Final Class Presentation

Final class deliverables:

  • Villa Victoria Wikipedia Entry, below is an image of the entry I am working on with the community.


  • Digitized Timeline


  • Final Presentation



  • Project Reflection
    I am continually engaged and energized by the project and the people I meet at Villa Victoria. Although, I wish we were farther along with the workshops, I am excited about this summer because I think we will be able to accomplish a lot. I have a fellowship to continue the work and hope to have the trailer done by the end of this summer. There is a lot of great archived footage, but I also plan to engage the community to produce new material that they can contribute to the project and perhaps feel an even stronger sense of ownership.
    I am constantly learning about codesign and what that means in the context of a documentary. I think this pattern will continue throughout the process.
    When we went through the fail hard process there are still a few issues that I think about. For example, what is the impact, who is the audience, and will anyone care. As I work with the committee to answer these questions I think we get closer and closer to a core audience for which we can create a targeted message that is also a call to action for greater involvement in grassroots movements for community members who are seeking an identity within the American culture that marry’s the past (heritage from the place of origin) with the present (US assimilation). This is not an easy task and often there is the feeling of betrayal that we may have to contend with.
    All in all I have enjoyed the project so far. So long as it stays a collaboration with clear and understandable expectations it will be a fruitful partnership. I look forward to what we accomplish in the coming months and years.
  • Next Steps
    • Committee Mtgs
    • MOU
    • Review archived material
    • Complete workshops
    • Edit trailer
    • Community screening and support
    • Continue to the next round of funding
    • Feature length
    • Distribution