\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \renewenvironment{verbatim}{% \verbatimenvironment \begin{verbatim}[breaklines,frame=single,gobble=2]% }{% \end{verbatim}% } \title{A sample LaTeX document} \author{Detlef Groth, University of Potsdam} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle Hello LaTeX! Here a Tcl example: \begin{Verbatim}[filter=tcl,label=test,echo=true,eval=true] puts "Hello Tcl World!" set x 1 set x \end{Verbatim} The value of x is \texttt{tcl set x}! And here a dot example: \begin{Verbatim}[filter=dot,eval=true] digraph g { rankdir="LR"; node[style=filled,fillcolor=skyblue,shape=box]; A -> B } \end{Verbatim} Now a Pic example: \begin{Verbatim}[filter=pic,eval=true] box wid 1.2 "Hello World!" fill 0.3; \end{Verbatim} This is some more text. Let's finish with some ditaa code: \begin{Verbatim}[filter=puml,eval=true,ext=png] @startditaa +---------+ /---------\ | cEEF | | cFEE | | A +----->>----+ B | | | | | +---------+ \---------/ @endditaa \end{Verbatim} We can as well hide the code and only show the figure by using \texttt{echo=false} as code chunk argument. \begin{Verbatim}[filter=puml,eval=true,echo=false] @startditaa /---------\ /---------\ | cEFF | | cFFE | | A +---<<->>---+ B | | | | | \---------/ \---------/ @endditaa \end{Verbatim} \end{document}