc not_defined(variable_name) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("danger", "Oopsie!", [md"Make sure that you define a variable called **$(Markdown.Code(string(variable_name)))**"])) # ╔═╡ 37552044-2433-11eb-1984-d16e355a7c10 TODO = html"TODO" # ╔═╡ Cell order: # ╟─169727be-2433-11eb-07ae-ab7976b5be90 # ╟─18be4f7c-2433-11eb-33cb-8d90ca6f124c # ╟─21524c08-2433-11eb-0c55-47b1bdc9e459 # ╠═23335418-2433-11eb-05e4-2b35dc6cca0e # ╟─253f4da0-2433-11eb-1e48-4906059607d3 # ╠═1e06178a-1fbf-11eb-32b3-61769a79b7c0 # ╟─87e68a4a-2433-11eb-3e9d-21675850ed71 # ╟─fe3304f8-2668-11eb-066d-fdacadce5a19 # ╟─930d7154-1fbf-11eb-1c3a-b1970d291811 # ╟─1312525c-1fc0-11eb-2756-5bc3101d2260 # ╠═c4398f9c-1fc4-11eb-0bbb-37f066c6027d # ╟─7f961bc0-1fc5-11eb-1f18-612aeff0d8df # ╟─25f92dec-1fc4-11eb-055d-f34deea81d0e # ╟─fa7e6f7e-2434-11eb-1e61-1b1858bb0988 # ╟─16348b6a-1fc2-11eb-0b9c-65df528db2a1 # ╟─e296c6e8-259c-11eb-1385-53f757f4d585 # ╠═a86f13de-259d-11eb-3f46-1f6fb40020ce # ╟─3d66bd30-259d-11eb-2694-471fb3a4a7be # ╠═5f82dec8-259e-11eb-2f4f-4d661f44ef41 # ╟─56b68356-2601-11eb-39a9-5f4b8e580b87 # ╟─7d815988-1fc7-11eb-322a-4509e7128ce3 # ╟─aed8f00e-266b-11eb-156d-8bb09de0dc2b # ╠═b9f882d8-266b-11eb-2998-75d6539088c7 # ╟─269200ec-259f-11eb-353b-0b73523ef71a # ╠═e10a9b70-25a0-11eb-2aed-17ed8221c208 # ╟─2dfab366-25a1-11eb-15c9-b3dd9cd6b96c # ╠═50ea30ba-25a1-11eb-05d8-b3d579f85652 # ╟─51e2e742-25a1-11eb-2511-ab3434eacc3e # ╟─bade1372-25a1-11eb-35f4-4b43d4e8d156 # ╠═02232964-2603-11eb-2c4c-c7b7e5fed7d1 # ╟─736ed1b6-1fc2-11eb-359e-a1be0a188670 # ╠═49cb5174-1fc3-11eb-3670-c3868c9b0255 # ╟─f3abc83c-1fc7-11eb-1aa8-01ce67c8bdde # ╠═3d72ab3a-2689-11eb-360d-9b3d829b78a9 # ╟─b6d7a362-1fc8-11eb-03bc-89464b55c6fc # ╠═1f148d9a-1fc8-11eb-158e-9d784e390b24 # ╟─cf8dca6c-1fc8-11eb-1f89-099e6ba53c22 # ╠═02173c7a-2695-11eb-251c-65efb5b4a45f # ╟─440271b6-25e8-11eb-26ce-1b80aa176aca # ╠═cf276892-25e7-11eb-38f0-03f75c90dd9e # ╟─5b5f25f0-266c-11eb-25d4-17e411c850c9 # ╟─3f823490-266d-11eb-1ba4-d5a23975c335 # ╟─971f401e-266c-11eb-3104-171ae299ef70 # ╠═746aa5bc-266c-11eb-14c9-63ccc313f5de # ╟─a919d584-2670-11eb-1cf9-2327c8135d6d # ╠═bfb07a0a-2670-11eb-3938-772499c637b1 # ╟─12cbbab0-2671-11eb-2b1f-038c206e84ce # ╠═9596c2dc-2671-11eb-36b9-c1af7e5f1089 # ╠═f94a1d56-2671-11eb-2cdc-810a9c7a8a5f # ╟─4b091fac-2672-11eb-0db8-75457788d85e # ╟─9cdc5f84-2671-11eb-3c78-e3495bc64d33 # ╠═f688f9f2-2671-11eb-1d71-a57c9817433f # ╠═049a866e-2672-11eb-29f7-bfea7ad8f572 # ╠═09901de6-2672-11eb-3d50-05b176b729e7 # ╠═aea0d0b4-2672-11eb-231e-395c863827d3 # ╟─9c32db5c-1fc9-11eb-029a-d5d554de1067 # ╠═19957754-252d-11eb-1e0a-930b5208f5ac # ╠═40f1e7d8-252d-11eb-0549-49ca4e806e16 # ╟─ee1be5dc-252b-11eb-0865-291aa823b9e9 # ╟─06c5139e-252d-11eb-2645-8b324b24c405 # ╠═f2e55166-25ff-11eb-0297-796e97c62b07 # ╟─1ea81214-1fca-11eb-2442-7b0b448b49d6 # ╟─a0ef04b0-25e9-11eb-1110-cde93601f712 # ╟─3e310cf8-25ec-11eb-07da-cb4a2c71ae34 # ╟─d6d1b312-2543-11eb-1cb2-e5b801686ffb # ╠═378aed18-252b-11eb-0b37-a3b511af2cb5 # ╟─3cbc95ba-2685-11eb-3810-3bf38aa33231 # ╟─68b2a560-2536-11eb-0cc4-27793b4d6a70 # ╟─0e19f82e-2685-11eb-2e99-0d094c1aa520 # ╟─1eabe908-268b-11eb-329b-b35160ec951e # ╠═1d388372-2695-11eb-3068-7b28a2ccb9ac # ╟─53c2eaf6-268b-11eb-0899-b91c03713da4 # ╠═06d28052-2531-11eb-39e2-e9613ab0401c # ╟─4c9173ac-2685-11eb-2129-99071821ebeb # ╠═736515ba-2685-11eb-38cb-65bfcf8d1b8d # ╟─8b06b944-268c-11eb-0bfc-8d4dd21e1f02 # ╟─09ce27ca-268c-11eb-0cdd-c9801db876f8 # ╟─298deff4-2676-11eb-2595-e7e22f613ea1 # ╟─2bbf5a70-2676-11eb-1085-7130d4a30443 # ╟─de95efae-2675-11eb-0909-73afcd68fd42 # ╟─c78e02b4-268a-11eb-0af7-f7c7620fcc34 # ╠═d7801e88-2530-11eb-0b93-6f1c78d00eea # ╠═607058ec-253c-11eb-0fb6-add8cfb73a4f # ╟─9c1f73e0-268a-11eb-2bf1-216a5d869568 # ╟─11096250-2544-11eb-057b-d7112f20b05c # ╠═9eb07a6e-2687-11eb-0de3-7bc6aa0eefb0 # ╟─cb15cd88-25ed-11eb-2be4-f31500a726c8 # ╟─232b9bec-2544-11eb-0401-97a60bb172fc # ╟─3a35598a-2527-11eb-37e5-3b3e4c63c4f7 # ╠═5041cdee-2527-11eb-154f-0b0c68e11fe3 # ╟─36e2dfea-2433-11eb-1c90-bb93ab25b33c # ╟─36ea4410-2433-11eb-1d98-ab4016245d95 # ╟─36f8c1e8-2433-11eb-1f6e-69dc552a4a07 # ╟─37061f1e-2433-11eb-3879-2d31dc70a771 # ╟─371352ec-2433-11eb-153d-379afa8ed15e # ╟─372002e4-2433-11eb-0b25-39ce1b1dd3d1 # ╟─372c1480-2433-11eb-3c4e-95a37d51835f # ╟─3737be8e-2433-11eb-2049-2d6d8a5e4753 # ╟─374522c4-2433-11eb-3da3-17419949defc # ╟─37552044-2433-11eb-1984-d16e355a7c10