Bridget Harrison – co-design civic media: collaborative design studio Wed, 17 Feb 2016 18:24:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 I’m happy to be here Wed, 17 Feb 2016 18:24:15 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Hi everyone! I’m Bridget. I’m a writer, editor, and digital marketing analyst. I’ve worked for myself and for others in operations research, public health, advocacy, and startuplandia. I like to investigate problems and I love to be surprised by what I find. I aspire to be a better human. I’m really looking forward to working with you this semester.

What I have to offer is my voice and perspective, as well as my experience with customer development interviews, user research, developmental editing, and measuring things.

We all have something to teach each other. Collaborative design appeals to me because I believe we can only build something that is truly essential, helpful, useful, interesting, and beautiful if we take an inclusive, empathetic approach to design.

I’m interested in lots of things:

  • Justice and equity
  • Preserving public spaces for community participation and engagement, both in the physical world and online
  • Exploring biases inherent in selecting which data to measure
  • Visual art, mostly painting and drawing
  • Conceptual art, which I mostly practice by writing long grant proposals and not submitting them

Until this point, friends have described me as a digital lurker, but I’ve recently found IndieWebCamp, a project-movement that just might have inspired me to join the world again.

I satisfy my need to grow carrots and other things by gardening in a friendly community member’s yard that I found through My City Gardens, a project that connects people looking to share their yards with people looking for space to grow.
